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Awami League turned Bangladesh justice system into ‘Kangaroo court’

Appellate Division judges boycott ceremony

Staff Correspondent

All the five Appellate Division judges did not attend the oath administration ceremony of the 15 out of the 17 newly appointed judges of the High Court on Sunday apparently boycotting the programme in protest at the chief justice’s unilateral decision on the appointment of the judges.

The chief justice, Mohammad Fazlul Karim, administered oath of office to the 15 additional High Court judges in the judges’ lounge where the five front-row chairs reserved for the Appellate Division judges remained vacant.

Sources in the Supreme Court hinted that the Appellate Division judges had boycotted the programme challenging the whole process of the appointment of the 17 additional judges and dropping two of them for taking oath of office as the chief justice reportedly made the decisions unilaterally without consulting senior Supreme Court judges.

Supreme Court lawyers said such a situation was unprecedented.
Senior Supreme Court lawyer Rafique-ul Huq on Sunday told New Age, ‘I have heard the Appellate Division judges have not attended the programme in protest as they were not consulted... I would not say anything more in this regard.’

Supreme Court lawyer Shahdeen Malik said, ‘The unprecedented incident makes it evident that the Appellate Division judges clearly disapproved the chief justice’s action.’

The president, Zillur Rahman, on April 11 made the appointments of 17 additional judges for two years in accordance with Article 98 of the constitution.

The chief justice on Saturday decided to administer oath of office to 15 out of the 17 newly appointed additional judge of the High Court on Sunday apparently giving in to the Supreme Court Bar Association’s demand for dropping the remaining two.

The chief justice made the decision ‘because of unavoidable circumstances,’ a Supreme Court release said on Saturday without elaboration.

No decision has yet been made on the remaining two additional High Court judges, Ruhul Quddus and M Khasruzzaman, a Supreme Court official told New Age on Saturday.

The Supreme Court Bar Association president, Khandker Mahbub Hossain, elected from pro-BNP-Jamaat lawyers’ panel, at a briefing in his office on April 12 urged the chief justice not to administer oath to Ruhul Quddus and Khasruzzaman terming them ‘controversial.’

The bar association objected to the appointment of Ruhul Quddus as he was the principal accused in a murder case and the incumbent government recently withdrew the case against him.

As for Khasruzzaman, the association president said he was involved in the vandalism that took place on the Supreme Court premises on November 30, 2006.

The attorney general, Mahbubey Alam, however, told reporters on Sunday, ‘We hope the chief justice would administer oath of office to the remaining two additional judges.’

He said the case, filed in the late 1980s after a clash between the Islami Chhatra Shibir and the All-Party Students’ Unity at Rajshahi University was a politically motivated case and the national committee on the withdrawal of politically motivated cases recommended withdrawal of the case against Ruhul Quddus and others at its meeting on January 19 when the process for the appointment of the additional judges was not even initiated.

Asked about the abstention of the Appellate Division Judges from the oath administration ceremony, the attorney general told the United News of Bangladesh that they might have boycotted the programme as probably they had not liked the stand of the chief justice regarding the two lawyers who were appointed additional judges, according to the news agency.

A number of lawyers and sources in the Supreme Court, however, said the Appellate Division judges had boycotted the programme challenging the whole process of the appointment of the 17 additional judges and dropping two of them for taking oath of office as the chief justice reportedly made the decisions unilaterally without consulting senior Supreme Court judges.

A special High Court bench, in the verdict delivered on August 7, 2008 in a writ petition regarding the dropping out of 10 additional High Court judges, detailed a 12-point guideline for the appointment of judges at the Supreme Court.

Number III of the guidelines said, ‘In case of appointment to the High Court Division, the chief justice shall consult with two senior most judges of the Appellate Division and equal number of judges of the High Court Division to form his opinion and he shall also consult senior members of the Supreme Court Bar and the attorney general.’

