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Bad conditions for Muslims in India

Yes ...an average Pakistani has much better life....he stays in house... indoors most of the time ...because moving out in the streets is dangerous...you never know who is going to blow himself in the name of jihad and take him along with him. Indians live on roads(according to you).....ad they re not scared of losing their lives to Moronic Jehadis..... so who's got better life.... decide for yourself.

sorry, That was a cheap shot....but you asked for it.

oh i know any one alone move in streets and he can caught by any one :rofl: i think you see a very bad dream last night :eek:
any way reality is reality :coffee:
I think pakistanis should think of their own country's situation...rather than ours.....

and to those who have been lecturing us about muslims in india....see this quote..its by M.J Akbar.....an emminent indian journalist

"On the day that terrorists attacked Sri Lankan cricketers, I had a previously arranged speaking engagement at a university in Delhi before largely Muslim students. I began with the suggestion that every Indian Muslim should offer a special, public prayer of thanks to the Almighty Allah for His extraordinary benevolence - for the mercy He had shown by preventing us from ending up in Pakistan in 1947. The suggestion was received with startled amusement, instinctive applause and a palpable sense of sheer relief."

A flawed idea - The Siege Within - MJ Akbar - Opinion - Home - The Times of India

May be u guys should have stayed in india...:flame:
Truth sure is bitter, as can be seen by the posts of the endian members who flock this Pakistani forum.

Rather than accepting the truth, the age old hypocrisy of the hindus is self evident here.
Truth sure is bitter, as can be seen by the posts of the endian members who flock this Pakistani forum.

Rather than accepting the truth, the age old hypocrisy of the hindus is self evident here.

Mind your own country.....then think of others.....

The Chinese Muslims are in fact the muslims of central asia.
This is a huge region that takes up half the land mass of the world.
The Han oppress the Chinese muslims due to 5 thousand years of hatred against the mongolian tribes.
It was the mongolian tribes who became muslims.
Today it is called Uzbekistan, Tajikstan, China, Turkey etc.
They ruled India for centuries.

It was called the Mughal dynasty Mughal=Mongol.

The fall of the dynasty led to the downfall of the Muslims of India and the creation of Pakistan.

The fact is a thousand years ago we were all Hindu.

For 350 years the Muslims in India have stopped their spiritual work which has led to a shortfall in the development of both India and Pakistan.

Love and Blessings,

perfect statements from a wise man, one correction - we were all Aryans thousands of years ago, the ones use to pray Rain god "Indra" and energy God "surya".. This evolved and became the sanatan dharama (Hindu)..hindu is term for people from Hind (The subcontinent). But since 1000 yrs started being called hindu's as the ones not converted to Islam or cristanity (both islam and cristanity are newest religions) ..ok Sikhism is not religion it is a "sect".. "panth". Even today any hindu can make his eldest son convert to to be a sikh.
its strange to see really this is "Pakistan Defence" forum but there more indians here than pakistanis :cheesy: . Well the problem is not that india is country of a billion people of diverse cultures, the problem addressed in these videos is that this so called biggest democracy in the world allowed thousands of its so called "equal " citizens to be slaughtered, raped and burnt to death by fanatic hindus and it did not take a single action against them. I challenge you to find a single event in the whole history of the world where such brutality was committed where women were raped in front of their children and the butchered and burnt alive, where people where piled up to be burnt to death with police helping killers. The people who committed these crimes are still alive and free, often on prestigeous gvernment posts. Not a single person was punished and India is so shameless to still call itself a secular democracy
its strange to see really this is "Pakistan Defence" forum but there more indians here than pakistanis :cheesy: . Well the problem is not that india is country of a billion people of diverse cultures, the problem addressed in these videos is that this so called biggest democracy in the world allowed thousands of its so called "equal " citizens to be slaughtered, raped and burnt to death by fanatic hindus and it did not take a single action against them. I challenge you to find a single event in the whole history of the world where such brutality was committed where women were raped in front of their children and the butchered and burnt alive, where people where piled up to be burnt to death with police helping killers. The people who committed these crimes are still alive and free, often on prestigeous gvernment posts. Not a single person was punished and India is so shameless to still call itself a secular democracy

You are talking like a victim or witness. How can you say these are happening always. Yes there are Hindu fanatics and such incidents are might have happened. But it doesn't mean that India is a concentration camp for non Hindus.
its strange to see really this is "Pakistan Defence" forum but there more indians here than pakistanis :cheesy: . Well the problem is not that india is country of a billion people of diverse cultures, the problem addressed in these videos is that this so called biggest democracy in the world allowed thousands of its so called "equal " citizens to be slaughtered, raped and burnt to death by fanatic hindus and it did not take a single action against them. I challenge you to find a single event in the whole history of the world where such brutality was committed where women were raped in front of their children and the butchered and burnt alive, where people where piled up to be burnt to death with police helping killers. The people who committed these crimes are still alive and free, often on prestigeous gvernment posts. Not a single person was punished and India is so shameless to still call itself a secular democracy

Wherever you go kid...apart from Pakistan...you will find more Indians than Pakistanis.

