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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Unlike the Western countries, the South Asian countries should back each other up to the hilt by continuing to play as long as appropriate security is in place. We owe SL a big one for proving all of the Westerners chicken by visiting Pakistan....

And what has SL got in return? A bunch of terrorists trying to kill their cricketers. Why couldn't the Pakistan government have provided adequate security. This could have been worse and western countries have been vindicated in backing out.

Also the attackers ESCAPED! Escaped to commit more such attacks in the future.

This is the time for soul searching. The whole subcontinent is in deep trouble and we can come out of it with each other's support and not suspicion and finger pointing. All the best to BD in handling this crises.
Where the hell was he all this time? Ws he waiting for the massacre to happen to come out with his story. And which soldier is going to sit and fwd mails to clarify BDA's stance.

Question is who the hell are you??? If you can not take the all out implication of Indian involvement and history of Indian hostile practice switch to bollywood movie channel.
what are the the deputy assistant directors(DADs)?I hope BCS officers aren't used to fill in the BDR ranks.even after this it should be officered by the army.

military casualties-56 dead,6 or 7 missing,40 rescued alive.Total 103 officers present according to the new statistics released by the army.
how many civilians died,military family members and other people including?
Sorry, army kicked govt out of the probe committee and army is investigating it separately. They will even convict Govt minister if they find so.
If India is involved we will let you know. We are investigating and not going to conclusion right now but your RAW already did and blamed that to ISI. Fishy Fishy.... :sniper:

Any source for your claim that RAW blamed ISI???
Question is who the hell are you??? If you can not take the all out implication of Indian involvement and history of Indian hostile practice switch to bollywood movie channel.

Not me but you who seems not to take the 'implication'. How can a soldier right such a dumb email. This alone is needed to take him to task.
Sorry, army kicked govt out of the probe committee and army is investigating it separately. They will even convict Govt minister if they find so.
If India is involved we will let you know. We are investigating and not going to conclusion right now but your RAW already did and blamed that to ISI. Fishy Fishy.... :sniper:

That is really a great news for Indians. At least citizens of BD now will not claim that bcoz of AL's Proximity with GOI India is not named. Let your army conclude the probe we will wait for your evidence.
If our ambassador not seeking an appointment with BD govt is a reason for claiming India's involment than ask your Govt/Army to go ahead. They should call our ambassador to your foreign Office and sholud tell him to leave BD within 24 hours.
What happened in BD is the most shocking. But by just speculating that RAW/ISI or someone else is involved is mere speculation..nothing else.
But I hope your Army will come up with evidence regarding who is behind for this bloody massacre. But your Govt should -
1. Change the Command structure of BDR. It should be headed by BDR not by Army.
2. Consider their genuin demands like pay hike, rations..etc.
3. Those from BDR who are not involved should not be targeted.
We Indians will wait for your evidence.
We Indians will wait for your evidence.
there's nothing concrete.The fact(already mentioned several times in this thread) Indian media released news about Shakil's death before BD media did and all those accusations against ISI, SQ Chy cast suspicions upon the Indians.

I hope the army probe finds out the actual culprits no matter who they were.

1. Change the Command structure of BDR. It should be headed by BDR not by Army.
BDR getting its own corps of officers .....its possible yes but it will take year to creat colonels and majors alone leave alone generals.The process could be started now but the army deputed officers would be in command.
there's nothing concrete.The fact(already mentioned several times in this thread) Indian media released news about Shakil's death before BD media did and all those accusations against ISI, SQ Chy cast suspicions upon the Indians.

I hope the army probe finds out the actual culprits no matter who they were.

BDR getting its own corps of officers .....its possible yes but it will take year to creat colonels and majors alone leave alone generals.The process could be started now but the army deputed officers would be in command.

Bangladesh aint that far away from India. The India media scene is highly competitive and lot of times these guys jump the gun and broadcast utter nonsense like during 26/11. Zee News was showing 'Breaking News of fresh round of gunshots in CST' while Star News who rushed their team their reported all as rumours.

Anouncing Shakil's death could be something like this or becaue they got some concrete info from somebody in B'desh as there wer elot of local guys on their mobile phones in Dhaka.
Any source for your claim that RAW blamed ISI???

