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Baluchistan Interior minister threaten to expel Afghan refugees by force.

Only Samandri could thank such a post. When we say you are ungrateful this proves it. You give Pashtuns a bad name. Your only loyalty is to your ethnicity, you cannot get along with other ethnic groups and see the Pakistani pashtuns as slaves of Punjabis as your post proves. No wonder the spanking Afghan Pashtuns are receiving from the other ethnicities in Afghanistan which make up the bulk of the military while also imposing their farsi language onto you. You have no culture other than the Taliban's and dare to oppose the center of Pashtun knowledge, history, arts and culture called Peshawar and Karachi (which has largest population of Pashtuns)

Slave and Khar mentality is that of Abdur Rehman Khan who sacrificed all southern Pashtun lands just to save Kandahar and Kabul from the British. Slave mentality is the agreement Abdur Rehman Khan signed with the British known as the Durand line. It is not slave mentality that Pakistani pashtuns have fought, with weapons first against the British and then through popular vote for the Muslim League to kick the Britishers out.

Stop this Pashtun supremacy mentality when you look down on your own Pashtun brothers in Pakistan as slaves. It will get you no where. Allah saved our Pakistani Pashtuns by making Pakistan. 30 Million Pashtuns escaped torture and humiliation by America, Soviets and India and could give you shelter in their land in 80's till today when you only drove these same lar Pashtuns out when they demanded help against the British from various Afghan regimes.

Als know that you are a minority. 12 million pashtuns should join 30 million pashtuns or 30 million pashtuns should join 12 million of Afghanistan. I have always supported a union between Pakistan and Afghanistan and you will find me the most sympathetic to Afghans. But if you try to break our country-you will have the very problems you are having now and Pakistanis will see you as a rival and Indian stooge, which will further cause instability in Afghanistan as Pakistan chooses more Pro-Pakistani movements.
Would you please give more information on Abdur Rehman Khan who sacrificed southern Pashtun lands? I am interested in this.
dekho yar its simple Pakistani Government was 11th most corrupt nation in 2011 . Are you seriously saying pak government has no corruption ? lol really ? u think i go to fields and not to heated water running toilet to piss and shit because i like too ? you think our tax money is purely used to facilitate us ? u think Zardari built his 200 canal home on pure sweat ? you think Hamza shabaz has two Mercedes benz because he worked for it ?
Stop trying to justify that we have no coruption and accept the facts that our money is being transfered to overseas accounts whether its the money we got from UNCHR or whether its the money a field worker paid as tax .

You are an idiot. Whether the Pakistani government is corrupt or officials that is another discussion. You were simply telling an ignorant lie about UNCHR funds
Would you please give more information on Abdur Rehman Khan who sacrificed southern Pashtun lands? I am interested in this.

There are 2 pashtun lands today. The bar pashtuns are northern pashtuns from Afghanistan, the lar Pashtuns are generally called Pakistani pashtuns. The idea floated by modern Afghan nationals is lar aw bar yaw Afghan which translates into north or south one Afghan. It stems from a non-acceptance of the durand line which has been the crux of the entire Pakistan Afghanistan problem in my eyes.

Lets note that the lands of Balochistan and Pakhunkhwa were once under Afghan control, mainly the Durrani empire which is seen as the mother of all Pashtuns. The durand line came to be when British invasion occurred. From a Pakistani perspective what Abdur Rehman Khan the leader of Afghanistan at the time did was attrocious. He abandoned the southern lands, what is now known as lar pashtuns to the brutality of the British.

I think 1983 or the year the Durand line agreement was like a partition like the one of Pakistan in 47. Whatever common history Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghan Pashtuns had died right there, right that moment. Because history diverged and the lar and bar pashtuns developed on totally different lines. Our Pashtuns struggled against British ruler. We had heroes like Palay Khan and other opponents of British rule. While this was happening all kinds of negative thoughts were given rise in Afghanistan-the idea that Afghans always tend to show is their belief that Pakistani Pashtuns are in some way "lesser Pashtuns" or weaker Pashtuns than Afghan Pashtuns, the bar pashtuns. This was because due to a cruel twist of fate Pakistani Pashtuns found themselves victim of a brutal British regime. This wasn't their fault as the Afghans constantly remind us but that of an Afghan king, Abdur Rehman Khan. While Afghan Pashtuns continued to seethe at British and later Pakistan the Pakistani Pashtun developed on a major scale. Economically, culturally and militarily. But Afghanistan remained stagnant because of the ethnic chauvinism locally and their failure to adopt to a changed world. It is unfair after 100+ years that Afghan nationalists want Pakistani Pashtuns loyalty to be with Afghanistan and if it is not they are labelled dal khor traitors and Pangchuks (slur against Punjabis). This attitude I have seen in many Afghans.

