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Bangla migrants in India estimated at 6 crore

Problem is BJP is gaining ground in West Bengal by showing people like you @AfrazulMandal. Post Independence there are no cases of Religious Violence in West Bengal other than Calcutta riot after Babri Masjid. Now the gates are flooding.
For backwardness of Muslim community it is the community to blame. Hindus starting from Bengal Renaissance adopted with western education while Muslims are away with it.
People still study in Madrasas which is no use in modern education. Only one good Muslim institute in West Bengal and that is Al Amin mission.
I want to correct you . Actually the world is full of illegal Bangladeshi. So illegal Bangladeshi folks are actually 7.2 billions; just they speak in other languages and not in Bengali.
Let the sanghi clowns send all peoples from the world to 57000 SQ miles Bangladesh, and let them rule rest of the world with ghosts, snakes and lizards ( since all folks are already sent back to their homeland Bangladesh) .

You are making lots of good friends and impressions now:


Bongs traversing this far from the RMG + paddy miracle....but blowing hot and cold (depending on who's paying attention) about their lot pole vaulting right next door.

Yep super STRONK credible.

@Aung Zaya

This is what this guy said
চিন্তা করেন না ভাই. আমরাই জিতবো. পশ্চিম বাংলায় হবে বাংলাদেশ. এখানকার হিন্দুরা একেবারেই দার্পক, ঝামেলা হলেই পালায়. আর্মি না রইলে আমরা এক হয়ে যেতাম.
Do not worry brother We will win.West Bengal will be Bangladesh. The Hindus here are completely darpuk and run away when there is trouble. If there is no army, we would have become one.
Now for non Bengali's, this is not the Bengali written or spoken in West Bengal but in Bangladesh. An example of a Bangladeshi in India.

Its 99% probably that entehshaym guy from some time back (it has spammed a number of multiple accounts that basically say the same thing). 100% eastern dumbass Bong, either still on their side and using VPN etc for the false flag or its pole vaulted at some point.

As soon as you get it to type Bengali, its automatically revealed what its source is. It isn't smart enough to realise that. I remember Joe funnily enough unwittingly exposed this guy too long time back in another thread.
Now for non Bengali's, this is not the Bengali written or spoken in West Bengal but in Bangladesh. An example of a Bangladeshi in India.
Would you mind translating the script from the Bangal Bangla to your Ghoti Bangla in a Bankimi style. I found you yourself do not know the word 'Darfok' (coward). He wrote Darpok, but you could not correct it. You wrote দার্পক and Darpuk.
You are making lots of good friends and impressions now:


Bongs traversing this far from the RMG + paddy miracle....but blowing hot and cold (depending on who's paying attention) about their lot pole vaulting right next door.

Yep super STRONK credible.

@Aung Zaya

Those poor folks who sold their last piece of land and trying to go to Europe for livelihood with the super risk on their life .

They wanted to go there legally , but most of time dalas betrayed and they ( peoples) suffer .

But honestly @Nilgiri , from now I am not going to request you to show some respect to those peoples who are victims; it will be crying in wilderness , because your malignity to bangladesh and bangladeshis knows no bounds.
Those poor folks who sold their last piece of land and trying to go to Europe for livelihood with the super risk on their life .

They wanted to go there legally , but most of time dalas betrayed and they ( peoples) suffer .

But honestly @Nilgiri , from now I am not going to request you to show some respect to those peoples who are victims; it will be crying in wilderness , because your malignity to bangladesh and bangladeshis knows no bounds.

The problem is:

a) too many BeeDees try to hold up all sides of an argument at the same time. Is BD doing economically super (thus not creating this kind of mass illegal boat migration at this distance compared to say Dada, at per capita level esp)....or isn't it? I'm not talking visa overstayers, im talking literally people that are being pushed away because even basic job environment is not present. If its the other way around (BD is doing great at home) and still these refugees are swimming away at this rate from it, then of course you are kanjoosi chotoloks got it? You can't say you are both super duper AND not this level of kanjoosi.....one or the other you lot have to pick.

b) BeeDees here get chastized only (well one can hope) when the meanness (which they started btw, but then again dont need to believe me, I don't care anymore) and brutal reality is shown to them....as much as can be past the BBS/BAL propoganda delusion. If they still want to hug the dreamz pillow real tight in response, thats fine too, non-BD people simply learn the actual reality. This long term is the only thing that will break the opium den complex that has taken root in BeeDee heads here.....that is GOOD for bangladesh, for its so called elite (here or there) to actually be in tune with the reality.

Play time is over. Nice guy has long gone. Present me the argument with good quality data if you want any proper discussion....or don't and get crushed. Its really not rocket science.
Would you mind translating the script from the Bangal Bangla to your Ghoti Bangla in a Bankimi style. I found you yourself do not know the word 'Darfok' (coward). He wrote Darpok, but you could not correct it. You wrote দার্পক and Darpuk.