Rest of your statement ....Heard that zillion times....and it doesn't matter to India Muslims...nor to the rest of the world.... so you can keep your self nice and warm ....thinking that Indian Muslims are in a bad shape.....anything that keeps you happy is justified.

Indians say Muslims don't complain, as people for saying leave indian muslims for india to handle, go a head handle. This is a discussion forum we are just discussing. I suggest every member to watch this last video.

If you got nothing to add regarding the muslims in india, don't flame or steep low to such levels that you start making personal attacks.
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Truth sure is bitter, as can be seen by the posts of the endian members who flock this Pakistani forum.

Rather than accepting the truth, the age old hypocrisy of the hindus is self evident here.


Anyone who is lamenting the status of Muslims in India please go and visit Kutubminar complex in New Delhi. There is a masjid there in the complex area, which is made up of pillars and stones from 1000 Hindu temples. Read it well, 1000 temples. New Delhi is the capital of India. If Muslims here did not have any voice, and were oppressed, would there be a living symbol of oppression of Hindus standing intact in the capital of the nation?

Imagine for a moment there were a big Church or temple in the heart of Islamabad/Lahore/Karachi that was built by razing to ground 1000 mosques. How long would the structure stand intact in "Secular" Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

There were (at least) 25% non-Muslims in Pakistan at the time of partition. What happened to them? Happily converted? Now there are only ~2% or thereabouts left. It must be only the second bigest change in demographics this century - the biggest, of course was of Jews from Germany. And you know how.

In contrast, The fraction of Muslim population in India has not only thrived, but increased in relation to their original percentage, and in some states like Kashmir and Kerala, they now are turning to be majorities. Imagine this happening in Sindh or Punjab or NWFP for that matter.

It is easy to hypothesise about the condition of Muslims to be bad in India, but the reality is the condition of Muslims (the whole lot as such) in Pakistan is worse, if you compare economic, social, political and religious freedoms.
You guys can rant as much as you want about minorities in India being unhappy. End of the day India is secular and a democracy and will always remain that way.

Please enjoy your last day as Pakistan, cause the news in the western media is that Pakistan will be divided into different parts.
Good one Panditji :)

I sometimes feel like Pakistan they have terrorist camp who is actively recruiting. They always pictures and videos of torture by one group and forget about the another.

How did Gujarat danga start? How many Hindus died before the it really started? None of Pakistanis debating even mention about as if some lives are more important than other.

Some mention unfortunate killing during partition but only side is mentioned as if the trains coming to India were any different.

They show Israeli torture, but completely ignore and not even condemn what Hamas does to Israel. This one way talk suits them well. Probably, that is why we see in Pakistan what is left is
* Army - which is itching to get into power.
* Mullah - who ready to get teenagers to go and bomb in Pakistan and abroad.
* Conspiracy theories - everything is RAW-Mossad-CIA, eventhough most of them know Taliban was created and supported by ISI.

From 10% of non-Muslim population in West-Pakistan at the time of partition to under 1% non-Muslim. Where did they all disappear?

In relentless attitude, now even kids born in UK and US who have Pakistani origin are becoming nightmares. Wake up dude and see what you guys turning Pakistan into! If goes on, there might no Pakistan government, only Taliban of AfPak!

Some even come up with the claim that it is State's plan. Well one party debates with numbers and stats and other debate with fiction, emotional videos and "proof" they have but cannot show! :hang2:
Good one Panditji :)

I sometimes feel like Pakistan they have terrorist camp who is actively recruiting. They always pictures and videos of torture by one group and forget about the another.

How did Gujarat danga start? How many Hindus died before the it really started? None of Pakistanis debating even mention about as if some lives are more important than other.

Some mention unfortunate killing during partition but only side is mentioned as if the trains coming to India were any different.

They show Israeli torture, but completely ignore and not even condemn what Hamas does to Israel. This one way talk suits them well. Probably, that is why we see in Pakistan what is left is
* Army - which is itching to get into power.
* Mullah - who ready to get teenagers to go and bomb in Pakistan and abroad.
* Conspiracy theories - everything is RAW-Mossad-CIA, eventhough most of them know Taliban was created and supported by ISI.

From 10% of non-Muslim population in West-Pakistan at the time of partition to under 1% non-Muslim. Where did they all disappear?

In relentless attitude, now even kids born in UK and US who have Pakistani origin are becoming nightmares. Wake up dude and see what you guys turning Pakistan into! If goes on, there might no Pakistan government, only Taliban of AfPak!

Some even come up with the claim that it is State's plan. Well one party debates with numbers and stats and other debate with fiction, emotional videos and "proof" they have but cannot show! :hang2:
Good plot for another Bollywood movie , Good Propaganda war ;)
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