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Awami League turned Bangladesh justice system into ‘Kangaroo court’

One thing to be notice:

Indians have not concern about PPP or Muslim League, cos neither party is Indian stooge. But India wants to set AL for being their leg sucker stooge. AL believes that we are alone if we will not keep India happy. But neither party in PK nor any Pakistani thinks that they need to make India happy. Such a hopeless unlucky India dependent BD.
Stay silent and wait with your believe (doubt their flags) then the time will say you in the next election. AL's popularity is decreasing day by day and it's really true for obvious reasons. I'm not involved to any party but I'm anti-AL.

BTW, how does speaking own idea or on behalf of Islam by any Bangladeshi induces doubt about his nationality in you?!!! Maoists are against Indian govt and there are many anti Indian Indian citizens too, so would you doubt their flag if they come to PDF and speak against Indian govt?

Now tell me which could be their original nationality if they are not BDans? I do not think any Pakistanis have any big benefit to speak against AL and India by using BD flag.

Lastly, you do not know well about BD and it's people.

oh oh ... grow up kid. If you don't understand English, get some help. How did you conclude all the BS you have written?
One thing to be notice:

Indians have not concern about PPP or Muslim League, cos neither party is Indian stooge. But India wants to set AL for being their leg sucker stooge. AL believes that we are alone if we will not keep India happy. But neither party in PK nor any Pakistani thinks that they need to make India happy. Such a hopeless unlucky India dependent BD.

Indians have no concern of AL either. I just hate the kind of language you use. stooge, leg sucker, ... I guess, that is the only issue I have. If you have a problem with AL, vote them out. Don't cry and using abusive language. India is not a validator or enabler of AL policy and using India as a punching bag will do no good. Indians care less about you as we have more useful things to do. Stop writing India along with AL bashing as that just invites people like me to give a befitting reply.
来拉 朋友们多指教啊 我是新手 恩~主持人好~大家好~很高兴我们又在一起了~相信大家对我也有一定的了解了吧~对~没错我就是 美貌与智慧并存…英雄与侠义的化身~ 温柔与善良肩具.超级大帅哥俺小冯 来自四川成都To pull many friends teach ah I'm good novice en ~ Moderator ~ ~ Hello, everybody is very pleased that we have together ~ I think everyone has some understanding of it ~ ~ Yes I am on the beauty and wisdom co-exist ... a hero and chivalrous in disguise ~ gentle and kind with a shoulder. super handsome guy I like him to teach Xiao Ping from Chengdu, Sichuan
SMC, your logic is illogical.
All that I have said is that the Bangladesh section is predominantly anti Bangladesh section in a way that demeans the democracy in Bangladesh to an extent that makes one think if the people here are really a true representatives of their country.

I have no objections with them calling their government names and what not but the extent they have gone to clearly highlights the aberration from reality. Some of them want to highlight the very idea of their country's existence as an issue and that makes me doubt their flags at times.

That's great. I think you lack an understanding of what logic is, but then that's my personal opinion, just like you have one. I wasn't referring tou explicitly, however. There's other reasons for them to be critical than what you might think. The logic being shown here by indians is very narrow and simplistic.
I see very simplistic and naive logic here by the indians. i.e. if person X is against government Y, it must be because of the reasons I feel person X is against government Y, and not for any other possible reasons. In other words, they are against government Y because of the reasons I have provided and not for other reasons. Very narrow, simplistic, and childish logic.

OK, can you answer some 'simple' questions again?

1) whats the reasons behind all these 'persons' are against govt Y, which bagged 263 seats out 300!!! They are against any move by the govt.

2) India is the largest neighbor of BD, both Indian and BD govt want good relation between the countries, but for some reason these 'persons' are against it!! Calling Hasina as pro-Indian (I am not using slang) they blamed her for everything!!! Why? Whats bad if there is a good relation between the countries?

3) Why they are so much against India? When there was a news that China building dams over Brahmaputra, they still blamed India but not China, isn't that call India-phobia?

4) Someone here even supported the brutal slayers of 1971 and blaming India for 'creating' Bangladesh!!! Should we consider them as Bangladeshis? People and govt of BD trying hard to find such people and bringing them under punishment for what they did against the country. Now what will you say about the that? Do they have any right to talk agaist the govt when they are against BD itself! :disagree:
Stop writing India along with AL bashing as that just invites people like me to give a befitting reply.

Do not come here to say (the crap arguments of Indians like you) on behalf AL, No one will bash or .... your India.
Do not come here to say (the crap arguments of Indians like you) on behalf AL, No one will bash or .... your India.

We helped BD during her independence now should we allow you to take over the country again? BD belongs to the people of BD. We have good relation with BD, how can we let you to destroy this? :no:
We helped BD during her independence now should we allow you to take over the country again? BD belongs to the people of BD. We have good relation with BD, how can we let you to destroy this? :no:

So now you are the one who is going to determine, who are Bangladeshi people, i.e, who is Bangladeshi and who is not??


We helped BD during her independence now should we allow you to take over the country again? BD belongs to the people of BD. We have good relation with BD, how can we let you to destroy this? :no:

We helped BD during her independence now should we allow you to take over the country again?
In return of that 10 months' help in '71 (for your express benefit included, too), do you challenge Skies---a Bangladeshi---in such manner ? Outrageous, indeed.
BD belongs to the people of BD.
Which you are not. That is why you should stick your nose only where it belongs to---not at BD.
We have good relation with BD, how can we let you to destroy this?
C'mon. You have good relation only with AL---that too by unethical interference. BD is fine as long you do not meddle in her internal affairs. Please! Oh please!! do not worry about BD's destruction. Just focus on your own dalits, naxalites and oppressed masses in NE.
So now you are the one who is going to determine, who are Bangladeshi people, i.e, who is Bangladeshi and who is not??



