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Awami League Media Terrorism - Amardesh publisher arrested

Last news published by Amardesh popular newspaper before Awami regime closed the newspaper.


Amar Desh Newspaper closed by Bangladesh Government :

Amardesh Declaration cancelled police trying to arrest editor from office but journalists protest and try to defend him. The government of Bangladesh has shut down the publication of The Amar Desh, one of the largest circulated bengali dailies in Bangladesh.

One of the government intelligence agency National Security Intelligence (NSI) picked up Mr Alhaj Md. Hasmat Ali, the publisher of the newspaper and made him sign complaints to the police and Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka claiming that his name as publisher as being illegally used by the present owner of the company Amar Desh Publications Ltd., that he is not in anyway responsible for the reports and comments criticizing the government and ruling party leaders. We understand that in the complaints he has asked the police and the Deputy Commissioner to take action against the acting Editor of the Daily Amar Desh, Mahmudur Rahman and present owner of the company. Later NSI forced Mr. Hasmot Ali to file a cheating case (under CRPC 420) and at night DC cancelled the declaration of Amar Desh and government sent police to sealed Amar Desh press and arrest Amar Desh Editor.

Earlier NSI interrogated Hasmot Ali but the allegations against Amar Desh editor are factually incorrect. The reality is that as soon Mr Hasmat Ali and his fellow directors of Amar Desh Publications Ltd. lawfully transferred the ownership and shares of the company to the present directors in September, 2008. The new directors had formally applied to the Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka to change the publisher name in favour of Mahmudur Rahman according to the company board decission. It is the Deputy Commissioner hence the government which has not yet formally made the change in the declaration of authentication. The fact is that change in ownership of the company with Mr Mahmudur Rahman as chairman and managing director has been communicated to all relevant authorities and the transfer of the controlling shares has been duly registerd with register of Joint Stock Companies. So neither Mr. Hasmat Ali or any government officials or agencies has any ground to accuse the Amar Desh of illigally using Mr. Hasmat Ali's name.

It may be noted here that at no stage since last about one and half years the Deputy Commissioners office or the Information Ministry or the DFP, with whom we have raised any question about the legality of publication of the newspaper. More specifically the Deputy Commissioner has at no stage till now informed the present owners of Amar Desh Publication company that he can't or will not allow a change in the name of publisher.

Therefore, what has happend today is a blatant attempt by the government to stop or at least temporary obstrain the publication of Amar Desh by force. It may be mentioned that a adviser to the Prime Minister and leaders of the rulling party have so far filed as many as 32 cases of deformation against Mr. Mahmudur Rahman and concern reporters of this daily. These cases also include Mr Hasmat Ali as an accused.

Amardesh Online Edition
Police are at popular Bangla daily newpaper Amardesh gate to arrest its editor Mahmudur Rahman.

Report in Bangla:
.:. Welcome to SHEERSHANEWS.COM .:.

The magnitude of Mahmudur Rahman's defiance against Fascist Rawamays, Dalal-Ghoti-Commies demonstrated the continuation of the historic trend of Tipu Sultan, Titu Mir, Tatia Topi, Surja Sen, Siraj Sikder's ones. Just like getting lynched, tortured were the irony of their fates; Mahmudur Rahman's one wouldn't be any different as world still stayed as divided as Rulers and Subjected to ruled. By compiling might and capital, Rulers of our time became more cunning, shrewd and strategic for their vested interest but ' A man of honor' like Mahmudur Rahman took the fight to fascist rulers'
camp. Cheristole defiance, resistance of Mr. Rahman's type. That is the only and sacred route to take for good people against evils IMHO.

Now coming to the core of the issue, I guess divulging Awamy dalal's complicity along with Bharati-Ram's presence as 44 Battalions' form during BDR Darbar's genocide was the red line that Bharat wouldn't allow to cross. So there we have Mahmudur Rahman contained. If anyone still doesn't understand who runs BD, I think this is a very good clue for break the puzzle.
The magnitude of Mahmudur Rahman's defiance against Fascist Rawamays, Dalal-Ghoti-Commies demonstrated the continuation of the historic trend of Tipu Sultan, Titu Mir, Tatia Topi, Surja Sen, Siraj Sikder's ones. Just like getting lynched, tortured were the irony of their fates; Mahmudur Rahman's one wouldn't be any different as world still stayed as divided as Rulers and Subjected to ruled. By compiling might and capital, Rulers of our time became more cunning, shrewd and strategic for their vested interest but ' A man of honor' like Mahmudur Rahman took the fight to fascist rulers'
camp. Cheristole defiance, resistance of Mr. Rahman's type. That is the only and sacred route to take for good people against evils IMHO.

