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Avionics vs Mechatronics Engineering?



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Jun 9, 2014
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AOA all, I hope this is the right place for this, Ive gotta select my major in 2 days and apply, Im kinda torn between Mechatronics Engineering form EME NUST, and Avionics Engineering from CAE NUST Risalpur, I love fighter jets, I like robotics etc as well. Whats going to be the final deciding factor is the job market and salary here, can anybody shed some light onto that aspect? Thanks
You can skip the fighter jets idea and concentrate on avionics. Thats what i study and it has a great prospect. Civilian airtravel is booming and a great market. You ahve so many possibilities. Aircraft builders, airlines and so on. You can chose state owned and private employer and so on.
He's right you can study avionics cause then you can easily find a job in the electronics.
So, does Avionics Engineering in Pakistan have better job prospects than Mechatronics? can you give me some idea about the salary?
So, does Avionics Engineering in Pakistan have better job prospects than Mechatronics? can you give me some idea about the salary?

I don´t know about salary in Pakistan. In EU it pays very good. I make 45.000 € per year as a trainee. This contains christmas and holiday bonus.
The reason for the confusion Im having is that Pakistan has very limited job opportunities in the Aviation sector esp. in Avionics, PIA already has more liabilities than assets, theyre laying off alot of engrs, moreoever, chances of getting a job abroad might be alot less in Avionics as many projects are classified and they dont take foreigners. What do you guys think?
AOA all, I hope this is the right place for this, Ive gotta select my major in 2 days and apply, Im kinda torn between Mechatronics Engineering form EME NUST, and Avionics Engineering from CAE NUST Risalpur, I love fighter jets, I like robotics etc as well. Whats going to be the final deciding factor is the job market and salary here, can anybody shed some light onto that aspect? Thanks
Am currently in semicon manufacturing, specifically NAND. I had a career change from avionics due to family related responsibilities. Not likely to return to aviation. But if I can I will, even at a lower pay if necessary.

My opinion here is more emotional and less financial. It is not that I do not like what I am doing now, I do like watching silicon wafers changed to memory cells, but there is a difference between 'like' and 'love' and there is much to be said about seeing your work soar off into the wild blue yonder. Making a life changing decision based upon financials may yield short term physical benefits but also may secure you into a job you may not enjoy over the long run.

You are single ? If yes, then you have mobility and that gives you options and opportunities for a happy career that older folks, like me today, most likely will never have again. Since you are starting out, you will not have the pay, corporate prestige, and seniority no matter which path you chose in any company, so NOW is the best time to assess yourself and what you really want to do, as in what you love, so that when you do rise in corporate ranks, the pay, benefits, prestige, and seniority do not become a sort of cage for your happiness. By then you may also have a family and with it comes non-work related responsibilities that relies on your work to make it in life.

I wish you good fortunes in which ever path you chose.
AOA all, I hope this is the right place for this, Ive gotta select my major in 2 days and apply, Im kinda torn between Mechatronics Engineering form EME NUST, and Avionics Engineering from CAE NUST Risalpur, I love fighter jets, I like robotics etc as well. Whats going to be the final deciding factor is the job market and salary here, can anybody shed some light onto that aspect? Thanks

Go for EME.

For reasons that are too many to list here.
AOA all, I hope this is the right place for this, Ive gotta select my major in 2 days and apply, Im kinda torn between Mechatronics Engineering form EME NUST, and Avionics Engineering from CAE NUST Risalpur, I love fighter jets, I like robotics etc as well. Whats going to be the final deciding factor is the job market and salary here, can anybody shed some light onto that aspect? Thanks
End of the day, it is only you who will take the best decision, people from relevant field can come here and say their fieod is the best.....
Talking about Mechatronics or Mechanical Engineering then i can tell you there is potential for this Oil and Gas sector not only in Exploration but in the industries where different equipments are made, in todays world we are moving towards systems/devices, equipment that finds a balance between electronics, mechanical and robotics..... But then findingba job initially is a different headache.....
So its upto you, whichever field find you amusing.....
AOA all, I hope this is the right place for this, Ive gotta select my major in 2 days and apply, Im kinda torn between Mechatronics Engineering form EME NUST, and Avionics Engineering from CAE NUST Risalpur, I love fighter jets, I like robotics etc as well. Whats going to be the final deciding factor is the job market and salary here, can anybody shed some light onto that aspect? Thanks

Are these courses Masters/PhD or undergraduate?