In the verdict delivered on February 25, 2009 in the appeal against the High Court judgement, the Appellate Division, however, detailed a fresh 12-point guideline for the appointment of Supreme Court judges disapproving the guideline Number III given by the High Court.
‘Norm I, III to XI are not approved,’ the Appellate Division said in its verdict. In the verdict, the Appellate Division, however, said the government must go by the consultation of the chief justice in appointing Supreme Court judges.

Although the High Court’s guideline for consulting senior Supreme Court judges in judge’s appointment has been disapproved by the Appellate Division, the chief justice should consult senior judges to form his opinion regarding recommendations for the appointment of judges, said senior Supreme Court lawyers.

They also cited a verdict delivered by the Appellate Division in the case regarding the appointment of former law secretary Kazi Habibul Awal in which the court held that ‘consultation with the chief justice’ meant consultation with the Supreme Court, meaning that the senior judges must be consulted.

They also said the Appellate Division verdict of February 25, 2009 now deserved to be reviewed as the Appellate Division judges evidently challenged the chief justice’s unilateral authority in appointment of judges.

As the chief justice is not only a person but also an institution, his opinion means the opinion of the Supreme Court and senior judges should be consulted by the chief justice in making his opinion, Shahdeen Malik said.

‘Now it is the time for the Appellate Division to review its February 25, 2009 verdict to make mandatory for the chief justice to consult senior judges in making his opinion on the appointment of judges,’ he said.

Of the five judges, who did not attend Sunday’s programme, only Justice Fazlul Karim and Justice Md Abdul Matin were in the five-judge Appellate Division bench that delivered the verdict.

The other three — Justice Shah Abu Nayeem Mominur Rahman, Justice ABM Khairul Haque and Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha — were elevated to the Appellate Division after the pronouncement of the verdict.

The 15 additional judges sworn in on Sunday are Justice M Faruque, Justice Md Shawkat Hossain, Justice FRM Nazmul Ahsan, Justice Krishna Devnath, Justice ANM Bashirulla, Justice AKM Zahirul Haq, Justice Abdur Rab, Justice Kazi Reza-Ul-Haque, Justice Jahangir Hossain Selim, Justice Sheikh Md Zakir Hossain, Justice Md Habibul Gani, Justice Abu Zafar Siddiqui, Justice Gobinda Chandra Thakur, Justice Sheikh Hasan Arif and Justice JBM Hasan.

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idune , how could you be so insulting to Kangaroo's

their courts are run to higher standards.

you are just discriminating against kangaroo's
Hey these two judges were not given oath today due to objection from BNP led bar council. Kudus to AL government as they backed off from appointing controversial figures as judges in high court.

Perhaps because your AL lost in last bar election. :coffee:
Honestly speaking:

I thought that I will not speak against India and I will not show hatred about them. But whenever I talked against AL or when I criticize AL then, I’ve noticed, Indians come here and interfere. Then it becomes difficult to me to refrain from speaking against India.

Honestly speaking:

I thought I will find the reason that why I dislike (not all time) India. Then I’ve got the result that, whenever we talk about BD’s internal issues then Indians come here to interrupt us at first or sometimes before other BD members to justify that we are wrong or not. How many times PK members come here to interfere in our discussion like Indians? So sick of…

Honestly speaking:

If we speak against homosexuality, premarital sex allowed in India or other issues of India like AIDS, poverty, Maoists, Kashmir then Indians come here to justify that it’s their human right and there is no wrong. But, on the other hand, whenever we criticize our own govt. then Indians come here and say that we are so wrong , we are sick and also take a gesture like that we have no right to say against our own govt. who rules us.