Now coming to the core of the issue, I guess divulging Awamy dalal's complicity along with Bharati-Ram's presence as 44 Battalions' form during BDR Darbar's genocide was the red line that Bharat wouldn't allow to cross. So there we have Mahmudur Rahman contained. If anyone still doesn't understand who runs BD, I think this is a very good clue for break the puzzle.

Great analysis M_saint bahi. Mahmudur Rahman has been arrested just few minutes ago along with 4 other Amardesh journalists.

Fe- Amanillah.
Great analysis M_saint bahi. Mahmudur Rahman has been arrested just few minutes ago along with 4 other Amardesh journalists.

Fe- Amanillah.

True Mujahid of our time. Blessing of Allah will reemerge him with greater respect Insh'allah.

Din-e-Gulam and Islamic knowledge spreader like Maluna Abul Kalam Azad( apnar jiggasha, NTV) has been taken off from air due to Awami Munafiq bastards pressure. :angry:
Since arrest whereabouts of Mahmudur Rahman is unknown, he has not been produced in the court nor could anyone find where he is.
Un named police officer mentioned Mahmudur Rahman has been taken to Cantonment police station - Notorious for torture during 1/11, even some Awami leader did not forgot about those days.

Bangladesh journalist has called for protest and will have rally in pressclub this morning.
Since arrest whereabouts of Mahmudur Rahman is unknown, he has not been produced in the court nor could anyone find where he is.
Un named police officer mentioned Mahmudur Rahman has been taken to Cantonment police station - Notorious for torture during 1/11, even some Awami leader did not forgot about those days.

Bangladesh journalist has called for protest and will have rally in pressclub this morning.
The above is really a worrisome development as you may re-call that MUA/Bari run DGFI has started this practice, by which they have tortured selective politicians according to their objectives. I've predicted similar fate of Mahmudur Rahman in my previous post and seeing the pattern of 'Unknown Whereabouts' for sometimes right after the arrest, I'm afraid those Mother Fukcin Mlauns have already accpmplised the first round's goal through heinous torture. BTW, on a different note, I've come across to confirm the existence of 'Purba Bangla' nationalist soldiers that had made the break up of PAK easy by eating in Pakistani Barrack but aiding Malauns. The seeds of traitorousness that we had sowed, came back to bite again and it seemed like Indians possessed the power to change our fates by their wills since the supply of traitors in our land is infinite.

The follwing is the article,

India and their allies are destroying the roots of Bangladesh

Sunday May 30 2010 20:37:50 PM BDT

By Abu Zafar Mahmood, USA

Introduction: Why the liberated Bangladesh is treated to be annexed by Indians after the Independence? Why they fought against Pakistan and became the front-line ally in the liberation war Bangladesh and turned in heinous face from the ending-chapter of the war? Why the Indians guarded General M A G Osmani in Kolkata and compelled not to fly in Dhaka in time during the victory ceremony? Why not the exile Bangladesh government but only the Indians appeared on the scene at the surrendering session? Did India Invaded Bangladesh in the name of war-partner? Why Indian Army burnt the docs of liberation war of Bangladesh? Bangladesh has to get all answers one by one from India. One can hide truth for few times but never for ever. Our Leaders with strong spines are ready to head up in coming days and India will have to pay back the entire debt with interests together to Bangladesh.

Destruction of the docs of 1971 war of Liberation is certainly an attack on the deep root lair of Bangladesh. It is a military strategic target. As Delhi government never tolerate any Muslim power inside or outside their border. Such attitude is expected till they have the capacities to do so. They exercise this `embrace and damage` technique as `Hit and Run` is one of the guerrilla tactics. They adopt this policy against Muslims since they embraced the British in India. So, this is the act of war against the Independence of the state. South Asian power game must be changed with the Changes Global power Strategy. Delhi government has to pay back for her hundreds of year’s loans in Bangladesh soil, any way.

