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Bahrain, first Arab country to put Hezbollah on terrorist list

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Thts one pissed off internet hindu we have here... :lol:

The circle of trolling started with al-hasni asking an Indian member to not post on middle eastern issue -->An Indian member replying about this being an open forum ----> al- hasani brought reference to toilets and his degrees -----> counter trolling by Indians regarding backwardness of arabs -----> Al hasni bringing religion and caste jibes to shore up argument -------------> The quoted Indian member exploding.

What do you expect would happen if one indulges in sh!t throwing business?
Stupid dumbass Saudi. Really? Fighting's not in our blood? We have fought 3 wars with Pakistan and a war with China. Meanwhile , you dumb primitive camel riding bedouins **** your pants when the Iraqis came and had to call the US to save your anuses. Indians are respected around the world for their contributing to science and finance, meanwhile all you dirty towel heads are treated like trash. Go to a US airport and you'll see how you people are treated. All what you saudis have done is promote terrorism. Everyone in the world knows Saudis and Arabs are among the dumbest people on the planet. There is no Saudi engineer or doctor which is why half your country is composed of expatriates. Saudis are just primitive bedouins with an IQ of an ape. Your brain is incapable of complex mathematics and computing. Your low intellect restricts you to tasks like camel riding and farming. Science and Technology is not meant for arabs and Saudis. The only reason your country is developed is because of your petroleum reserves. This gives you the money to employ expatriates who actually have brains to work , unlike the Saudis.

LOL , Arabs and Muslims ruled India for centuries? First of all , the only muslim rulers of India were mughals and they were Persians and Afghanis , not Arabs. Arabs were basically dumb sand people who roamed the earth without any purpose and didn't have the technology or the martial skills required to conquer another nation. You arabs were never a martial race. All you countries combined together got raped by a tiny country such as Israel. They took their land , humiliated you arabs, and every now and then , they drop a bomb killing you arabs like cockroaches. As for India, lets not even talk about it. A couple of Indian nukes can erase you sand people from existence. Now go back to your cave or tent and talk to your 10 wives and tell them about your plans to blow up a train.

The world laughs at you arabs. The arab world is basically animal kingdom. Dumb low IQ people blowing up each other everywhere.Arabs die everyday like cockroaches and the world doesn't even care. Once the petroleum reserves are over , your country will go back to being an empty sandland with stinky bedouins , just like it was 5 decades ago.

Go ahead Iranians, build your nukes and get the Saudis under your nuclear umbrella. I doubt these primitive camel riders can cause any harm to you.

Calm down, don't get mad so easily :lol:. This anger might drive you to do something foolish like this poor fellow Indian family. I can see how powerful India is especially every time China trolls you with their ships :china:

Let just take your claims one by one u Hindus ABHM freak.

Fasten your seat belt, and have some popcorn!
Sadam never came to invade KSA ,in fact we had a nonaggression pact with him already and a small nation like Kuwait couldn't stand a chance against him; Just an FYI Sadam had the 4th largest & Strongest Army in the World meaning that a foreign intervention was imminent. The Kuwaitis found themselves in the same situation the South Koreans were facing along with the South Vietnamese. Meanwhile, China crushed the so-called GREAT nation of yours as fast as you probably could never imagine :wave: go ahead and ask your teacher in case you don't know. Of course someone like you would brag about defeating the Pakistanis back in 71 ,but you and I know that up to this moment India has been bleeding endlessly :rofl:. There's no greater humiliation that the Mumbai attack kiddo ,and guess what? Your leaders kept their mouths shut:wave:

As for the Israelis card, I just find it so hilarious that every Indian I see in this forum tells me the Israelis defeat you Arabs? Wait a minute? What Arabs are you talking about? The Egyptians went to war along with the Syrians, Did we go to war with them? NO! No one ever humiliated Saudi brat ,we brought the entire continent of Europe to their knees ,along with the Americans, go and do some research on that:lol:.

