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Bangladesh building missile arsenal

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Imagine punishing an entire nation for the stupidity of one man!
The IA will not only be facing the BD army but the entire nation. If you read history you know what happens to foreign armies in a hostile land. They eventually get wiped out by a combination of the regular army, guerrilla forces and the local population.

again with the occupation theory. Mr. Munshi, IA has no plans to occupy Bangladesh. if that were the case, then IA would have occupied in 1971, when IA was already in Bangladesh, and Bangladesh did not even have a proper army.

Ok, now imagine this. IA sends in 300 000 troops into Bangladesh with over 1000 tanks, thousands of pieces of artillery, and with cover of IAF. The bangladeshi air force, numerically and qualitatively vastly inferior, is destroyed almost immediately. With no proper air cover the bangladeshi army cannot fight an open war. Bangladeshi tanks and artillery pieces are subject to constant aerial attacks by MiG-27s and Jaguars. IAF may lose a few planes to MANPADS, but its not enough to stop them attacking Bangladeshi positions from beyond the range of MANPADs.

The IN at the same time, blockades bangladesh completely from the sea. The Bangladeshi Navy is taken out completely by a vastly superior IN. The IAF and IA destroy high priority targets within bangladesh, crippling the nation. then the IA immediately withdraws before bangladeshis can mount a proper gueriila force. Once in indian territory, the IA immediately establish defensive positions. Meanwhile IN conitnues blockade and IAF keeps bombing bangladeshi targets.

how will bangladesh cope with such a situation?
Ok, now imagine this. IA sends in 300 000 troops into Bangladesh with over 1000 tanks, thousands of pieces of artillery, and with cover of IAF. The bangladeshi air force, numerically and qualitatively vastly inferior, is destroyed almost immediately. With no proper air cover the bangladeshi army cannot fight an open war. Bangladeshi tanks and artillery pieces are subject to constant aerial attacks by MiG-27s and Jaguars. IAF may lose a few planes to MANPADS, but its not enough to stop them attacking Bangladeshi positions from beyond the range of MANPADs.

The IN at the same time, blockades bangladesh completely from the sea. The Bangladeshi Navy is taken out completely by a vastly superior IN. The IAF and IA destroy high priority targets within bangladesh, crippling the nation. then the IA immediately withdraws before bangladeshis can mount a proper gueriila force. Once in indian territory, the IA immediately establish defensive positions. Meanwhile IN conitnues blockade and IAF keeps bombing bangladeshi targets.

Hate to burst the Indian bubble but you guys must be really terrified of the consequences of a war with Bangladesh. The Indians would actually commit so much material and men to Bangladesh that it would leave all its other fronts vulnerable. Thanks for your insight into utter stupidity and fictionalized warfare. I am sure the US invasion of Afghanistan looked wonderful on paper but in reality it now appears to suck. Your conception of warfare with Bangladesh is highly optimistic and probably only belongs to your highly immature imagination. I can imagine the Indian generals pissing in their pants at the prospect of a prolonged conflict in the East.
I can imagine the Indian generals pissing in their pants at the prospect of a prolonged conflict in the East.

I must say you are Mr. Munshi utterly very naive about the arm forces, and you are very overly confident about your countries defending skills.
It is just war for India but it is a matter of survival for Bangladesh. That has an important psychological effect and India knows it.
It is just war for India but it is a matter of survival for Bangladesh. That has an important psychological effect and India knows it.

Did you Know Mr. Munshi that Bangladesh military aids where predominatly from Inida and Russia, or you are just naive enough not to believe this. And If India wanted to capture Bangladesh why would they give military Aid?

You are clearly not making any sense beside screaming from top of your lungs of how much you hate India. I think your country men or your politicians or even your military personal would think other wise. Your are just propagadist.
Hate to burst the Indian bubble but you guys must be really terrified of the consequences of a war with Bangladesh. The Indians would actually commit so much material and men to Bangladesh that it would leave all its other fronts vulnerable. Thanks for your insight into utter stupidity and fictionalized warfare. I am sure the US invasion of Afghanistan looked wonderful on paper but in reality it now appears to suck. Your conception of warfare with Bangladesh is highly optimistic and probably only belongs to your highly immature imagination. I can imagine the Indian generals pissing in their pants at the prospect of a prolonged conflict in the East.

Mr. Munshi, it would take more than your ranting to burst my bubble. Ok, let me proceed to disassemble your theory.

Firstly, the scenario i described was that of a total war, one where India aims to crush Bangladesh. In any less intense conflict, india needs to send only much less men and material to the east to shore up defenses, and the naval blockade and aerial bombardment will be enough to have the Bangladeshi generals and politicians pissing in their pants and calling for ceasefire.

Now about, leaving our fronts open. we can call in reserves to guard our borders with China and Pakistan. Also, a lot of our tanks and air craft are stationed in various parts of india that do not share a border with either china or pakistan, so bringing in that equipment to crush bangladesh will not leave our borders vulnerable. additionally, india stations more troops than necessary at the border so removing a few of them wont chnage the status quo.