Indian Military strategy, economic and water policies and political principles are based on their long term Greater India goal as it was British-India. It is neo-colonization race. This race matches with Chanoyokkoy tactics of Brahmans. Indian rulers make deals with the neighbor small countries publicly as friend and break their neck, backbone and legs gradually through this form of war. This war is designed in a way which is unlike the traditional war but create huge damage as they find easy access of collecting operatives for sabotage, creating heavy casualties and spreading misinformation to confuse the effected concerned persons. The nature and trend of Bangladeshi politics is suitable for implementing such war technique on them.

However, this `alternative war` or neo-colonialization design is more or less exposed and been facing gradually volcanic eruption of the mass people of the region .Indian teethes of paws are loosing biting capacities and face a remarkable shake recently as American policy in Afghanistan already entered in conflicts with Indian interests and their dependencies on Pakistan indicates new scenario in South Asia power process. A lot of diplomats will wakeup with this change in Washington DC and turn their face again as appropriate front liners, as many analysts guess.

May I beg pardon to the readers as I am turning your attention back in one untold page of our liberation war in 1971! It might provide more clue of Indian strategy about Bangladesh which might cause the eye-brow shaking to our military giants also. However, the defense analysts of Bangladesh might find it as their one of the light house and the politicians for their future course.

On June 16th 1971 an important top secret meeting was arranged to discuss the situation of the war of liberation and its future direction. The meeting was scheduled in Presidency hotel basement in Kolkata, West Bengal, India and it was planned by RAW under the direction of Delhi Government.

In Bangladesh side attended persons were including ; Tajuddin Ahmed, Syed Nazrul Islam, Capt(Rtd) Mansur Ali, Khondkar Mostaq Ahmed, Kamruzzaman,M R Siddiqee(Chittagong) and General M A G Osmani, Air officer A R Khondkar,Senior Major Ziaur Rahman, Major Shafiullah, Major Mir Sawkat Ali,Major C R Dutta,Major Mohammed Abdul Jalil,Kader Siddiqee(Kaderia Bahini),Major Khaled Mossarraf,Capt Adnan Mostafa,Capt Rafiqul Islam,Capt Amin Ahmed Chowdhury etc. Total numbers were more or less 30.

In Indian side attended persons were including; (educationist) Professor. Dilip mukharjee, Head of the department of English, Kolkata University.Surendra bosh, Carmichael law college, Kolkata. President and General Secretary of Kolkata press club. Major General Zagjeet Singh Arora,4/5 Brigadiers, Colonel Sankar das Gupta and other 4/5 colonels and Major Guru das Singh and some other Majors. Total numbers were could be more or less 20.They represented Indian government in special category.

In that meeting the Indian side Promised with saying that they are heading up for Bengali nation and supporting the Bangladesh war of liberation in a belief that they will go to liberate west Bengal with the Arms and ammunitions that they are now supplying and supporting to liberate Bangladesh. After the success in Bangladesh, Bengalis of West Bengal will go for liberating themselves from India. Finally both sides of Bengal will form the United States of Bangladesh or United Bangladesh including 7 sisters which was proven a misguiding story to cheat the Bangladeshis and achieve an Indian target( (This revelation IMO is enough to warrant Indians for Intellectual Murders @ 14th DEC, 71) .

On November 26th 1971 another meeting was arranged in the same hotel venue as the liberation war was knocking the final victory. Almost all districts were brought under Bangladesh Arm-forces, Muktibahinee and other local guerrilla groups like; Kaderia, Mujib, Batenia, Hemayet Bahinee etc and Indian troops is ready to join in final war. Bangladesh flag hoisted in liberated almost all district area. The Arm-forces officers were promoted in higher ranks. The Indian real motives of gambling though were detected gradually to some military officers and the many could not guess though. Entire situation was left far behind to them about the incoming dangers from Indians. India already took control over the War policy making process through their intelligence operatives and exile Bangladesh government. Mujib bahinee and Awami league high ranking leaders were fighting against each other in creating scopes for Indian interference as they were assigned to do.

