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Bangladesh – a tale of two women

Khalida Zia and BNP is now pro India. Pro India means they want friendly relationship with India. And they regret there alliance with jammat in past. Bangladesh Politics Zindabad

One diplomatic visit doesnt make one pro India, check her recent comments. We all want good relations with India, a big brothers who molests us from time to time.
What I find truly strange is that East Pakistanis (at that time) had far better political acumen then West Pakistan. But BD's political trajectory after separation from Pakistan has not been as good as it should have been. For example Sheikh Mujeeb declared emergency soon after being elected (1974 in aftermath of famine). BD today is divided in two parties, both being run by women who are not bright and lack any long term vision (where will BD be in 5 or 10 years). Both of them are silent on the direction BD should take be it economic, social or military position). Why time after time only two parties are being elected? why no new alternatives in system?

Same is true for Sindh, on a collective level Sindhis are far more politically sharp and active then Punjabis or Pakhtoons but have been unable to achieve as much as they should. They too are completely swept by PPP which has been in Govt three times doing absolutely nothing for Sindh. There is no development on social or economic activity in Sindh, no major change in infrastructure. For all their political acumen Sindhis are also stuck with a single party knowing well that party has done nothing to merit such a following.

1. Bangladeshi politics since 71 has been somewhat disappointing however it is not bad as you may think.

a: Under the military rule of Zia there was a lot of progress.
b: Under the only other major military leader to rule Bangladesh, Ershad there was some progress.
c: Bangladesh has progressed significantly since 1971 with 1% economic growth accumulating each decade e.g. 3% in 70s, 4% in the 80s, 5% in the 90s, 6% in the 00s and now heading for 7+% in the 2010s.

Bangladesh has had 25% economic growth since 2008, one of the top 5 in the world.

d: We make our own mobile phones, DVD players, refriegerators, televisions, motorbikes and export them.

2. The two parties are both corrupt. The BNP and Awami League are both thieves, but the Awami League is far more violent, brutal and ruthless. However even the Awami League is not as bad as for instance the MQM in Pakistan which until recently ran a reign of terror over Karachi, Pakistan's largest city.* Now they are countered by the gunmen of the ANP and PPP.

3. The Awami League is indeed sponsored by India (but not to the extent the Jamatis/razakars on this forum think it is) which accounts for its deliberate obsession with 71 and mentioning it literally every day in the Bangladeshi media (this is to promote hatred of Pakistan, respect for the supposed "founders" of Bangladesh the Awami League and to promote secularism).

The BNP are a bit more rational and less fanatical in their ideology.

The Awami League are fanatics and fundamentalists with their whole "Joy Bangla", "Joy Bongobondhu", "judor shomoi" (during the war i.e. 71) obsession.

Jamat are traitors and anti-Bangladeshi.

4. Even the Awami League no matter how bad it is did offer a vision for Bangladesh called "digital Bangladesh 2021" and that was to achieve middle-income status by 2021 and working towards becoming a larger version of Singapore with a high-tech society.

The BNP will continue on this path.

5. Though the parties are corrupt the parameters for them to operate in are restricted as there are other entities e.g. the military, civil society, NGOS, America which will prevent them from doing some things they want to.

Bangladesh functions due to technocratic bureaucrats, experts whom they consult etc and beyond the petty politics the country is progressing.

P.S. A caveat, Jamatis/razakars do not wish anyone to think Bangladesh is progressing since a: In their eyes it means that people will not be angry with the Awami League government b: More fundamentally jamatis/razakars wish to potray Bangladesh as a failure so people see 71 as a mistake and then support once again being a colony of Pakistan.

This is the Jamati/razakar agenda and ideology.
@ My foot !!!!! Self contradictory--------

@ Do you think that we are Jamati here !!!!!! Here in this forum except Al-Zakir all are moderate.

@ It is true that Jamat sided with the Pakistani cause. It was not only Jamat, the following political parties also supported for the united Pakistan "

1. Convention Muslim Leaque (Fuzlil Kader Chow)
2. Qayumi Muslim Leaque
3. Council Muslim Leaque
4. Pakistan Democratic Party -PDP (Nurul Amin
5. Nizam-e-Islami
6. And other Islamic Oriented Political Parties.

Above political parties of the then East Pakistan whole heartedly supported for united Pakistan.

The following political parties(pro-Chinese) remained silent:
1. National Awami Party(Bhashani)
2. Leftist Toha, Kazi Jafor

The following parties supported the Liberation Movement directly :
1. Awami Leaque
2. National Awami Party (Muzaffer pro-Russia)
3. East Pakistan Communist Party (Moni Singh)
M_Saint , Eorl are Jamaatis. There are other Rajakars who supported Muslim League in 71 took refuge under BNP. These later groups are the worst. I can live with Jamatis but not the later group.
@ My foot !!!!! Self contradictory--------

@ Do you think that we are Jamati here !!!!!! Here in this forum except Al-Zakir all are moderate.

