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Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history

A very welcome post. I agree with you.

1. Jamat don't even believe in the existence of Bangladesh.
2. Jamat practices Moududism. They use Islam to brainwash people and use them later for their political benefit.
3. Any religion and jamat . . . . . . errrr, I believe I don't have to tell you anything about it.

Keep your eyes on the news.

An outsider will never care about 71 so whether you are interested or not, really doesn't matter.

Usually, these kinds of things happen when you try to burn the policemen alive and/or attack them with intention to kill.

They are peace-loving protesters. Anyway, believe me, there are many who are gonna fight back and some are already fighting back. The whole nation will fight against these anti-state children of jamat-matha elements.

Just keep an eye on the TV. You won't be dissapointed.


1. Jamat don't even believe in the existence of Bangladesh. They never said that. How then they formed Jote with BAL in election before ? How majority population in rural Bangladesh supporting / assisting their movements last few days. Public would cut them in pieces and would feed the dogs. In fact, JI youth are the staunchest & honest pro-Bangladesh in Bangladesh politics.

2. Jamat practices Moududism. They use Islam to brainwash people and use them later for their political benefit. Yes. "Moududism" ideology is a problem for which majority Ulema (pro-Deobond) differs with them, rightly. But, to speak of religion that does not make them non-muslim nor allows to discard them. We fought for Bangladesh to make is liveable for all caste, creed & religion. Brainwash is what every politics is for. To single out only JI is not democratic.

3.Any religion and jamat . . . . . . errrr, I believe I don't have to tell you anything about it. So far all attacks in Bangladesh on other religious people have been mainly perpetrated by BAL for material gain. JI is strict on Islamic principle in this matter and corruption.

Only BAL speaks of 'democracy' and '71 chetona' etc. but acts 100% opposite making these slogans farce of the highest order and unpalatable to the mass.

...One earnest note for you. Let JI stay a bit longer with their "Moududism" fault----otherwise once corrected they will get "Ulemas" support which will make JI unstopable and would cause BAL & BNP go out of business and gulping every now and then "Padma Bridge", Power & Gas and other infrastructure. JI---because of their intellect & honesty---then soon will head all branches of Armed Forces, Police, BGB, Admin & Judiciary and will raise hell for many including 'Luxary-class' Shahbagi Regiment of neo 2nd batch of FFs.

If hanging of these current leadership can be managed successfully or if they die anyway, the last bunch of "Moududi's direct disciples will be gone. It is 'very likely' that new generation 'leadership' (now realizing the importance of Ulema afresh under current BAL offensive predicament----harder the better for JI in the long-run) may transform earlier than BAL & BNP can afford to accomodate.

So, please do not push JI much on PDF, and leave them as it is for self benefit.
When 23 rawami thugs will be shot to death you'll call that the worst genocide.

....Oh! T-Rex, a word for you.

This poster hinduguy is very sick (like other few Indians) and should see a 'psychistrist' immediately. Please be nice to him, and advise him to listen to you.

With such trait in his post, he is not even safe for his parents, relatives, friends nor for his wife and children (if married). He can kill any body anytime on any pre-text like his compatriot BSF bunch.
March 3rd, Sunday, 2013 - 20:50 PM BST

26 people killed by Awami League genocide; 7 including 2 woman killed in Bogra district.
4 people including 1 children killed in Rajshahi district.
1 children killed in Satkhira district
Poilice also killed people in Jaipurhat, Jinaidah, Satkhira and Gazipur district

At least thousands injured, with 100 or so in critical condition.

1. Jamat don't even believe in the existence of Bangladesh. They never said that. How then they formed Jote with BAL in election before ? How majority population in rural Bangladesh supporting / assisting their movements last few days. Public would cut them in pieces and would feed the dogs. In fact, JI youth are the staunchest & honest pro-Bangladesh in Bangladesh politics.

2. Jamat practices Moududism. They use Islam to brainwash people and use them later for their political benefit. Yes. "Moududism" ideology is a problem for which majority Ulema (pro-Deobond) differs with them, rightly. But, to speak of religion that does not make them non-muslim nor allows to discard them. We fought for Bangladesh to make is liveable for all caste, creed & religion. Brainwash is what every politics is for. To single out only JI is not democratic.

3.Any religion and jamat . . . . . . errrr, I believe I don't have to tell you anything about it. So far all attacks in Bangladesh on other religious people have been mainly perpetrated by BAL for material gain. JI is strict on Islamic principle in this matter and corruption.

Only BAL speaks of 'democracy' and '71 chetona' etc. but acts 100% opposite making these slogans farce of the highest order and unpalatable to the mass.

...One earnest note for you. Let JI stay a bit longer with their "Moududism" fault----otherwise once corrected they will get "Ulemas" support which will make JI unstopable and would cause BAL & BNP go out of business and gulping every now and then "Padma Bridge", Power & Gas and other infrastructure. JI---because of their intellect & honesty---then soon will head all branches of Armed Forces, Police, BGB, Admin & Judiciary and will raise hell for many including 'Luxary-class' Shahbagi Regiment of neo 2nd batch of FFs.

If hanging of these current leadership can be managed successfully or if they die anyway, the last bunch of "Moududi's direct disciples will be gone. It is 'very likely' that new generation 'leadership' (now realizing the importance of Ulema afresh under current BAL offensive predicament----harder the better for JI in the long-run) may transform earlier than BAL & BNP can afford to accomodate.

So, please do not push JI much on PDF, and leave them as it is for self benefit.

