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Baba Ramdeb threaten to arms traning to supporters .

Baba Ramdev wants to raise armed force Video, Video clips, Featured videos: Rediff Videos

I don't think he actually meant its ,but nothing unusual when you see you and your followers are being lathi charged and tear gas shelled in the middle of the night .

Their biggest crime was they wearing saffron color and were of Hindu religion.

So a self defense force is a mild proposal ,i saw a young male victim of police on Tv taking about becoming suicide bomber to fight corruption.

PS:If my mom or sister was lying injured in the hospital bed after facing such police brutalities , I swear in the name of Lord Jagananth i would have killed the colossal A**Ho** Home minister or that Bit** Sonia Gandhi herself.


Baba Ramdev = Bhagat singh of Modern India.

Congressis are proving their loyalty to british masters, by using police forces on masses of India and painting all of them as communal forces. If so, why Anna Hajare protests were banned from Jantar Mantar? ..now he is RSS too?

Its plain and simple - Ramdev was threat to Congress votebank, not to India. That's why he was attacked.

Now I fully understand why Naxalism is growing in so many Indian states. One of main reason behind Orissa riots was Christian missionaries(approved by Sonia Gandhi camp) were spreading hate propagandas against Hindu gods, religion in the localities. :tdown:

If Ramdev takes up armed movement, I am with him. We need freedom from Italian mafia who has hijacked this country. :tup:
Another Golden Temple waiting to happen

Bhindrewala was asking for Division of India. Ramdev is asking for inclusion of 12 non-english languages in Engineering colleges. His demand is to create a system similar to those in Japan, Russia, China, Germany, Spain, France. Big difference.

European mafia Gandhi knows his demands are legitimate. She can't do anything other than painting him as communal. Congress didn't arrest him because they know he is right.
Emergence of Indian Taliban!

This is what happens when fame obsessed yoga gurus take up political issues and take on the system.

gossip whoring going at full swing . why stop here he is also palnning suicide bombers, arial squads etc ... bravo
gossip whoring going at full swing . why stop here he is also palnning suicide bombers, arial squads etc ... bravo

When the gossip will turn to pakistan and isi am waiting for that
If Kashmiri separatists are given full freedom to give "break India" speeches at rallies in Delhi, why not patriots like Ramdev? His only demand is to include 12 non-english languages in Engineering colleges, similar to other countries like China, Russia, Germany, France, Japan etc.

Shame on mafia congress. :tdown:
When the gossip will turn to pakistan and isi am waiting for that

There are more importance things to do for them than turning to Pakistan. Our Development, Transformation in society are much more important. ISI and Pakistan is for our Defence and Home Department not for Society. All things that happening in India is good for India in long run and has nothing to do with Pakistan. Hope you understand the meaning.
Ramdev is not Gandhi​

Baba Ramdev is not Mohandas Gandhi. Ramdev’s technique of protest may confuse those who know as much about Gandhi as Munnabhai did at the start of the popular 2006 film, Lage Raho Munnabhai (Carry on, Munnabhai). Since Ramdev uses hunger strike to campaign against black money, and since he claims to be non-political, many of his fans and followers, and others disgusted with corruption, have painted a Gandhian halo around the baba: but this baba is no Gandhi.

Gandhi did not ask women to form a line of defence to protect him; he did not flee, hiding his face, dressed as a woman, as the police closed in. Gandhi did not ask his followers to prepare an army of 11,000 (including women) to resist security forces with weapons—when satyagrahis turned violent, as in Chauri Chaura in 1922, Gandhi withdrew the nationwide satyagraha as an act of penance. Gandhi did not call for the death penalty against anyone.

Gandhi boycotted foreign goods not because they were made abroad, but because he wanted to undermine the unequal colonial relationship that sustained factories abroad, impoverishing a dependent India. Gandhi did not claim that homosexuality could be “cured”, or that he could cure it, because he did not think that being gay was like having a disease that needed treatment. Gandhi did not have a multimillion-dollar empire, nor did he accept an island in Scotland from his devotees. When wealthy supporters gave him land, he built an ashram and he lived there by the principles he preached.

