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Baktar Shikan with Syrian Rebels??

On topic:

The pictures surely are of HJ-8/B-Shikan. However, Chinese are supporting Assad and wouldn't supply HJ-8 to FSA. PPP government showed support for Assad. Pakistan cannot be officially supplying these to FSA, but it is possible via a different route, these ATs were issued.

It would be a major problem if you support the fsa. for one, its alignment currently is with the western forces. and china is aligned to assad. this is a major conflict area.
Being neutral in this is serve us well.

Anyways now back to topic n the actual Question again is how they got it n from whom?

First thing my friend, we cant afford to stay neutral, unfortunately that is the fact.

Now on topic, it is not hard for them to get them. They are being paid for and supplied by the arabs, and turks. Could have come out of a regional countries arsenal who had bought them from the Chinese or the Pakistanis. Could be.

PS also I have seen some anti aircraft shoulder fire missile and launchers made in china in some of the pics posted.
I m no Assad fan and I have no reason to oppose or favor him. But I do oppose this open foreign interference in a country.

You say what people who support Assad's butchery of his own people.

There are three ways to get rid of Assad.

1. The best way: Assad steps down and hands power to a care taker government run by syrians.
2. Preferred way: International troops (Arabs, Muslims etc) go in and get rid of Assad the butcher and hold elections.

3. The least desirable way: Arm Syrian opposition groups to overthrow Assad the butcher because our options #1, and #2 have failed to materialize.

There are many despots in Middle East who have got the support of the moral brigade of the West. .

Everyone of those is now in cross hairs of democratic forces.

They better change or their toppling is just around the corner.

The Arab spring that started in just one country, and so far have taken down many despots.

you think it will stop any time soon?

Heck no.

It is just that Assad had come on top of the list where the rest of despots are just biding for time.

While we are at it,

Irani Aayatullahs are also in the crosshairs.


so are all the Arab monarchies.

Two wrongs do not make it right.

So quit supporting Assad the butcher.

Thank you

It would be a major problem if you support the fsa. for one, its alignment currently is with the western forces. and china is aligned to assad. this is a major conflict area.

Chinese are practical people.

they opposed GW, but now they are one of the largest investors in Iraqi oil industry.

Same thing in Libya

Same thing will be in Syria
Pakistan should have no role in giving any support to these terrorists.

You know, I thank you and many people like you for opening our eyes. Before getting here, I had such radical views of Israel and the West in general, but after dealing with you people who are supposed to be Muslims, I'm changed, you're much much worse, because you simply claim that you're one of us and yet support our mass-killers who are fighting our people because of their identity and religion while those evil western countries are on the side on the wronged ones. You live in the West and benefited greatly from them, and yet hate their guts?! Every time I see anything about so called "Islamic solidarity" in any Arab forum or page anywhere, I'll tell them about my experience here as I have been doing for a while.
You say what people who support Assad's butchery of his own people.

There are three ways to get rid of Assad.

1. The best way: Assad steps down and hands power to a care taker government run by syrians.
2. Preferred way: International troops (Arabs, Muslims etc) go in and get rid of Assad the butcher and hold elections.

3. The least desirable way: Arm Syrian opposition groups to overthrow Assad the butcher because our options #1, and #2 have failed to materialize.

Everyone of those is now in cross hairs of democratic forces.

They better change or their toppling is just around the corner.

The Arab spring that started in just one country, and so far have taken down many despots.

you think it will stop any time soon?

Heck no.

It is just that Assad had come on top of the list where the rest of despots are just biding for time.

While we are at it,

Irani Aayatullahs are also in the crosshairs.


so are all the Arab monarchies.

Two wrongs do not make it right.

So quit supporting Assad the butcher.

Thank you

Chinese are practical people.

they opposed GW, but now they are one of the largest investors in Iraqi oil industry.

Same thing in Libya

Same thing will be in Syria

My dear @faujiHistorian, you got it wrong. You seem to be brain washed by CNN and Fox. They are the congenital liars. To them ,a few years ago Saddam was the biggest villain.

Many of my Muslim friends here were worked up in 2003. They said the same type of western indoctrinated 'freedom', 'liberty' and 'women rights' etc etc bull$hit. They were proved totally wrong a few years later. I live here and I know how fake all these slogans are.

So once they removed Saddam, what happened to Iraq? Its a rubble now. Riven by sectarian conflicts. All these villains in the eyes of the West are actually very secular people. they have promoted values of tolerance in their societies. Again, as I said before, I m no advocate of anyone of them. But I m telling you, this effort is being made to weaken all states around Israel. This is to make Israel unchallenged power in Middle East.

You might be stuck up with this freedom and liberation thing. Tell me did Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya got this 'liberation'? No. Not at all. the rich countries aren't stupid to send their resources to give fruits of peace to these countries. they spend their money wisely and for their intersts only.

While you keep pushing this cart of freedom and liberty for Syrians, be reminded that if Assad falls, Syria will be total chaos. The FSA, which to you is a freedom fighter are paid guns. Just like Afghan Mujahideen.