@ It is true that Jamat sided with the Pakistani cause. It was not only Jamat, the following political parties also supported for the united Pakistan "

1. Convention Muslim Leaque (Fuzlil Kader Chow)
2. Qayumi Muslim Leaque
3. Council Muslim Leaque
4. Pakistan Democratic Party -PDP (Nurul Amin
5. Nizam-e-Islami
6. And other Islamic Oriented Political Parties.

Above political parties of the then East Pakistan whole heartedly supported for united Pakistan.

The following political parties(pro-Chinese) remained silent:
1. National Awami Party(Bhashani)
2. Leftist Toha, Kazi Jafor

The following parties supported the Liberation Movement directly :
1. Awami Leaque
2. National Awami Party (Muzaffer pro-Russia)
3. East Pakistan Communist Party (Moni Singh)


What a stupid and moronic post from one of the worst razakars on this forum.

1. The razakar says:
My foot !!!!!
using 6 exclamation marks indicating he has gone hysterical with anger.

2. Then he repeats this banging on the exclamation key of his keyboard with:
Do you think that we are Jamati here !!!!!!

I am not even going to waste time responding to this troll who is obviously unhappy that Bangladesh is independent and also fabricates false figures of trillions of Biharis being killed.

@ everyone else including Iajdani.

A: A number of political parties have been cited above there. Anyone can form a political party, and a party could have a membership of a few thousand or a few hundred.

However Bangladeshi society as a whole on the eve of the 71 war did not want independence (some argue even Mujib didn't) but Yahya Khan's treachery and the treachery of the Pakistani army in murdering Muslims including some of the Muslim Bengali officers who saved Lahore in 1965 was the final nail in the coffin.

B: Those parties above are cited but what is not mentioned is in the 1970 election the Awami League won 90% of seats in the then East Pakistan.

Imagine tomorrow, I start a party calling for Bangladesh to unite with our neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia in a new east Asian Muslim state.

I call it the "Bangladesh Patriotic Party".

I have a membership of 1. Then on Tuesday Iajdani forms another party calling for the same thing and calls it the "Bangladesh Democratic Party", and then Captain Planet forms his own party, and then Eastwatch. We would have 4 political parties calling for unification with Malaysia and Indonesia.

However in real terms they do not represent a signifcant portion of the population.

C: Razakars/Jamatis are traitors to Bangladesh, hate Bangladesh, mock any positive news posted about Bangladesh and have wet dreams of being ruled by Pakistan once again.

They are a joke and electorally do not gain many votes in Bangladesh. Here on this Pakistani forum (they view Pakistan as their spiritual motherland) there are naturally a lot of them.

They give a bad image of Bangladesh in this forum (their objective) and exaggerate everything, listening to their garbage you would think that everyone in Bangladesh lives in chains and is forced to kiss a picture of Sonia Gandhi.

We are an independent sovereign state with defence ties with China and that blocks Indian transit, something Indian policymakers see as a key national goal.
Same is true for Sindh, on a collective level Sindhis are far more politically sharp and active then Punjabis or Pakhtoons but have been unable to achieve as much as they should. They too are completely swept by PPP which has been in Govt three times doing absolutely nothing for Sindh. There is no development on social or economic activity in Sindh, no major change in infrastructure. For all their political acumen Sindhis are also stuck with a single party knowing well that party has done nothing to merit such a following.

As far as Bangladesh is concerned, perhaps God made it to teach us a lesson, so that we can learn from it. Ethnic identity has to go to the background and has to become inconsequential. Instead it is now a major part of how we vote. All that is needed is a spark. Lets say for example we decide to hang Altaf and Zardari tomorrow? What will their supporters do? Turn it into an ethnic issue. THAT is a huge issue here...

For example I can easily guess you are from Punjab and thus support PMLN. It can be read like a book! Our voting is based completely on ethnicity. The mindset that made Bangladesh is in all of us. What is required is a spark... an act of mistreatment, an elected government being dismissed, or a massacre that can be used to claim a genocide of an ethnic group.

I quit my ethnic group because of this. I rebelled because of the inherent racism in each one of our ethnic groups and the solidly held belief of ethnic superiority. I chose an ethnic group our khandaan has been led to view as an enemy and am in the process of adopting their customs so that another partition may not occur

Now as far as Sindh is concerned there is a correlation between the sad decline of this province with the electoral victories of the PPP. For example lets compare the literacy rate. (Sorry, I do not have figures from before the 70's election.) For example in 1972 30.2% of the Sindh population was literate compared to 20.7% of the Punjab population was literate. PPP successfully raped Sindh in the next few years, rigged elections, nationalized the top businesses which had already suffered during the 71 war losing their east pakistan wings. By 1981 (only 3 years of these were by Zia by the way!) Sindh's literacy had risen by a mere 1.3% to 31.5% while Punjab's expanded to 27.4% and in another 10 years had overtaken Sindh's!

