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Azerbaijan ordered 12 more Mi-35Ms


Apr 29, 2011
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According to Defence.az citing military sources, the number of attack helicopters, Mi-35M provided by the Russian "Rosvertol" Azerbaijan will be increased from 24 to 36 vehicles.

Attack helicopters Mi-35M will be on the arms of the Border Service of Azerbaijan. In 2012, the planned full completion of the contract to supply 24 helicopters in the cost of 360 million dollars. Presumably the value of the contract, respectively, will also increase to 540 million dollars.

Launched first delivery of Azerbaijan of 24 ordered by combat helicopters Mi-35M, constructed "Rostvertol" contract in 2010, finally secures to the status of Baku's largest recipient of this Russian helicopters - along with India. As is known, as had previously been signed and are currently being implemented contracts with FSUE "Rosoboronexport" in the delivery of 40 military transport helicopters Mi-17-1B for the Azerbaijani Air Force and 20 military transport helicopters Mi-17-1B for the Border Service of Azerbaijan . The construction of these helicopters is to JSC "Kazan Helicopter Plant", the first eight helicopters for the Air Forces of Azerbaijan were delivered in 2010.

In addition, from 2005 to 2010 Russia had been put in a Azerbaijan MI-172 to the Customs Committee, three Mi-17-1B for the MOE and three Mi-17-1B for the Interior Ministry. There is also a separate contract to deliver six Mi-17 Squadron B-1B for State Security Service of Azerbaijan (the analog of the Russian Federal Security Service), the first machine was placed on it in 2010.

Thus, after Russia completed contracts in the aggregate supply to Azerbaijan 109 military helicopters: Mi-172 - 1 unit., Mi-17 1V - 72 units., Mi-35M-36 unit.

Recall that the Mi-35M is an improved version of the Mi-24, designed to destroy armored vehicles and tanks. These helicopters also provide support to fire departments and landing can carry freight, using special trailers. Azeri Mi-35M equipped with thermal observation system IRTV-445MGH, which can detect objects at a distance of 4 km during the day and night in all weather conditions and satellite navigation system GPS115L GARMIN, a set of jamming. The helicopters will be equipped with antitank guided missiles (ATGMs) 9K114 "Sturm-V" (AT-6 "Spiral") and unguided missiles (NAR), C-8 caliber 80 mm and C-24-caliber 240 mm. Helicopters will be installed a machine gun 9-A-629 12.7 mm machine gun or two 9-A-622 7.62 mm, and a 30-mm grenade launcher 9-A-800. The helicopter can carry from 50 to 500 kg bombs.

Also note that the Russian Mi-17-1B is a multi-purpose. The helicopter can be used as a landing (with 32 armed soldiers), medical evacuation (12 wounded, and medical equipment) and transportation (4,000 kg of cargo in the cab or on the suspension hook.) In the embodiment, a helicopter assault is 12.7-mm machine gun Afanasiev, equipped with a six-holders DB3 57KRVM on which to hang the container 4 B8V20 20 NUR-8, or 4 anti-tank Scorpio M-17P, or 4 containers of the CCP-23-250 with 23-mm GSh-23L or light bombs weighing 50-500 kg. To protect the helicopter in front of the machine gun is installed, as well as equipped with active and passive devices EW.

In addition to these large military orders, Azerbaijan is also interested in another shock the next generation Russian helicopter Mi-28. Also, there are negotiations about the purchase of tanks T-90S complexes and LRU "Armour-S1." Thus, Russia, along with Israel is a leader in the supply of arms to Azerbaijan, which further strengthens the strategic partnership between the two countries of the CIS.



36 MI-35Ms and 30 MI-24Hinds/Super Hinds! + 100 MI-8/17s very impressive helicopter force, Hell lets be honest its even better then Iranian Helo fleet!!
Why dont they go for the MI 28N it is much more capable.
This is the ugliest heli that i have ever seen. But beauty is nothing without weapons...:)
Russia have protected to Armenia, Azerbaijan have said to attack to Armenia and Russia is selling weapons to Azerbaijan. There is a contradiction here!

and what happened to T-129? i know Mi-35 different class from ours
[TR]AHMET;2943310 said:
Russia have protected to Armenia, Azerbaijan have said to attack to Armenia and Russia is selling weapons to Azerbaijan. There is a contradiction here!

and what happened to T-129? i know Mi-35 different class to ours

Dont worry, The Hind Helo's are a Mix of Utility and Attack, I think mainly made for attack and deploy at the same time. This could be very usefull for any conflict with Armenia. T-129 is still another class that Azerbadyan is eager to join. I posted a thread a while ago about it.
[TR]AHMET;2943310 said:
Russia have protected to Armenia, Azerbaijan have said to attack to Armenia and Russia is selling weapons to Azerbaijan. There is a contradiction here!

and what happened to T-129? i know Mi-35 different class from ours

about T-129
Thank you for infos but Russia don't want to Azerbaijan atack to Armenia at the same time Russia is weoponized both them. I think Azerbaijan don't atack to Armenia these are politic and both them controlled by Russia.

we will forget to Karabakh so this is very problematic issue.

We are supposed to be getting 30 of those. 30Mi-35s + 94 Apaches..... And 70 Armed black hawks along with 36 AH-6s. Thats not bad I guess.

Anyways I always had a soft spot for the Hind.
[TR]AHMET;2943398 said:
Thank you for infos but Russia don't want to Azerbaijan atack to Armenia at the same time Russia is weoponized both them. I think Azerbaijan don't atack to Armenia these are politic and both them controlled by Russia.

we will forget to Karabakh so this is very problematic issue.


Russia is making some money this is called business.
Let the firepower Hind's can provide aside, Such a big and heavy airmonster would just be a good meal for SAM's and Manpads at a liklely serious conflict especially in mountainy areas.
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