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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

High-profile victories in the battle against terror

By Christina Lamb

It was around 1am on Wednesday and Pakistan’s most wanted man had taken the risk of spending the night at the house of a close relative. A diabetic, Baitullah Mehsud, commander of Pakistan’s biggest Taliban group, had been feeling poorly in the scorching summer heat of Waziristan and the local doctor called round to give him a glucose drip.

As he lay on a couch on the roof tended by his new wife, somewhere high up in the clear starry sky a distant unmanned plane was hovering, invisible to the naked eye. Its cameras locked in on him, a command was given thousands of miles away in the Nevada desert, and two Hellfire missiles tore into the mud-walled building.

Afterwards a Pakistani intelligence officer based in the nearest town, Makeen, said Mehsud’s torso had been “totally damaged except for his head”.

In the end it may have been the desire for a son that led to the Taliban leader’s demise. The 35-year-old had four daughters by his first wife but, in the tribal lands of Waziristan, it is only the birth of a boy that is greeted by rifle fire and jubilation. Last November Mehsud took a second wife, the daughter of an influential local cleric. He was spending the night with her at her father’s house in the village of Zangarha when the missiles hit.

Initial reports suggested only Mehsud’s wife and two of his fighters had been killed. But suspicions were raised when a large funeral was held the next day in the nearby village of Narghasi — under local tradition bodies must be buried by sunrise the following day.

“Our information is that Mehsud, his wife and seven guards were killed,” Rehman Malik, Pakistan’s interior minister, said Saturday. “But we’re still waiting for material evidence to confirm it totally.”

He said security had been stepped up in cities across Pakistan in fear of retaliation: “We are expecting some kind of revenge attack and are taking precautions.”

A Taliban spokesman said a council was under way to choose a new leader, although Saturday two other spokesmen dismissed the reports, claiming Mehsud was still alive. Saturday night a gun battle erupted between Mufti Wali Rehman and Hakimullah Mehsud, two of the rivals to succeed Mehsud. The Pakistan government reported that one of them was killed in the shootout. Local media claimed later that both men had been killed in an exchange of fire.

If Mehsud’s death is confirmed it will be the biggest success yet scored by the CIA’s pilotless drones. He had spread terror throughout Pakistan, killing hundreds of people in suicide bombings. His targets included the main hotels in Islamabad and Peshawar, as well as police and army barracks in Peshawar, Lahore and Rawalpindi. He was described by the Pakistani government as the “mother of all evils”.

He was also blamed for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister, in December 2007, although he denied it. In March this year the U.S. State Department placed a $5m bounty on his head. Yet only a few years ago Mehsud was unheard of. One western ambassador who finished his tour in Pakistan in 2006 said he had never heard his name.

Short, rather overweight and softly spoken, only his long black hair gave him the warrior image he cultivated. He trained as a body builder and fought with the Taliban in the 1990s as they swept into Kabul. He emerged as a Taliban leader after 2004, when Pakistani forces went into the tribal areas to hunt Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants who had taken sanctuary in South Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan. A group of tribesmen, under the command of Nek Muhammad, fought back; the army retaliated by demolishing their homes.

When Nek Muhammad was killed by a U.S. Predator drone, he was initially replaced by Abdullah Mehsud, who had been released from imprisonment by the Americans at Guantanamo. Soon Baitullah prevailed over his rival. By February 2005 he had signed a peace deal with the Pakistan army which ended the fighting.

The army withdrew from the areas controlled by Mehsud in return for his agreement not to harbor foreign militants or attack government officials. He took the opportunity to consolidate his power base. By the time the deal collapsed in 2007 he had reorganized his militia, now thought to number between 10,000 and 20,000 men.

The government’s decision to storm the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July 2007 brought him more recruits and the following month he humiliated the army by kidnapping more than 200 soldiers. They were held for three months and released in exchange for 25 Taliban prisoners, except for three Shi’ite soldiers who he had beheaded on video.

He was the obvious choice to head a coalition, the Taliban Movement of Pakistan (TTP). Its stated aim was the overthrow of Pakistan’s government and its focus was Pakistan rather than Afghanistan. But Mehsud’s men caused considerable nuisance for NATO troops in Afghanistan by launching repeated attacks on their supply trucks heading through the Khyber Pass.