It doesn't matter how strong the Israeli regime is HINDUS, The fact that has been taken for granted is that Israel is the 51st State of America, without the unconditional support from the US ,Israel would have been gone for good. The least is that the Syrians got a part of the Golan back ,and both Egypt and Israel made peace ,and all. From this day forward put this card back to your pocket, it won't help you a lot. I don't care about Israel, nor do I care if it flourishes or disappear. I won't even bother if a mushroom cloud covered the whole Land of Israel either:lol:

Camels! miraculous and very wonderful creatures; They taught us how to be patient and we have never been ashamed of them ever. In fact, some camels are more expensive than 20 Indians families:cheesy:; yeah trading 'em is a paid off job HINDUS trust me, especially those who could be sold for millions of $ ,not to mention how beautiful some of them truly are. What they hell did the Brits left you with? A chaotic ,pathetic,and miserable country ,and guess what? The vast majority of Indians are living in the same way ,or maybe worse xD. We ,on the other hand are living in a prosperous country ,and we will continue developing our nation and helping our friends and allies too.

Get some fact on Camels b4 shouting and raving about them.

Speaking of Saudis and what they are known for, I just feel sorry for you that your brain can't allow you to understand other people's culture. Just like any other nation on the planet, we also invented amazing stuff from technology and beyond. Your bigoted ego is too ignorant to know that anyways.

Saudi Inventors Win 9 Prizes at International Exhibition of Inventors

More Inventions for you Hindus
And More
One more 4 you!

But, maybe, Inventions are not something that interests you, yes? How about the successful cure for cancer that has been under study for the last 10 years and went into human-testing since 2009? ... Oh, what am I saying, cure for cancer is NOT good for mankind. Silly me. How about the establishment of the first-ever disabled children center in Riyadh? A center that is open to the worst cases in neighboring ME States and a training ground for therapists in the the whole of the middle east? Or how about doing Siamese-twins separation surgeries every other month to save the lives of NON-Saudi children? ..... But, maybe medicine doesn't interest you.. ! lol... Dude go read a book will ya?
Ok, I'm honestly bored. Go to Google and type "Saudi art", "Saudi literature", "Saudi culture" and you will get your results. I would hate to patronize people by talking to them like they are complete idiots.

Also, I think that I read something about nuking Saudi right? GTFO Hindu, we've got nukes too, you will regret the day you use them on us. With a second strike capability, Hindus will turn to nothing but dust! Even though they're living in it already these days = \

All right guys see you next time!
Calm down, don't get mad so easily :lol:. This anger might drive you to do something foolish like this poor fellow Indian family. I can see how powerful India is especially every time China trolls you with their ships :china:

Let just take your claims one by one u Hindus ABHM freak.

Fasten your seat belt, and have some popcorn!
A- Sadam never came to invade KSA ,in fact we had a nonaggression pact with him already and a small nation like Kuwait couldn't stand a chance against him; Just an FYI Sadam had the 4th largest & Strongest Army in the World meaning that a foreign intervention was imminent. The Kuwaitis found themselves in the same situation the South Koreans were facing along with the South Vietnamese. Meanwhile, China crushed the so-called GREAT nation of yours as fast as you probably could never imagine :wave: go ahead and ask your teacher in case you don't know. Of course someone like you would brag about defeating the Pakistanis back in 71 ,but you and I know that up to this moment India has been bleeding endlessly :rofl:. There's no greater humiliation that the Mumbai attack kiddo ,and guess what? Your leaders kept their mouths shut:wave:

As for the Israelis card, I just find it so hilarious that every Indian I see in this forum tells me the Israelis defeat you Arabs? Wait a minute? What Arabs are you talking about? The Egyptians went to war along with the Syrians, Did we go to war with them? NO! No one ever humiliated Saudi brat ,we brought the entire continent of Europe to their knees ,along with the Americans, go and do some research on that:lol:.

