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Indeed the treatment of muslim minorities and religious people in general during Soviet times is well known. The Crimean Tatars were also horribly treated and mass deported to Central Asia. So the Lachin corridor is still occupied by Armenia today after the truce?
well my azeri brethren even though i hold absolutely no hatred against the Armenian people but i pray that u kick their a**es out of ur land. that is how fairness dictates it to be. and on another note cud some1 plz tell what stance Azerbaijan holds on Kashmir? just curious. i have read some1 saying its pro Pakistani but any official links? just wanna know who else in the world shares our view about the land of my forefathers

Your support is invaluable. But we are not talking about ethnic cleansing, only the Armenian army needs to return to their own country. I have no problems with the civilian Armenian population to stay. In fact I support autonomy for Nagorno-Karabakh that will be governed by both Armenian and Azerbaijanis from the region. This is a fair offer. As for Azerbaijani position on Kashmir, our people and state supports the Pakistani position. Here is the latest news:

"Azerbaijan supports Pakistan's position in Kashmir problem"

Within the framework of his visit to Pakistan Commander of Azerbaijani Naval Forces, Vice Admiral Shahin Sultanov met with Defense Minister of this country Ahmad Mukhtar, APA reports quoting official website of Pakistani Defense Ministry.

Strengthening of cooperation between the countries in military sphere, elimination of floods’ results took pace in Pakistan and other issues were discussed at the meeting held on September 28. Sultanov noted that the visit would help the development of military cooperation between the two countries. He said that Azerbaijani political leaders supported Pakistani position in Kashmir problem.

SOURCE: Today.Az - "Azerbaijan supports Pakistan's position in Kashmir problem"
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Indeed the treatment of muslim minorities and religious people in general during Soviet times is well known. The Crimean Tatars were also horribly treated and mass deported to Central Asia. So the Lachin corridor is still occupied by Armenia today after the truce?

Chechens have perhaps suffered the most from Russian aggression. Stalin deported the entire Chechen nation to Siberia, in just 2 months. Half their people died during the trip. It took the Chechens more then 30 years to reach their motherland and become the majority agian. And deportations and massacres by Russians against Chechens date back 300 years. This is the Chechen history that nobody except people from Caucasus know. My mothers family actually comes from Borcali, a region of Georgia, but populated by half a million Azerbaijanis. They were deported to Baku, generations ago. My father comes from Rasht, part of Iran, there are 30 million Azerbaijanis in Iran.

Your knowledge on this conflict is impressive. Lachin is a big issue. Stalin made sure that this conflict would be extremely difficult to solve. Basically Lachin is not part of Nagorno-Karabakh, so Armenia does not even have autonomous legal rights to it. My view of solution for this conflict is autonomy for Nagorno Karabakh, ruled equally by Armenians and Azerbaijanis. And mutual use of Lachin corridor and Naxcivan corridor. These concessions would guarentee long-term security and peace for both countries and nations.

I just watched this video, it shows photos of Armenians keeping pigs and cows in our mosques in the occupied lands. They occupy 20% of my country, a million Azerbaijanis had to flee their homes, and now they desecrate our cemeteries and mosques. Offcourse I feel angry and upset, wouldnt anyone?

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Well as a muslim raised in Europe, countries like Turkey, Bosnia, Azerbaidjan are special for us because they are western but also muslim + have grown up with people from Balkans and former soviet republics so thats why i know a bit about Armenia-Azerbaidjan issue. Also i have a keen interest in history.

As for the mass deportations, it was Stalins attempt to mix up the people in order to quell different nationalities and "russify" them(ironic since he himself was Georgian!). As for the desecration of mosques unfortunatly it has happened all over the world. When the Sikhs took Lahore, the Badshahi Mosque which at its time was the largest mosque in the world was converted to stables, so you only had horses roaming around there for about 70 years.
Well as a muslim raised in Europe, countries like Turkey, Bosnia, Azerbaidjan are special for us because they are western but also muslim + have grown up with people from Balkans and former soviet republics so thats why i know a bit about Armenia-Azerbaidjan issue. Also i have a keen interest in history.

As for the mass deportations, it was Stalins attempt to mix up the people in order to quell different nationalities and "russify" them(ironic since he himself was Georgian!). As for the desecration of mosques unfortunatly it has happened all over the world. When the Sikhs took Lahore, the Badshahi Mosque which at its time was the largest mosque in the world was converted to stables, so you only had horses roaming around there for about 70 years.

You are exactly right. Lenin said in three generations nobody will speak their native language anymore. Thats what Stalin was aiming for. In all honesty, it was genocide, nothing less. As for the mosque, during the crusade era, the Christian armies used the mosques as stables aswell. So this would not be offensive. But a pig in a mosque? Of all the animals they put pigs in there. There is obviously other shelter, they do this on purpose.
A HD video of Azerbaijani commandos using cornershot rifle during a live fire exercise.

Another HD video showing the military junior academy in Naxcivan. The academy is now under Turkish army supervision. The Turkish army has one of worlds best quality in education and training. And keep in mind this is only a junior academy.

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You are exactly right. Lenin said in three generations nobody will speak their native language anymore. Thats what Stalin was aiming for. In all honesty, it was genocide, nothing less. As for the mosque, during the crusade era, the Christian armies used the mosques as stables aswell. So this would not be offensive. But a pig in a mosque? Of all the animals they put pigs in there. There is obviously other shelter, they do this on purpose.

