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Bahrain, first Arab country to put Hezbollah on terrorist list

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@Syrian Lion

You didn't bring something new xD.

When it comes to countering terrorism, Pakistan is an expert.

Assad is a vampire though.:omghaha:

you come from a country we view as friendly so i dont want to engage in cross banter when i have much more valuable things to do with my time

but you're digging into a bucket of quicksand if YOU want to mock Pakistan about counter-terrorism
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You, and most westerners, underestimate Hezbollah. Hezbollah is not an organization, but inherent to Lebanon and to atleast 40% of the Lebanese population -
Currently Hezbo represents almost all Lebanese Shia in southern Lebanon only because they scarcely tolerate competitors; even its ally, Amal, knows it only exists by Hezbollah sufferance and must support Hezbo in everything 110%.

Destroying them is impossible -
It's "impossible" because of the very strong Lebanese political requirement that minority communities and armed groups are never wiped out entirely, lest Lebanon's much-vaunted political "balance" be permanently disrupted. Hezbollah may never disappear but its popularity is low and soon after its arms and money are cut off the political pendulum may swing away from them once more and Hezbollah be reduced from controlling entire districts to just a few fenced-in enclaves protecting people who would otherwise be accounted criminals for their past deeds against the State and their fellow Lebanese.
Bahrain has been hiring Pakistanis in its security establishment, for decades. Pakistanis fought for Syria against Israel, whats new in that?
You said it... it helped Syria AGAINST ISRAEL NOT ARABS....
you come from a country we view as friendly so i dont want to engage in cross banter when i have much more valuable things to do with my time
but you're digging into a bucket of quicksand if YOU want to mock Pakistan about counter-terrorism

When I say Pakistan is the best country in the effort of countering terrorism, I mean it for real. Go through the ISI record and you will understand that I'm not joking. :pakistan: I probably love Pakistan more than you do.

The ISI is now giving them the cold shoulder due to more important tasks. By the end of 2014, you will understand what I mean.

The public record the ISI is taking pride of is enough.
Well my initiation tells me that you are a Shia and thus have believes that are shared by most Shias on the issues we are discussing. Just like we all see it from our point of view.

Why is Qatar not part of KSA? No person can answer that question. Both Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and UAE are all new states. It does not mean that they had no history prior to their independence/creation as states but all 4 are tied to Arabia and there is virtually no differences. After all they are all located on the Arabian Peninsula.

Yes, they are Balochi immigrants. Their name says it all. I thought we were talking about locals? Because the Arabian Peninsula, especially since the 1950's and in Hejaz (since Islam appeared and way before that even) have attracted foreigners, not that they ever were anything more than a little minority. Today 90 percent of them (non-locals) are non-nationals and partial residents. The indigenous Arab and Semitic people are still the same as always though.

No, I have not seen your post on that subject 7abbi but I am glad that you can differentiate.:)

Sure but that is why you have 5-10 percent of the local Bahrainis (50.000-100.000) individuals who are partially Persian as I told you although most today have intermarried with the local Arab population.

Well Hezbollah does not owe Southern Lebanon. Especially since the organization is a well-known proxy that is controlled from Tehran. Last time I checked Tehran has no business in the Arab world.

The Taliban, whom we compared earlier, are also "indigenous" to the Pashtun areas of Afghanistan but I am not sure that their description changes because of that.;)

Well, it all points to a work of Hezbollah. It would not be the first kind of such an attack.

Well, I just made a comparison that was easy to understand for all.

Sure Saudi Arabia is the world's 13th biggest country with different climates, diverse landscapes and great geographical differences and distances from North to South and West to East. So obviously the population is not the same everywhere in look, culture etc. but all regions are inhabited by Arabs. What you are referring to are Afro-Arabs which I already mentioned shortly if you spotted that.;) They form approximately 10 percent of the population and are descendants of pilgrims who settled or former slaves.

I agree.

Let's end. I have made my points clear and we seem to be in agreement largely with everything aside from the Hezbollah thing.

I understand that thought of it being legitimate but many Muslims/individuals could argue the same about the Taliban for example.

There is very little difference overall. Both are native, religious and military organizations. Both have fought against outsiders, both enjoy great support in some areas of their respective countries (Afghanistan and Lebanon) and one is labelled a terrorist by Iran and the other by Bahrain this time.

Anyway Hezbollah had my and most Arabs support, regardless sect or ideology back in 2006 but what they have done after that in Syria have caused them great harm and now most Arabs have turned away from them, outside the Shias who formed it obviously. Same with their leaders in Iran (the Iranian regime).

Nice to have a normal civil talk.
You said it... it helped Syria AGAINST ISRAEL NOT ARABS....

