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Bangladesh building missile arsenal

Global warming is a worldwide phenomenon - every country will be effected in one way or another , but how is it related to " Bangladesh building missile arsenal"
Well tell that Login note who thought he was being intelligent by brining in climate change.
It doesn't seem to have occurred to Indians that if BD sinks so does India. What makes Indians think rising sea levels will only affect Bangladesh? Several of your major cities will go under water if climate changes does have the effects that have been predicted. So far it is all speculation and Indian propaganda. If sea waters do rise Bombay will disappear with its film industry as will Madras, Calicut, Cochin and Calcutta.

I am sure not many Indians will be jumping with joy over that prospect. :tsk:

Effects of global warming on India

Several effects of global warming, including steady sea level rise, increased cyclonic activity, and changes in ambient temperature and precipitation patterns, have impacted or are projected to impact India. Ongoing sea level rises have submerged several low-lying islands in the Sundarbans, displacing thousands of people.[3] Temperature rises on the Tibetan Plateau, which are causing Himalayan glaciers to retreat, may reduce the flow rate of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yamuna, and other major rivers; hundreds of thousands of farmers depend on these rivers.[4] According to a 2007 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) report, the Indus River may run dry for the same reason.[5]


Increased landslides and flooding are projected to impact such states as Assam.[6] Ecological disasters, such as a 1998 coral bleaching event that killed off more than 70% of corals in the reef ecosystems off Lakshadweep and the Andamans, and was brought on by elevated ocean temperatures tied to global warming, are also projected to become increasingly common.[7][8][9


The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research has reported that, if the predictions relating to global warming made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change come to fruition, climate-related factors could cause India's GDP to decline by up to 9%; contributing to this would be shifting growing seasons for major crops such as rice, production of which could fall by 40%. Around seven million people are projected to be displaced due to, among other factors, submersion of parts of Mumbai and Chennai, if global temperatures were to rise by a mere 2 °C (3.6 °F).[10]

Global warming in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol Munshi ji ..
heard of something called sarcasm
Well tell that Login note who thought he was being intelligent by brining in climate change.

there is nothing intelligent here wherever you are my dear friend .. only hate and bitterness against India ..
sarcasm is the best way to deal with it .
It is often said, and should be noted, that in online correspondance "sarcasm" is something to be avioded because it is much harder to tell when you cant hear the person's tone.
It is often said, and should be noted, that in online correspondance "sarcasm" is something to be avioded because it is much harder to tell when you cant hear the person's tone.

Lol sarcasm is lot about irony .. intended to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing.

if people cant see sarcasm in matter or meaning they must be dumb
It is a natural of part of how a human brain receives and interprets knowledge. Even if you think that one is 'dumb' for not catching your 'sneering' texted line of thought, fact of the matter is that a lot of people DO come to this forum with similiar intellects to what you displayed in the pretext of 'jesting' your fellow forum member.

And also as I recall, it is clearly stated in the forum rules, if you would bother to read them, that any sort of 'sarcastic' posts are disallowed. Probably for the reasons I noted above. So it is perfectly understandable if MBI Munshi confused your attempts at jesting for genuine stupidity.
It is a natural of part of how a human brain receives and interprets knowledge. Even if you think that one is 'dumb' for not catching your 'sneering' texted line of thought, fact of the matter is that a lot of people DO come to this forum with similiar intellects to what you displayed in the pretext of 'jesting' your fellow forum member.

And also as I recall, it is clearly stated in the forum rules, if you would bother to read them, that any sort of 'sarcastic' posts are disallowed. Probably for the reasons I noted above. So it is perfectly understandable if MBI Munshi confused your attempts at jesting for genuine stupidity.

Sarcasm is the only way to tackle stupidity .. articles written in hate and bitterness without any facts comes under stupidity . and by the way facts is not quoting self again and again .. it comes under stupidity

Stupidity (also called fatuity) is the property a person, action or belief instantiates by virtue of having or being indicative of low intelligence or poor learning abilities. Stupidity is distinct from irrationality because stupidity denotes an incapability or unwillingness to properly consider the relevant information.

Thirdly .. Rules are guidelines under which humans can innvoate based on situation .. without this flexibility there is no innovation .. we would have lived in stone ages .
Sarcasm is the only way to tackle stupidity .. articles written in hate and bitterness without any facts comes under stupidity . and by the way facts is not quoting self again and again .. it comes under stupidity

Stupidity (also called fatuity) is the property a person, action or belief instantiates by virtue of having or being indicative of low intelligence or poor learning abilities. Stupidity is distinct from irrationality because stupidity denotes an incapability or unwillingness to properly consider the relevant information.

Thirdly .. Rules are guidelines under which humans can innvoate based on situation .. without this flexibility there is no innovation .. we would have lived in stone ages .

What is so intelligent and rational about putting a comment up on climate change on a thread about Bangladesh missile procurement.

You are just showing your aptitude for innovative interpretation which in everyday language is called plain dishonesty. You were not intending sarcasm you were just caught out by better intelligence. Now you are trying to cover up your stupidity.
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