All I want to say that Indians are so irrelevant and irritating sometimes and they are not able to justify us.
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Skies bro, you have caught the indian deception drift. Indians are so desperate seeing that Awami regime has destroyed indian acceptability in Bangladesh or whatever left of it. For generation to come indians will face the benefit of what awami regime has destroyed. More we expose awami regime atrocious and fascist activities more indian stooge venture will sink. That fact is eating indians inside. Reaction we are seeing from indians are net result of that reality and its not only limited within few in this forum but that frustration extends all the way to south block.
Honestly speaking:

I thought that I will not speak against India and I will not show hatred about them. But whenever I talked against AL or when I criticize AL then, I’ve noticed, Indians come here and interfere. Then it becomes difficult to me to refrain from speaking against India.

Honestly speaking:

I thought I will find the reason that why I dislike (not all time) India. Then I’ve got the result that, whenever we talk about BD’s internal issues then Indians come here to interrupt us at first or sometimes before other BD members to justify that we are wrong or not. How many times PK members come here to interfere in our discussion like Indians? So sick of…

Honestly speaking:

If we speak against homosexuality, premarital sex allowed in India or other issues of India like AIDS, poverty, Maoists, Kashmir then Indians come here to justify that it’s their human right and there is no wrong. But, on the other hand, whenever we criticize our own govt. then Indians come here and say that we are so wrong , we are sick and also take a gesture like that we have no right to say against our own govt. who rules us.

All I want to say that Indians are so irrelevant and irritating sometimes and they are not able to justify us.

Jazakallah brother. Excellent analogy. I admire your way of thinking and salute you for realizing true enemy. Mash’allah.

The day rest of our population jump into your band wagon, we would be totally free independent sovereign Islamic country. The process has been slow but event of 75 initiated this noble movement. Bharati and Awami munafiq can try to make us submissive to Hindus but as so long as free thinking Mumin like you around, will not totally subdue us under hegemonic Hindu bharat.

We can not win the battle unless enemies are identified. Our immediate enemy is Awami Munafiqs and then sworn enemy Bharat.

Notice Awami going haywire now a day. It has lost in Supreme Court bar election and most likely will lose on bola sub election under fair poll. You may also aware that Dhaka city mayor election has been post paned to next fall hoping things will get better for AL by then but public already fed up these munafiq thugs. :tdown:
Honestly speaking:

I thought that I will not speak against India and I will not show hatred about them. But whenever I talked against AL or when I criticize AL then, I’ve noticed, Indians come here and interfere. Then it becomes difficult to me to refrain from speaking against India.

Honestly speaking:

I thought I will find the reason that why I dislike (not all time) India. Then I’ve got the result that, whenever we talk about BD’s internal issues then Indians come here to interrupt us at first or sometimes before other BD members to justify that we are wrong or not. How many times PK members come here to interfere in our discussion like Indians? So sick of…

Honestly speaking:

If we speak against homosexuality, premarital sex allowed in India or other issues of India like AIDS, poverty, Maoists, Kashmir then Indians come here to justify that it’s their human right and there is no wrong. But, on the other hand, whenever we criticize our own govt. then Indians come here and say that we are so wrong , we are sick and also take a gesture like that we have no right to say against our own govt. who rules us.

All I want to say that Indians are so irrelevant and irritating sometimes and they are not able to justify us.

Honestly speaking, this is an international forum. :azn:
If you want a private chat with buddies then this is not the place! You can't expect to start a thread in PDF and expect that it will be ignored by everyone but Bangladeshi.

Honestly speaking, why did you elect a dalal Government ? It just defies logic.

Honestly speaking, this is an international forum. :azn:
If you want a private chat with buddies then this is not the place! You can't expect to start a thread in PDF and expect that it will be ignored by everyone but Bangladeshi.

Honestly speaking, why did you elect a dalal Government ? It just defies logic.


What you bharati need is neutral mindset. Who give you right to defend Awami league in international forum. You should not have any preference over any political party in BD or any other country just like we do not give any damn about your internal political matter. You bharati are unwanted weeds in green lavish lawn. Do you have not shame or self respect? Do not act like bloody Awami activist. It our country and our political party thus we have all the right to stop, criticized and bash AL if it try stair the country in to black hole. We have right to be partisan but you don’t.