In this get together and short meeting the Indian side moved reverse from their previous promise and position. The Indian Representative said,” you are in the war of liberating own country. We are supporting your cause as we feel it is genuine. Go fight to reach your own goal. It’s your responsibilities to fight your enemies and stay independent. Pakistan was created once to break and eliminate when necessary. We have nothing to be involved in such noise among the Muslims. We will not break India. We can’t play with the sovereignty of our beloved country. India is the largest power in the region”.

The young Captain Adnan Mustafa, the ADC to the Chief of Arm-forces and Mukti Bahinee reacted against the Chanoyokyo policy of the Indians right a way and showed his anger encountering the lie and bluff of them. He said, “Sir, you see, we have to suffer for the endless future. India already started betraying us. These men are liars. Never trust them anymore. Depend on these Hindu people only if you want embrace your death and find eliminating our nation”. But with the interference of Colonel Zia the situation of the discussion again returned in order quickly. West Bengal side kept the mouth shut. The meeting ended with paying good wishes to each other. Though Osmani and Zia later admitted young man’s forecasting concept.

Professor Dilip Mukharjee and other 12/13 representatives were present from West Bengal side in that meeting.

General M A G Osmani, Foreign Minister of the exile Bangladesh Government Khondkar Mostaque Ahmed, Chief of Z Force Colonel Zia and Captain Adnan Mustafa attended in the discussion with total 8/9 members from Bangladesh side.

The Chief of the Liberation Army planned to be informed the latest position of the Indian Army and West Bengal side for future as they promised earlier. Colonel Zia ur Rahman came from the battle field and visited the Commander in Chief for some secret docs of war in that time. Khondkar Mostaque came to ask General Osmani about the plan of entering Dhaka together. All other ministers and politicians in the meantime already rushed towards Bangladesh border. The exile ministers, MPs and Awami league leaders had no liaison among themselves at the time of returning home. Everybody was in a hurry and forget about own responsibilities as they represent the government of a Republic. Mostaque was exception. He remained with the Mukti bahinee headquarter. In those days two sons of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, respectively; Sheikh Kamal and Sheikh Jamal were taken with General Osmani for security reasons. So, He took them with him in the meeting also.

Bangladesh was liberated as usual on December 16th in the next month. General M A G Osmani was not allowed to leave Kolkata and attend in surrendering session of Pakistani Army at Dhaka. It was done to turn the magic of Indian Military history and showing the Indian Military as the mightiest over the Muslims and others. Moreover, to keep the record in an intention that Pakistani Army surrendered to them and India own East Pakistan as they achieved the sole commanding power over the Pakistani defeated Army.

However, Mr. Osmani landed in Dhaka on January 26th, 1972 and Indian Army opposed him in entering Dhaka Cantonment. They denied giving him access. So, he had to open up a temporary head quarter of Bangladesh Arm forces in Minto road, Dhaka in a house with some small rooms and started establishing official contacts. Occupied Indian Army was busy to take control over everything and prepared to setup Administration with combined ICS officers and their loyal freedom fighters.

Sheikh Kamal snatched the original hand-written list of the freedom fighters from the ADC of General Osmani on January 28th 1972 and burnt it. It was the opening of a new message of the Sheikh Family. All the staffs of the temporary headquarter of BD Arm-forces knew about this practice. The anarchist act of Sheikh Kamal was informed to the President of the Republic, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. It was left unpublished in the media and Awami league government never feel any importance for the original list of the freedom fighters due to Indian interests as well as the vindictive attitude of non-freedom fighters. Sheikh Mujib perhaps was much more worried for the invasion of Indian Army in Bangladesh at that time.

However, Now, Sheikh Hasina Government keeps silent regarding the news of the destruction of the docs of liberation war by the Indian Army which just came out recently on May 2010. Silence indicates acceptance. The sector commanders’ forum of liberation war 1971 headed by backboneless elements following the same strategy of Awami league government yet. The other political parties who market them in the name of pro-liberation power are also keeping silent. These sign is very significant and mysteriously dangerous.

The intellectuals, cultural stars and the elite professors of Universities are following the power brokers. They are always traditional slave in character and did not protest as they feel honored to be under the arms of the strong anarchists. They stayed captive in Dhaka city under the Pakistan Army in 1971.Pakistani Army grabbed and raped the women and girls of their families categorically and these progressive men elements did welcome, handshake and served those strongmen as their loyal entertainers.