Also, Pakistan right now is in no position to wage another war. Even if they were, they wouldn't want to start a war with India over Bangladesh, knowing that Indian troops still outnumber them, and have better equipment, and that the conflict can become nuclear. in the case of china, Sino-Indian relations have been better than ever since '62. they wouldnt want a war with India that will jeopardize that relationship, or one that might go nuclear and destroy the prosperity they worked so hard to achieve. remember that china did not intervene in 1965, 1971 or 1999. why should they interfere now?

so overall, the scenario i proposed is not a mere fantasy, but one that is very much possible.

Mr. Munshi, please don't call people' theories stupid without analyzing the situation properly in an objective manner. Otherwise it'll just end up making you look stupid.
I'm just curious - why does MR. Munshi constantly play up words like WAR , WAR and more WAR between India and BD . Why will there be a war.

I understand hypothetical scenarios are common in defense forums but this is too much . The nations are not even close to a conflict , let alone a full scale war.

The thread was about BD missile arsenal so does anyone know exactly what missiles are inducted in BD forces because it's hard to find on google.
I should clarify here that the procurement of missiles had Indians screaming that BD wanted war and they started coming up with scenarios. BD's acquisition of weapons is the country's right and does not necessarily indicate war will happen or is desired. On the Indian hypothesis about a war they seem to assume that it will be short and not require long term commitments. They clearly have not learnt anything from the Kashmir experience. Kashmir has far smaller population but an insurgency was kept up for decades. Bangladesh has a population of 150 million and more than half are below the age of 40. How long could India sustain a war against a hostile population that large. It should also be in the minds of India's military planners that there are several insurgencies in the Indian states surrounding Bangladesh. The whole Eastern side of India would become unstable if is there was war with Bangladesh. I can just see Indian Generals s******* themselves at the prospect of subduing such a conflagration. However, war is far from my thoughts. I would just like to see Bangladesh build up its military forces and increase its budget allocations in this sector.
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Great them - building up a strong defense is every nations right and BD is no different , so lets put off the India-BD scenario debate and get the thread back to what it is supposed to be . BD missile prog.

Since you are a native BD citizen , you'll know Mr. Munshi that what missiles ranges does BD possess and with what payload to range ratio .
Since you are a native BD citizen , you'll know Mr. Munshi that what missiles ranges does BD possess and with what payload to range ratio .

These issues were discussed extensively on the first three pages of this thread.
I should clarify here that the procurement of missiles had Indians screaming that BD wanted war and they started coming up with scenarios. BD's acquisition of weapons is the country's right and does not necessarily indicate war will happen or is desired. On the Indian hypothesis about a war they seem to assume that it will be short and not require long term commitments. They clearly have not learnt anything from the Kashmir experience. Kashmir has far smaller population but an insurgency was kept up for decades. Bangladesh has a population of 150 million and more than half are below the age of 40. How long could India sustain a war against a hostile population that large. It should also be in the minds of India's military planners that there are several insurgencies in the Indian states surrounding Bangladesh. The whole Eastern side of India would become unstable if is there was war with Bangladesh. I can just see Indian Generals s******* themselves at the prospect of subduing such a conflagration. However, war is far from my thoughts. I would just like to see Bangladesh build up its military forces and increase its budget allocations in this sector.

Lol Indians are making more factories and car .. incresing the polution .
well it will increase the rate of global warming and the rest will be done by increasing sea level .
by the way even our friends in China are helping us in this war . :chilli:
It doesn't seem to have occurred to Indians that if BD sinks so does India. What makes Indians think rising sea levels will only affect Bangladesh? Several of your major cities will go under water if climate changes does have the effects that have been predicted. So far it is all speculation and Indian propaganda. If sea waters do rise Bombay will disappear with its film industry as will Madras, Calicut, Cochin and Calcutta.

I am sure not many Indians will be jumping with joy over that prospect. :tsk:

Effects of global warming on India

Several effects of global warming, including steady sea level rise, increased cyclonic activity, and changes in ambient temperature and precipitation patterns, have impacted or are projected to impact India. Ongoing sea level rises have submerged several low-lying islands in the Sundarbans, displacing thousands of people.[3] Temperature rises on the Tibetan Plateau, which are causing Himalayan glaciers to retreat, may reduce the flow rate of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yamuna, and other major rivers; hundreds of thousands of farmers depend on these rivers.[4] According to a 2007 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) report, the Indus River may run dry for the same reason.[5]


Increased landslides and flooding are projected to impact such states as Assam.[6] Ecological disasters, such as a 1998 coral bleaching event that killed off more than 70% of corals in the reef ecosystems off Lakshadweep and the Andamans, and was brought on by elevated ocean temperatures tied to global warming, are also projected to become increasingly common.[7][8][9


The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research has reported that, if the predictions relating to global warming made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change come to fruition, climate-related factors could cause India's GDP to decline by up to 9%; contributing to this would be shifting growing seasons for major crops such as rice, production of which could fall by 40%. Around seven million people are projected to be displaced due to, among other factors, submersion of parts of Mumbai and Chennai, if global temperatures were to rise by a mere 2 °C (3.6 °F).[10]

Global warming in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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