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Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package


Aug 27, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Funny thing is that brochures in English and French usually include these ''forbidden letters'' in Turkey. But when it comes to Kurds using the same letters, it used to be classified as ''promoting seperatism'' under which many activists ( Kurds aswell as democratic Turks) were convicted and imprisoned. Good news none the less - it is the right direction.

The letters used in the Kurdish alphabet but forbidden in official documents in Turkey - q, x and w - will be open to use with the democratization package but will not be included in the Turkish alphabet, daily Radikal reported on Sept. 27.

The use of the letters q, x and w has been banned in Turkey for 85 years and officials who used them in brochures and signboards have been convicted by Turkish courts in the past
. The three letters will be able to be used in names too as part of the democratization package which will be announced by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sept. 30. However these letters will not be included in the Turkish alphabet.

Those who previously used these three letters on Kurdish signboards, brochures or names were tried and penalized with two to six months of imprisonment for violating the Turkish Letter Law, which was enacted in 1928 and replaced the Arabic alphabet with the Latin alphabet. However, the Turkish alphabet excluded these three letters which are present in the Latin alphabet.

The High Court of Appeals approved a local court’s decision banning the use of q, x and w in Kurdish names given to people in 2004. The Interior Ministry also said that names including these letters would not be registered to people’s ID cards
, referring to the High Court of Appeals’ 2004 decision.

RIGHTS - Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package
There were no bans at all. Official language of Turkey is Turkish and official alphabet Turkish. So you can't use foreign letters in official documents like id cards. Imagine ID cards written in Chinese or Arabic.

Every country has similar laws and none of them regarded as a ban.
Here in Europe you can make a brochure in whichever language you want and distribue them. Do we live on the same planet? So you mean to tell me that there are no English brochures in Turkey and no Chinese travelling guides in Turkey? You mean to tell me that the letters of x,q,w are not used in the English and French travelling guides you can get at any shop in Istanbul and Antalya?

You are delusional my friend. This is a Turkish source. I have a couple of other sources too indicating that Turkey has banned letters during the last 80 years. Does any other country in the world ban letters? Care to find me an example?
My earlier post is short and very easy to understand. I will leave it to readers consideration.
No. Just tell us where else in the world letters were banned for 80 years. It can not be that difficult considering your earlier post. Is there anywhere in the world where you are able to get a prison sentence for using certain letters from another alphabet? We are not even talking about an alien alphabet, again, considering that Turkey has used the letters of W,X,Q in other publications such as English and French books sold within Turkish borders...

Read the article. This is not about X,Q,W being used in Id Cards or anything like that. Stop your strawmen right there, do not derail the topic. It is the letters used for instance in political campaigns and in books and songs.

The use of the letters q, x and w has been banned in Turkey for 85 years and officials who used them in brochures and signboards have been convicted by Turkish courts in the past.
Every country needs to have an official language. I mean even in the U.S English is the official language, this is what you learn at school regardless of your ethnic background. I think the same rule applies in turkey. but that doesn't mean they should ban minority languages.
Every country needs to have an official language. I mean even in the U.S English is the official language, this is what you learn at school regardless of your ethnic background. I think the same rule applies in turkey. but that doesn't mean they should ban minority languages.

Is it really so hard to understand that in Turkey Turkish alphabet is being used on official documents.

Anyways this topic is non-sense,fun to all of you. :wave:
No. Just tell us where else in the world letters were banned for 80 years. It can not be that difficult considering your earlier post. Is there anywhere in the world where you are able to get a prison sentence for using certain letters from another alphabet? We are not even talking about an alien alphabet, again, considering that Turkey has used the letters of W,X,Q in other publications such as English and French books sold within Turkish borders...

Read the article. This is not about X,Q,W being used in Id Cards or anything like that. Stop your strawmen right there, do not derail the topic. It is the letters used for instance in political campaigns and in books and songs.

There was and is no ban on using x,q,w letters on non-official papers, documents and where else not..You get your facts right..There are loads of advertising boards with x, w letters right in front of my house..You are full of crap bro..another fail
Every country needs to have an official language. I mean even in the U.S English is the official language, this is what you learn at school regardless of your ethnic background. I think the same rule applies in turkey. but that doesn't mean they should ban minority languages.

Maybe you can tell that to your big turban Mullah before lecturing others.

Iranian Authorities Close Down Kurdish Language School
Every country needs to have an official language. I mean even in the U.S English is the official language, this is what you learn at school regardless of your ethnic background. I think the same rule applies in turkey. but that doesn't mean they should ban minority languages.

English isn't the official language of the state from a judiciary view point, not practically.

Is it really so hard to understand that in Turkey Turkish alphabet is being used on official documents.

Anyways this topic is non-sense,fun to all of you. :wave:

Different language with different alphabet? I don't think the Turks are willing to make some concessions on that.
There was and is no ban on using x,q,w letters on non-official papers, documents and where else not..You get your facts right..There are loads of advertising boards with x, w letters right in front of my house..You are full of crap bro..another fail

So if I find you some articles about Kurdish activists, mayors, journalists, politicians getting imprisoned and getting fines for using the letters in NON-OFFICIAL papers ie. in books, brochures etc. will you then believe me? Or will you keep defending a state that has forbidden letters?

Listen I am as confused as you. When I go to Turkey I see advertising boards in many different languages. But as I said, the only ones who get fined and imprisoned for using those letters are Kurds. Read the article again;

The use of the letters q, x and w has been banned in Turkey for 85 years and officials who used them in brochures and signboards have been convicted by Turkish courts in the past.
Please don't hide behind the false flag.

I am from Europe. What is the problem? The Lithuanian flag is changed now.

What do you have to say about the fact that your country has banned letters for 80 years? In other words, are you able to stay on topic?
I am from Europe. What is the problem? The Lithuanian flag is changed now.

What do you have to say about the fact that your country has banned letters for 80 years? In other words, are you able to stay on topic?

Why are you using the flag of Lithuania in first place? If you don't live there then you are another false flagger.
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