We welcome any constructive and neutral criticism or/and suggestion about our country and political culture but if you people can not be neutral then stay the **** off from our section with your naked partisan views. It's very simple. :smokin:
What you bharati need is neutral mindset. Who give you right to defend Awami league in international forum. You should not have any preference over any political party in BD or any other country just like we do not give any damn about your internal political matter. You bharati are unwanted weeds in green lavish lawn. Do you have not shame or self respect? Do not act like bloody Awami activist. It our country and our political party thus we have all the right to stop, criticized and bash AL if it try stair the country in to black hole. We have right to be partisan but you don’t.

Before neutral mindset, try and understand freedom of expression. I will defend whom I think I should defend. I don't want to comment on your ignorance but I have a preference of who should be in 10 downing street, London. About unwanted weeds, take a look at the mirror and from next time, mind your language.

About the rest of your speech, go join an anger therapy clinic. Oh btw, do you have a medical insurance policy ?

We welcome any constructive and neutral criticism or/and suggestion about our country and political culture but if you people can not be neutral then stay the **** off from our section with your naked partisan views. It's very simple. :smokin:

What is the definition of neutral ? Something that suits your understanding of world order ?

BTW, with this attitude, I can see you don't contribute meaningfully to any debate.
Honestly speaking:

I thought that I will not speak against India and I will not show hatred about them. But whenever I talked against AL or when I criticize AL then, I’ve noticed, Indians come here and interfere. Then it becomes difficult to me to refrain from speaking against India.

Honestly speaking:

I thought I will find the reason that why I dislike (not all time) India. Then I’ve got the result that, whenever we talk about BD’s internal issues then Indians come here to interrupt us at first or sometimes before other BD members to justify that we are wrong or not. How many times PK members come here to interfere in our discussion like Indians? So sick of…

Honestly speaking:

If we speak against homosexuality, premarital sex allowed in India or other issues of India like AIDS, poverty, Maoists, Kashmir then Indians come here to justify that it’s their human right and there is no wrong. But, on the other hand, whenever we criticize our own govt. then Indians come here and say that we are so wrong , we are sick and also take a gesture like that we have no right to say against our own govt. who rules us.

All I want to say that Indians are so irrelevant and irritating sometimes and they are not able to justify us.

Welcome back brotherbangladesh.. you been banned?
When I joined I used to enjoy coming to Pakistan Defence Forum and read some of the good posts and all. But recently mr. Idune and Al-Zakir made this Bangladesh section as a AL bashing and BNP prasing section.
One piece of good advice, your bashing not going to be read by any Bangladeshis except me or eastwatch or 3 or four more Bangladeshis here. And we not going to decide who we going to vote in the next election by your biased posting here. Are we?
Better post some positive news of Bangladesh and should be defence and economy related. So that we could still come and enjoy this forum.

Honestly speaking, this is an international forum. :azn:
If you want a private chat with buddies then this is not the place! You can't expect to start a thread in PDF and expect that it will be ignored by everyone but Bangladeshi.

Honestly speaking, why did you elect a dalal Government ? It just defies logic.


Ramu and also a few other Indian members:

With thanks to your pathetic attempt to educate, all already know that it is an Int’l forum. What irritating here is yours (and some of Indian members) too-prompt attempt to muddy an issue that imply against AL or its Govt.’s mis-deeds.

If Bangladeshis have elected a ‘dalal’ Govt thinking by mistake that AL will not continue further ‘dalali’ by way of coming to any sense, it is their business to address the issue the way they like . Why (a few of ) you Indians are the foremost people to attempt their protection, and dispense high-toned meanly-put advice to Bangladeshis who speak out their mind here? Why you start shedding the crocodile’s tears on behalf of everyone/everything Bangladeshis in this forum vent their dislikes against ?

