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Baktar Shikan with Syrian Rebels??

Pakistan neve faild anyone in need. Let alone the Syrian people, the ones being butchered for more than 2 years by you know who.

Pakistan most certainly did before. I'm talking about the financial aid to Afghanistan, have you ever asked yourself how many Afghans you guys have nationalized? Two years ago, Pakistan donated $7 million for Afghanistan. In short, Pakistan had done the same before and will do it, and will always do it.

and what did we get in return?

not a cent more should be spent anywhere else except PAKISTAN

If true, this means Wahabi / Salafis sympathisers are there in Pakistan Army...

clearly you are ignorant and haven't read other posts here

these weapons aren't being sent by Pak Army or "Wahabi/Salafis sympathisers" in Pakistan

know your facts first before opening your beak
and what did we get in return?

not a cent more should be spent anywhere else except PAKISTAN

clearly you are ignorant and haven't read other posts here

these weapons aren't being sent by Pak Army or "Wahabi/Salafis sympathisers" in Pakistan

know your facts first before opening your beak

Read my post accurately, I said "IF" that news is true.....
If those are indeed Pakistani Baktar Shikans , then how could they reach without Sympathisers help ???
Read my post accurately, I said "IF" that news is true.....
If those are indeed Pakistani Baktar Shikans , then how could they reach without Sympathisers help ???

well as someone with a military background, i'll tell you they ARENT! The design may be similar, that means diddly squat. It's no secret that JSOC is in Jordan working with some of the rebels; dont ya think the news media would have picked up by now such a story that we were funneling arms to Syrian rebels? They do have access to Javelins and other anti-aircraft man portable systems but take that up with those arming the opposition

that's where this useless discussion ends.

Your country and your own money. MTFBWY :wave:

thank you

Its funny how Pakistanis want to consider some other countries war as a fight for freedom while our northern areas are a terrorist one which is being funded by foreign countries. They are happy when syrian civilian population gets car bombed and wonder what innocent civilians have done in Pakistan to deserve this when it happens in our cities. When these same bakhtar shikan are used against the mighty PA tanks in the future and we see those videos on Live leak, I wonder what the reaction of most of these people will be.
well as someone with a military background, i'll tell you they ARENT! The design may be similar, that means diddly squat. It's no secret that JSOC is in Jordan working with some of the rebels; dont ya think the news media would have picked up by now such a story that we were funneling arms to Syrian rebels? They do have access to Javelins and other anti-aircraft man portable systems but take that up with those arming the opposition

that's where this useless discussion ends.

thank you


right. ok...
You know, I thank you and many people like you for opening our eyes. Before getting here, I had such radical views of Israel and the West in general, but after dealing with you people who are supposed to be Muslims, I'm changed, you're much much worse, because you simply claim that you're one of us and yet support our mass-killers who are fighting our people because of their identity and religion while those evil western countries are on the side on the wronged ones. You live in the West and benefited greatly from them, and yet hate their guts?! Every time I see anything about so called "Islamic solidarity" in any Arab forum or page anywhere, I'll tell them about my experience here as I have been doing for a while.

Arab support for india and improvement of Arab-indian ties as well as Arab neutral stance on Kashmir so as to not antagonize india opened the eyes of millions of Pakistanis many many years ago.
You know, I thank you and many people like you for opening our eyes. Before getting here, I had such radical views of Israel and the West in general, but after dealing with you people who are supposed to be Muslims, I'm changed, you're much much worse, because you simply claim that you're one of us and yet support our mass-killers who are fighting our people because of their identity and religion while those evil western countries are on the side on the wronged ones. You live in the West and benefited greatly from them, and yet hate their guts?! Every time I see anything about so called "Islamic solidarity" in any Arab forum or page anywhere, I'll tell them about my experience here as I have been doing for a while.

You would be making a big mistake if you think that PDF is a reflection of Pakistani street thinking. It in fact is not so. Just as you can not claim to represent all Jordanians, you can not expect a handful of college students to represent Pakistan. There are number of false flaggers here, as well as expatriate Pakistani kids who were born and raised outside of Pakistan. A typical Pakistani has strong Ummah feelings and brotherly bond with Muslims the world over.
Sticking to the topic,
The weapon is a HJ-8/HJ-8 variant. It is only produced by China and Pakistan.

Chinese have shown their support for Assad, to keep an existing customer at bay and provide them with the hardware they need.

Pakistan (PPP) showed siding with Assad. However, PPP is not Armed Forces. They always tend to differ. They could have delivered via indirect route. I personally support this decision, even though Assad is a hardware customer of Pakistan. He initiated the war.

U know if pres mush didnt sent army in Tribal areas then we would have been in same position :azn:

China or Pakistan don't have to supply this thingy.

Can be bought from open market as long as big powers in the world give a green light.

Thats what im thinking...
Pakistan should be the last country involved in this Sunni(Saudi)-Shia(Iran) proxy war. We would risk increasing antagonism and sectarian cracks within our own country.

Please warn members to stick to the main topic!
Ok ,
Tell me if we remove the Assad, & Shia from Syria, WHO WILL BE THE ULTIMATE BENEFICIARY ?

Who will be the Loser ?

Arab support for india and improvement of Arab-indian ties as well as Arab neutral stance on Kashmir so as to not antagonize india opened the eyes of millions of Pakistanis many many years ago.

That's our regimes not us, but I would never imagine myself or any Muslim Arab going with India against Pakistan in anything.
Pakistan doesn't have guts to support either FSA or Assad.

BTW this isn't Bakhtar Shikan but actually HJ-8 from China as Pakistani Baktar-Shikan does not have that blue line near the end of ATGM tube, but Chinese made HJ-8's has.
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