It doesn't matter how strong the Israeli regime is HINDUS, The fact that has been taken for granted is that Israel is the 51st State of America, without the unconditional support from the US ,Israel would have been gone for good. The least is that the Syrians got a part of the Golan back ,and both Egypt and Israel made peace ,and all. From this day forward put this card back to your pocket, it won't help you a lot. I don't care about Israel, nor do I care if it flourishes or disappear. I won't even bother if a mushroom cloud covered the whole Land of Israel either:lol:

Camels! miraculous and very wonderful creatures; They taught us how to be patient and we have never been ashamed of them ever. In fact, some camels are more expensive than 20 Indians families:cheesy:; yeah trading 'em is a paid off job HINDUS trust me, especially those who could be sold for millions of $ ,not to mention how beautiful some of them truly are. What they hell did the Brits left you with? A chaotic ,pathetic,and miserable country ,and guess what? The vast majority of Indians are living in the same way ,or maybe worse xD. We ,on the other hand are living in a prosperous country ,and we will continue developing our nation and helping our friends and allies too.

Get some fact on Camels b4 shouting and raving about them.

Speaking of Saudis and what they are known for, I just feel sorry for you that your brain can't allow you to understand other people's culture. Just like any other nation on the planet, we also invented amazing stuff from technology and beyond. Your bigoted ego is too ignorant to know that anyways.

Saudi Inventors Win 9 Prizes at International Exhibition of Inventors

More Inventions for you Hindus
And More
One more 4 you!

But, maybe, Inventions are not something that interests you, yes? How about the successful cure for cancer that has been under study for the last 10 years and went into human-testing since 2009? ... Oh, what am I saying, cure for cancer is NOT good for mankind. Silly me. How about the establishment of the first-ever disabled children center in Riyadh? A center that is open to the worst cases in neighboring ME States and a training ground for therapists in the the whole of the middle east? Or how about doing Siamese-twins separation surgeries every other month to save the lives of NON-Saudi children? ..... But, maybe medicine doesn't interest you.. ! lol... Dude go read a book will ya?
Ok, I'm honestly bored. Go to Google and type "Saudi art", "Saudi literature", "Saudi culture" and you will get your results. I would hate to patronize people by talking to them like they are complete idiots.

Also, I think that I read something about nuking Saudi right? GTFO Hindu, we've got nukes too, you will regret the day you use them on us. With a second strike capability, Hindus will turn to nothing but dust! Even though they're living in it already these days = \

All right guys see you next time!

LOL , I only read the last paragraph for the sake of it and din't feel the need to read the rest. LOL , Saudi Sandniggers have nukes? Of course they do , just like my dick reaches the centre of the milky way galaxy. Saudis don't even know how to manufacture TNT let alone know how to manufacture a nuclear bomb. We can destroy you bunch of stinky sand people in no time while all you can do is stare while your heads get filled with radiation.We have enough nukes to destroy your country a 1000 times over. Saudis can't even build a missile to go from Jeddah to Riyadh , let alone to India:

LOL , and mumbai attacks is a humiliation? Hows that a humiliation? 10 people with ak -47s entred and started shooting unarmed people. Give me an ak-47 and I can kill a 1000 of you worthless ****** sandnigger towel heads in no time. You know what's real humiliation? When the world refers to saudis as brainless suicide bombers. Go to a US or EU airport. I have witnessed this first hand. First the Saudi cuntbrick is asked to take off his shoes , then his belt ,then he's taken for questioning. Same is done to his 5 wives. Then the chick at the counter arrogantly asks the sandnigger to move on. Now that's real humiliation dumbass saudi

Now shove off and go learn how to blow up a train. Meanwhile , I will turn on my TV and watch some videos of your terrorist brothers getting their ***** droned or getting a headshot to their brainless head.
LoL try us and you will see. Go and do some intelligence gatherings, I can assure you that we got big things in store for you.

