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Bangladesh Air Force

May need to re-assess MRCA due to political realities.

Russia and China have not been so helpful to Bangaldesh during this crisis.

Procurement has to be seen through a different political lense at this point from when that tender was originally placed.

I understand where you are coming from but BD needs an aircraft like the SU-30SME that can carry large ordnance deep over the Bay of Bengal to support the BD Navy. Only other comparable aircraft is the F-15 and that would cost more and the US is unlikely to sell it to BD anyway.

Any war with Myanmar is likely to be short and sharp as BD should have built up overwhelming military superiority over them by 2025, even before the "Forces Goal 2030" plan is completed.

J-10B would come in very handy as it can be used against both Myanmar and will be an excellent deterrent to Indian dreams of forever dominating BD.

Over the long run(2025 onwards) yes BD should seriously look at procuring the Turkish TF-X fighter. The fact that the engine will be UK is also a big boost as the UK is a friendly country to BD and will not try to impede sales to BD.
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. .
In terms of the BAF, this is potentially a fork in the road in terms of procurement yes?

The next platform has to be congruent with political realities.

I would think the equation has changes in light of the actions of the the various players in this crisis.

Its a very difficult and complex situation I think. I don't know what to do. But it definitely provides fodder to thinking and debate appropriate for a forum such as this.

I would think the starting point would be what kind if capability is the BAF seeking? What are the objectives? What is its role?

I think the shift that needs to be realized is that Myanmar is threat number 1. The ruling military is dangerous and will be for as long as they are in power there.

The problem is we need China infinitely more than they need us. That being said, I would seek to send them a message by engaging the West more. Especially the UK.

Maybe Gripen may be an option. It has plenty of UK components. Sweden is friendly towards humanitarian causes.

And Bangladesh truely is a non-malevolent player. Maybe a small quantity of Gripens would send a message to the Chinese that they can't take us for granted while setting up a Western oriented supply of weapons and tactics.

A major issue however would be access to a BVR missile such as AMRAAM. European options may be too expensive.

Diversify suppliers. Maybe a East-West mix of hardware may be more appropriate given the current situation.

In terms of the BAF, maybe small numbers of a Western type such as the Gripen? Not sure if politically feasible. But money talks. And if the Bangladeshi economy really is doing as well as you people say it is, financially its affordable. Botswana is supposedly looking for 8 Gripens. I think Bangladesh can afford it. Especially, in the context that BD spends so little a percentage of its GDP on the military to start with.

More important than what to buy however, is to have a government in place willing to use it.
it's not so expensive to acquire gripens compared to other western offers.... i wonder if it's similar to or better than j-10 in which case we can look for that given the current situations....
it's not so expensive to acquire gripens compared to other western offers.... i wonder if it's similar to or better than j-10 in which case we can look for that given the current situations....

Even if only for the political message, I would want the Gripen. Not to mention it is a world class fighter.

Maybe even used Gripen C from the Swedish inventory. Gripen E is coming online. Maybe just buy some new builds.

An added benefit is that Thailand has Gripen in its inventory. Maybe train together. Myanmar and Thailand are not friendly from my impression.

This action by Myanmar was inexcusable and directly hostile, if not in a military sense. A more active policy by Bangladesh is needed. There must be a response.
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
ছবিতে রাশিয়ার নির্মিত Russian Kh-59 TV guided Cruise Missile.

এটি মুলত একটি সাবসনিক ক্রুজ মিসাইল যা মুলত ভুমিতে আক্রমনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়।এটি Sub sonic Cruise missile এর পাশাপাশি can also be used as Air-launched cruise missile,Air-to-surface missile,Anti-ship missile,Land-attack missile হিসেবেও ব্যবহার করা হয়।এটির রেঞ্জ range 150-280 km ১৫০-২৮০ কিমি।গাইডেন্স সিস্টেম হিসেবে আছে guidence system- inertial guidance (then TV guidance ), millimeter wave active radar seeker.

লঞ্চিং প্লাটফরম হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয় launching platform Sukhoi Su-30MK যুদ্ধবিমান।

বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনী মুলত এসব মিসাইলই বেশি করে চাচ্ছে যা এক কথায় বিভিন্ন কাজে ব্যবহার করা যাবে।SU-30SME এর অন্যান্য অত্যাধুনিক অস্ত্রের সাথে এটিও আসবে .আমাদের প্রতিবেশী দেশ ভারত এই মিসাইল ব্যবহার করে।বলে শোনা যাচ্ছে।



Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
New twist in খুব সম্ভবত MRCA for BAF নিয়ে নতুন টুইস্ট নিয়ে আসছে বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনী.....

বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনী ২০১৭ সালের ফেব্রুয়ারিতে ডাকা ৮+৪ টি মাল্টিরোল যুদ্ধবিমানের জন্য দরপত্র চেয়েছিলো। যার একমাত্র অংশগ্রহণকারী দেশ ছিলো রাশিয়া।এই টেন্ডারে প্রধান প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী ছিলো ৩ রাশিয়ান বিস্ট SU-35, SU-30SME, MiG-35.. তবে টেন্ডার অনুসারে MiG-35 প্রথমেই বাদ পরে।এই টেন্ডারে সবচেয়ে এগিয়ে ছিলো SU-30SME। কিন্তু বিমানবাহিনী সম্ভবত নতুন করে আবার দরপত্র ছাড়তে পারে।অনেকের মতে বিমানবাহিনীর টেন্ডার অনুসারে মুলত মেরিটাইম স্ট্রাইক এবং দুরপাল্লার ভুমিতে আক্রমণযোগ্য ক্ষেপনাস্ত্র সংবলিত বিমান চায়।যদি বিমানবাহিনী SU-30SME নেয় তাহলে বড় ধরনের কাস্টমাইজ করা লাগবে।এখন আবার টেন্ডার যদি দেয় তাহলে দেখা যাবে কি ধরনের WITH NEW MODIFICATIONS মডিফিকেশন চায় বিমানবাহিনী।


টেন্ডার এ বিমান এর কোনো চেঞ্জ আসবে না। চেঞ্জ আসলে আসবে in the revised tender the additions incorporated are weapons capacity, range, আর and engine power এর। আর কোনো চেঞ্জ আসবে না।
Not is is not.

JF-17 is known as the worst 4th generation fighter.

BD is most interested in the SU-30SME and the J-10B with AESA.
SU-30SME and the J-10B with AESA
BD will get them in 2117 untill then
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I understand where you are coming from but BD needs an aircraft like the SU-30SME that can carry large ordnance deep over the Bay of Bengal to support the BD Navy. Only other comparable aircraft is the F-15 and that would cost more and the US is unlikely to sell it to BD anyway.

Any war with Myanmar is likely to be short and sharp as BD should have built up overwhelming military superiority over them by 2025, even before the "Forces Goal 2030" plan is completed.

J-10B would come in very handy as it can be used against both Myanmar and will be an excellent deterrent to Indian dreams of forever dominating BD.

Over the long run(2025 onwards) yes BD should seriously look at procuring the Turkish TF-X fighter. The fact that the engine will be UK is also a big boost as the UK is a friendly country to BD and will not try to impede sales to BD.
BAF should try for Typhoon
. .
Even if only for the political message, I would want the Gripen. Not to mention it is a world class fighter.

Maybe even used Gripen C from the Swedish inventory. Gripen E is coming online. Maybe just buy some new builds.

An added benefit is that Thailand has Gripen in its inventory. Maybe train together. Myanmar and Thailand are not friendly from my impression.

This action by Myanmar was inexcusable and directly hostile, if not in a military sense. A more active policy by Bangladesh is needed. There must be a response.
F-16 is the most suited considering Turkey has huge overhauling and assembling plant. BD will not have to worry about maintenance. Not sure about price difference between Gripen and F-16
it's not so expensive to acquire gripens compared to other western offers.... i wonder if it's similar to or better than j-10 in which case we can look for that given the current situations....

চীন দেশের অবস্থা হবে শ্যাম রাখি না কুল রাখি এমন.... :-)

GRIPEN seems to be a far more sorted out platform as far as we know - being older. All Swedish fighter platforms are supposed to be flexible enough to use lengths of road to take off or land, in case airstrips get bombed. Also - Swedish keep their platforms for a long time and all fighters (SAABs especially) boast simple yet advanced design, and very capable and obsolescence-proof platforms for each generation.

Saab 32 Lansen (First Flight early 1950's, immediately after WWII)

Saab 35 Draken(First Flight Mid 50's)

Saab 37 Viggen(First Flight Late 60's)

Saab 39 Gripen (First Flight Late 80's)



Thailand and South Africa are so far major export operators of the Gripen. Thailand integrated their Gripen's information systems with their Army and Navy systems (Gripen Integrated Air Defence System) which is a smart move. I don't know if this is possible with China's J-10 or if they are willing to do this for us.

All being said, I don't know enough about J-10 or its capabilities...like range, radar, BVR capability etc. Need to look into it.
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some Korean duped the KFX/IFX as F22 little brother. Most of their armaments can be carried is either European and American design, like Taurus Kelp, Amraam, Meteor, Brimstone, HARM, jsow and among other. Indonesian variants will be optimized for Maritime Attack, suitable for long range engagements and had software coded to do so.


As part of commitments Indonesia must bought 50 to 80 samples of KFX/IFX to reach economics scale to build the Aircraft...
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View attachment 427146 some Korean duped the KFX/IFX as F22 little brother. Most of their armaments can be carried is either European and American design, like Taurus Kelp, Amraam, Meteor, Brimstone, HARM, jsow and among other. Indonesian variants will be optimized for Maritime Attack, suitable for long range engagements and had software coded to do so.

View attachment 427147
Thats an excellent project but how far did it go?
Thats an excellent project but how far did it go?

Tunnel wind testing, picking up supplier for parts like avionic, lamp systems, tyres systems, engine system is bid phase, research on AESA radar, constructing assembly factory in Indonesia and South Korea. After all they are in full swing progress. Indonesian side is in charge to develop some parts like Wing, Tail fin, Some fuselages and so on


Indonesian Fighter Assembly Factory is in progress. Tools will be sourced from Indonesian states gov. Owned company
Gripen is Swedish airframe, Italian radar, US engine and lots of other parts from UK.
Sweden has a policy of no resupply to countries engaged in war.

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