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Pechora-2TM modernization


YouTube - Pechora-2TM Azerbaijan
ASQ-1918...Do you have information on the configuration/radar of Mig-21 and their serviceability..

Greenskins Infiltration Forces are elite commando units of Azerbaijan, trained by Turkish SAT commandos. They specialize in deep enemy line infiltration and close combat.
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I was mentioned that the following countries, with substantial, Muslum populations:
Afghanistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Irag, Lebanon, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey do act or do things according to Islamic Law.
How or why then should these Governments, be different than others, same in the US, with a minority Muslum population.
Frankly, It is not about being against Chritians or Jews.
We are all on thi plant and should under stand that it was intended the we should live together.
But when Govenments, like the US, the Bolshvik State of Israel and others, set themselves up under do as I say rules, not as they do,
the rules of other countries have to buy where they can and as cheaply as they can....the old story of Economics.
The sadist part of this whole story played against your brother(s)
is the one set in motion by the King of Saudia Arabis against Iran.
I being a Muslum, find his behavior unbecoming a Muslum, not that that means anything, his behaviour that is.
When you visit Saudia Arabia and find your self in a fourth world country (out side of Mecca or Medina) it is a shame to find yourself pitting brother against brother.
I personally find Pakistan to be more in my thinking of a Muslum Country ot how a Muslum Country should appear of the screen of life.
I would only hope that they are inclinded to follow there own RIGHT, in spite of the US, who 99% of the time will have troble telling you where they are at, let alone where the are going.
truth hurts buddy
you are nothing w/out your puppet masters, Turkey and the West (Israel and the US).

And kind of ironic that you want me to leave when you come to Iran threads and post separatist propaganda.

Watch your language Iranian they are not puppet of Turkey, Azerbaycan is our bloodbrother . You should understand Azeris are not alone they the same people as Turks it is our family so If you mess with them you mess with us. And no doubt they will liberate their lands.
Azərbaycan;910820 said:
First of all we are not 6 million we are 45 million. 10 million in Republic of Azerbaijan, 35 million in South Azerbaijan.
Second of all we as a turks have more reputation than iranians.
Third is just look your own history. Every great man is Azerbaijani turk. From Shah Ismail untill Ali Khamenei. And even I dont mention poets, musicians and etc.

To have nuclear bomb is not everything:hang2:

I am from Tabriz the capital of Azeries, yes we are 45 million , 35 in Iran and 10 mil in northern Azeribaijan what you call republic Azarbaijan, we are 35 then you can not call we are part of you, you are part of us as we all are Iranian
Im Iranian-Azeri myself, my father is from Rasht. I was raised in Baku. Anyway nobody wants a fight. So lets just avoid playing macho and respect each other. Azerbaijan and Iran share close cultural, linguistical and historical relations. We are not just 6 million, the country has 9 million people. But the Azerbaijani language is spoken by about 45 million people. There are 30 million Azerbaijanis in Iran, lets not neglect this fact. The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad is Azerbaijani; Ayatollah Khamenei is Azerbaijani; even the opposition leader of the Green movement, Musasi is Azerbaijani. So yeah, lets respect each other, we do not want any fights nor do we want any lands from Iran. All we ask is recognition and respect for Azerbaijani culture in Iran, which there is a great lack. For example no Azerbaijani school excist for 30 million people in Iran, while Armenians who number 150.000 have 45 schools. This shows that there is a deliberite assimilation campaign going on in Iran. We support intergration but assimilation of Azerbaijanis would mean the annihilation of Iranian history and culture.

Salam, I am from Tabriz, if you are from Iran, then you should now this forum is not for what you wrote about Azeri situation here.
by the way non of Rashti speak Azeri
Thanks for the pictures guys. You're forces are very well equipped.
Watch your language Iranian they are not puppet of Turkey, Azerbaycan is our bloodbrother . You should understand Azeris are not alone they the same people as Turks it is our family so If you mess with them you mess with us. And no doubt they will liberate their lands.

This forum is not for challenge, do not make your business in challenge of Iran and Azerbaijan, I am from Tabriz, just tell you we are Azeri not Turk.
move to topic please
lol We understood you are a persian. Azeris are Turk whatever you say. I heard that you say "Turk" to them in Iran not Azeri. Watch it.

Grey wolves in Tehran.
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