Further confusion is caused by the ancient words of Khushal Khan Khattak a Pashtun historical figure who said things that were for his time and age and have no meaning today. The Afghans however qoute his words in a manner that means to say that no Pashtun can be a Pakistani. This is wrong as Pashtun is an ethnicity and Afghan or Pakistani a nationality where numerous ethnic groups can exist though Afghan and Pashtun literally have the same meaning.

Anyway I can write more but this will be confusion galore for new people. I have studied Pashtun history relentlessly so I can debunk Afghan claims. But most Pakistanis know very little about Afghanistan which is where people like Samandri have a strong-point because he has more than average knowledge and can misdirect Pakistanis though not more than me. For example most Pakistanis do not even know Afghani=currency and Afghan-means afghan nationals. They say we want all Afghanis out and that means the currency. lol.

I know all this because I think of myself as a Pakistani Pashtun even though by proper terms I am more of a muhajir. I sympathize even with Afghan Pashtuns though but do not tolerate a word against my nation, Pakistan. In short I am Pakistani first.

@Shapur @A-Team and other Afghans this is my view on the start and beggining of the detorioration of Pak Afghan relations. It all counts down to the durand line and its inacceptance by Afghanistan. It rather than Pakistani interference has been the bigger problem and cause of enmity than anything else.
There are 2 pashtun lands today. The bar pashtuns are northern pashtuns from Afghanistan, the lar Pashtuns are generally called Pakistani pashtuns. The idea floated by modern Afghan nationals is lar aw bar yaw Afghan which translates into north or south one Afghan. It stems from a non-acceptance of the durand line which has been the crux of the entire Pakistan Afghanistan problem in my eyes.

Lets note that the lands of Balochistan and Pakhunkhwa were once under Afghan control, mainly the Durrani empire which is seen as the mother of all Pashtuns. The durand line came to be when British invasion occurred. From a Pakistani perspective what Abdur Rehman Khan the leader of Afghanistan at the time did was attrocious. He abandoned the southern lands, what is now known as lar pashtuns to the brutality of the British.

I think 1983 or the year the Durand line agreement was like a partition like the one of Pakistan in 47. Whatever common history Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghan Pashtuns had died right there, right that moment. Because history diverged and the lar and bar pashtuns developed on totally different lines. Our Pashtuns struggled against British ruler. We had heroes like Palay Khan and other opponents of British rule. While this was happening all kinds of negative thoughts were given rise in Afghanistan-the idea that Afghans always tend to show is their belief that Pakistani Pashtuns are in some way "lesser Pashtuns" or weaker Pashtuns than Afghan Pashtuns, the bar pashtuns. This was because due to a cruel twist of fate Pakistani Pashtuns found themselves victim of a brutal British regime. This wasn't their fault as the Afghans constantly remind us but that of an Afghan king, Abdur Rehman Khan. While Afghan Pashtuns continued to seethe at British and later Pakistan the Pakistani Pashtun developed on a major scale. Economically, culturally and militarily. But Afghanistan remained stagnant because of the ethnic chauvinism locally and their failure to adopt to a changed world. It is unfair after 100+ years that Afghan nationalists want Pakistani Pashtuns loyalty to be with Afghanistan and if it is not they are labelled dal khor traitors and Pangchuks (slur against Punjabis). This attitude I have seen in many Afghans.

Further confusion is caused by the ancient words of Khushal Khan Khattak a Pashtun historical figure who said things that were for his time and age and have no meaning today. The Afghans however qoute his words in a manner that means to say that no Pashtun can be a Pakistani. This is wrong as Pashtun is an ethnicity and Afghan or Pakistani a nationality where numerous ethnic groups can exist though Afghan and Pashtun literally have the same meaning.