Before the PPP came to birth Sindh was the leading province in terms of literacy though Punjab still did have a higher development index on average. But in literacy Sindh was at the top. Sindh has since moved to the background. It is very easy to bash Punjab about this but this is the primary reason for this.

When I tell people from Xzabist that PPP is the rapist of Sindh, they do not believe it. They try to protect Zardari and his PROVEN corruption. A sad state of affairs. Bangladeshi's are as confused as us because they are of the same group of people (Pakistanis or in other words muslims of subcontinent which are by our ideology all Pakistanis-sorry Bangladeshi bro's!)

But for us it exposes how ethnicity has become a tool... for example look at my idiot family taking pride in calling itself a derogatory term like Muhajir and taking pride in voting an idiot who seems to have some serious personality disorder... its stupid, its idiotic and its sad how people like Sharif, Zardari and Altaf are elected over and over again. But we are the key to their election. Reject pre-concieved notions and the ways our families have voted for generations and we have escaped this and have turned out to be bigger than those who failed to think about their nation.
As far as Bangladesh is concerned, perhaps God made it to teach us a lesson, so that we can learn from it. Ethnic identity has to go to the background and has to become inconsequential. Instead it is now a major part of how we vote. All that is needed is a spark. Lets say for example we decide to hang Altaf and Zardari tomorrow? What will their supporters do? Turn it into an ethnic issue. THAT is a huge issue here...

For example I can easily guess you are from Punjab and thus support PMLN. It can be read like a book! Our voting is based completely on ethnicity. The mindset that made Bangladesh is in all of us. What is required is a spark... an act of mistreatment, an elected government being dismissed, or a massacre that can be used to claim a genocide of an ethnic group.

I quit my ethnic group because of this. I rebelled because of the inherent racism in each one of our ethnic groups and the solidly held belief of ethnic superiority. I chose an ethnic group our khandaan has been led to view as an enemy and am in the process of adopting their customs so that another partition may not occur

Now as far as Sindh is concerned there is a correlation between the sad decline of this province with the electoral victories of the PPP. For example lets compare the literacy rate. (Sorry, I do not have figures from before the 70's election.) For example in 1972 30.2% of the Sindh population was literate compared to 20.7% of the Punjab population was literate. PPP successfully raped Sindh in the next few years, rigged elections, nationalized the top businesses which had already suffered during the 71 war losing their east pakistan wings. By 1981 (only 3 years of these were by Zia by the way!) Sindh's literacy had risen by a mere 1.3% to 31.5% while Punjab's expanded to 27.4% and in another 10 years had overtaken Sindh's!

Before the PPP came to birth Sindh was the leading province in terms of literacy though Punjab still did have a higher development index on average. But in literacy Sindh was at the top. Sindh has since moved to the background. It is very easy to bash Punjab about this but this is the primary reason for this.

When I tell people from Xzabist that PPP is the rapist of Sindh, they do not believe it. They try to protect Zardari and his PROVEN corruption. A sad state of affairs. Bangladeshi's are as confused as us because they are of the same group of people (Pakistanis or in other words muslims of subcontinent which are by our ideology all Pakistanis-sorry Bangladeshi bro's!)

But for us it exposes how ethnicity has become a tool... for example look at my idiot family taking pride in calling itself a derogatory term like Muhajir and taking pride in voting an idiot who seems to have some serious personality disorder... its stupid, its idiotic and its sad how people like Sharif, Zardari and Altaf are elected over and over again. But we are the key to their election. Reject pre-concieved notions and the ways our families have voted for generations and we have escaped this and have turned out to be bigger than those who failed to think about their nation.

You are talking rubbish and this has nothing to do with Pakistan and there is no need for such long-winded drivel from a biased Pakistani nationalist.

There are many different sub-fora for Pakistan here where you can ramble on as much as you want.

However this thread is about Bangladesh and the two Bangladeshi leaders.
Jamat are traitors and anti-Bangladeshi.

P.S. A caveat, Jamatis/razakars do not wish anyone to think Bangladesh is progressing since a: In their eyes it means that people will not be angry with the Awami League government b: More fundamentally jamatis/razakars wish to potray Bangladesh as a failure so people see 71 as a mistake and then support once again being a colony of Pakistan.

This is the Jamati/razakar agenda and ideology.

Jamaat had taken side with Pakistan during 1971. But after Bangladesh independence Jamaat became a Bangladeshi political entity full allegiance to Bangladesh. Jamaat had become mainstream political party and participated most election including joint agenda with Awami League against BNP. Provide the proof of your claim that Jamaat IS (not was) "traitors and anti-Bangladeshi".

