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Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

Pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) deputy Adil Kurt has submitted a bill to the Parliament Speaker's Office seeking to legalize the use of Kurdish letters ê, î, x, w and q in the Turkish alphabet.

Kurt's bill proposes a change to the current Law No. 1353 concerning the use of the Turkish alphabet and intends to legalize the public use of Kurdish words and names including Kurdish letters.

“There are numerous legal cases against local administrators in the eastern and southeastern parts of the country over leaflets, posters and invitation cards published in Kurdish. Turkish courts have ordered several times that Kurdish names given to parks, streets and cultural centers be changed, citing Article 222 of the Turkish Penal Code [TCK] [which criminalizes the use of letters which are not included in the Turkish alphabet in public communications],” Kurt stated in his proposal.

The bill would allow the use of Kurdish names which include letters ê, î, x, w and q on identity cards, marriage certificates, title deeds and in any public area. In his proposal, the BDP deputy also called for the right to use one's mother tongue freely in education and health settings, as well as any public place.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's government has boosted cultural and language rights for Kurds, who make up around 20 percent of Turkey's 75 million strong population, since taking power a decade ago. Among the initiatives was the dedication of one of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation's (TRT) channels to broadcasting in Kurdish. Last month, Parliament passed a law sanctioning the use of Kurdish in court.

BDP deputy submits bill on use of Kurdish letters in Turkish alphabet - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Again, we are not talking about people being imprisoned, fined and in other ways sanctioned for including Kurdish letters into official documents. We are merily speaking about people getting imprisoned and findes and in other ways sanctioned for using the letters in simple leaflets, invitiations and other simple publications.
Why are you using the flag of Lithuania in first place? If you don't live there then you are another false flagger.

Stay on topic please, or you will give all the apoligists a reason to stay off topic thus preventing themselves from trying to explain the stupidity of banning certain letters. If you do not have anything to add to the topic you are more than welcome to leave.
Th colours of that specific flag brings him to a certain euphoria.

Hah! Spoken like a true man of conscious :rofl:

Stay on topic please, or you will give all the apoligists a reason to stay off topic thus preventing themselves from trying to explain the stupidity of banning certain letters. If you do not have anything to add to the topic you are more than welcome to leave.

You are a false flagger, it's against the rules of the forum, all what I wanted is to show your true skin to other members in these boards.
I am from Europe. What is the problem? The Lithuanian flag is changed now.

What do you have to say about the fact that your country has banned letters for 80 years? In other words, are you able to stay on topic?

I don't have time to feed trolls like you.
Bahoz your the former Kurdish user that made a new nick because of a ban, I have no idea why your even hiding that information, nothing wrong with it.

Shouldn’t take us for idiots..
Bahoz your the former Kurdish user that made a new nick because of a ban, I have no idea why your even hiding that information, nothing wrong with it.

Shouldn’t take us for idiots..

I knew it! He was bad-mouthing Turkey, and Iraq.
Stay on topic guys. Neptune, instead of wasting your time on trolls, maybe you could clean up in this thread?
Stay on topic guys. Neptune, instead of wasting your time on trolls, maybe you could clean up in this thread?
@Neptune is Mod of Turkish section he cant delete posts here i think.
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Red, yellow and green are the Kurdish national colours. And Bahoz is a Kurdish name and a Kurdish word... Funny how you relate everything Kurdish, even innocent symbols, with something terroristic. You even advocated for my ban because I used a Kurdish name... Haha. The state mentality of the republic is deeply rooted within you. Try to analyse it. Take it as a friendly advice and not an insult. You would be surprised at how little you are capable of thinking independantly.

It is funny though mate, I actually defended you at the Kurdistan forum and prevented you from getting banned, ( Roj Bash Kurdistan forum) while a lot of the other guys on the forum wanted you banned for your rhetorics against the Kurdish cause and your way of thinking. I guess that is just the difference between your type and my type.
Because, Lithuania flags color are Red,Yellow and Green and as coincidence PKK flag has the same colors. His name is Bahoz a high-ranking PKK terrorist.

Eeh? The PKK is a terror group, similar to Al-Qaida, and Hezbollah. I hope these bastards won't harm Turkey in any way. The next move shall be critical.
Red, yellow and green are the Kurdish national colours. And Bahoz is a Kurdish name and a Kurdish word... Funny how you relate everything Kurdish, even innocent symbols, with something terroristic. You even advocated for my ban because I used a Kurdish name... Haha. The state mentality of the republic is deeply rooted within you. Try to analyse it. Take it as a friendly advice and not an insult. You would be surprised at how little you are capable of thinking independantly.

It is funny though mate, I actually defended you at the Kurdistan forum and prevented you from getting banned, ( Roj Bash Kurdistan forum) while a lot of the other guys on the forum wanted you banned for your rhetorics against the Kurdish cause and your way of thinking. I guess that is just the difference between your type and my type.

I have a very good memory, i still remember the words and descriptions you used in your previous PDF account. I won't forget.
I have a very good memory, i still remember the words and descriptions you used in your previous PDF account. I won't forget.

Yes, you and me I will never agree on politics when it comes to the Kurdish question. But that does not mean that you should constantly advocate for my ban when I was in fact protecting your right to have your extreme opinions on the RBK forum. I think this just proves the atatürkcu mentality...
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