Well its probably hard for a non punjabi, non pakistani to understand the significance the Badshahi has for us, it is along with the minar one might say the most famous symbol of muslim Punjab, but i heed your point, pigs in mosques is beyond disrespect. As for Lenins/stalins dream of "russyfying" the different nationalities, it failed, pretty much like everything in the communist agenda did. The question is how long will Russia be able to hold onto these regions (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia) by just brute force. Its little brother India is following the same path in Kashmir but eventually the will for independence/azaadi is too strong in these regions. We'l just have to wait and hope for the better :)
Well its probably hard for a non punjabi, non pakistani to understand the significance the Badshahi has for us, it is along with the minar one might say the most famous symbol of muslim Punjab, but i heed your point, pigs in mosques is beyond disrespect. As for Lenins/stalins dream of "russyfying" the different nationalities, it failed, pretty much like everything in the communist agenda did. The question is how long will Russia be able to hold onto these regions (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia) by just brute force. Its little brother India is following the same path in Kashmir but eventually the will for independence/azaadi is too strong in these regions. We'l just have to wait and hope for the better :)

In the 21st century a country held together by force will be not a long term future. This applies to Russia more then any other country. The Chechen resistance has now also inspired and influenced other Muslim Caucasians to stand up for their own rights. Russia is now planning to put down every resistance movement by force - this will have a counter effect, and it will only make the resistance even more persistant. Besides the Muslim population of Russia, the country has many many more problems. Demographics, the rapid decline of ethnic Russians and increase of minorities. Geographics, every neighbour of Russia is either a vassal or enemy, Russia doesnt have a single friend in this world. The size of Russia also requires the country to have a huge army at active duty - this drains the Russian economy. The economy which is already stagnated by the economic recession. I can continue on like this forever. My point is, Russia is now at its weakest point in history. Do not be fooled by the illusion Putin has created, it is merely an illusion. I added a video here, the guy talks about the strength of Russian geopolitics, its pretty good.

As for India, the country has for decades tried to reach superpower status and failed. This is because India is not united, but heavily divided by various clans who control various regions of the country. There is no real single authority control over thecountry. India is more like a federal state then a republic.
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In the 21st century a country held together by force will be not a long term future. This applies to Russia more then any other country. The Chechen resistance has now also inspired and influenced other Muslim Caucasians to stand up for their own rights. Russia is now planning to put down every resistance movement by force - this will have a counter effect, and it will only make the resistance even more persistant. Besides the Muslim population of Russia, the country has many many more problems. Demographics, the rapid decline of ethnic Russians and increase of minorities. Geographics, every neighbour of Russia is either a vassal or enemy, Russia doesnt have a single friend in this world. The size of Russia also requires the country to have a huge army at active duty - this drains the Russian economy. The economy which is already stagnated by the economic recession. I can continue on like this forever. My point is, Russia is now at its weakest point in history. Do not be fooled by the illusion Putin has created, it is merely an illusion. I added a video here, the guy talks about the strength of Russian geopolitics, its pretty good.

Russian geopolitics

As for India, the country has for decades tried to reach superpower status and failed. This is because India is not united, but heavily divided by various clans who control various regions of the country. There is no real single authority control over thecountry. India is more like a federal state then a republic.

As for India, the country has for decades tried to reach superpower status and failed. This is because India is not united, but heavily divided by various clans who control various regions of the country. There is no real single authority control over thecountry. India is more like a federal state then a republic

are u really very innocent or behaving as an innocent.i dont comment on ur knowledge but it is very pathetic
are u really very innocent or behaving as an innocent.i dont comment on ur knowledge but it is very pathetic

but you failed to refute what he said and instead you resorted to ranting!
but you failed to refute what he said and instead you resorted to ranting!

i could only answer his "super power which got failed".
india have just started to grow.and just starting doesnt mean super power,it simply means that this country has capability and is very important.

all other things related to unity are out of understanding,i dont know to how much extent he knows about india

i could only answer his "super power which got failed".
india have just started to grow.and just starting doesnt mean super power,it simply means that this country has capability and is very important.

all other things related to unity are out of understanding,i dont know to how much extent he knows about india


Im not pretending to be an expert on Pakistan or India. But hear me out. The biggest problem of India is the decentralization of authority. India is seperated in regions, which resist to central authority. This is what I mean by lack of unity. Despite the best efforts by the government, India has been inable to unite the regions under a centralized authority. This problem of India is well known, do you own research, just search "India decentralization" in google.

Then there is also geograhpy, India is limited to the subcontinent containing - Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and maybe even Nepal and Bhutan. The region is isolated on all sides by terrain or by an ocean. In geopolitics, they call this an island.
Im not pretending to be an expert on Pakistan or India. But hear me out. The biggest problem of India is the decentralization of authority. India is seperated in regions, which resist to central authority. This is what I mean by lack of unity. Despite the best efforts by the government, India has been inable to unite the regions under a centralized authority. This problem of India is well known, do you own research, just search "India decentralization" in google.

Then there is also geograhpy, India is limited to the subcontinent containing - Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and maybe even Nepal and Bhutan. The region is isolated on all sides by terrain or by an ocean. In geopolitics, they call this an island.

i just say that during mumbai attacks whole nort-south-east-west was standing united.
u r talking abt google.u can type balkanization of pakistan.this will also give results.u can get results saying that floods in pakistan were created by india.
so dont go under google ,just look at present.
i just say that during mumbai attacks whole nort-south-east-west was standing united.
u r talking abt google.u can type balkanization of pakistan.this will also give results.u can get results saying that floods in pakistan were created by india.
so dont go under google ,just look at present.

Does all of your reasons and answers have to go through Pakistan ? or is just on some special issues ?
Good though , shows your concerns !!
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