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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Drones are the future and no point in large investments in tanks. These things are cheap. Disposable and very very effective.
Don't blame the tanks, they are not made for AA mission, they can't even detect and destroyed a few slow/medium altitude drones, imagine if 4/4.5th gen fighter joined the battle.
. . .
If Armenia needs to win the war cutting down Nakhchivan enclave permanently from Azerbaijan will be a huge blow to Azerbaijan aggressive designs....

Im guessing, you are here passing on your own recent horrible experience with China , how it had sliced off a nice little chunk of Ladakh of you. making you look pathetic liars advising others to fight when you didn’t ok
. .

So far losses based on videos shared by Azerbaijans defense forces.
Im guessing, you are here passing on your own recent horrible experience with China , how it had sliced off a nice little chunk of Ladakh of you. making you look pathetic liars advising others to fight when you didn’t ok

Azerbaijan doesn't share land connection with that Nakhichivan enclave so if Armenia decides to slice it apart from Azerbaijan forever there is absolutely nothing Azerbaijan can do to save it..... Armenia can compensate for the lost territory that way.....
Azerbaijan doesn't share land connection with that Nakhichivan enclave so if Armenia decides to slice it apart from Azerbaijan forever there is absolutely nothing Azerbaijan can do to save it..... Armenia can compensate for the lost territory that way.....

Thinkin along the lines of what India did in Bangladesh, But you are forgetting that the Nakhichivan enclave is linked to Turkey and also shares border (albeit small).

Also India was unable to reclaim Bangladesh as its own and Bangla people declared independence. So Armenia laying claim is futile, yes it can create unrest and an uprising against Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan doesn't share land connection with that Nakhichivan enclave so if Armenia decides to slice it apart from Azerbaijan forever there is absolutely nothing Azerbaijan can do to save it..... Armenia can compensate for the lost territory that way.....

It borders Turkey so it’s not going to happen get real and stop making things up as you are going along

you better start now understanding land stolen will be taken back by there rightful owners. One way or the other. I see why you Hindus and Indians are thinking yes it’s the fate awaits Kashmiris. if Azerbaijani Alhamdulliah get it back Pakistan is here involved for a reason un mandate carried out by Azerbaijanis means Pakistan will be knocking door soon for its Kashmiris people’s as its birth right
Yes if Azerbaijan is getting support from powerful countries like Turkey then Armenia too should get a support from heavy weights like Iran in my honest opinion..... Armenia must be saved......
why are pakistanis trash talking armenia so much in this thread?

these pakistanis need to know that their entity only came into existence in 1947 while armenia has preserved itself as a nation continually since the past 5000 years - there is absolutely no comparison.

armenians have faced the brunt of assyrians/greeks/achaemenids/romans/sassanids/russians/turks and so on and these pakistanis think as if they can influence the destiny of armenians.

shameful behavior
They inflicted a lot of pain on d hapless Azaris since 1990. Now some payback time.
Azerbaijan doesn't share land connection with that Nakhichivan enclave so if Armenia decides to slice it apart from Azerbaijan forever there is absolutely nothing Azerbaijan can do to save it..... Armenia can compensate for the lost territory that way.....

Giving others advise while ur own territory is taken by china. Care to advise ur own incompetent army and a moron PM?
As usual indians are dumb as a rock, atleast study before talking about something u have no idea about. Nakhchivan is an autonomous region and almost an independent country. It also have a land border with Turkey and its defence is done by Turkey. Armenia can hardly face azerbaijan and this rat thinks they should attack nakhchivan to invite Turkey lolz, what morons.
Azerbaijan doesn't share land connection with that Nakhichivan enclave so if Armenia decides to slice it apart from Azerbaijan forever there is absolutely nothing Azerbaijan can do to save it..... Armenia can compensate for the lost territory that way.....

Armenia should attack Nakhichivan with ISKANDAR.. And if Turkey interfers, they should also attack Turkey with ISKANDAR.
Turkey can not dare to attack back because of ISKANDAR, so using ISKANDAR will be a great idea. In the End everyone will obey great ISKANDAR...
Armenia occupied sovereign Azeri territory and changed demographics via genocide. They deserve not one ounce of pity.

Armenians deserve to feel the wrath of 30 year Azeri rage and anger.

Russia is not going to step in. Iran also fears its 40% Azeri population.

Some Americans, Europeans, and Australian neo-crusaders have sympathies with Armenia, but they are too far away to do anything.

Even Armenia's northern Christian neighbor Georgia has refused to help.

Armenian fascists are feeling very alone right now.

All their propaganda that they will erase Islam and end Turks is just rhetoric, they are facing reality now.

It would have been so much better for Armenians to stay loyal to Ottomans and not start their genocidal campaign against Türkmen and Kurds at the behest of Russia before WW1.

That incident which they call Armenian genocide, was actually effort to destroy the Ottoman empire by striking its weak point in the middle of war with Czarist Russia.

Because of Armenian antics, how many Circassians, Crimean Tatars, Tatars, Chechens, Dagestanis lost their lives to Russian pogroms and population change of the Caucasus?

@zectech can educate you on what Russians did when they took Turkish and Iranian lands.
That nails it.
In modern history Azerbaijan is not saint either. The leaders sanctioned a pogrom in 1990 resulted to an exodus of Armenian in Baku, falling from an estimate of 16% to 0% today.

This is a major incidence that triggered the independence of NK.


Am 12. Januar 1990 organisierten aserbaidschanische nationalistische Kräfte das siebentägige Pogrom in Baku, dem rund 90 Armenier zum Opfer fielen. Die Menschen, über die vor den Angriffen Listen vorbereitet worden waren, wurden vor allem durch Schläge und Messerstiche ermordet; außerdem wurden Häuser in Brand gesteckt. Die einzige gegen Ende der Sowjetzeit in Baku noch genutzte armenische Kirche, die Kirche des Heiligen Gregor des Erleuchters, brannte aus, während Feuerwehr und Polizei zuschauten. Der Einmarsch der Sowjetarmee in der Nacht vom 19. zum 20. Januar 1990, von den Aserbaidschanern als „Schwarzer Januar“ bezeichnet, bereitete dem Pogrom ein Ende, doch wurden bei der Niederschlagung der nationalistischen Ausschreitungen 93 Aserbaidschaner und 29 sowjetische Soldaten getötet. In der Folge floh der Großteil der Armenier, aber auch ein Teil der Russen aus Baku, darunter der ehemalige Schachweltmeister Garri Kasparow mit seiner Familie. Hatte der Anteil der Armenier in Baku laut Volkszählung 1979 noch bei 16,5 % – 215.000 Menschen – gelegen, so wurde die Zahl Ende April 1993 auf etwa 18.000 geschätzt und betrug im Jahre 2009 praktisch 0 %

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