After the Independence of Bangladesh these items of men and women found changed their lords and embraced the Indian Army, RAW operatives and officials with the understanding of serving all the way as their colorful bosses. They are continuing the same practice of fluttering in Dhaka.

The destruction or burning the Bangladesh freedom war documents by Indian Army is not a mere accident or unknowingly done any mistake. Sheikh Kamal, the mightiest anarchist and the uncrowned prince under his father’s regime burnt the freedom fighters list mainly according to the dictation of Indian Army, as the sources confirmed. The Indian Army destroyed the documents of freedom war which they preserved in India. Both attempts targeted the foundation lair of the liberation war. Interesting coincide!

The spirit of freedom war in Sheikh Mujib Family appears as the spirit of Indian army strategy-a shocking reality. How astonishing! These both lines of action confront interests of the existence of Bangladesh. It goes against the basic political spirit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as many who believe. The great politician Mujib experienced the hate-politics of British-Arian Brahman against Muslims in India during his youth age. He had the guts to stand for saving the affected distress people from the communal genocide initiated for British-Brahman interests before partition of India. That could influence in his political spirit.

Moreover, The British snatched the political power from Muslims mainly with the support of Fanatic Brahman caste in 1757 and lately empowered those Brahman ally when they hided from the front face of Indian politics in 1947.The continuation of that British-Indian expansionist strategy now-a-days slicing the sovereignty of Bangladesh and extending their hands in neighbor Muslim states; Afghanistan and Pakistan for damaging purposes.

Conclusion: The new social powers are heading up in Bangladesh to take the command of leadership in hand. They are already in competitions with the existing powers. Both powers are strengthening themselves through “fight and co-operation” to each other. Where as the China-America recently mobilizing the power game with new branding which is ultimately preparing the external situation ready for Bangladesh also. Pull out process of NATO forces from Afghanistan and supporting Pakistan as the regional key supervisor just changed the entire power strategy in the region. This slap on Indian face is some extent a good answer of betrayal to United States of America. So, Bangladesh has to utilize the scopes of regaining the capacities and strengthen her powers to be free from Indian expansion and initiate a proper Journey to become a super power.

Writer is a Free-Lancer Journalist and Freedom Fighter
E Mail : rivercrossinternational@yahoo.com

Wow.. the Bangladeshi version of Comedy Central is shut down... Shame on this government.. Why did they take this media so seriously??????????????
Wow.. the Bangladeshi version of Comedy Central is shut down... Shame on this government.. Why did they take this media so seriously??????????????

Good to see you admit and identify yourself as awami terrorist.
this is totally unacceptable any media is closed due to some silly wrong doing in there publishing procedure .with the closing of two independent media (chanel1,jamuna tv and amardesh the govt has clearly showing that they are not tolarate any different opinion other thab the there own. they are going to suffocate any media any time if they found any excuse . i fear that other opposition parties media like digonta tv and nayadiganta will be close any time they get any falt in there publishing or any excuse .
this is totally unacceptable any media is closed due to some silly wrong doing in there publishing procedure .with the closing of two independent media (chanel1,jamuna tv and amardesh the govt has clearly showing that they are not tolarate any different opinion other thab the there own. they are going to suffocate any media any time if they found any excuse . i fear that other opposition parties media like digonta tv and nayadiganta will be close any time they get any falt in there publishing or any excuse .

Diganta TV is a matured and non controversial media and not a factory of fictions. I dont think it will be ever closed down despite run by Jamaat.
Amardesh was constantly instigating Armed forces and became a concern of our homeland security. Playing with the armed forces is not a kids play.. You have to understand that. Even CNN reporters were arrested at the time of Iraq War.
Diganta TV is a matured and non controversial media and not a factory of fictions. I dont think it will be ever closed down despite run by Jamaat.

Diganta tv is constantly threatened on its progam by Awami regime. There are many threatening letters issued by Awami regime to diganta tv.

Amardesh was attacked because it exposed multi million dollars corruption by Sheikh Hasina's Sajeeb Wazed Joy and lately Amardesh exposed how Sheikh Hasina, her ministers, her nephew and her MPs were involved in killing 58 of Bangladesh army officers. Amardesh stood by Bangladesh army and told the truth against Awami anti state activities. So you or anyone arguing for closing Amardesh is just arrogant liar and indian traitors.