Gandhi travelled everywhere third class on Indian railways; he did not fly in on a private jet. His fast was an act of penance, not a ploy for publicity. Gandhi fasted against an imperial, arrogant British power unwilling to listen—and he wanted to shame the rulers; he did not fast against an elected government. Gandhi wore white; Ramdev wears saffron.

The Ramlila ground is not Tahrir Square either. Such a comparison insults the hundreds of thousands of brave Egyptians who overthrew the authoritarian Mubarak regime peacefully. Nor is it Tiananmen Square. While the late night storming of the Ramlila ground occurred on the 22nd anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre, there were no tanks on Delhi’s streets, and no troops deployed to hunt down demonstrators, killing thousands, as had happened in China in 1989. And the Ramlila ground is not Jallianwala Bagh of Amritsar either, when brigadier-general Dyer’s troops fired on unarmed civilians, killing, officially, 379 people in 1919.

And no, nor was 4 June another Emergency. There was no press blackout, no suspension of the Constitution, the electricity supply to newspapers was not cut, broadcast not disrupted, the Constitution not suspended, and no opposition leader was arrested. Ramdev was removed from Delhi, but he was happily giving press conferences within hours—Jayaprakash Narayan, Morarji Desai, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and other detained opposition leaders had no such luxury.

Given the national appetite for melodrama, it is easy to exaggerate similarities and yearn for metaphors to explain what happened last weekend in Delhi. But these comparisons fall flat.

At the same time, the government’s handling has been terrible—obsequious to begin with, it was outrageous at the end. The state, never a great defender of civil liberties, used disproportionate force—tear gas and batons—to beat up Ramdev’s supporters, some of whom are injured severely. The force used against the crowd was not the only outrage. The government created false expectations when ministers went to the airport to receive Ramdev, as though he were a visiting foreign dignitary. But then India is used to its political leaders falling at the feet of gurus stalking the corridors of power—recall Dhirendra Brahmachari, Chandraswami, and Swami Sadachari. That rot began with Indira Gandhi.

Such gurus are extra-constitutional authorities, the phrase the Emergency made famous, and Ramdev wants to be one such—to manipulate the national agenda without participating in the electoral process, and to get there, he clothes his ideas in faux-spiritual terms. The people who surround him include the deeply illiberal and profoundly unpleasant. Many of his views are abhorrent; his economic policies are barely literate, and if his idea of revaluing the rupee against the dollar ever takes hold, it will make Myanmar look fiscally prudent. He has asked his followers to drink white milk and not dark cola-based drinks, to whiten their skin, implying that dark skin is a problem. Another word for that pigment of Ramdev’s imagination is racism.

And yet, Ramdev has the right to make a spectacle of himself. But respecting his right to speak does not mean others have an obligation to listen. And yet, by bowing to him, and then attacking him, the government has shown its ineptitude at multiple levels.

India deserves better: from the government, but also from the opposition. And that means Sushma Swaraj ought to know that just as Ramdev is not Gandhi, Raj Ghat is not a disco.

Ramdev is not Gandhi - Columns - livemint.com
Bhindrewala was asking for Division of India. Ramdev is asking for inclusion of 12 non-english languages in Engineering colleges. His demand is to create a system similar to those in Japan, Russia, China, Germany, Spain, France. Big difference.

European mafia Gandhi knows his demands are legitimate. She can't do anything other than painting him as communal. Congress didn't arrest him because they know he is right.

Introducing 12 non-english languages in engineering colleges is a stupid idea. We cant follow the Japanese or Germans or Russians because we have so many languages. Just imagine engineers from different parts of India working together but they dont understand each-other's language. English has been chosen because we have no other option. His policy will be possible only if India is broken in Punjab, Bengal, Maratha, Tamil, Kanada etc....

