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Bad Blood | Austrian Red Cross Doctor, rejects blood donations from Muslims.


May 3, 2009
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Red Cross doctor in Austria rejects blood donations from Muslims
12:28, 12 February 2014 Wednesday


The doctor in the city of Linz claimed that Muslims have bad blood and at least suffer from Hepititus B.

World Bulletin / News Desk

A doctor working for the Red Cross in the Austrian city of Linz has caused outrage by criticizing a blood donation campaign by an Islamic charity, claiming that Muslims who come from Muslim countries have bad blood.

The IRG foundation has been campaigning for Muslims to donate blood, but the Red Cross doctor's claim that Muslims all at very least have Hepititus B left charity worker Aysun Ozdemir shocked.

Ozdemir personally spoke with the doctor over the phone on February 5, criticizing the comments and informing the doctor that illnesses have got nothing to do with one's ethnic or religious background.

Ozdemir also told the doctor that the IRG foundation is an Austria-based foundation for Austrian Muslims, and that she herself had been in Austria for 23 years since she was two years old, but the doctor reportedly ignored this.

IRG foundation chairman Murat Baser said that a similar campaign was run by the charity last year in Linz, and not only did it get Red Cross approval but it was also published on the website.

The director of the Red Cross in Linz, Christian Gabriel, said that there was no religious criteria for blood, with the only requirement being that the donor is healthy.

However, Gabriel did add that while all are welcome to donate blood on an individual basis, the Red Cross has recently been distancing itself from accepting blood from charities, as in many cases bad blood has been turned away. Gabriel also said that the matter will be investigated.

Red Cross doctor in Austria rejects blood donations from Muslims | Muslim World | Worldbulletin News
NO news anywhere yet apart from twitteraties and worldbulletin news. I would wait to confirm from a reputable source as this is first time i am hearing this kind of news from Austria .
Muslims are ill treated by the westerners and always do their wars for freedom everywhere

Very funny
This is disgraceful if true, but because its not from a respectable news source, probably thread should be locked, tll OP finds a better one?
ok inject him blood with AIDS virus :coffee:
Yea thats good blood from the gora!

NO news anywhere yet apart from twitteraties and worldbulletin news. I would wait to confirm from a reputable source as this is first time i am hearing this kind of news from Austria .
Austrian Red Cross in hot water after ‘rejecting’ blood donations from Muslims
Austria's Red Cross has come under fire from the local Islamic community after one of its doctors reportedly refused to accept blood donations from Muslims or donors of Turkish origin due to the risk of Hepatitis B.

Austria-based charity group for Austrian Muslims, the IRG foundation, which has been campaigning to donate blood, reported on its website a Red Cross doctor from Linz, Austria’s third-biggest city, refused over the phone to accept blood donations “from Muslim or Turkish donors” including those born in Austria. The Islamic Religious Community of Linz has been outraged by the decision, which sparked religious prejudice concerns.

According to IRG foundation chairman Murat Baser, as cited by the Muslim-focused WorldBulletin.net, when a similar campaign was run by the charity last year, it was fully supported by Red Cross.

Following the incident, the director of the Red Cross in Linz, Christian Gabriel, told daStandart.at online portal that the doctor who has communicated with the Islamic religious community, “in no case had discriminatory intent.” He stressed there is no religious requirement for blood, with the only key factor being that the donor is healthy.

Gabriel explained that they already had some experience with various cultural organizations from the South Eastern European region and “de facto, all went wrong with these collaborations. In some blood drives, we found a hepatitis B prevalence of over 40 percent."

Gabriel said that “in the second and third generation migrants can already look different, and a person who since birth was monitored by the Austrian health care system is much less likely to have Hepatitis B antibodies in their blood. He pointed out that in this case the problem is mostly ethical for cultural association fundraisers, who would have to tell families who come to donate blood that not all of them can do that.

The head of the Vienna Blood Donation Center, Eva Menichetti, explained in an interview with the APA news agency, that anyone who was born or grew up in hepatitis B zones is excluded from blood donation, as well as those who lived in the areas where malaria is spread. She stated that when the second-generation members were not accepted, this was "a misunderstanding.” It was stated that admission to donate blood had nothing to do with religion or culture, but with the place of birth.

It's not the first time blood donations have raised public concerns. In December, Israel’s version of the Red Cross, Magen David Adom, refused to accept a blood donation from an Ethiopian-born Knesset member during a blood drive outside parliament. According to an MDA statement, under existing Israeli law Pnina Tamano-Shata couldn’t give blood because she lived in Ethiopia for the first three years of her life and was "potentially exposed to pathogens that could put recipients of blood donations at increased risk."

Tamano-Shata, a member of parliament for the centrist Yesh Atid party, argued that the rejection was“further proof that ‘equal rights’ for Ethiopians in Israel is a nice slogan that doesn’t exist in reality,” Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported. "I'm 32, I arrived in Israel at the age of three, did my military service and have two children. There's no reason to treat me in this way," she told Channel 10 television. Magen David Adom officials later agreed to take Tamano-Shata's blood, but only to freeze it.

Austrian Red Cross in hot water after ‘rejecting’ blood donations from Muslims — RT News

I think, he is not suitable to be Doctor in the first place. People who have such "Superiority complex" should not be in such professions.
Totally agreed if a guy can go that low over his superiority complex where he cant differentiate science from his nonesense complex then yea...he should be exposed and his license should be taken...Wonder where he got his diploma from the Nazi's lab?

No telling what he will do to bad blooded Muslims requiring blood donation!

Plus according to European laws what he said is down right racist not sue why no one else voiced out!

If all went wrong with some cultural organizations it just shows you to give proper training to organizations who want to help the blood bank...give them proper kits to test the blood....

And along comes another professor (The head of the Vienna Blood Donation Center, Eva Menichetti, )....it has nothing to do with the place of birth either...my parents got their vaccine shots at nearly 40 and they are free to donate blood...it all depends on if your body has antibodies...some people can naturally make some antibodies without immunization shots (their body fights better)

man some people are just full of.....

I am starting to loose respect for these doctors from Vienna...
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