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BAF observes death anniversary of Bir Shreshtho Matiur Rahman

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1/ We are also thankful to India :-) they have saved us from suicide bombing ,school massacre, drone attacks
2/of course your soldiers returned home but as loosers.
It is Pakistan who blames RAW for suicide attacks and every single problem :lol: an average Bangladeshi always blames corrupt politicians for the problems but never RAW . Now tell me which country is infested with RAW.
BSF Kills us but they faces trial (even if they are released) but India never did this for pakistan :lol:
3/of course you surrendered to India :rofl: and instead of being ashamed you are happy :rofl:
4/yes you guys killed our civilians but that makes you guys terrorists not winners :-)
5/Of course you are happy with the results of those wars( :rofl::rofl::rofl: ) even i am happy with the results.
Israel showed world that size doesn't matter. Ofcourse, India was bigger but Pakistani economy was stronger and uncle Sam supported Pakistan and still you guys lost :-)
5/So you are saying pakistan gave permission for those drone attacks :lol: see @bongbang it is not rape it is prostitution.
6/please wake up man pakistan never fucked USSR everyone knows it was America and Saudi money :)
7/Pakistan is good guy and never played double game :) but Do you know back in 70's we were communist and showed guts by openly supporting cuba and in the 90's we took active part in the Gulf war alongside NATO but the "great martial race" never fought an active war alongside the allies LOL please don't talk about double game again :lol:
Pakistan is playing no game in Afghanistan but Afghanistan is playing lots of game inside pakistan using TTP as proxy :rofl:
Have a nice day :)

1. but they were unable to save ur sisters fucked by us :partay:
2. win or lose is part of war but at least we fucked 3 million of our enemies.. and looser in what scene? we never wanted that ugly stinky bongs in our country.. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
we blame RAW so does India blame isi for every thing what u desperate bhangis have to do with it :omghaha:
3. Yes i am happy that we handover piece of shit to India and return to our lovely homeland. now Indians are fucking u.:yahoo:
4. we are happy to be terrorist for scums like u :police:
5. so that war was win win for both of us :-) who is the looser then?
Israel shows because America was on their back but unlike them for us was only lip service.. while ussr supported India by actions and weapons...
5. no that was win win... we won their confidence to Fvck them in return with Afghan Taliban and Haqqanis :D
6 Yeh shithole Bhangi land did this..:lol: US and Saudi money was in air and Taliban was catching it day and night.. ask ur @asad71 about role of ISI in Afghan war.. turd even we have direct rule of Afghanistan for five years :D
7. bcoz we are not slaves like u.:rolleyes1:. we only fought for our interest.. we fought in Afghanistan to save our country from soviets then in 90;s we fought to save Afghanistan from Russian and Indian proxies and we succeeded. and about ttp.. lol TTP is kid we dealt with them and they are now hiding their asses in caves of Afghanistan. proxy war is a two way street .. but end result matters..

yeah if u dont give support to cuba it will fall to US.. that's what u meant bhangi :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Yeah if u were not part of Gulf war NAto would be doomed ??? Bengali save the world as well ofcoure we martial race are nowhere near aliens of bengal :patsak:
1. but they were unable to save ur sisters fucked by us :partay:
2. win or lose is part of war but at least we fucked 3 million of our enemies.. and looser in what scene? we never wanted that ugly stinky bongs in our country.. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
we blame RAW so does India blame isi for every thing what u desperate bhangis have to do with it :omghaha:
3. Yes i am happy that we handover piece of shit to India and return to our lovely homeland. now Indians are fucking u.:yahoo:
4. we are happy to be terrorist for scums like u :police:
5. so that war was win win for both of us :-) who is the looser then?
Israel shows because America was on their back but unlike them for us was only lip service.. while ussr supported India by actions and weapons...
5. no that was win win... we won their confidence to Fvck them in return with Afghan Taliban and Haqqanis :D
6 Yeh shithole Bhangi land did this..:lol: US and Saudi money was in air and Taliban was catching it day and night.. ask ur @asad71 about role of ISI in Afghan war.. turd even we have direct rule of Afghanistan for five years :D
7. bcoz we are not slaves like u.:rolleyes1:. we only fought for our interest.. we fought in Afghanistan to save our country from soviets then in 90;s we fought to save Afghanistan from Russian and Indian proxies and we succeeded. and about ttp.. lol TTP is kid we dealt with them and they are now hiding their asses in caves of Afghanistan. proxy war is a two way street .. but end result matters..