Al-Qaeda used his territory as a sanctuary. Pakistani officials say between 1,000 and 1,200 Uzbek and Chechen fighters live in Waziristan. Mehsud used Al-Qaeda know-how to set up training camps, including indoctrinating suicide bombers, a weapon he once called his own atom bombs.

Many believe he must have had assistance from within the Pakistani intelligence service (ISI), which has had close links with militants since the 1980s. “He was originally supported by the military and ISI,” said Ayesha Siddiqa, a Pakistani military analyst. “But he had begun to bite the hand that fed him. His death is a very powerful signal to them all.”

Pakistan began to send troops into South Waziristan in June, although a full-scale offensive was not expected until the end of this month. The government hopes that by then it will have re-established control further east in the mountain valleys of Swat, where the army has been fighting since April against another Taliban group under the leadership of Maulana Fazlullah.

The government said yesterday that this operation would continue despite Mehsud’s death. “We’re not stopping our action,” said Malik. “If Baitullah is dead his forces will be demoralized but someone will replace him. The question is: who are the handlers for these stooges, who is giving them ammo and arms and vehicles?”

Perhaps the biggest achievement of this week’s drone attack is a new sense of trust between Washington and Islamabad. When Barack Obama took office in January this had hit rock bottom over Pakistan’s continuing sanctuary for Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and his supporters. So bad had things got that a senior US official said in April: “Looking back I don’t think I have ever been told the truth by a Pakistani official.”

Pakistan’s operation to clear militants from Swat suggested a new commitment. “If Mehsud’s death is confirmed this should go a long way to reassuring Pakistanis and Americans that both are determined to fight enemies that threaten the security of our countries,” said Husain Haqqani, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States.

Just as Washington feels Pakistan is interested only in militants that threaten its own territory, Islamabad has complained that America launches drone attacks only on Al-Qaeda suspects, not on the Pakistani Taliban. Officials claimed they had twice provided intelligence of Mehsud’s whereabouts to U.S. officials but it was not acted on.

In the past three months this has changed dramatically. Mehsud was almost hit in June when his village was targeted for the first time. According to intelligence officials, of the 32 US strikes carried out in Pakistan this year, at least 19 have been in South Waziristan.

The Obama administration will now want something in return. It hopes that Pakistan will clamp down on the Afghan Taliban based in Quetta as well as the network of the notorious Afghan warlord Jalaluddin Haqqani, based in North Waziristan, which recently seized an American soldier.

The TTP is choosing a new leader. All three main contenders are hardliners. The favorites are Hakimullah Mehsud, who masterminded attacks on NATO supply trucks, Mufti Wali Rehman and Maulana Azmatullah, although both of them may now be dead. Whoever succeeds is likely to be less skilled at maintaining tribal alliances.

“There are many potential successors who can easily replace him,” said M J Gohel, director of the Asia Pacific Foundation, a counter-terrorism think tank based in London.

“Unless and until the whole jihadi infrastructure in Pakistan is dismantled and the safe havens eliminated, there will be new generations of dangerous terrorist leaders and suicide bombers.”

(Additional reporting: Daud Khattak in Mingora)

(Source: The Sunday Times)


Two interesting points there:
1. Baitullah's link with the army and his manipulating the same to his advantage. Also of particular concern is his successor.

2. Secondly, and less importantly, is the peg of the story and Christina Lamb's enthusiasm at drawing strange conclusions: Baitullah was with his second wife for a son... :disagree: Come on, did Baitullah call Christina Lamb and personally tell her that he was going to have sex with his wife for a son. May be he just went to have sex with her for the sake of having it. How does she know it is one and not the second unless he told her!
High-profile victories in the battle against terror

By Christina Lamb

It was around 1am on Wednesday and Pakistan’s most wanted man had taken the risk of spending the night at the house of a close relative. A diabetic, Baitullah Mehsud, commander of Pakistan’s biggest Taliban group, had been feeling poorly in the scorching summer heat of Waziristan and the local doctor called round to give him a glucose drip.

As he lay on a couch on the roof tended by his new wife, somewhere high up in the clear starry sky a distant unmanned plane was hovering, invisible to the naked eye. Its cameras locked in on him, a command was given thousands of miles away in the Nevada desert, and two Hellfire missiles tore into the mud-walled building.

