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Bangladesh Air Force

Does BAF planning to get Super Mushak, K-8s and JF-17/J-10s???





Will BAF buy older A-5C as spares from PAF.
I would like to see BAF procuring at least 8 Migs to make a full functional squadron,maintaining half of a squadron doesn't make sense(Khajna theke bajna beshi) !!
If BNP scraps the deal then there'll be some serious protests from inside BAF.It'd be great if BNP makes new deals with China without scrapping the Russian ones.Then we'll have a Chinese-Russian combination,,,Chinese fighters for India,Russian Fighters for Burma:cheesy:

And do you think IAF as threat to Bangladesh??
Does BAF planning to get Super Mushak, K-8s and JF-17/J-10s???

Nope.....we just struck a deal for YAK130 trainers with Russia....so the possibility is to buy SU30s later on!As for Mushaks we use PT6s now....they will probably be replaced by YAK152s!

Does BAF planning to get Super Mushak, K-8s and JF-17/J-10s???

Will BAF buy older A-5C as spares from PAF.

No.......we will replace the A5s with our F7MBs!
Does BAF planning to get Super Mushak, K-8s and JF-17/J-10s???

Will BAF buy older A-5C as spares from PAF.

Bangladesh is retiring those A-5 after 2014 and onward..... We can give you some F-7M if you need for spare-parts. You can also fly them, they are still flight worthy...

And do you think IAF as threat to Bangladesh??

IAF has been a threat to Bangladesh since the birth of India in 1947...
Does BAF planning to get Super Mushak, K-8s and JF-17/J-10s???

Nope, BAF is going to buy russian Basic Trainers and for Advance Training and point of defense aircrafts YAK 131/133 [variant of yak130 with a2a/a2g capabilities]

Will BAF buy older A-5C as spares from PAF.

Nope A-5C will be retired by early 2014
Bangladesh is retiring those A-5 after 2014 and onward..... We can give you some F-7M if you need for spare-parts. You can also fly them, they are still flight worthy...

IAF has been a threat to Bangladesh since the birth of India in 1947...

Nope it was East Pakistan first. Its been bangladesh since 16th Dec 1971 (hope i know the date correctly)... I dont think we have significant amount of IAF bases/squadrans in the eastern theater apart from Tezpur at Assam which is China centric...

Please ellaborate how IAF is threat to BD since 1971....

Most bengalis think India is a threat.

However, In my opinion, were not trying to match India since if we try, were going to bankrupt the country however we can be a deterrant and im sure India would rather have another stronger ally than one they have to take care of. Anyway,Myanmar is more of a realistic threat perception for the next five years and after that we should'nt really have a problem with them anymore.

However,India isn't a threat since they won't attack us under any circumstances and neither would be but it's smarter to prepare for all possible sceanarios.
Yak 130 is a trainer aircraft not a fighter and we trainers to train our boys to fly. Anyway why do you want to match up to the IAF rafale?? Our defence is not india(neither is burma) centered, if it is we will be digging our own graves. Bangladesh will buy the type of aircrafts according to its needs and doctorine, not engage in an arms race.

The purchase of long range SAM is very important for our military and our security. However we must learn how to crawl before we walk.

Bangladesh is building up its air defence network first. Then i think we will establish short range air defence system then move on to intermediate range before finally long range system.

One of the most sane post in this thread uptill now.. and correct knowledge of the situation as well...

Most bengalis think India is a threat.

However, In my opinion, were not trying to match India since if we try, were going to bankrupt the country however we can be a deterrant and im sure India would rather have another stronger ally than one they have to take care of. Anyway,Myanmar is more of a realistic threat perception for the next five years and after that we should'nt really have a problem with them anymore.

However,India isn't a threat since they won't attack us under any circumstances and neither would be but it's smarter to prepare for all possible sceanarios.

I agree on the bold part..
We have land borders with two countries. Realistically these are the countries that we are likely to have a confrontation with as such I do not see how we can possibly claim that BD military development is not India and Burma centric. Our military posture is defensive but it must take into calculation where the threats are likely to come from
I did asked a legitimate question and in reply to it, you used foul language..

Please contribute in positive way or keep away from offtopic discussion..

and by the way floods are natural disaster rather than man made.. Please referain from such absurd comments..

Mods please take care of the post...

Since you asked a logical question I will try to answer in the best way I possibly can.