Anyway I can write more but this will be confusion galore for new people. I have studied Pashtun history relentlessly so I can debunk Afghan claims. But most Pakistanis know very little about Afghanistan which is where people like Samandri have a strong-point because he has more than average knowledge and can misdirect Pakistanis though not more than me. For example most Pakistanis do not even know Afghani=currency and Afghan-means afghan nationals. They say we want all Afghanis out and that means the currency. lol.

I know all this because I think of myself as a Pakistani Pashtun even though by proper terms I am more of a muhajir. I sympathize even with Afghan Pashtuns though but do not tolerate a word against my nation, Pakistan. In short I am Pakistani first.

@Shapur @A-Team and other Afghans this is my view on the start and beggining of the detorioration of Pak Afghan relations. It all counts down to the durand line and its inacceptance by Afghanistan. It rather than Pakistani interference has been the bigger problem and cause of enmity than anything else.
Thank you very much. I think 1983 was a typo? Correct me if I am wrong.

I feel that the animosity is ultimately due to jealousy; Pakistan has done better and Pakistani Pukhtoons have done better and not only this but Pakistani Pukhtoons are 110% Pakistani and are accepted by the rest of Pakistan as such. This burns the inside of some Afghans.
Its about time .As this will tend to happened either give them Nationalities or send them back

Come on my friend, you are too smart to be influenced by these stories, state security institutions always find a scapegoat for their failures and in this instance its the mighty Afghan NDS, which is on par with CIA or Mossad and is wrecking havoc on Pakistan :) If NDS was this powerful they would have put a stop the Tali activities in the country.

Intelligent Pakistanis should be able to see through these stories and hold their institutions accountable.
There are 2 pashtun lands today. The bar pashtuns are northern pashtuns from Afghanistan, the lar Pashtuns are generally called Pakistani pashtuns. The idea floated by modern Afghan nationals is lar aw bar yaw Afghan which translates into north or south one Afghan. It stems from a non-acceptance of the durand line which has been the crux of the entire Pakistan Afghanistan problem in my eyes.

Lets note that the lands of Balochistan and Pakhunkhwa were once under Afghan control, mainly the Durrani empire which is seen as the mother of all Pashtuns. The durand line came to be when British invasion occurred. From a Pakistani perspective what Abdur Rehman Khan the leader of Afghanistan at the time did was attrocious. He abandoned the southern lands, what is now known as lar pashtuns to the brutality of the British.

I think 1983 or the year the Durand line agreement was like a partition like the one of Pakistan in 47. Whatever common history Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghan Pashtuns had died right there, right that moment. Because history diverged and the lar and bar pashtuns developed on totally different lines. Our Pashtuns struggled against British ruler. We had heroes like Palay Khan and other opponents of British rule. While this was happening all kinds of negative thoughts were given rise in Afghanistan-the idea that Afghans always tend to show is their belief that Pakistani Pashtuns are in some way "lesser Pashtuns" or weaker Pashtuns than Afghan Pashtuns, the bar pashtuns. This was because due to a cruel twist of fate Pakistani Pashtuns found themselves victim of a brutal British regime. This wasn't their fault as the Afghans constantly remind us but that of an Afghan king, Abdur Rehman Khan. While Afghan Pashtuns continued to seethe at British and later Pakistan the Pakistani Pashtun developed on a major scale. Economically, culturally and militarily. But Afghanistan remained stagnant because of the ethnic chauvinism locally and their failure to adopt to a changed world. It is unfair after 100+ years that Afghan nationalists want Pakistani Pashtuns loyalty to be with Afghanistan and if it is not they are labelled dal khor traitors and Pangchuks (slur against Punjabis). This attitude I have seen in many Afghans.

Further confusion is caused by the ancient words of Khushal Khan Khattak a Pashtun historical figure who said things that were for his time and age and have no meaning today. The Afghans however qoute his words in a manner that means to say that no Pashtun can be a Pakistani. This is wrong as Pashtun is an ethnicity and Afghan or Pakistani a nationality where numerous ethnic groups can exist though Afghan and Pashtun literally have the same meaning.

Anyway I can write more but this will be confusion galore for new people. I have studied Pashtun history relentlessly so I can debunk Afghan claims. But most Pakistanis know very little about Afghanistan which is where people like Samandri have a strong-point because he has more than average knowledge and can misdirect Pakistanis though not more than me. For example most Pakistanis do not even know Afghani=currency and Afghan-means afghan nationals. They say we want all Afghanis out and that means the currency. lol.