He is using 'google translate' and probably does not have any idea.
Problem is BJP is gaining ground in West Bengal by showing people like you @AfrazulMandal. Post Independence there are no cases of Religious Violence in West Bengal other than Calcutta riot after Babri Masjid. Now the gates are flooding.
For backwardness of Muslim community it is the community to blame. Hindus starting from Bengal Renaissance adopted with western education while Muslims are away with it.
People still study in Madrasas which is no use in modern education. Only one good Muslim institute in West Bengal and that is Al Amin mission.
No sir. There have been cases. Most of it is suppressed because the local media does not want to show the weakness of the majority community.
None of my family were ever educated from Madrassas. Even in JU most of my Hindu friends also supported many of what it hold dear.

Its 99% probably that entehshaym guy from some time back
I live in Kolkata now. I hold an Indian passport. :)
You can keep dreaming about that (& your other 2030 fantasies) while India & Myanmar deport more & more illegal pole-vaulters...
Rohingyas will be back in Arakan sooner or later. Even the burmese generals have no courage to deny that. While for Indian part, Modi is nearing the end of his term as PM. Still no action. Instead he gave us 7 billion dollar soft loan.:lol:
Then global warming & sea level rise will take care of the rest. :lol:
What an irony that the above statement is coming from a citizen of a country which is ranked as the most vulnerable in the world to climate change effect.
India most vulnerable country to climate change - HSBC report
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Chinta koren na bhai. Amrai jitbo. Poschim Banglao hobe Bangladesh. Ekhankar Hindura ekebarei darpok, jhamela holei palay. Army na roile amra ek hoe jetam.

You do realize that you can be (and probably already is) reported to NIA for sedition and you can be easily be traced and picked up, don't you..
. .
You do realize that you can be (and probably already is) reported to NIA for sedition and you can be easily be traced and picked up, don't you..
Our state govt is with us. I doubt anything will happen.
Plus, i do love india. Just that i wish for a different system of govt.
Problem is BJP is gaining ground in West Bengal by showing people like you @AfrazulMandal. Post Independence there are no cases of Religious Violence in West Bengal other than Calcutta riot after Babri Masjid. Now the gates are flooding.
For backwardness of Muslim community it is the community to blame. Hindus starting from Bengal Renaissance adopted with western education while Muslims are away with it.
People still study in Madrasas which is no use in modern education. Only one good Muslim institute in West Bengal and that is Al Amin mission.
Moat WB business is controlled by either Muslim or Marwari. WB historically inherited some of the most poor part of british india eg. North Bengal, Birbhum and Kooch Bihar and those areas are filled with Muslims. Its mostly to do with geography, river erosion and climate. We are also struggling with north bengal in Bangladesh.
The problem is:

a) too many BeeDees try to hold up all sides of an argument at the same time. Is BD doing economically super (thus not creating this kind of mass illegal boat migration at this distance compared to say Dada, at per capita level esp)....or isn't it? I'm not talking visa overstayers, im talking literally people that are being pushed away because even basic job environment is not present. If its the other way around (BD is doing great at home) and still these refugees are swimming away at this rate from it, then of course you are kanjoosi chotoloks got it? You can't say you are both super duper AND not this level of kanjoosi.....one or the other you lot have to pick.

b) BeeDees here get chastized only (well one can hope) when the meanness (which they started btw, but then again dont need to believe me, I don't care anymore) and brutal reality is shown to them....as much as can be past the BBS/BAL propoganda delusion. If they still want to hug the dreamz pillow real tight in response, thats fine too, non-BD people simply learn the actual reality. This long term is the only thing that will break the opium den complex that has taken root in BeeDee heads here.....that is GOOD for bangladesh, for its so called elite (here or there) to actually be in tune with the reality.

Play time is over. Nice guy has long gone. Present me the argument with good quality data if you want any proper discussion....or don't and get crushed. Its really not rocket science.

If you are talking about Bangladeshis who ae migrating to Europe illegally they are spending around 25-40 lakh taka. Of-course they needs to sell lands or take loans to get the money as middle mans sell dream to them by going to Europe they can become crore poti. Even far more develop countries people do migrate illegally as well.

Slum dog Indians are number 1 in terms of illegal migration. There are no question about it. It is wet dream of hindu extremists of India that Bangladeshis are going to India to live in slum and do low paid jobs instead of trying to improve the living standard of Bengali muslims of India

By the way I guess you are tamil, so must be dirty and smelly isnt it?
Slum dog Indians are number 1 in terms of illegal migration. There are no question about it. It is wet dream of hindu extremists of India that Bangladeshis are going to India to live in slum and do low paid jobs instead of trying to improve the living standard of Bengali muslims of India

In your dreams maybe...:lol:


Anyway what else can we expect from an idiot who made up story about UN retracting statement about 3 million Bangladeshis in India & apologizing to BD :lol:

Rohingyas will be back in Arakan sooner or later

Dream on...


While for Indian part, Modi is nearing the end of his term as PM. Still no action.

Given the present situation, he'll get another term. And Assam NRC is already 40% complete. So get ready for repatriation of pole-vaulters.

Instead he gave us 7 billion dollar soft loan.

Which comes with conditions to benefit India & ensure business to Indian companies. This is the claim of your own compatriots, not mine :rofl:
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