If it is undergraduate then I suggest you choose more conventional major like Electronics or Mechanical engg., since they cover all the areas not any specialities which you will find much better as you will be in position to have more choices later. However, if you are doing post graduate then it is totally your decision. If you excel (not only by marks but understanding the subject and most importantly experimental/practical skills) in any of the two majors you mentioned then sky is the limit.

In avionics, you have to study mostly Electronics and communication whereas in Mechatronics you deal with robotics, electronics and programming. So totally different but highly rewarding fields. You yourself decide what you like the most and try to excel in that subject.

Best of luck !! :tup:
Go for EME.

For reasons that are too many to list here.

Can you mention the main ones please? Itd be a huge help

Are these courses Masters/PhD or undergraduate?

If it is undergraduate then I suggest you choose more conventional major like Electronics or Mechanical engg., since they cover all the areas not any specialities which you will find much better as you will be in position to have more choices later. However, if you are doing post graduate then it is totally your decision. If you excel (not only by marks but understanding the subject and most importantly experimental/practical skills) in any of the two majors you mentioned then sky is the limit.

In avionics, you have to study mostly Electronics and communication whereas in Mechatronics you deal with robotics, electronics and programming. So totally different but highly rewarding fields. You yourself decide what you like the most and try to excel in that subject.

Best of luck !! :tup:

Thanks and yes Ill be doing Bachelors, Mechatronics as ive heard is broader than Avionics, i love both of these fields thats why im having such a hard time deciding between the two

The problem in Avionics is the job market here in Pakistan, since I want to work with fighter jets, Opportunities would be severely limited, like jobs in PAC Kamra etc. Civil aviation is going downhill, theyre laying off engineers and what not, thats what scares me from Avionics

Am currently in semicon manufacturing, specifically NAND. I had a career change from avionics due to family related responsibilities. Not likely to return to aviation. But if I can I will, even at a lower pay if necessary.

My opinion here is more emotional and less financial. It is not that I do not like what I am doing now, I do like watching silicon wafers changed to memory cells, but there is a difference between 'like' and 'love' and there is much to be said about seeing your work soar off into the wild blue yonder. Making a life changing decision based upon financials may yield short term physical benefits but also may secure you into a job you may not enjoy over the long run.

You are single ? If yes, then you have mobility and that gives you options and opportunities for a happy career that older folks, like me today, most likely will never have again. Since you are starting out, you will not have the pay, corporate prestige, and seniority no matter which path you chose in any company, so NOW is the best time to assess yourself and what you really want to do, as in what you love, so that when you do rise in corporate ranks, the pay, benefits, prestige, and seniority do not become a sort of cage for your happiness. By then you may also have a family and with it comes non-work related responsibilities that relies on your work to make it in life.

I wish you good fortunes in which ever path you chose.

Thanks and Yeah Im single, but as I mentioned, Id love to work with jets but the job market here in Pakistan is severely limited
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Thanks and Yeah Im single, but as I mentioned, Id love to work with jets but the job market here in Pakistan is severely limited
I can definitely understand your dilemma. If time is not on your side, then you must make a decision. The advantage with being young and single is mobility, as long as you remain single, of course. Keep your eyes open for opportunities in aviation and your resume up to date. If you can afford it, continue your education, even if it is just one class per semester. That is one thing I regret I did not follow thru. Finally...Do not close your overseas options.
See what @gambit said.

Just the fact that EME and MCS's alumni is well spread over the globe and very well established compared to MCE's is a reason enough.
Your placement probability gets a huge ++.

Secondly EME and MCS both have a longer and more established engineering traditions;
MCE is more Civil engineering.

Lastly, both EME and MCS are closer to where the industry is; MCE is in Risalpur !
The closer you are to industry the better guidance you will get and you will be able to polish yourself up much more in those 4 valuable years.
Thanks alot everyone! I suppose Ill go for Mechatronics Engineering just to be on the safe side, it seems its the field of the future, I like it alot too, may be not as much as I wouldve liked working with jets but its good enough and might (hopefully) let me work on jets' mechatronic systems. Lets see. Thanks guys, Remember me in your prayers!
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