CIA propped jihad has brought bad name to Islam and made the Muslims to fight each other. This unfortunately is the biggest tragedy of our times where educated Muslims are illiterate when it comes to safeguarding their collective interests.

In the end, I would suggest you read 'The Shock Doctrine'. Its not a conspiracy theory book. Its written by a respected writer here.

Amazon.com: The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (9780312427993): Naomi Klein: Books
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You know, I thank you and many people like you for opening our eyes. Before getting here, I had such radical views of Israel and the West in general, but after dealing with you people who are supposed to be Muslims, I'm changed, you're much much worse, because you simply claim that you're one of us and yet support our mass-killers who are fighting our people because of their identity and religion while those evil western countries are on the side on the wronged ones. You live in the West and benefited greatly from them, and yet hate their guts?! Every time I see anything about so called "Islamic solidarity" in any Arab forum or page anywhere, I'll tell them about my experience here as I have been doing for a while.

I dont understand what you are trying to say, my dear :)
You know, I thank you and many people like you for opening our eyes. Before getting here, I had such radical views of Israel and the West in general, but after dealing with you people who are supposed to be Muslims, I'm changed, you're much much worse, because you simply claim that you're one of us and yet support our mass-killers who are fighting our people because of their identity and religion while those evil western countries are on the side on the wronged ones. You live in the West and benefited greatly from them, and yet hate their guts?! Every time I see anything about so called "Islamic solidarity" in any Arab forum or page anywhere, I'll tell them about my experience here as I have been doing for a while.

Which people are you talking about bru.
It's HJ-8 Red Arrow, the Chinese version, the FSA got the Chinese FN-6 as well:

I dont understand what you are trying to say, my dear :)
Don't say dear, I don't stand people who call the FSA terrorists, those are the only people I don't shake my hands with especially when they are Muslims, as the Syrian conflict is as clear as the sun in the noon time, as the murderers and the defenders.
Which people are you talking about bru.

I think it's clear.
It would be a major problem if you support the fsa. for one, its alignment currently is with the western forces. and china is aligned to assad. this is a major conflict area.

stick to the topic......

Sticking to the topic,
The weapon is a HJ-8/HJ-8 variant. It is only produced by China and Pakistan.

Chinese have shown their support for Assad, to keep an existing customer at bay and provide them with the hardware they need.

Pakistan (PPP) showed siding with Assad. However, PPP is not Armed Forces. They always tend to differ. They could have delivered via indirect route. I personally support this decision, even though Assad is a hardware customer of Pakistan. He initiated the war.
So once they removed Saddam, what happened to Iraq? Its a rubble now. Riven by sectarian conflicts.

Iraq to large degree is where Pakistan was in September 1947 through June 1948.

Everyone said, this country cannot survive after having been subjected to and involved in millions of deaths due to sectarian and ethnic violence.

Guess what, with all the $hit thrown at us (and produced by many amongst us), we are moving forward despite being named failed state by so many of the experts.

iraqis too will go through a period of trial and error.

Hope they evolve a good system,a just system. Afterall they are humans and not monkeys or other primitive beings.

And from human beings one can expect that they will evolve a system of governance.

I say Prez Obama left prematurely.

Once to you break an existing system, you don't run away until you stabilize the new system.

I also feel Iraqis should have worked with Americans to stay until they stabilized in 5-10 years.

What's done is done.

Let Iraqis work out their system.

And if they cannot,

guess what another Sad-Damn will show up at their door.

West gave them a chnace to have democracy, and freedom instead of being ruled by a tyrant.

And if anyone still support Sad-Damn the tyrant, then shame on him.

Sticking to the topic,
The weapon is a HJ-8/HJ-8 variant. It is only produced by China and Pakistan.

Chinese have shown their support for Assad, to keep an existing customer at bay and provide them with the hardware they need.

Pakistan (PPP) showed siding with Assad. However, PPP is not Armed Forces. They always tend to differ. They could have delivered via indirect route. I personally support this decision, even though Assad is a hardware customer of Pakistan. He initiated the war.

China or Pakistan don't have to supply this thingy.

Can be bought from open market as long as big powers in the world give a green light.
Sticking to the topic,
The weapon is a HJ-8/HJ-8 variant. It is only produced by China and Pakistan.

Chinese have shown their support for Assad, to keep an existing customer at bay and provide them with the hardware they need.

Pakistan (PPP) showed siding with Assad. However, PPP is not Armed Forces. They always tend to differ. They could have delivered via indirect route. I personally support this decision, even though Assad is a hardware customer of Pakistan. He initiated the war.

Did not you read my post? It's Chinese. Pls, FSA members call it Red Arrow as well as the media of the suppliers.
It would be a major problem if you support the fsa. for one, its alignment currently is with the western forces. and china is aligned to assad. this is a major conflict area.

you are over blowing china's support for assad .......china is one of the more neutral parties in this conflict....
as for the weapons rebels could have bought them from black market
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