I heard Moududi fan's are limited to Jamat upper echelons and senior older leaders. The vast majority I heard are simple Islamic folk who believe in a more politically conscious version of Islam, rather than the saintly Tableegi's. Even Moududi said that when someone comes up with better idea than him, then the Jamat should listen to them. Here is one idea I presented:

Please take a look at the above thread and please post any comments in that thread.

Problems in the Muslim world and even within Bangladesh is that we are divided in so many sects. We all used to be Hanafi Sunni (almost 99% or more), but now we have Salafi, Jamati, Deobandi etc. We need to find a way to come to a consensus and bridge this gap.

Our enemies always look for our differences and exploit those differences, make them huge and then get us fighting among each other. I always watch with wonder and amazement how predictable it is and how stupid we are to fall for it every time.
Where are the HR activists? Where is our conscience?

আজ তথাকথিত মানবাধিকার নেতা নেত্রীরা গেলো কোথায়.........???
আজ কোথায় আমাদের বিবেক !!
সাঈদীর বিরুদ্ধে রায়ের প্রতিবাদ জানায় একসাঈদীভক্তকে পিটিয়ে হত্যা করার সময় যখন তাকে বুট দিয়ে পুলিশ
লাথি মারছিলো তখনো সে বলছিলো, "এ অন্যায় রায় মানিনা। সাঈদীর মুক্তি চাই।" মরার পূর্ব মুহুর্ত তার মুখে একই কথা ছিল ।
Cyber group of bangladesh


Courtesy: Cyber group of bangladesh

1. Jamat don't even believe in the existence of Bangladesh. They never said that. How then they formed Jote with BAL in election before ? How majority population in rural Bangladesh supporting / assisting their movements last few days. Public would cut them in pieces and would feed the dogs. In fact, JI youth are the staunchest & honest pro-Bangladesh in Bangladesh politics.

2. Jamat practices Moududism. They use Islam to brainwash people and use them later for their political benefit. Yes. "Moududism" ideology is a problem for which majority Ulema (pro-Deobond) differs with them, rightly. But, to speak of religion that does not make them non-muslim nor allows to discard them. We fought for Bangladesh to make is liveable for all caste, creed & religion. Brainwash is what every politics is for. To single out only JI is not democratic.

3.Any religion and jamat . . . . . . errrr, I believe I don't have to tell you anything about it. So far all attacks in Bangladesh on other religious people have been mainly perpetrated by BAL for material gain. JI is strict on Islamic principle in this matter and corruption.

Only BAL speaks of 'democracy' and '71 chetona' etc. but acts 100% opposite making these slogans farce of the highest order and unpalatable to the mass.

...One earnest note for you. Let JI stay a bit longer with their "Moududism" fault----otherwise once corrected they will get "Ulemas" support which will make JI unstopable and would cause BAL & BNP go out of business and gulping every now and then "Padma Bridge", Power & Gas and other infrastructure. JI---because of their intellect & honesty---then soon will head all branches of Armed Forces, Police, BGB, Admin & Judiciary and will raise hell for many including 'Luxary-class' Shahbagi Regiment of neo 2nd batch of FFs.

If hanging of these current leadership can be managed successfully or if they die anyway, the last bunch of "Moududi's direct disciples will be gone. It is 'very likely' that new generation 'leadership' (now realizing the importance of Ulema afresh under current BAL offensive predicament----harder the better for JI in the long-run) may transform earlier than BAL & BNP can afford to accomodate.

So, please do not push JI much on PDF, and leave them as it is for self benefit.

Straight Bhai, although UR eloquence and brightness were commendable, I guess U erred on 2nding Moududism with the Shaw guy as it didn't really exist. Moulana Moududi simply unearthed the treasure of Quran Pak and Window-dressed it by timely flavor. Some of his write-ups were controversial, although it made logical sense like criticizing Moabia for not handing Caliphates to Prophet's grandsons. Former JI leader in BD didn't even follow those parts of his writing anymore (Ref: E Jibone Ja kichu Dekhlam by Proff. Azam), so those were actually non-issues and the truth of the matter was his opposition against 'Majar Puja' that angered a bulk of Muslims of Short-cut and its benefactors. Moududi was certainly a wonder as he was able to prove that Quran provided better solution for mankind than existing ones. He never opposed or wrote anything against the basics of Islam IMO, so his mistakes were hyped up only to discredit his effort on ideological upper hand of Islam.
I heard Moududi fan's are limited to Jamat upper echelons and senior older leaders. The vast majority I heard are simple Islamic folk who believe in a more politically conscious version of Islam, rather than the saintly Tableegi's. Even Moududi said that when someone comes up with better idea than him, then the Jamat should listen to them. Here is one idea I presented:

Please take a look at the above thread and please post any comments in that thread.

Problems in the Muslim world and even within Bangladesh is that we are divided in so many sects. We all used to be Hanafi Sunni (almost 99% or more), but now we have Salafi, Jamati, Deobandi etc. We need to find a way to come to a consensus and bridge this gap.

Our enemies always look for our differences and exploit those differences, make them huge and then get us fighting among each other. I always watch with wonder and amazement how predictable it is and how stupid we are to fall for it every time.
Kalu Bhai,

Jamaati, Tableagui, Deobondi are still mostly Hanafi Madhabis; so those aren't sects but comparable to different branches of the same tree, thanks. Sects are like Shia and Sunni that have contradiction in emphasizing on Caliphs but people of both sects still believe in the same Kalima, same basics like Ruza, Namaz, Hajj, Zakat etc. except few powerful at the tops in both sides (U are bright enough to figure it out).I heard that some Shafei, Hambolis stil exists in Iran and PAK but numbers were very few. So that wasn't an issue either except our ignorance to encounter propaganda.

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