yeah if u dont give support to cuba it will fall to US.. that's what u meant bhangi :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Yeah if u were not part of Gulf war NAto would be doomed ??? Bengali save the world as well ofcoure we martial race are nowhere near aliens of bengal :patsak:
1/it was not their duty. We failed to protect our sisters but trust me when I say "we will not forget we will not forgive"
2/I know that but loosing every single war is completely "pakistani thing"
and nope indians don't blame isi they blame 'immigrants'
3/you are still not ashamed for signing the "instrument of surrender" :lol: you are truly shameless
4/We are also happy that you guys are terrorist :-) whenever problems arises in our life we console ourselves saying that atleast we are not in pakistan :rofl:
5/Everyone knows who won that war :-) and Israel shows because they don't have terrorist factories.
6(You wrote 5 twice)/Nope you guys tried but failed to gain their confidence that's why they never told your govt about Abottabad mission :-) and it is pakistan who is getting fucked by taliban (peshawar attack)
7/isi acted as an extension of CIA. Their every action was ordered from washington not islamabad. You guys simply obeyed your master :-)
8/Nope, it's simply because your troops were busy keeping your unstable country united. As of today, your country is still unstable [Today 43 people died in waziristan in an air strike (R.I.P)]
9/whatever flies your kite :-)
I never claimed that our support for cuba or allies changed the political scenario I simply showed you that double gaming is very normal and it is nothing to boast around but it is you Pakistanis who always wetdream about shifting the political polarity :lol:
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That swamp also happened to be the best productive land in the world. Better than Pakistan where 80% is useless desert,mountain.:rofl::rofl:

I would rather live in a overcrowded slum than living in a cave with goat f*cking illiterate taliban in your country.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Yeah,Largest surrender since WW2.:PRun to indian army to save their arse.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

They are smuggler and some of them get killed. But real Humiliation is to receive gang bang on multiple front.America drone you,India gun down you,:lol:Iran bomb you,Even Afghanistan shoot you like bird in the border.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Best land....best people

Still millions cross over illegally to the biggest open toilet to have a better living.

Just shows where they come from is even a bigger sh*t hole.

Even after 40 yrs still sucking up to Bhartis....too bad wouldn't help you when you try to jump over the fence !

That's the best reply you can come up with??What else could be expected from subhumans also known as "Pakistani".
Pathetic.Your parents must be very proud of you!!Or they might be as pathetic and as you.

Best reply??
Far from it
But looks like i hit a nerve :lol:

Rather i crushed a nerve :agree:

Next time keep that in mind while posting shit about Pakistan here on PAKISTAN defence..
Better join your own machi machi forum

This thread needs to be cleaned. The language used is disgraceful.

War is over, BD fought bravely and is recognized by Pakistan as a proud independent nation. There is no dispute.

@waz @Jango
So much negativity around here!:(:(
Both pilots are legends in their respective nation at least have some respect for them.
Disgusting comments on here. I have lost respect for quite a few people on this thread. The worst offenders have been banned, for a few days, a week, depending on what they said.
Instead of tagging me you decided to hurl abuse at each other. What a sorry state of affairs for you folks. I pity you....

I'll leave the comments up for everyone else to marvel at your glory.

Thankfully you do not represent the Pakistani or Bengali people. Most of whom would be horrified to see what you wrote.
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