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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

People involved in drugs know the riski and deserve what they get

How very compassionate of you. Don't wait up for the phone call from the Nobel prize committee.

Pakistan is not going to solve it problems by blameing every thing on India.

Nobody is blaming everything on India. But only a fool ignores the reality on the ground.
Wow Sir, same arrogant posts as ever. First make your posts of such quality (minus the neocon views) so that they are able to be replied back. Whoever replies back to your post are just wasting their own time. Your posts very well show the views you have and i am very accurate about my observations.
S-2 has his rights not to be labeled or commented upon. This thread is about Baitullah Mehsud, we should keep our discussions away from commenting upon ANY member who is part of this discussion and only comment upon the topic.
Check out the Wikipedia article: Iraq sanctions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keep in mind that Wikipedia editors are notoriously anti-muslim so the truth is likely to be even worse than presented by Wikipedia.

Are you talking about this part...

On May 12, 1996, Madeleine Albright (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations at the time) appeared on a 60 Minutes segment that she later criticized, claiming:

Little effort was made to explain Saddam's culpability, his misuse of Iraqi resources, or the fact that we were not embargoing medicine or food. I was exasperated that our TV was showing what amounted to Iraqi propaganda.[24]

Lesley Stahl asked her "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" and Albright replied "we think the price is worth it", though in her 2003 autobiography she wrote of her response (answering what she regarded as a loaded question):[25][26]

I should have answered the question by reframing it and pointing out the inherent flaws in the premise behind it. Saddam Hussein could have prevented any child from suffering simply by meeting his obligations. … I had fallen into a trap and said something that I simply did not mean. That is no one’s fault but my own.[27]

And I assume that Saddam useing posion gas to kill his own people and the mass graves are ok,, why in the hell does not Islamic countries killl their own dogs but leaves it up to the west...
Are you talking about this part...

On May 12, 1996, Madeleine Albright (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations at the time) appeared on a 60 Minutes segment that she later criticized, claiming:

Little effort was made to explain Saddam's culpability, his misuse of Iraqi resources, or the fact that we were not embargoing medicine or food. I was exasperated that our TV was showing what amounted to Iraqi propaganda.[24]

Lesley Stahl asked her "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" and Albright replied "we think the price is worth it", though in her 2003 autobiography she wrote of her response (answering what she regarded as a loaded question):[25][26]

I should have answered the question by reframing it and pointing out the inherent flaws in the premise behind it. Saddam Hussein could have prevented any child from suffering simply by meeting his obligations. … I had fallen into a trap and said something that I simply did not mean. That is no one’s fault but my own.[27]

Madeleine Albright trying to weasel her way out of her callous remarks.

The American propaganda that Saddam could have prevented these deaths holds no water. The Western officials in charge of the sanctions programs resigned in protest. These men were not swallowing Iraqi propaganda. They knew exactly how the sanctions affected the Iraqi population.

And I assume that Saddam useing posion gas to kill his own people and the mass graves are ok,, why in the hell does not Islamic countries killl their own dogs but leaves it up to the west...

Utterly and completely irrelevant. Anybody who has seen videos and other evidence of how US soldiers behaved towards Iraqis knows that this was no mercy mission of compassion. And combined with Madeleine's slip of the tongue above, it leaves little doubt whether American officials cared much about the Iraqi people.
Madeleine Albright trying to weasel her way out of her callous remarks.

The American propaganda that Saddam could have prevented these deaths holds no water. The Western officials in charge of the sanctions programs resigned in protest. These men were not swallowing Iraqi propaganda. They knew exactly how the sanctions affected the Iraqi population.

Utterly and completely irrelevant. Anybody who has seen videos and other evidence of how US soldiers behaved towards Iraqis knows that this was no mercy mission of compassion. And combined with Madeleine's slip of the tongue above, it leaves little doubt whether American officials cared much about the Iraqi people.

Odd isnt it Mass Murder,,, Use of Chemical Weapons is irrelevant when it comes to muslims doing it...so I guess if things went your way,, Saddam and his sons would stilll be running Iraq.
Can one of you more astute locals here begin to educate some of these loons about the difference between the afghan mujahideen of the Soviet-Afghan war and today's taliban and THEIR origins.

Seems a lot of confusion suffered here by some who don't know the difference and routinely conflate one upon the other. Maddening.

No difference Taliban’s all are same during soviet afghan war and current American afghan war.
They are the same people with same objective to remove outside from their land.
I know Taliban’s are not in power during afghan Russia war but the people recruited in Taliban today are also the same Afghanis.
No difference Taliban’s all are same during soviet afghan war and current American afghan war.
They are the same people with same objective to remove outside from their land.
I know Taliban’s are not in power during afghan Russia war but the people recruited in Taliban today are also the same Afghanis.

Does any one think that the Afghans would be better with the Taliban in power....I think every body should be entitled to go to hell in their own way as long as they dont insist on takeing others with them.
"P.S. BTW, how exactly your OSINT is progressing here on PDF, mind to share your EEIs some day via PMs??"

OSINT- Open source intelligence

EEI- Essential elements of information


You first.;)

Well i didnt ask you to de-acronymize the stuff.

Dont freak out!
Does any one think that the Afghans would be better with the Taliban in power....I think every body should be entitled to go to hell in their own way as long as they dont insist on takeing others with them.

Talibans were in power before 2001 nothing happened.
"Well i didnt ask you to de-acronymize the stuff.

Dont freak out!"

Excuse me? "freak out"?:D

Naw. Just letting our fellow members here in on some of the trade language.

btw, do you have to fill out a "foreign agent contact report" if we exchange P.M.s?

My controllers want to know...:agree:
Odd isnt it Mass Murder,,, Use of Chemical Weapons is irrelevant when it comes to muslims doing it...so I guess if things went your way,, Saddam and his sons would stilll be running Iraq.

It is irrelevant because it is not the subject under discussion.

Or are you an Israeli apologist who excuse everything Israel does because "It's not as bad as the Holocaust"?
Does any one think that the Afghans would be better with the Taliban in power....I think every body should be entitled to go to hell in their own way as long as they dont insist on takeing others with them.

There are two aspects to the Taliban: the nationalist zeal which propels them to expel the foreign invaders, and the Wahhabi extremism brought in by Al Qaeda.

There is nothing wrong with the first aspect, but the Wahhabi extremism needs to be removed. They need to be reeducated towards a more moderate form of Islam. This is also in Pakistan's interest. We do not want a crazy Wahhabi regime next door which can, and has, seeped into our own people.
I love it, Good work done by ISI!!

The US agent killed by USA Drone attack. I was always against diplomacy but this time i have no choice just to admire it [:)]
It is irrelevant because it is not the subject under discussion.

The fact that you brought Iraq into a Behtullah Masud thread automatically makes it relevant. :)

And no one is apologizing for Israel either, but when Muslims commit atrocities amongst their own people than they should be rightfully condemned as well. We love to propagate and blame the infidels all the time but when was the last time you saw a protest for the victims of Darfur in the Muslim world? When was the last time you saw a protest in the Muslim world when the Taliban were in power oppressing and harassing its own country men? When was the last time you saw a Protest in the Islamic world condemning Saddam Hussain for using Chemical and biological weapons against its own countrymen?

When was the last time we saw a protest from people like Jamat-e-Islami for a health-care plan, for scientific research, for education and technology, for a good economic plan or a protest for demanding reconstruction of broken infrastructures? The only protest they ever do is against the U S of A and the infidel 'Jews' and Israel

Lets not be hypocritical here shall we!!
Now please continue the discussion about Behtullah Masud
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