Anyone pointing and speaking up against Awami League looting and killing are labeled by awami thug like you as "razakar/Jamaat/anti-Bangladesh". Bangladesh deveopment would not be possible with wholesale

1) Awami League looting of stock market
2) Awami League looting of banks
3) Awami League looting of 1/3 of total Bangladesh tax revenue in the name of rental power plant subsidy
4) Awami looting and corruption in Padma bridge that cost Bangladesh more than $2.5 billion GDP
5) Wholesale looting and laundering money abroad like Destiny
6) Whole sale relase of terrorist and killers
7) Using bangladesh as Awami league personal property

These are plain facts crime and looting by Awami thugs and looters, no matter who says (jamat, BNP, Daily Star, Kader Siddiqui)facts will not change.
M_Saint , Eorl are Jamaatis. There are other Rajakars who supported Muslim League in 71 took refuge under BNP. These later groups are the worst. I can live with Jamatis but not the later group.

No I am against BAL'a secular Bangali spirit. And coincidentally my thinking resembles with Jamat, but not Jamat actually.

Not Huguge Bangali at all.
Jamaat had taken side with Pakistan during 1971. But after Bangladesh independence Jamaat became a Bangladeshi political entity full allegiance to Bangladesh. Jamaat had become mainstream political party and participated most election including joint agenda with Awami League against BNP. Provide the proof of your claim that Jamaat IS (not was) "traitors and anti-Bangladeshi".

Anyone pointing and speaking up against Awami League looting and killing are labeled by awami thug like you as "razakar/Jamaat/anti-Bangladesh". Bangladesh deveopment would not be possible with wholesale

1) Awami League looting of stock market
2) Awami League looting of banks
3) Awami League looting of 1/3 of total Bangladesh tax revenue in the name of rental power plant subsidy
4) Awami looting and corruption in Padma bridge that cost Bangladesh more than $2.5 billion GDP
5) Wholesale looting and laundering money abroad like Destiny
6) Whole sale relase of terrorist and killers
7) Using bangladesh as Awami league personal property

These are plain facts crime and looting by Awami thugs and looters, no matter who says (jamat, BNP, Daily Star, Kader Siddiqui)facts will not change.

You do realize you are making a fool out of yourself?

Everyone else on the forum is asking why you are so obsessed and psycopathic. Do you have a life besides defence.pk apart from BNP/Jamat marches?
@ My foot !!!!! Self contradictory--------

@ Do you think that we are Jamati here !!!!!! Here in this forum except Al-Zakir all are moderate.


Eorl ⚔;3728677 said:
No I am against BAL'a secular Bangali spirit. And coincidentally my thinking resembles with Jamat, but not Jamat actually.

Not Huguge Bangali at all.
I concur.
You do realize you are making a fool out of yourself?

Everyone else on the forum is asking why you are so obsessed and psycopathic. Do you have a life besides defence.pk apart from BNP/Jamat marches?

poor thing, you are pleading to spare Awami leeague thugs and their looting on the ground of my personal life; how pathetic. Here is new Awami looting news fresh out of press, nephew of Awami League half minister hijacked RAJUK (Capital development authority) tender document for 250 million taka.

মন্ত্রীর ভাগ্নের নেতৃত্বে টেন্ডার ছিনতাই

গৃহায়ন ও গণপূর্ত প্রতিমন্ত্রী আবদুল মান্নান খানের ভাগ্নে আবদুস সালাম খানের নেতৃত্বে প্রকাশ্যে রাজউকের ২৫ কোটি টাকার টেন্ডার ছিনতাইয়ের অভিযোগ পাওয়া গেছে। র্যাব-পুলিশের সামনেই গতকাল সকালে রাজধানীর মতিঝিলে রাজউক ভবনে এ ঘটনা ঘটে। টেন্ডার ছিনতাইয়ের ঘটনায় ওই সময় উপস্থিত থাকা সরকারদলীয় বিভিন্ন অঙ্গসংগঠন যুবলীগ ও শ্রমিক লীগের ঠিকাদারসহ সাধারণ অংশগ্রহণকারীরা সাংবাদিকদের কাছে ক্ষোভ প্রকাশ করেছেন।
আবদুল মোনেম লিমিটেডের নির্বাহী পরিচালক এম এ কালাম বলেন, ‘যখন জোর করে আমাদের ছেলেদের হাত থেকে টেন্ডার ডকুমেন্টস নিয়ে যায়, তখন র্যাব-পুলিশ সবাই ছিল, কিন্তু কেউ এগিয়ে আসেননি। পরে যখন প্রকল্প পরিচালকের কাছে গেলাম, তখন প্রকল্প পরিচালকের কথায় পুলিশ তত্পরতা দেখাতে শুরু করল এবং বিভিন্ন ভবনে ও রাস্তায় লোকদেখানো দৌড়ঝাঁপ শুরু করে।’
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