OK!!! Just one example: You flag says that you are a Pakistani, now if you blame Britain for breaking India and creating Pakistan as well as blame Pakistani govt's every move which is elected by the people of Pakistan, what other people think about you? Will you be a Pakistani, when you don't believe in Pakistan? :sniper:

lol You reply to post meant for others, not the one meant for you!!!

In return of that 10 months' help in '71 (for your express benefit included, too), do you challenge Skies---a Bangladeshi---in such manner ? Outrageous, indeed.

Our soldiers died fighting for BD and we cannot reply his ignorance!!! Thats call 'true' return indeed!!!

Which you are not. That is why you should stick your nose only where it belongs to---not at BD.

As I said, so that you can take over!!! Convert friends to enemies!!! :no:

C'mon. You have good relation only with AL---that too by unethical interference.

Unethical? lol Same goes for relation we had with BD in 1971, isn't it? AL govt represents the people of BD. They won 263 out of 300 seats, if they want good relation with India than people of BD want good relation.

BD is fine as long you do not meddle in her internal affairs. Please! Oh please!! do not worry about BD's destruction. Just focus on your own dalits, naxalites and oppressed masses in NE.

Not to worry about BD's destruction? If one of our neighbor taken over by anti-independence, anti-India elements and you saying not to worry!!! Why India should not try to bring peace? Above all India never interfered in BD's internal matter.
lol You reply to post meant for others, not the one meant for you!!!
Our soldiers died fighting for BD and we cannot reply his ignorance!!! Thats call 'true' return indeed!!!
As I said, so that you can take over!!! Convert friends to enemies!!! :no:
Unethical? lol Same goes for relation we had with BD in 1971, isn't it? AL govt represents the people of BD. They won 263 out of 300 seats, if they want good relation with India than people of BD want good relation.
Not to worry about BD's destruction? If one of our neighbor taken over by anti-independence, anti-India elements and you saying not to worry!!! Why India should not try to bring peace? Above all India never interfered in BD's internal matter.

lol You reply to post meant for others, not the one meant for you!!!
Because I mostly overlook any unjust person-oriented word-missiles thrown to myself. But, I counter if those are targeted to my fellow countrymen. Also I reply if any info is sought further that I possess.

Our soldiers died fighting for BD and we cannot reply his ignorance!!! Thats call 'true' return indeed!!! Ha! Ha! They died not for the love of BD but for the own interest that served India---which is not any offence, though. But, that does not give you any license to poke your nose in others' affairs. Just learn this from wherever you can.

As I said, so that you can take over!!! Convert friends to enemies!!! :no: I already took over Bangladesh. Just trying to forbid you and other non-Bangladeshis to do the same. [I am a Freedom Fighter of 71---if you are not familiar with my earlier posts. I know more than you what your army did (and did not) exactly.]

Unethical? lol Same goes for relation we had with BD in 1971, isn't it? AL govt represents the people of BD. They won 263 out of 300 seats, if they want good relation with India than people of BD want good relation. Ha! Ha!! You really perhaps are very simple-minded. Don’t you know how election happens in Bangladesh under a care-taker Govt. who came to power through conspiracy ? If not, don't be a specialist in such issues by way of Googling or visiting Bangladesh for a while. Have not you learnt that few Govts---particularly in countries like Bangladesh---change their skin too-quick once the election is over ? BNP did the same, and now perhaps is repenting.

Not to worry about BD's destruction? If one of our neighbor taken over by anti-independence, anti-India elements and you saying not to worry!!! Why India should not try to bring peace? You have been advised 'not to worry by poking nose to others' affairs'. People of Bangladesh will decide ‘Who are anti-independence’. They have the right to become anti-Indian, too, if you pester them too much for too long. Your right to bring ‘peace’ is confined to your own territory only---never ever in others’ turf. That is why I reminded you about ‘dalits, naxalites, and NE people. You sure will not survive long if you by emulating other bona fide Super Powers---just ‘copy & past’-ing what they did in Vietnam, or doing in AfPak involving issues much bigger & more complicated than Bangladesh internal politics.

Above all India never interfered in BD's internal matter. Do you really believe so ? Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! How much meddling constitues your definition of "Interference", then ? Why not you ask other non-Indian members to comment whether any one noted any instance of 'Interference' in affairs of Bangladesh by India/Indians---just to check that you are right in your claim.
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OK!!! Just one example: You flag says that you are a Pakistani, now if you blame Britain for breaking India and creating Pakistan as well as blame Pakistani govt's every move which is elected by the people of Pakistan, what other people think about you? Will you be a Pakistani, when you don't believe in Pakistan? :sniper:

This is not the right of other people(non Pakistanis) to think about me, only and only my own countrymen can call me anything with that respect and no non Pakistani can dare to call me a Non or Anti Pakistani. Simply he does not have that right.
adeos amigo, I have agreed to your comments but the $hit they write and drag India in to every failure they can't manage is unbelievable. From BHEL power plant in Bangladesh to problems with trade. GoI is responsible for even power cuts. Its a little too much to see a set of people mad at every little thing and blame directly on AL and indirectly on India.

Just for a second, think of it and replace India with Pakistan and tell me you would ignore the chatter.
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