There are multiple elements to consider here:

1. The governments perception
2. The military's perception
3. The general populations perception


1. Bangladesh flitters between 2 very different parties, a Awami League government that historicaly considered India to be "it's" ally, now understand I emphasise the its to mean an ally of the awami league (AL) party here and not Bangladesh. It therefore formulates policies that are amicable to indian interests, and often is at variance with the interests of the nation. The AL, also vehemently hates anything to do with pakistan, this has nothing to do with the people's views but is just a personal view of the AL leadership (the pm blames the Pakistanis and the nationalist for the death of her family). To stay in power the party therefore has to always show india in a good light, pakistan in a bad light (that is why you constantly see the liberation struggle brought up in the media), and to build s.mujib into a cult figure by naming everything after him, this has the effect of falsely saying the AL solely got our independence and negating any contribution by others like Zia.

The other side is a nationalistic party, the BNP, which though may have the right objectives are often corrupt, incompetent and fractious. Naturally being a nationalistic party, it's objectives are focused on what is in the best interest of the nation, though you need to see the first part of this para to understand why people voted against them in the last election. Now here is the thing as the AL sees india as a ally to the AL party, naturally the BNP sees india and what ever party is in power there as a threat to the BNP and NOT to the nation.

2. The military or the Bangladesh Defence establishment, does not drastically change with each government (though, the AL has recently tried to promote officers it prefers and retire those, it disapproves of, it actually fears a strong army) and since the late 80s has become highly professional. This can be attributed to the constant UN work peacekeeping work we do, links builtup with US, European and East Asian defence establishments, (why you are unlikely to see any future military coups) and other structural changes.

Does the military see india as a threat? Of course it has to, that's the basic reason of any army, to guard against any and all potential external threat perception however unlikely. Do they think they can defeat india in a long term war, of course not, they are not that dumb, we have a VERY limited budget, around 7-8% indias defence budget, in fact we spend way less as a percentage of our GDP then most other nations. Neither political parties want to see, a too strong a military, so intentially keeps them underfunded and weak, in fact they allocate just enough to pay basic salaries and officers perks, the UN sweetens the pot.

3. Does the general population see india as a threat, no not in the since they think that india will invade, the public perception of India changes constantly, but generally it can be summed up as "we don't trust india". How is that? Well, around a quarter of the population supports india and the AL, they will not change their views whatever, usually they are older generation who lived under Pakistan, the 9% hindu population or have personal/financial interests to India/AL. The other side of the spectrum is the ultra nationalists (not ordinary nationalists mind you), religious based views etc, they constitute roughly a quarter of the population, who will always see india as a threat what ever happens.

That leaves half the population as "undecided", their perception tends to fluctuate from indifferent to hostile depending on the media news that relates to India and Bangladesh relations at any give time, how ever though they never seemed to be pro india, at best indifferent. So as I said the general population can be summed up as "we don't think india will invade, or is a threat, but we don't trust them".

I hope this helps.
well i dont understand the BAF
1st they buy mig29. then they dump it and buy f-7s ..which is a very odd choice then they turn back to buy yak130 again..
thye should have brough just 6-12 gripens(if they hate pakistan enough to buy the FC-1) AND few trainers
ideally the cheapest and most effective package would have been k-8 and jf-17 combo..multirole, advance and very light and cheap to operate
well i dont understand the BAF
1st they buy mig29. then they dump it and buy f-7s ..which is a very odd choice then they turn back to buy yak130 again..
thye should have brough just 6-12 gripens(if they hate pakistan enough to buy the FC-1) AND few trainers
ideally the cheapest and most effective package would have been k-8 and jf-17 combo..multirole, advance and very light and cheap to operate

Never gonna happen, Hasina hates pakistan and the AL gov are all a bunch of corrupt yes men. Their main task is to s***w as much wealth out of the nations coffers until they get booted out in the next election. Then it will be the turn of the next gov to do the same.

The amount they spend buying crap, useless and out of date hand me downs its pathetic. As I said before the government from which ever party is in power will never spend money on the military, they would much prefer a smaller force that would be no threat to them.

If the AL had their wish, they would disband the army altogether, just have a coast guard and border police.
well i dont understand the BAF
1st they buy mig29. then they dump it and buy f-7s ..which is a very odd choice then they turn back to buy yak130 again..
thye should have brough just 6-12 gripens(if they hate pakistan enough to buy the FC-1) AND few trainers
ideally the cheapest and most effective package would have been k-8 and jf-17 combo..multirole, advance and very light and cheap to operate

They are still in service.
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