And that too while :

1. About 25%+ of your population (dalits & maoists) are waging armed struggle against your own tyranny.
2. Your divided house against itself and huge poor masses without food & health are enough mockery of your very hollow ‘would-be super power’ slogan. Why not you learn from China ‘How to become a super-power in steps while looking after your masses too’?. See how much they spent on Tibet alone.
3. All your neighbours (China, Pakistan, Nepal, Srilanka) despise you including Bangladesh whom you assisted in their freedom struggle, though. Bangladeshis are sick now listening to your oversized over-worked repeated claim of that 10 months’ assistance and 40 years notoriety.
4. On one hand you encourage Pakistan’s WOT in FATA, and on the other hand you appear to be awaiting expectantly that collateral damages in FATA let cause a secession mind-set there.
5. In the same breath you try to wind away China but you are yet not very close to what China has had achieved so far in all sectors of development.
6. Why you come swarming like dirty flies to protect drug industries along the border of Bangladesh while Bangladesh and Myanmar both held you responsible for creating nuisance to bordering countries ? See various posts of your some countrymen in the appropriate thread.

Why few of you are so arrogant ? Is it because some are coaxing you to claim to become already a super power so that you then clear all the mess they created by their mistake and now they extricate themselves from the scene leaving that mess to you?

You need to know first how to sit on a throne if you want to become a king. You may find yourself a ‘failed’ rotten egg with a dead incomplete chick of ‘Super Power’ inside too soon---unless you learn to be pleasant to your own country men (dalits, naxalites and hungry deprived masses of millions) and your smaller neighbors.

Ask first yourself why you---being so many times bigger in all respect---failed to win conclusively a single war with Pakistan, and again failed to win hearts of Bangladeshis even after your 1971 assistance----to an extent China and Pakistan did win yet by not doing the same over that period.

You sure will get the answer. If not yet by then, it is too pathetic.

Sometimes, we few Bangladeshis, humorously enjoy your duplicity and mean attitudes in this forum silently just considering all these exchanges as a ‘sport of penmanship’---though some Chinese and Pakistani players including a fewer Bangladeshis really bash you deservingly well with facts and figures when you turn to be ‘a chest beater’.

But for that ‘chest beating’ role by few Indian members, you are really the charm of this forum. I must thank you for such role without which PDF would not have become that ‘tasty & enjoyable’. You Indians are really the best in such role. Chinese membes---from the other “Super Power”---are too educated, informative, modest and resourceful. However, you may still compete to become a charming prince by behaving better. Why not learn that too as good “Super Power citizen” ? I am sure you can swallow my this small advice while you are dumping so much advices day and night to us & others.

Nevertheless, there are good many numbers of Indian members---I must concede---whose posts are wise and intelligently-put and informative.
Welcome back brotherbangladesh.. you been banned?

@ Rawshan Iajdani, the genius engineer.

I did not banned ever but changed my ID after three times request to dear Mod with condition. Because that ID was sensitive and may be I can not represent BD well as others can but I care about BD. So I removed BD from my previous ID. Why you are saying that I was banned?!!

BTW, I'm very angry on you because if you dislike my post then tell me directly through post as you said me before by calling me "Atel". I will not mind for that very much. But why my countryman have to take help of an Indian to insult me indirectly which is a sign of a coward parasite.

And why you said that indirectly:

Could you write a poem or paint a Monalisa? May be not.. think about it.
to prithwidw at post # 72 in the hacking thread. What did you mean by that quoted above.
Ramu and also a few other Indian members:

With thanks to your pathetic attempt to educate, all already know that it is an Int’l forum. What irritating here is yours (and some of Indian members) too-prompt attempt to muddy an issue that imply against AL or its Govt.’s mis-deeds.

No one is stopping you from expressing your opinion. Let us express ours.

