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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Independence of NK movement started in 1988 so most likely baku incident was just a reaction.
In modern history Azerbaijan is not saint either. The leaders sanctioned a pogrom in 1990 resulted to an exodus of Armenian in Baku, falling from an estimate of 16% to 0% today.

This is a major incidence that triggered the independence of NK.


Am 12. Januar 1990 organisierten aserbaidschanische nationalistische Kräfte das siebentägige Pogrom in Baku, dem rund 90 Armenier zum Opfer fielen. Die Menschen, über die vor den Angriffen Listen vorbereitet worden waren, wurden vor allem durch Schläge und Messerstiche ermordet; außerdem wurden Häuser in Brand gesteckt. Die einzige gegen Ende der Sowjetzeit in Baku noch genutzte armenische Kirche, die Kirche des Heiligen Gregor des Erleuchters, brannte aus, während Feuerwehr und Polizei zuschauten. Der Einmarsch der Sowjetarmee in der Nacht vom 19. zum 20. Januar 1990, von den Aserbaidschanern als „Schwarzer Januar“ bezeichnet, bereitete dem Pogrom ein Ende, doch wurden bei der Niederschlagung der nationalistischen Ausschreitungen 93 Aserbaidschaner und 29 sowjetische Soldaten getötet. In der Folge floh der Großteil der Armenier, aber auch ein Teil der Russen aus Baku, darunter der ehemalige Schachweltmeister Garri Kasparow mit seiner Familie. Hatte der Anteil der Armenier in Baku laut Volkszählung 1979 noch bei 16,5 % – 215.000 Menschen – gelegen, so wurde die Zahl Ende April 1993 auf etwa 18.000 geschätzt und betrug im Jahre 2009 praktisch 0 %

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seriously? much wealthier bigger country defeating a small poor country and celebrating? like how some American got emotional while announcing victory against the US
Although Armenia is smaller and poorer country than Azerbaijan, but their size of armed forces are not that behind of Azerbaijan if you count both Armenian and breakaway republic's forces combindly. Plus Armenian for the last 30 years fortified their defence position in occupied territories. Not an easy task for Azeri army to breakthrough that defence and regain the lost territory. So I think, this kind emotion is perhaps justified.
The Turks conduct in 19th century Balkan was scorched earth.

If Balkan never kicked Turks out, all Christians will be purged. Poor Armenia resided in Anatolia has no where to run but to accept anything from Turks.

Armenian especially in NK cant trust anyone friendly with Turks. This is understandable.

No one is as to the level of Turk in a retreating empire. Compare Iran and China.

Nevertheless Muslims in Balkan also paid heavily for the conduct of Ottoman up to this day.
Hmm ... Kind of selectives and cherrypicking argument since you fail to mention what was happening in the background of that incident . Did a crusade series was ring a bell for you ??
To be honest ...all of this " filler " talks start to annoy me . The tilte of the thread was a military operation . Why that turn into pseudo history class of what could have been ...

Seriously people .... Get a life will you ..
Armenia should attack Nakhichivan with ISKANDAR.. And if Turkey interfers, they should also attack Turkey with ISKANDAR.
Turkey can not dare to attack back because of ISKANDAR, so using ISKANDAR will be a great idea. In the End everyone will obey great ISKANDAR...
LORA is Azerbaijan reply.
Azerbaijan excel in that field too.
Looks like the last tank in the footage survived and fired a round as well.

The last one is an inflatable dummy of an Osa missile my friend that's why there is no fireball. Inflatables may be quite useful if they can mimic thermal signature of real vehicle.
what is the reason Armenia should not be saved??? its a peaceful country and Azerbaijan has initiated this war. Land grabbers and war mongers have no place in today's civilized world....
How peacefull it is world knows that capturing some ones land doesn't make you peaceful but land grabers like india is
Armenia should attack Nakhichivan with ISKANDAR.. And if Turkey interfers, they should also attack Turkey with ISKANDAR.
Turkey can not dare to attack back because of ISKANDAR, so using ISKANDAR will be a great idea. In the End everyone will obey great ISKANDAR...
Just achieved puberty?
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Hold on bro, aren't you being a bit unfair?

Pakistan has created a two front war in Kashmir for India now, and China has annexed Indian held territories in Galwan.

Imran Khan has done outstanding work in setting the narrative and humiliating India in every internarional forum.

Friends of India are finally feeling Pakistani anger. Pakistan even stood firm against KSA and UAE pressure on Kashmir.

Pakistan is consolidating Afghanistan and fencing its own border, we are making GB a province so that Pakistan military can fully deploy there to protect CPEC.
China is only protecting their interests and india is largely doing hindu settlement in kashmir and building mandars.If this continues for next 10 yrs kashmiris culture will be changed from Islamic to hinduism and Muslims will become minority but we are doing nothing to control it and ultimatrly our influence in kashmir will end
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A top Azerbaijani official confirms his country has deployed Israeli-made military drones to combat areas in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region, and praises Israel’s Harop drone in particular as “very effective.”

Israeli technology “helps Azerbaijan to provide security and safety to its nationals,” Hikmet Hajiyev, a top foreign policy adviser to President Ilham Aliyev, tells the Israeli news site Walla.

“Armenia tries to over-exaggerate the issue” of Israeli military aid, he says, but adds, “If Armenia is scared of the drones that Azerbaijan is using, Armenia should stop its imposed occupation.”


A side view of the Israel Aerospace Industries Harop drone at the Paris Air Show in 2013. (Wikipedia/Julian Herzog/CC BY)
Asked if the drones Azerbaijan has deployed to the front are Israeli made, Hajiyev replies, “Some of them, yes.”

He calls Israel Aerospace Industries’ Harop drone “very effective,” says they are used in a “kamikaze” capacity on the battlefield, and offers “a big ‘chapeau’ to the engineers who designed it.”

Heavy fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh continued for a fourth straight day today, in the biggest escalation of a decades-old conflict in years that has killed dozens and left scores of others wounded.

— AP contributed to this report.

The Turks conduct in 19th century Balkan was scorched earth.

If Balkan never kicked Turks out, all Christians will be purged. Poor Armenia resided in Anatolia has no where to run but to accept anything from Turks.

Armenian especially in NK cant trust anyone friendly with Turks. This is understandable.

No one is as to the level of Turk in a retreating empire. Compare Iran and China.

Nevertheless Muslims in Balkan also paid heavily for the conduct of Ottoman up to this day.

Sir you are an epic liar and sharing half baked truth. Czar persecuted turks and now Armenians are doing the same .. read history before coming out with one sided statements

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