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Babur Cruise Missile - Database

There are many private companies who sell Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery of Different regions of the world and no wonder if NESCOM has got detailed Radar imagery of all the terrain inside Pakistan,India and Afghanistan,the three countries PA is interested in any Defense related maters...
But obviously for utmost accuracy Pakistan will need own SAR satellite...
SUPARCO has given 2014 for launching SAR satellite,we can expect Pakistani cruise missiles to "Clip treetops" after that.
in this video at 1.47 to 1:50 tomahawk missile drops i think cluster bombs . . .
i want to know if same feature is available in babur or not.

this is the BGM-109D variat, that is BGM-109D Tomahawk Land Attack Missile - Dispenser (TLAM-D) with sub-munitions.

The sub-munition dispensing TLAM-D was used in Desert Storm, and subsequently, for roles where the sub-munition payloads were more useful than the unitary warhead.
this TLAM-D missile carries 166 sub-munitions in 24 canisters; 22 canisters of seven each, and two canisters of six each to conform to the dimensions of the airframe.
The missile can perform up to five separate target segments which enables it to attack multiple targets so it seems it can act as a bomber plane. However in order to achieve a sufficient density of coverage typically all 24 canisters are dispensed sequentially from back to front. thus, this is essentially a missile carrying a Cluster Bomb

watch 0.34 onwards for Tomahawk attack with sub-munitions

Babur cruise missile can carry cluster bombs but whether it can attack multiple targets with these sub-munitions is not know and i don't think this will be the case. but then again, the tomahawk even capable to do this, still don't in order to ensure kill and attack density, all sub-munitions are dropped on one target!

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in 2011 a 7 member delegation of Pakistan strategic command (whatever that may be) visited Chinese beidou satellite navigation command and inked agreements with them. The news was never reported on Pakistani media but was spotted on Chinese beidou official website and posted on PDF by a Chinese member.
So we can now say that Pakistan has access to military grade satellite navigation signals via beidou...
And we can now be sure about the claims Pakistan makes about missile accuracy.
in 2011 a 7 member deligation of pakistan steategic command (whatever that may be) visited chinese beidou satellite navigation command and inked agreements with them. The news was never reported on pakistani media nut was spotted on chinese beidou official website and posted on PDF by a chinese member.
So we can now say that pakistan has access to military grade satellite navigation signals via beidou...
And we can now be sure about the claims pakistan makes about missile accuracy.

It is said that Babur would be guided via Satellite. It can well be this program.
It is said that Babur would be guided via Satellite. It can well be this program.

We can be 99% sure that the satellite navigation system used in Babur is not American gps.
Theirs is totally controlled by their military from an airbase in colorado and they induce errors during conflict...only their military grade gps signal is all time accurate,but pakistan has no access to that as its coded...
Pakistan has officially endorsed access to beidou's military grade signal and that means one added extra that isnt available with GLONASS or GPS.
Beidou allows its liscenced users to have a piece of hardware. A beidou command station. That allows two way communication with beidou using vehicle..
So babur can update the command station about its actual position during flight.. And operstor can ask babur to change flight path or target by sending babur new coordinates or new waypoints.
We can be 99% sure that the satellite navigation system used in Babur is not American gps.
Theirs is totally controlled by their military from an airbase in colorado and they induce errors during conflict...only their military grade gps signal is all time accurate,but pakistan has no access to that as its coded...
Pakistan has officially endorsed access to beidou's military grade signal and that means one added extra that isnt available with GLONASS or GPS.
Beidou allows its liscenced users to have a piece of hardware. A beidou command station. That allows two way communication with beidou using vehicle..
So babur can update the command station about its actual position during flight.. And operstor can ask babur to change flight path or target by sending babur new coordinates or new waypoints.

that's why they revealed this

A major additional feature of today’s test was the effective employment of the National Command Authority’s fully automated Strategic Command and Control Support System (SCCSS). It has enabled robust Command and Control capability of all strategic assets with round the clock situational awareness in a digitized network centric environment to decision makers at National Command Centre (NCC). The system has the added capability of real time remote monitoring of missile flight path.

if real time flight path monitoring is possible than sending new coordinates to cruise missiles is also possible.
that's why they revealed this

if real time flight path monitoring is possible than sending new coordinates to cruise missiles is also possible.

The real time flight path monitoring is possible through beidou,as babur will send coordinates to commanders and commanders will know if the missile has actually hit the target or has been intercepted.
Babur launcher being multitube...commanders can launch a second or third missile through a different route...and will know if the missiles reach target or not..
The real time flight path monitoring is possible through beidou,as babur will send coordinates to commanders and commanders will know if the missile has actually hit the target or has been intercepted.
Babur launcher being multitube...commanders can launch a second or third missile through a different route...and will know if the missiles reach target or not..

Babur is stealth and terrain-hugging missile. It is least likely to be intercepted.
And the multi-tube launch is progress for Navy.
Babur is stealth and terrain-hugging missile. It is least likely to be intercepted.
And the multi-tube launch is progress for Navy.

There can be multiple uses of same technology.
The main point was that commanders have the capability to know exactly where the missile ended up...on target or elsewhere.
and i cannot understand how babur is stealth?
Is it the material? Some special coating? The design?
and i cannot understand how babur is stealth?
Is it the material? Some special coating? The design?

the stealth is mainly attributed to its low terrain hugging flight path, enabling it to fly under the range of ground radars and some what to the composite fuselage. it do not have radar absorbent paint coatings as in the fifth generation fighter like F-22 or F-35
The term "Cruise missile" is used for any self propelled missile which does not follow a path governed by gravity,such as a parabola followed by ballistic missiles..and can maintain a levelled flight under own power...
Being a cruise missile does not mean that the missile follows a low altitude flight or terrain hugging flight path..
A supersonic missile will have to rise at higher altitudes to maintain supersonic flight as air is dense at lower altitudes and the missile will consume far too much fuel and lessen its range...For that reason a supersonic missile almost always loses its stealth.
Then there is the problem of Doppler shift...Downward looking Radars use Doppler shift to differentiate between stationary ground reflections and reflections from a target moving a t high speed,the cruise missile..
A super sonic missile will show a huge massive Doppler shift due to its speed..The Doppler shift of a subsonic missile will be far less,making it more difficult to detect and track.
if real time flight path monitoring is possible than sending new coordinates to cruise missiles is also possible.

yes, new coordinates can be sent...but the new PATH i.e. the new contour map has to be there in the missile's mission computer too. Which is very difficult IMO, because Pakistan does not have the ability to develop that much contour maps of military grade.
I think Babur and Ra'ad will follow the same pre-planned route.

Current Pakistani Nuclear warfare Strategy is to develop the maximum types of delivery systems, giving rise to a diverse and large nuclear arsenal, which would be very difficult for India to stop in a nuclear war.
yes, new coordinates can be sent...but the new PATH i.e. the new contour map has to be there in the missile's mission computer too. Which is very difficult IMO, because Pakistan does not have the ability to develop that much contour maps of military grade.
I think Babur and Ra'ad will follow the same pre-planned route.

Current Pakistani Nuclear warfare Strategy is to develop the maximum types of delivery systems, giving rise to a diverse and large nuclear arsenal, which would be very difficult for India to stop in a nuclear war.

SUPARCO has give 2014 as the planned launch of first of PAKISTAN'S REMOTE SENSING SATELLITE SYSTEM (PRSSS) with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that will give us military grade maps of the region. you can visit below thread for more details and map resolution etc

Also as of now, it seems Pakistan and China have some sort of understanding on use of Chinese Space facilities and there maps.

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