Rubbish, I lived in the West for quite sometime ,therefore I know better. Now we can get to the US as fast as the EU citizens, didn't you hear FoxNews ranting about it :omghaha:

Bye Bye!
LOL , I only read the last paragraph for the sake of it and din't feel the need to read the rest. LOL , Saudi Sandniggers have nukes? Of course they do , just like my dick reaches the centre of the milky way galaxy. Saudis don't even know how to manufacture TNT let alone know how to manufacture a nuclear bomb. We can destroy you bunch of stinky sand people in no time while all you can do is stare while your heads get filled with radiation.We have enough nukes to destroy your country a 1000 times over. Saudis can't even build a missile to go from Jeddah to Riyadh , let alone to India:

LOL , and mumbai attacks is a humiliation? Hows that a humiliation? 10 people with ak -47s entred and started shooting unarmed people. Give me an ak-47 and I can kill a 1000 of you worthless ****** sandnigger towel heads in no time. You know what's real humiliation? When the world refers to saudis as brainless suicide bombers. Go to a US or EU airport. I have witnessed this first hand. First the Saudi cuntbrick is asked to take off his shoes , then his belt ,then he's taken for questioning. Same is done to his 5 wives. Then the chick at the counter arrogantly asks the sandnigger to move on. Now that's real humiliation dumbass saudi

Now shove off and go learn how to blow up a train. Meanwhile , I will turn on my TV and watch some videos of your terrorist brothers getting their ***** droned or getting a headshot to their brainless head.
LOL , I only read the last paragraph for the sake of it and din't feel the need to read the rest. LOL , Saudi Sandniggers have nukes? Of course they do , just like my dick reaches the centre of the milky way galaxy. Saudis don't even know how to manufacture TNT let alone know how to manufacture a nuclear bomb. We can destroy you bunch of stinky sand people in no time while all you can do is stare while your heads get filled with radiation.We have enough nukes to destroy your country a 1000 times over. Saudis can't even build a missile to go from Jeddah to Riyadh , let alone to India:

LOL , and mumbai attacks is a humiliation? Hows that a humiliation? 10 people with ak -47s entred and started shooting unarmed people. Give me an ak-47 and I can kill a 1000 of you worthless ****** sandnigger towel heads in no time. You know what's real humiliation? When the world refers to saudis as brainless suicide bombers. Go to a US or EU airport. I have witnessed this first hand. First the Saudi cuntbrick is asked to take off his shoes , then his belt ,then he's taken for questioning. Same is done to his 5 wives. Then the chick at the counter arrogantly asks the sandnigger to move on. Now that's real humiliation dumbass saudi

Now shove off and go learn how to blow up a train. Meanwhile , I will turn on my TV and watch some videos of your terrorist brothers getting their ***** droned or getting a headshot to their brainless head.


You guys need to look in the mirror...
Ḥashshāshīn;4147276 said:

You guys need to look in the mirror...

Don't know where my head is at ._.

I liked his reaction though. Some Indian resistance.

From the very begining my argument was that the West has to stop talking about bombing Iran. It came to little to late and the sanctions are harming Iraninas more than the Govt.

Nextweek, there will be a closed door dialogue between Iran and KSA on a set of many issues. I'm %100 these talks will be good for both of them ,trust me.
My family lineage is the oldest in the world. You on the other hand are either one of ethnic groups of Iran who were Persianized (all of them aside from Arabs are insignificant and without any history) or a Persian who originates on the Kazakh Steppe.

Your ancestors are probably all either sect members or fire worshippers. Go flog yourself and cry aloud. Preferably collect a key straight to jahannam Kazakh Nomad.

Arabs were all either Jews, Christians or worshipped ancient Semitic religions (oldest civilizations in the world) when you Persians were still living as primitive nomads on the Kazakh Steppe.

500 years before your Gypsy the Great we had Queen Sheeba who was the first queen in history and was mentioned in the Torah 3000 years ago.

You as most Iranians are sissies from heart who are unable to fight or resist anything. The language itself sounds like sissies speaking.

Remember the Conquest of Persia? You will get another one this time once for good.
From the very begining my argument was that the West has to stop talking about bombing Iran. It came to little to late and the sanctions are harming Iraninas more than the Govt.

Nextweek, there will be a closed door dialogue between Iran and KSA on a set of many issues. I'm %100 these talks will be good for both of them ,trust me.

Sanctions were never intended to harm the Iranian government, but only to reduce Iran's economic power. Talks between KSA and Iran?
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