I know all this because I think of myself as a Pakistani Pashtun even though by proper terms I am more of a muhajir. I sympathize even with Afghan Pashtuns though but do not tolerate a word against my nation, Pakistan. In short I am Pakistani first.

@Shapur @A-Team and other Afghans this is my view on the start and beggining of the detorioration of Pak Afghan relations. It all counts down to the durand line and its inacceptance by Afghanistan. It rather than Pakistani interference has been the bigger problem and cause of enmity than anything else.
We need more people like you.
Thank you very much. I think 1983 was a typo? Correct me if I am wrong.

I feel that the animosity is ultimately due to jealousy; Pakistan has done better and Pakistani Pukhtoons have done better and not only this but Pakistani Pukhtoons are 110% Pakistani and are accepted by the rest of Pakistan as such. This burns the inside of some Afghans.
Sorry 1893 is the correct date for the durand line agreement. I agree. Afghans are not only bitter about the durand line but jealous of our unity as they could not achieve it.
Come on my friend, you are too smart to be influenced by these stories, state security institutions always find a scapegoat for their failures and in this instance its the mighty Afghan NDS, which is on par with CIA or Mossad and is wrecking havoc on Pakistan :) If NDS was this powerful they would have put a stop the Tali activities in the country.

Intelligent Pakistanis should be able to see through these stories and hold their institutions accountable.
NDS is not without succor.

We need more people like you.
Yes I concur. I would like to learn more about Afghan-Pak relations; of course if haviZsultan has the time to write.
the time has come that we stop threatening and start acting. two words most of the pakistanis hate are "threaten" and "concern" and thats what out politicians doing since pakistan came into being.
I am on my ancestral lands. Just 69 years ago, my district was part of "British India", and 160 years ago it was part of "Sikh Kingdom", and 180 years ago it was part of 'Durrani Empire"............the point is, boundaries of the kingdoms, empire and states have changed, but my people are on the same lands, will continue to live on same lands whether Pakistan exist or not in the future.

@Khan_21 is a 'House-Negreo', Samuel Jackson played such role superbly in the film "Django unchained".........

Ok that was a bit harsh but funny in the same time :) I don't like trolling but I had a laugh for the Samuel Jackson protrayal from Django, he was such an asshole to his fellow colored folks.
I am on my ancestral lands. Just 69 years ago, my district was part of "British India", and 160 years ago it was part of "Sikh Kingdom", and 180 years ago it was part of 'Durrani Empire"............the point is, boundaries of the kingdoms, empire and states have changed, but my people are on the same lands, will continue to live on same lands whether Pakistan exist or not in the future.

@Khan_21 is a 'House-Negreo', Samuel Jackson played such role superbly in the film "Django unchained".........
your people are not on this land........
Only the people of Pakistan are on Pakistans land.......Take your rest of people and rest of land....
Your people will be history but Pakistan will remain intact.
Your people your land outside my motherland...
Unfortunately, there are millions of these scums in Pakistan and they have been living here for a couple of generations now. It isn't plausible to kick out all of them, instead Pakistan should openly discriminate against these refugees. Kick out the poor and criminals who are a burden on Pakistan. And keep the ones that are educated and those who can benefit Pakistan (I don't know if they even exist). Fence and mine the border and force Afghanistan to accept the Durand line. Pakistanis may hate Donald Trump but you can't deny that he means well.
Afghan and Pashtun, are the two names for our ethnic group
Indeed they were, But in a bygone age. You my friend are living in the past. That name has lost its honor, Unfortunately. Quite a few decades have passed since any Pukhtun on this side of the border spoke of that name with pride.
Come on my friend, you are too smart to be influenced by these stories, state security institutions always find a scapegoat for their failures and in this instance its the mighty Afghan NDS, which is on par with CIA or Mossad and is wrecking havoc on Pakistan :) If NDS was this powerful they would have put a stop the Tali activities in the country.

Intelligent Pakistanis should be able to see through these stories and hold their institutions accountable.

NDS is the front office of many hostile anti Pakistan intelligence agencies. It was indirect message to them. However, its a shame that Afghan institutions are allowing themselves to used by these extra regional entities. At the end of the day, it's Afghanistan that will suffer.
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