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Bangladesh advocates OIC reforms for India's entry as observer in group

India has a large Muslim population so it is natural that we get into IOC at least as an observer.

Good development if it happens.

India's Muslim population is being persecuted by state of India.
India use Muslim population as human shield.

@prashantazazel Very easily you discard the others as partition or backward, without addressing your hindutva or the hate mindset. The Hindus in Malaysia are not Ram followers they are basically Tamil [in majority], but there was a group called HIndraf that tried to bring hinsu terrorisrt mindset into Malaysia back in 2008. And it led to lot of disturbances. Anyways the issue is are the Malaysian Hindus treated same away as Indian Muslims. Are they called Pakistani everyday [questioning their patriotism and effort to push them to be grateful for anything]. Are they pushed into segregated areas or ghettoes. Is their religious freedom undermined? Are they denied acces to higher education, health or other sectors? Most importantly are they pushed to look more like Malays or act like them? NO, Malaysian Hindus where there relgion on their sleeve. Malaysian Malays have to follow laws on them by their religious order AGAMA, Chinese and Indians are spared from that. If they need to marry a Malaysian Malay they are also have to adhereto their community setup like many other Muslims from Non-Malay backgrounds. Even Indian families enforce them privately in their households so don't do this hypocrisy taking out petty issues to cover your hindu taliban face which is quite apparent to the world now.
First of all, I dislike all faiths, Hinduism included.
Also I have studied with scores of Malaysians. Basically, only the Chinese Malaysians are worth reckoning. Malays and the hindus there are very backward. Do you realise that Malays get a lot of reservation and funding despite being the majority there. The Malays in my college had enough in grants from their government to party daily if they wanted (though they mostly just spent on food, never saw one in a club).
The other communities do not get these grants.
Malays are forced into having an Islamic identity from birth and can't change it. Others can be converted to Islam but muslims can't convert to other faiths even if they want to- this is against human rights. (In this regard, India offers free choice).

I read another comment from you regarding government jobs and muslims. Well muslim males in India prefer to go for businesses than studies. Still, these fields don't discriminate against them. Their presence in these fields is similar to their education levels.
Government schools are free. Colleges are low priced. The community chooses not to study. Most girls aren't allowed to study. The situation is worse than the other communities.

Be secular, then demand secularism with others .
India's Muslim population is being persecuted by state of India.
India use Muslim population as human shield.


The Hindus have always treated Indian Muslims as a hostage population since partition. Have used them for their propaganda and BS, and the successful ones who are not practicing but born into a family with Muslim sounding name are too happy to oblige. There is no difference between a RSS hindutva terrorist and MArxist[or publicly acceptable seculars] lioek Javed Akhatar both want a ban to Azan and hurt religous freedoms of Muslims.

When 1200-1300 mostly Indian Muslims were butchered on the streets of Bombay in 93. These pathetic Indian Muslim figures kept their mouths shut but when Hindus died in a bomb blast following the mass killings and mob violence. Atheists like Javed Akhtar came to sign in with Javed Anand group called Muslims for Secular democracy that advocagted ban to the azan in the 90s. This joke is propagated as an 'indian muslim' you need to believe first to be a muslim.
Then what you will say about Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,Azerbaijan,Tajikistan,Kyrghistan,Albania, Iran,Malaysia,Somalia,Afghanistan and other muslim countries founded on ethnic consideration? Even 22 Arab states are based on particular Arab ethnic branches. Except for Pakistan and 1/2 others, all the muslim countries are founded upon ethnicity, language and culture.What can be done about that?

We did not rebelled against any ''Ideologically Islamic nation'' but rebelled against an ideologically Munifiq nation.A Munafiq nation where Yahia Khan, a Drunkard(even drank during Ramadan) and womanizer(who is General Rani?) hold the supreme position in govt. and military. Prophet Muhammad (Sw.) said that, Munafiqs are the bigger enemy of Muslim than Mushriq. It was a Farz-e-ein for ourselves to rebel against such a Munafiq nation and free 70 million muslim from it's Jahil rules.Allah was with us and he used Mushriq India to punish the Munafiq Shaitan.

So you admit to the foundation of your country being antithesis to Islam, which it clearly is.

The fact is that you lot rebelled against a multiethnic, multilingual, multicultural, and above all an ideologically Muslim state with the support of a nation the destruction of which is foretold in Islamic scriptures.

Pakistan is one of the few lucky states of having the honour of taking part in battles against the now dead USSR and the soon to be dead India. Surprisingly, both of which were at the forefront of creation of your ethnicity based racist country.
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