Here is the list of Awami regime terrorism against media.

1. Awami regime predecessor and ally the 1/11 regime bans CSB, the only 24/7 news channel in Bangladesh. This government keeps the ban on.

2. Awami regime blocks youtube as someone posted the audio conversations between disgruntled military officers with the PM during a meeting of PM and military officers soon after a deadly mutiny by paramilitary force BDR.

3. Awami regime shuts down test transmission of Jamuna TV.

4. Awami regime comes down hard on the editor of Daily Amar Desh for publishing a story of corruption involving PM’s son Mr Sajib Wajed Joy, PM’s advisor Toufiq Elahi Chowdhury and Chevron. Several dozen cases got filed against him in every corner of Bangladesh.

5. Awami regime shuts down very popular TV channel ‘Channel 1′, citing silly procedural reasons. Thousands of journalists became jobless. Millions of dollar investment went astray.

6. Awami regime starts crack down on TV channels. Some TV start using government crackdown to impose their own censorship on TV hosts. Popular TV talk show, “Point of Order” is shut down forcibly since a government leader failed to answer the question of the anchor.

7. Citing the same reason and reintroduction of some black list, some popular TV shows start self censorship. One example is popular midnight talk show, ” Grameen Phone Ajker Shongbad Potro” of channel I. This show used to invite guests favoring government and critiquing government. Sources close to one guest critiquing government says that all those who are critical of government has been black listed from the show. As a result, this show no longer invites guests like Asafuddoula, Asif Nazrul, Nurul Kabir, Mahfuzullah etc. Now only pro government guests are invited to discuss with the anchor of the show. The paranoia has reached such an intense level that a total non political art show host’s monologue is censored as he is known to be a critique of the government. In one of his shows when he ends, with ” Good bye, good night, apnara nirapode thakun ( be safe), apnader biddut o pani thakuk, ( Wish you have adequate supply of electricity and water)”, last two pharases, “apnara nirapode thakun ( be safe), apnader biddut o pani thakuk, ( Wish you have adequate supply of electricity and water)” are cut off the show.

8. A senior minister announces in a public meeting that one TV channel is closed for giving the opposition leader lot of coverage and government was trying to shut down other TV channels too.

9. Awami regime arrests one young man for posting a caricature of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

10. Awami regime bans facebook , reports come out that facebook ban was enforced due to governments’ unease at the publication of some classified sections of a government report of a paramilitary mutiny in Bangladesh.

11. Awami regime clsoed popular Bangla daily Amardesh and arrested its acting editor Mahmudur Rahman with fabricated case.
Last edited:
Amar Desh Newspaper closed by Bangladesh Government : Amardesh Declaration cancelled police trying to arrest editor from office but journalists protest and try to defend him

The government of Bangladesh has shut down the publication of The Amar Desh, one of the largest circulated bengali dailies in Bangladesh. One of the government intelligence agency National Security Intelligence (NSI) picked up Mr Alhaj Md. Hasmat Ali, the publisher of the newspaper and made him sign complaints to the police and Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka claiming that his name as publisher as being illegally used by the present owner of the company Amar Desh Publications Ltd., that he is not in anyway responsible for the reports and comments criticizing the government and ruling party leaders. We understand that in the complaints he has asked the police and the Deputy Commissioner to take action against the acting Editor of the Daily Amar Desh, Mahmudur Rahman and present owner of the company. Later NSI forced Mr. Hasmot Ali to file a cheating case (under CRPC 420) and at night DC cancelled the declaration of Amar Desh and government sent police to sealed Amar Desh press and arrest Amar Desh Editor.