Why don't you watch your news channels,who within 1 or 2 hours of the incident started blaming ISI.I watched it on Zee news.Later NDTV and CNN-IBN also backed this theory.

Better,you can read the previous posts instead of coming with the one liners.
But your Govt should -
1. Change the Command structure of BDR. It should be headed by BDR not by Army.
2. Consider their genuin demands like pay hike, rations..etc.
3. Those from BDR who are not involved should not be targeted.
We Indians will wait for your evidence.

1.Then the murderers will get what they wanted.Besides,you have to look for the qualification.How can you post a non-commissioned officer to command?Moreover BDR is designed to aid Army during war,so its necessary they work together.There are more issuess.Keeping army in BDR,enhances their training,that's why they are "para-military" in real sense.

2.Agree with you.

3.Again agree with you.

We will be waiting for evidences too.May the ones who are guilty get caught and gets severe punishment.
FROM Engr. Shamim Chowdhury -

Mr. MBI Munshi, you are trying to make your connection with Pakistan Defense Forum very innocent one but it is not. You are not a general member of Pakistan Defense Forum. Pakistan Defiance Forum, which runs by ISI, puts your membership as SENIOR MEMBER. Your involvement and contribution been awarded with the title of a Brigadier Geeral. Why Mr. Munshi? What you have done so good to defend Pakistan defense and its intelligence unit ISI to award you with prestigious rank of Brigadier?

I truly think your contribution on defending Pakistan is extraordinary (LA JAWAB). In less then two years with this forum from March 8th of 2007 your contributed Total Posts stands to 2,364 (TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR), (MURHABA ZANAB) One can easily understand how much you care defending Pakistan and defaming its enemies which off course includes Bangladesh.

Your enlistment with Pakistan Defense will go into its second anniversary in SIX more days (March 8th of 2007 to March 8th of 2009). What will be your rank? Are they going to give you the rank of Major General or you will get double promotion and become Lieutenant General for your tireless contribution defend Pakistan defense?


I think I can now dispose of the absurdity of your claims. There are hundreds of Indian members of the Pakistan Defence Forum. India has fought 4 wars with Pakistan but not one of these Indians is accused of being an ISI agent or a sympathizer of Pakistan. Why are these Indian able to represent India on PDF but not a Bangladeshi represent his country on the forum? Many of these Indian members have posted in excess of 6000 posts and have achieved rank of Lt. Gen. on the forum simply on the basis of their posts. The same rules apply to me. I have posted in excess of 2000 posts so I am ranked as Brigadier. There is no favoritism or special consideration here. I think it exceedingly unfair that Indians can freely participate in this forum and criticize both Pakistan and Bangladesh but a Bangladeshi is unable to defend his country on the forum but is instead criticized for representing his national interest there. I think this shows the narrowness and unsoundness of your allegations.

As I have pointed out in my article ‘The BDR Mutiny – revenge for Padua and Boraibari” the attack on our soldiers in Pilkhana was an Indian operation and planned and executed by RAW. This is the issue that you are not facing but instead you are attacking me on frivolous and meaningless grounds to distract from intelligent discussion on the issues I have raised. The Indians have committed an atrocious and appalling act on Bangladesh and you still are able to defend them. This is a truly sad reflection on your integrity and state of mind.

FROM Engr. Shamim Chowdhury -

Mr. MBI Munshi, you are trying to make your connection with Pakistan Defense Forum very innocent one but it is not. You are not a general member of Pakistan Defense Forum. Pakistan Defiance Forum, which runs by ISI, puts your membership as SENIOR MEMBER. Your involvement and contribution been awarded with the title of a Brigadier Geeral. Why Mr. Munshi? What you have done so good to defend Pakistan defense and its intelligence unit ISI to award you with prestigious rank of Brigadier?

I truly think your contribution on defending Pakistan is extraordinary (LA JAWAB). In less then two years with this forum from March 8th of 2007 your contributed Total Posts stands to 2,364 (TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR), (MURHABA ZANAB) One can easily understand how much you care defending Pakistan and defaming its enemies which off course includes Bangladesh.