Everyone has the right to protest against corruption, but people with his fame need to be careful while choosing the proper time. He could wait for the outcome of Hazare-GOI talks for Jan Lokpal bill. But his campaighn at this time and controversy following it is diluting the effort of Anna Hazare. He was adamont to continue his fast even after government agreed with his demand. He is about to join politics, clearly stupidity of government has given him a support base. But , I doubt if he can keep it.
Introducing 12 non-english languages in engineering colleges is a stupid idea. We cant follow the Japanese or Germans or Russians because we have so many languages. Just imagine engineers from different parts of India working together but they dont understand each-other's language. English has been chosen because we have no other option. His policy will be possible only if India is broken in Punjab, Bengal, Maratha, Tamil, Kanada etc....

Open your eyes, dear. We already have states based on languages. He is only asking what everyone wants - Give repesctive state languages recognition in engineering colleges so non-english speakers are not forced to take up foreign language.

By the way, europe has 12 dozen languages states but they work wonderfully on Eurofighter together. Same is true with Japanese who have integrated so well with english-speaking USA. German speaking Germany is largest exporter of world. How that happen?

Baba supporter don't need English media thrash , they have enough IQ to make an opinion on their own.

Yes, Ram Dev isn't Ghandhi , never called himself a Gandhian ,though he believes in peaceful satyagragh .

He is bigger fan of Bhagat singh brand of patriotism. If someone has problem with this , he can shove it up where the sun never shines.
Baba supporter don't need English media thrash , they have enough IQ to make an opinion on their own.

Yes, Ram Dev isn't Ghandhi , never called himself a Gandhian ,though he believes in peaceful satyagragh .

He is bigger fan of Bhagat singh brand of patriotism. If someone has problem with this , he can shove it up where the sun never shines.

Ah! The great Baba Ramdev follower has to say his piece about English trash & of course, he says it in English! What was that about enough IQ to make their own opinion?:P Yeah, a lot of us have a problem with this chap & we don't care for pathetic apologists who therefore can do to their opinion what they suggest that others do.
Open your eyes, dear. We already have states based on languages. He is only asking what everyone wants - Give repesctive state languages recognition in engineering colleges so non-english speakers are not forced to take up foreign language.

By the way, europe has 12 dozen languages states but they work wonderfully on Eurofighter together. Same is true with Japanese who have integrated so well with english-speaking USA. How that happen?

The slave mentality of english educated elite socalled macaulay's children are of gigantic proportion . The pride they take in equal ironical.

For them anything indian bad , archaic and unscientific while anything west is worthy of worship.

They evoke Gandhi whenever it suits them, but they forget Gandhi biggest proponent of Swadeshi .
I'm sure had Gandhi lived little longer, we would've received our education in our native languages.
Where are the supporters of this dhongi baba now?I have been saying from day 1 that this guy is a nutjob trying to seek attention on rss payroll and he has just confirmed it.If this mofo gets away with arming civilians and interfering in govt then there is no need for lawand order,we just have to give in to anyone with a fake fast.Is this the mofo people were seeing as their leader against corruption,he's a bussinessman and not a sadhu.
As the first poster said in short 'he's a nutjob',he's destabilizing the country for his own end,is politically motivated,setting a bad precedent and hampering the real anti corruption talks ongoing between hazare and the govt.For once dickvijay singh was right when he said this guy was a thug and a fraud.

dont be stupid or naive ...if ur supporting digvijay...well i can assume wat kind of a nut case u are!!!!!!!!!!!!ramdevji is a great man eradicating corruption or atleast even tryin to......do u support men and women who hav looted this country.....atleat our generation in the klast 5 years has seen corruption worth 100 billion dollars.....and that;s national wealth for u!!!!!!!!!
Baba Ramdev = Bhagat singh of Modern India.
Baba Ramdev = The great rabble rouser of Modern India.

If Ramdev takes up armed movement, I am with him. :tup:
I am certainly not! He's screwed up big time. He's diluted the movement against corruption and the Lok Pal Bill by Anna Hazare. And he wants to take law into his own hands by raising a rag tag army to fight the government! Jeeez! He needs to be put away in the cooler. :angry: He's plain nuts!
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