Earlier NSI interrogated Hasmot Ali but the allegations against Amar Desh editor are factually incorrect. The reality is that as soon Mr Hasmat Ali and his fellow directors of Amar Desh Publications Ltd. lawfully transferred the ownership and shares of the company to the present directors in September, 2008. The new directors had formally applied to the Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka to change the publisher name in favour of Mahmudur Rahman according to the company board decission. It is the Deputy Commissioner hence the government which has not yet formally made the change in the declaration of authentication. The fact is that change in ownership of the company with Mr Mahmudur Rahman as chairman and managing director has been communicated to all relevant authorities and the transfer of the controlling shares has been duly registerd with register of Joint Stock Companies. So neither Mr. Hasmat Ali or any government officials or agencies has any ground to accuse the Amar Desh of illigally using Mr. Hasmat Ali's name.
It may be noted here that at no stage since last about one and half years the Deputy Commissioners office or the Information Ministry or the DFP, with whom we have raised any question about the legality of publication of the newspaper. More specifically the Deputy Commissioner has at no stage till now informed the present owners of Amar Desh Publication company that he can't or will not allow a change in the name of publisher.
Therefore, what has happend today is a blatant attempt by the government to stop or at least temporary obstrain the publication of Amar Desh by force. It may be mentioned that a adviser to the Prime Minister and leaders of the rulling party have so far filed as many as 32 cases of deformation against Mr. Mahmudur Rahman and concern reporters of this daily. These cases also include Mr Hasmat Ali as an accused.

Amardesh Online Edition
Diganta TV is a matured and non controversial media and not a factory of fictions. I dont think it will be ever closed down despite run by Jamaat.
Amardesh was constantly instigating Armed forces and became a concern of our homeland security. Playing with the armed forces is not a kids play.. You have to understand that. Even CNN reporters were arrested at the time of Iraq War.

How long have you been smoking pot? A stupid and nonsense logic you got there. Government could have warned them if there was security concern or other fabricated issue. How could you support this BS.

I do not recall BNP closed down anti-Islamic and anti-BNP news print like protom alo, dialy star, borer kagoj, shomokal and daily Janakanta. Fascism in Awamis blood and that shall be repay same bloody way.
BANGLADESH - Opposition daily closed, force used to arrest editor

English: Reporters Sans Frontières - Opposition daily closed, force used to arrest editor
Français : Reporters Sans Frontières - Le journal d'opposition Amar Desh fermé, son éditeur violemment arrêté

Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the closure of the national daily Amar Desh and is concerned about the fate of its editor, Mahmudur Rahman, who was arrested during a pre-dawn raid on the newspaper today despite the protests of the journalists present. Rahman has been charged with fraud and violence against police officers. The newspaper’s printing press has also been closed.

“We condemn the closure of Amar Desh and the withdrawal of its licence,” Reporters Without Borders said. “The night-time raid by armed police on the daily’s headquarters and the use of force to arrest editor Mahmudur Rahman are unworthy of a government that claims to respect the rule of law."

“The Awami League government is clearly unable to tolerate criticism from this opposition newspaper and, in particular, its coverage of the controversial award of energy contracts to foreign companies. Rahman was an advisor in these matters in the last BNP government and his revelations are damaging for the government.”

The press freedom organisation added: “We call for an independent and transparent investigation into the accusations that the government has brought against the newspaper and its editor. Pending the outcome of this investigation, we call on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to allow Amar Desh to resume publishing and to obtain Mahmudur Rahman’s release.”

More than 100 armed police officers carried out the raid on Amar Desh’s premises in Dhaka in the early hours of today, seizing copies of today’s issue before they were distributed and arresting Rahman in his office. Several journalists were injured during the raid and five journalists were charged with violence. Rahman was placed in pre-trial detention on a charge of fraud, while the newspaper’s printing press was also closed.

Members of National Security Intelligence (NSI) yesterday went to the home of Amar Desh publisher Mohammad Hasmat Ali and took him to NSI headquarters, where he was forced to sign two blank sheets of papers.

The authorities subsequently claimed that Ali had signed two statements, one recognising that he had continued to pass himself off as the newspaper’s publisher after transferring ownership to Rahman’s media company, and one recognising that he wanted to sue Rahman. The police clearly wanted to trap both men in order to have the newspaper’s licence withdrawn under the 1973 press law.

Amar Desh begun publishing in September 2004 during the government led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, now in opposition.

Sheikh Hasina’s government has taken several decisions hostile to media freedom in the past two months:
Reporters Sans Frontières - Facebook access restored in Pakistan, but now blocked in Bangladesh
Reporters Sans Frontières - Reporters Without Borders sent a letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Reporters Sans Frontières - Government backs down at court hearing, lifts ban on exhibition
Munshi bhai. What's your assessment on this media crackdown?
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