Your enlistment with Pakistan Defense will go into its second anniversary in SIX more days (March 8th of 2007 to March 8th of 2009). What will be your rank? Are they going to give you the rank of Major General or you will get double promotion and become Lieutenant General for your tireless contribution defend Pakistan defense?

This forum runs by ISI?Wow!:cheesy:That's a news.

Hey my rate of posting is more than Mr.Munshi,not fair:taz::bounce:

BTW who is this immature engineer?
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Touhid, 4 others arrested over Pilkhana mutiny
Star Online Report

The Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) has arrested five people including Touhidul Alam, deputy assistant director of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), for their involvement in the February 25-26 mutiny, an officer said today.

Touhid is among the six accused named in a case filed on Saturday by the police over the mutiny.

Rab also arrested BDR member Abdur Rahim, said Colonel Reza-Nur Rahman, additional director general of Rab.

Reza-Nur did not give details about the arrests. Names of three other arrestees were not disclosed immediately.

Lalbagh police chief Nabo Jyoti Khisa filed the case accusing over 1000 people of having ties to the bloodshed at the BDR headquarters. Only six among them were named.

Four other identified accused are DAD Nasiruddin Khan, DAD Mirza Habibur Rahman, DAD Abdul Jalil and sepoy Md Selim.

In the case details, the police officer accused the BDR members of taking hostages, committing arson and hiding bodies.

The Daily Star - Details News
Why are these Indian able to represent India on PDF but not a Bangladeshi represent his country on the forum? Many of these Indian members have posted in excess of 6000 posts and have achieved rank of Lt. Gen. on the forum simply on the basis of their posts..

Everyone is here defending their nation except for you, who seems to have an agenda of anti-Indianes and not Pro Bangladesh.

As I have pointed out in my article ‘The BDR Mutiny – revenge for Padua and Boraibari” the attack on our soldiers in Pilkhana was an Indian operation and planned and executed by RAW. This is the issue that you are not facing but instead you are attacking me on frivolous and meaningless grounds to distract from intelligent discussion on the issues I have raised. The Indians have committed an atrocious and appalling act on Bangladesh and you still are able to defend them. This is a truly sad reflection on your integrity and state of mind.

You are accusing India at a time when the BD govt hasnt even conlcuded their investigation. How did you reach this conclusion then. As i mentioned before your goal is to be anti-India when and wherever possible. The guy who had zillions of posts defaming India and its 'evil designs' never contributed any such article for the BD mutiny. Why? You are with the anti-India side.
Tx for reply
Thank you at first for being honest,I shall try to be logical in my reply.

Suppose India did this,then they have the revenge.Then at the same time with pro India govt. here in Bangladesh,they blame the whole game on ISI and Pakistan.In this way they will take another revenge and will make world angry at Pakistan.To the delight of Indian Govt.
Yes this is logical, but with now BA doing investigation we will know the truth(hopefully)
Bangladesh army lost its best officers during this tragedy.This made Bangladesh armed forces weaker,with BDR chain of command completely gone and a vacuum in Bangladesh army.This means Bangladesh defence forces became weaker.
Now when it will come to dealing with issues like water sharing,maritime boundary,border disputes and other disputes,then India would be able to bully its way through to gain unfair advantage.

India historically never wanted Bangladesh to have a strong military,as it would be a pain to them.They did not want to deal with another Pakistan.It wanted to turn us into something like Switzerland and unfortunately our this Prime Minister had talked of something like this as well in her last tenure.

The other thing India is scared of is China-Bangladesh relation.It fears China will be allowed to set up naval base by Bangladesh.So a weaker Bangladesh army means Bangladesh will be under Indian dictates.

I can continue with "Akhyand Bharat" ideology,but many here regards it as "Thrash".So I won't go further.

Hope the question is answered.

All reasons are possible but look at this, THIS IS MESS. There are other ways to achieve the objective you have mentioned. This incident could have happened 6 mnts bfr or after. It can be at some other time. But timming is biggest factor due to which I doubt that this can have Indian involvement and If there is Indian Involvement than GOD help us. This action has weaken the position of PM hasina and She has to take strong stand now while dealing with India. THis will be despite India is involved or not. This is the only reason for me to believe that Indian are wise enough to strengthen the position of friend who can help us in long term rather then underminning her position.

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