Afterwards a Pakistani intelligence officer based in the nearest town, Makeen, said Mehsud’s torso had been “totally damaged except for his head”.

In the end it may have been the desire for a son that led to the Taliban leader’s demise. The 35-year-old had four daughters by his first wife but, in the tribal lands of Waziristan, it is only the birth of a boy that is greeted by rifle fire and jubilation. Last November Mehsud took a second wife, the daughter of an influential local cleric. He was spending the night with her at her father’s house in the village of Zangarha when the missiles hit.

Initial reports suggested only Mehsud’s wife and two of his fighters had been killed. But suspicions were raised when a large funeral was held the next day in the nearby village of Narghasi — under local tradition bodies must be buried by sunrise the following day.

“Our information is that Mehsud, his wife and seven guards were killed,” Rehman Malik, Pakistan’s interior minister, said Saturday. “But we’re still waiting for material evidence to confirm it totally.”

He said security had been stepped up in cities across Pakistan in fear of retaliation: “We are expecting some kind of revenge attack and are taking precautions.”

A Taliban spokesman said a council was under way to choose a new leader, although Saturday two other spokesmen dismissed the reports, claiming Mehsud was still alive. Saturday night a gun battle erupted between Mufti Wali Rehman and Hakimullah Mehsud, two of the rivals to succeed Mehsud. The Pakistan government reported that one of them was killed in the shootout. Local media claimed later that both men had been killed in an exchange of fire.

If Mehsud’s death is confirmed it will be the biggest success yet scored by the CIA’s pilotless drones. He had spread terror throughout Pakistan, killing hundreds of people in suicide bombings. His targets included the main hotels in Islamabad and Peshawar, as well as police and army barracks in Peshawar, Lahore and Rawalpindi. He was described by the Pakistani government as the “mother of all evils”.

He was also blamed for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister, in December 2007, although he denied it. In March this year the U.S. State Department placed a $5m bounty on his head. Yet only a few years ago Mehsud was unheard of. One western ambassador who finished his tour in Pakistan in 2006 said he had never heard his name.

Short, rather overweight and softly spoken, only his long black hair gave him the warrior image he cultivated. He trained as a body builder and fought with the Taliban in the 1990s as they swept into Kabul. He emerged as a Taliban leader after 2004, when Pakistani forces went into the tribal areas to hunt Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants who had taken sanctuary in South Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan. A group of tribesmen, under the command of Nek Muhammad, fought back; the army retaliated by demolishing their homes.

When Nek Muhammad was killed by a U.S. Predator drone, he was initially replaced by Abdullah Mehsud, who had been released from imprisonment by the Americans at Guantanamo. Soon Baitullah prevailed over his rival. By February 2005 he had signed a peace deal with the Pakistan army which ended the fighting.

The army withdrew from the areas controlled by Mehsud in return for his agreement not to harbor foreign militants or attack government officials. He took the opportunity to consolidate his power base. By the time the deal collapsed in 2007 he had reorganized his militia, now thought to number between 10,000 and 20,000 men.

The government’s decision to storm the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July 2007 brought him more recruits and the following month he humiliated the army by kidnapping more than 200 soldiers. They were held for three months and released in exchange for 25 Taliban prisoners, except for three Shi’ite soldiers who he had beheaded on video.

He was the obvious choice to head a coalition, the Taliban Movement of Pakistan (TTP). Its stated aim was the overthrow of Pakistan’s government and its focus was Pakistan rather than Afghanistan. But Mehsud’s men caused considerable nuisance for NATO troops in Afghanistan by launching repeated attacks on their supply trucks heading through the Khyber Pass.

Al-Qaeda used his territory as a sanctuary. Pakistani officials say between 1,000 and 1,200 Uzbek and Chechen fighters live in Waziristan. Mehsud used Al-Qaeda know-how to set up training camps, including indoctrinating suicide bombers, a weapon he once called his own atom bombs.

Many believe he must have had assistance from within the Pakistani intelligence service (ISI), which has had close links with militants since the 1980s. “He was originally supported by the military and ISI,” said Ayesha Siddiqa, a Pakistani military analyst. “But he had begun to bite the hand that fed him. His death is a very powerful signal to them all.”