If Bangladeshis have elected a ‘dalal’ Govt thinking by mistake that AL will not continue further ‘dalali’ by way of coming to any sense, it is their business to address the issue the way they like . Why (a few of ) you Indians are the foremost people to attempt their protection, and dispense high-toned meanly-put advice to Bangladeshis who speak out their mind here? Why you start shedding the crocodile’s tears on behalf of everyone/everything Bangladeshis in this forum vent their dislikes against ?

And that too while :

Let them address it. Good for them. Why are you getting worked up ?

1. About 25%+ of your population (dalits & maoists) are waging armed struggle against your own tyranny.

Looks like statistics are made on the spot. Source please ?

2. Your divided house against itself and huge poor masses without food & health are enough mockery of your very hollow ‘would-be super power’ slogan. Why not you learn from China ‘How to become a super-power in steps while looking after your masses too’?. See how much they spent on Tibet alone.

Offtopic and shows the size of your brain.

3. All your neighbours (China, Pakistan, Nepal, Srilanka) despise you including Bangladesh whom you assisted in their freedom struggle, though. Bangladeshis are sick now listening to your oversized over-worked repeated claim of that 10 months’ assistance and 40 years notoriety.

Gr8. Your top leader visited India a few weeks back. Should I believe you or her ?

4. On one hand you encourage Pakistan’s WOT in FATA, and on the other hand you appear to be awaiting expectantly that collateral damages in FATA let cause a secession mind-set there.

Offtopic. Even Pak will disagree with your statement.

5. In the same breath you try to wind away China but you are yet not very close to what China has had achieved so far in all sectors of development.

I think you have vomited all your misconceptions in one single post. Well done. Should make your system work much better.

6. Why you come swarming like dirty flies to protect drug industries along the border of Bangladesh while Bangladesh and Myanmar both held you responsible for creating nuisance to bordering countries ? See various posts of your some countrymen in the appropriate thread.

Again mind your language as we don't need BD anymore than BD needs India.

Why few of you are so arrogant ? Is it because some are coaxing you to claim to become already a super power so that you then clear all the mess they created by their mistake and now they extricate themselves from the scene leaving that mess to you?

And now look who is speaking.

You need to know first how to sit on a throne if you want to become a king. You may find yourself a ‘failed’ rotten egg with a dead incomplete chick of ‘Super Power’ inside too soon---unless you learn to be pleasant to your own country men (dalits, naxalites and hungry deprived masses of millions) and your smaller neighbors.

this is truly the best part ! you need to read a little more about India and stop smoking weed.

Ask first yourself why you---being so many times bigger in all respect---failed to win conclusively a single war with Pakistan, and again failed to win hearts of Bangladeshis even after your 1971 assistance----to an extent China and Pakistan did win yet by not doing the same over that period.

Define winning conclusively !

I can't comment or the remaining nonsense as it adds little to this discussion.
No one is stopping you from expressing your opinion. Let us express ours.

Let them address it. Good for them. Why are you getting worked up ?

Looks like statistics are made on the spot. Source please ?

Offtopic and shows the size of your brain.

Gr8. Your top leader visited India a few weeks back. Should I believe you or her ?

Offtopic. Even Pak will disagree with your statement.

I think you have vomited all your misconceptions in one single post. Well done. Should make your system work much better.

Again mind your language as we don't need BD anymore than BD needs India.

And now look who is speaking.

this is truly the best part ! you need to read a little more about India and stop smoking weed.

Define winning conclusively !

I can't comment or the remaining nonsense as it adds little to this discussion.

You have shown by yourself more than enough reasons---by your reply above---why all most all Bangladeshis, and many of Chinese and Pakistani members abhor attitudes of likes of you here. As for links for the stats, you know how correct is this figure as is mentioned in so many sites in Googles and posts in PDF. Yet, carry on nevertheless (do not stop if you feel well) whichever way you can if can not see your faults. Saying all, we like this too---from other POV---as you & likes are really the charm of PDF.
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