Pakistan considers Asad to be a tyrant and we wish to see his head on the tip of the spear being paraded through the bazars of Damascus. We are friends with Syrian people,we proved it with our actions but not with a tyrant and a mass murderer.

you come from a country we view as friendly so i dont want to engage in cross banter when i have much more valuable things to do with my time

but you're digging into a bucket of quicksand if YOU want to mock Pakistan about counter-terrorism

He wasn't exactly mocking. ISI's counter terrorism record is well known and respected all across the shop. The **** that hit the fan in last 8 years could have been 10X the size.
Pakistan considers Asad to be a tyrant and we wish to see his head on the tip of the spear being paraded through the bazars of Damascus. We are friends with Syrian people,we proved it with our actions but not with a tyrant and a mass murderer.
If you are friends with the Syrian people, then you would not want to see bloodshed in Syria, thus you must be supporting peace? but no, you support the killing and the destruction of Syrians... you support sending terrorists and weapons to Syria.. and that would only cause more bloodshed...
And what kind of mod are you? :disagree: you went off topic.. we were talking about Pakistan in Bahrain, then you talked about Pakistan helping Syria against Israel, and now you are talking about Alasad.......
Bahrain has been hiring Pakistanis in its security establishment, for decades. Pakistanis fought for Syria against Israel, whats new in that?

The private security firms (private - non state) provided their security apparatus with additional support

It was a commercial venture.

A lot of Bahrains police force is comprised of ethnic Baloch whose ancestry is in Pakistan.

Old phenomenon.
If you are friends with the Syrian people, then you would not want to see bloodshed in Syria, thus you must be supporting peace? but no, you support the killing and the destruction of Syrians... you support sending terrorists and weapons to Syria.. and that would only cause more bloodshed...
And what kind of mod are you? :disagree: you went off topic.. we were talking about Pakistan in Bahrain, then you talked about Pakistan helping Syria against Israel, and now you are talking about Alasad.......

Every drop of Syrian blood pains me on a personal level. We are a nation who wrote its declaration of Independence in our own blood and have fought for every second of liberty. We blasted a superpower,and have kept a country 8 times our size at bay. I don't support Asad,his father and their collective mass murder of Syrians. You are a Christian, i do understand why you support him but i don't support your chosen neglectfulness of his crimes against humanity.

Back to topic.
Every drop of Syrian blood pains me on a personal level. We are a nation who wrote its declaration of Independence in our own blood and have fought for every second of liberty. We blasted a superpower,and have kept a country 8 times our size at bay. I don't support Asad,his father and their collective mass murder of Syrians. You are a Christian, i do understand why you support him but i don't support your chosen neglectfulness of his crimes against humanity.

Back to topic.
My religon has nothing to do with Alasad ( read my signature), it is every SYRIAN DUTY TO DEFEND SYRIA from the western terrorism. Syria will never kneel down and will never be a western puppet... you don't understand Syrians... we Syrians lived in peace and we had everything we needed ( thank God), until the western democracy aka terrorism came to Syria... I know that you are against Alasad, because he is Alawaite, I see that because you are referring to a religion backing Alasad...I bet you area a supporter of Saddam, even though he killed millions of Iraqis...

Trust me... if Alasad was killing Syrians, he would have been gone long time ago...
try to answer these questions.. maybe you will wake up...
@ Pakistanis. It has nothing to do with us. Just leave and let the Arabs, Sunni and Shia supporters continue their usual aruguments
Pakistan considers Asad to be a tyrant and we wish to see his head on the tip of the spear being paraded through the bazars of Damascus. We are friends with Syrian people,we proved it with our actions but not with a tyrant and a mass murderer.

He wasn't exactly mocking. ISI's counter terrorism record is well known and respected all across the shop. The **** that hit the fan in last 8 years could have been 10X the size.

The Pakistani state hasn't passed any comments for or against Assad

Quite frankly - we have nothing to do with the uprising there. What's happening however is devastating and heart breaking to say the least. I've been following the conflict closely as an outsider

If we all are prepared to label Hezbollah as terrorist then also label Jaba al Nusra (al Qaeda essentially) as terrorists.

I have seen how they operate, I've seen their indoctrination videos. They will destroy Syrian from its seams. Do you want that for Syria?

At least Hezbollah are product of Lebanese society. If they were Iranian citizens occupying South Lebanon engaging in anti state actiity then yes - their expulsion would be valid.

Don't bring up religious sect. I flush "Sunni" and "Shiia" titles down my toilet long ago. I don't accept it.

As for ISI - they are good but they aren't God. I trust them to keep us safe to best of their ability

We have many enemies and are situated in a hostile region
Stop it Syrian Lion. You have been exposed as an hypocrite time and time again. Your own Syrian regime was supporting terrorism in neighboring countries, including Iraq which I and other users already provided plenty of evidence for.

So who killed those 70.000 civilian Syrians?

Anyway as Aeronaut said then stay on topic. There is Syrian thread for that.
The Pakistani state hasn't passed any comments or or against Assad


Pakistani President Stresses need to Respect Syria's Sovereignty

Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari stressed the need to respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Zardari Spokesman Farhatullah Barbar said that during a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi in Islamabad on Monday, President Zardari added that any external intervention would further complicate the situation and would have severe repercussions on neighboring countries.

He stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria should be made by the Syrians and led by them, expressing Pakistan's readiness to play a role along with Egypt in reaching a peaceful solution to the crisis in the country.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::
I was not addressing you Aero when I said thing about leave sect bullshyt alone
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