Pakistan began to send troops into South Waziristan in June, although a full-scale offensive was not expected until the end of this month. The government hopes that by then it will have re-established control further east in the mountain valleys of Swat, where the army has been fighting since April against another Taliban group under the leadership of Maulana Fazlullah.

The government said yesterday that this operation would continue despite Mehsud’s death. “We’re not stopping our action,” said Malik. “If Baitullah is dead his forces will be demoralized but someone will replace him. The question is: who are the handlers for these stooges, who is giving them ammo and arms and vehicles?”

Perhaps the biggest achievement of this week’s drone attack is a new sense of trust between Washington and Islamabad. When Barack Obama took office in January this had hit rock bottom over Pakistan’s continuing sanctuary for Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and his supporters. So bad had things got that a senior US official said in April: “Looking back I don’t think I have ever been told the truth by a Pakistani official.”

Pakistan’s operation to clear militants from Swat suggested a new commitment. “If Mehsud’s death is confirmed this should go a long way to reassuring Pakistanis and Americans that both are determined to fight enemies that threaten the security of our countries,” said Husain Haqqani, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States.

Just as Washington feels Pakistan is interested only in militants that threaten its own territory, Islamabad has complained that America launches drone attacks only on Al-Qaeda suspects, not on the Pakistani Taliban. Officials claimed they had twice provided intelligence of Mehsud’s whereabouts to U.S. officials but it was not acted on.

In the past three months this has changed dramatically. Mehsud was almost hit in June when his village was targeted for the first time. According to intelligence officials, of the 32 US strikes carried out in Pakistan this year, at least 19 have been in South Waziristan.

The Obama administration will now want something in return. It hopes that Pakistan will clamp down on the Afghan Taliban based in Quetta as well as the network of the notorious Afghan warlord Jalaluddin Haqqani, based in North Waziristan, which recently seized an American soldier.

The TTP is choosing a new leader. All three main contenders are hardliners. The favorites are Hakimullah Mehsud, who masterminded attacks on NATO supply trucks, Mufti Wali Rehman and Maulana Azmatullah, although both of them may now be dead. Whoever succeeds is likely to be less skilled at maintaining tribal alliances.

“There are many potential successors who can easily replace him,” said M J Gohel, director of the Asia Pacific Foundation, a counter-terrorism think tank based in London.

“Unless and until the whole jihadi infrastructure in Pakistan is dismantled and the safe havens eliminated, there will be new generations of dangerous terrorist leaders and suicide bombers.”

(Additional reporting: Daud Khattak in Mingora)

(Source: The Sunday Times)


Two interesting points there:
1. Baitullah's link with the army and his manipulating the same to his advantage. Also of particular concern is his successor.

2. Secondly, and less importantly, is the peg of the story and Christina Lamb's enthusiasm at drawing strange conclusions: Baitullah was with his second wife for a son... :disagree: Come on, did Baitullah call Christina Lamb and personally tell her that he was going to have sex with his wife for a son. May be he just went to have sex with her for the sake of having it. How does she know it is one and not the second unless he told her!

There is no evidence of his killing there is possibility shurah sag him and selected new amir .

One thing we cant ignore TTP is not one man show organisation , they must have shourah which is responsible for all actions.BM was just temperary leader nothing else

What is really inriguing is that the Majlis Shoora---where the next leader of taliban is being elected was left alone---why---that should have been the most obvious choice after the first strike---the gathering would have been large---would have been visible to people and from sky.

It would have taken almost all the candidatesout and cold.
lets wait and see if he reappears. but todays story that he is seriously ill is making of ground for announcing his death as face saving by the terrorists.

What is really inriguing is that the Majlis Shoora---where the next leader of taliban is being elected was left alone---why---that should have been the most obvious choice after the first strike---the gathering would have been large---would have been visible to people and from sky.

It would have taken almost all the candidatesout and cold.

i wish this could happen, i always wonder why always things are left incomplete!
i wish this could happen, i always wonder why always things are left incomplete!

Sir, u know they do get intelligence reports but not having complete details. Meaning they may have found that a meeting has been called but location may have not been found out by the intelligence agencies or not given by the moles planted as it may jeopardize & uncover the mole.

Now they say he is ill, and my guess is that after a few days they will say he died due to his illness & in reality he would have been killed by the missile strike.

The situation is very confusing, but i do hope they are correct and all of them have been killed.
Sir, u know they do get intelligence reports but not having complete details. Meaning they may have found that a meeting has been called but location may have not been found out by the intelligence agencies or not given by the moles planted as it may jeopardize & uncover the mole.

Now they say he is ill, and my guess is that after a few days they will say he died due to his illness & in reality he would have been killed by the missile strike.

The situation is very confusing, but i do hope they are correct and all of them have been killed.
Ya heard the 'illing' news, but anywaz that moron is guud as a dead man!

It is a war with the taliban---after the first strike----people in the area must be notified not to gather at the site of attack---just like the taliban have targeted the mosques and funerals processions----the army can and must do the same---anyone gathering at the site of missile strike would be considered an enemy combatant---.

Who else but taliban would gather to sift through the wreckage---second and third strikes are a must---let the dead bodies of the taliban rot in the open---the biggest fear the talib has is that of no grave for the dead body----no funeral.

It is a war with the taliban---after the first strike----people in the area must be notified not to gather at the site of attack---just like the taliban have targeted the mosques and funerals processions----the army can and must do the same---anyone gathering at the site of missile strike would be considered an enemy combatant---.

Who else but taliban would gather to sift through the wreckage---second and third strikes are a must---let the dead bodies of the taliban rot in the open---the biggest fear the talib has is that of no grave for the dead body----no funeral.

You are right, but i am not sure if they can tell 'all' of them not to go at the attack site. Though i think the locals and the bad guys themselves are now aware that if they are going to gather at the site just after the attack there is a likely possibility that another strike would soon be observed. Moreover, the strikes happen a far flung areas where the military might not have access. But as for the drones striking funerals and processions i'll just call it sheer shamelessness and failure of american intelligence!!
"Come on, did Baitullah call Christina Lamb and personally tell her that he was going to have sex with his wife for a son. May be he just went to have sex with her for the sake of having it..."

Nailed it and wouldn't be the first battlefield casualty that had his mind on the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Talk about your coitus interruptus though!:eek:

The notion of a purposeful procreation tryst sure reads more nobly to the pious masses surrounding him and, thus, to those in the far reaches of the world. In furthering the myth and removing the more "base" possibilities, Ms. Lamb elevates the man to assure the elevation of her article, perhaps.

I have great respect for Christine Lamb's early writings from Kandahar in the spring of 2006 when the Canadian, British, and Dutch parliaments were weighing whether they'd increase their force commitments to Afghanistan.

John Reid, Britain's then Defence Sec'y, was quoted as saying that spring,

"We would be perfectly happy to leave in three years and without firing one shot.”

Lamb was warning the British public otherwise. She's good.

Here she's utterly speculating in a typically romanticized version of the weakened but devout husband-warrior looking to do his duty for the caliphate's future.

Uh huh.

Oh well, odd but appropriate that it was our furry, red funny friend that called B.S.:agree:

If Sesame Street knows the truth, so should the rest of us.


What is really inriguing is that the Majlis Shoora---where the next leader of taliban is being elected was left alone---why---that should have been the most obvious choice after the first strike---the gathering would have been large---would have been visible to people and from sky.

It would have taken almost all the candidatesout and cold.

Maybe too much collateral damage?

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Lolz... so now, westerns want to admire their grown leaders, while not let us to even view.. (may be they think we can refute them)
Maybe too much collateral damage?


So what. Did they ever care about it when they killed innocents in the mosques and funerals and other gatherings. Let us see some too much collateral damage to the taliban.

You see---my concern is really about the sincerity of the u s actions---there is so much deceit and deception in american missile strikes---

The most important time for the strike is when all of them are together for the funeral and the rescue effort after the first strike---where are the drones at that time---where were the drones when the majlis shoora was taking place---the u s would have satellites up pointed in that area 24 / 7 or high alt air recon.

They could see them gathering at one place----looking down---all the pickup trucks merging at one location---.

Now---why would the u s not acknowledge that---the truth lies somewhere else.
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