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Australian Defence Minister says no to Pakistan

You are what you perceive stop blaming the world for your problems and face them. you have to earn respect not demand it. :lazy:

It's all a crusade and denial cannot fix anything. The worst part is that this crusade will be destructive for all, not just for select few. It's India that needs to realize how world super powers work, they never create issues in their own regions, they have great relations with all their neighbouring countries which means safety from these friendly borders and that's precisely what has been missing from Asia.

To grow in prosperity and power, we need to eliminate immediate threats which exist at our borders through mutual respect and acceptable political solution to all problems. But until that happens we will be at each others throats and will remain weak in general.
Just buy it from Kazakhstan!!!

I doubt that is possible without signing the NPT for you as well. Kazakhstan is a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group as well. This NSG was created to bar us from technology throughout all these years, being created after we tested our nuclear weapon in 1974.

Any member of NSG needs you to sign the NPT.

Nuclear Suppliers Group
yes Dont not sale it to Us since we are the reincarnation of Devil, we will destroy the world with this , The War we have been fighting against terrorism is just for show , what if we lost 35000 men , women & children due to the war that was not even ours. what if we lost $80bn due to this war. what is our economy is in shambles , what if we do not have electricity .

Yeh do not sale it us , its not that world will shift or we will die of starvation .

However what goes around comes around , no one stays at top forever , Today we need you tomorrow you will need us & then we will say , Thank you but NO.
i thought u made a point of it being the west propping up India against China.

The US is propping up India against China. The NSG waiver would not have happened without US lobbying. Australia specifically cited the US and Canada as a precedent for selling uranium to India.
yes Dont not sale it to Us since we are the reincarnation of Devil, we will destroy the world with this , The War we have been fighting against terrorism is just for show , what if we lost 35000 men , women & children due to the war that was not even ours. what if we lost $80bn due to this war. what is our economy is in shambles , what if we do not have electricity .

Yeh do not sale it us , its not that world will shift or we will die of starvation .

However what goes around comes around , no one stays at top forever , Today we need you tomorrow you will need us & then we will say , Thank you but NO.

Pakistan's foreign policy is a failure. You get the uranium on your own merits not because India is getting this. Indian diplomacy has matured and consistent throughout. India has impeccable record unlike Pakistan. Be a responsible country and have fun.

---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ----------

The US is propping up India against China. The NSG waiver would not have happened without US lobbying. Australia specifically cited the US and Canada as a precedent for selling uranium to India.

Even if US propping us.. do we have any disadvantage ? Let see the chinese reaction.
The US is propping up India against China. The NSG waiver would not have happened without US lobbying. Australia specifically cited the US and Canada as a precedent for selling uranium to India.

India is too large a country with diverse views from all quarters and based on strong principles, I know what you mean - any country in the world would have jumped and grabbed the opportunity of a trilateral tie - but not India, and the US and Australia respect that a lot. All three countries will have long term concerns in mind and will have a joint mechanism built on mutual respect and each others priorities.
Just a bunch of secular democracies co-operating and having a fair trade.

Good for the world if the secular democracies have greater co-operation. People who have a problem can just vote with their feet rather than just shooting from their mouth. ;)
India is too large a country with diverse views from all quarters and based on strong principles, I know what you mean - any country in the world would have jumped and grabbed the opportunity of a trilateral tie - but not India, and the US and Australia respect that a lot. All three countries will have long term concerns in mind and will have a joint mechanism built on mutual respect and each others priorities.

You are discussing the other side of the equation. The US is wooing India and India is playing its own game -- responding some times, snubbing at other times. Only time will tell how things work out.

Oh, and the US does not respect this game playing by India; it's patience will start to wear thin at some point and that's when things will really get interesting.

Of course India is doing what's best for its interests; nobody's denying that.
True, as does the Indian relationship with the U.S. China & Pakistan are just two factors in a relationship with many facets primarlily economic & cultural. As the India middle class has grown & as the memory of British colonialism starts to fade into history, the bulk of the Indian opinion has slowly moved in favour of the U.S. It might be difficult thing for you to swallow but Indians generally like the United states & its people as evinced in numerous surveys. It is not like Pakistan, where it is only the government that wants to be close to the U.S. while the masses harbour intense dislike for it. The U.S. is not seen as a threat, in any case not as sharp a threat as the Chinese & these feelings will only grow deeper. Take George Bush for example. Whatever the world thinks of him & his faults, we in India will always have a high opinion of him simply because he went out on a limb for us. The world's problems are their own, what concerns is our interests which are primarily economic. The military part of India's rise is primarily to protect India's economic position & not necessarily to impose military will over others . We are a status quo power, we want nothing from any other country, not from China & not from Pakistan. The fact is that much of Asia sees us as a benign power which they regard as being non-threatening to their own interests. It is why Australia in the end did a volte face on the nuclear issue. It is why other countries of Asia, including Japan, Vietnam, south Korea, Singapore & now even Myanmar invite India into their own backyards.

Only if these two neighbours can take a lesson or two from diplomacy of India they would not be facing the opposition from rest of the world. The rest is up to them and their leaders.
yes Dont not sale it to Us since we are the reincarnation of Devil, we will destroy the world with this , The War we have been fighting against terrorism is just for show , what if we lost 35000 men , women & children due to the war that was not even ours. what if we lost $80bn due to this war. what is our economy is in shambles , what if we do not have electricity .

Who is the cause of this? You will tell me US. I will ask how. So let's cut the waste of bandwidth and see the facts.


- Went for nuclear weapons: Not wrong
- Went to proliferate it: wrong
- Sought strategic influence in Afghanistan: Not wrong.
- Misused potential to make it the biggest launch pad for jihadists: wrong.

US and you created Jihadis. But your nurturing and encouraging them and still continuing to do so, has brought this "Pakistan is not safe" image around you. WOT only started in 2001 and you got involved only 2 years later in any meaningful manner. Even then, your troops are fighting the TTP who are targeting your people; NOT the Afghan Taliban which is a problem for the rest of the countries involved. So in others' dictionary, you are only saving your neck rather than contributing to the war.

The dangers that your nation faces is the result of your own generals' flawed political experiments. I agree that west is selfish but so is everyone. Nation to nation, one must learn to ride and direct oneself just like rafting sport. You will never always get favorable water flow during the course. For 40 years you had great opportunity to become the Turkey of South Asia but instead of using the leverage, you took it for granted. All that time, we were the neglected one.

There is simply no duplicity here because of the same factors above.

Yeh do not sale it us , its not that world will shift or we will die of starvation .

See, again you're treating this as a emotional case. It is not about emotions. Remember a few months back there were a lot of taunts about why we are asking Australia again. Answer? Resources for trade and business. Not emotion, honor, prestige, or something like that.

Unless you can differentiate between what is emotion and what is nation-nation relationship, this will only be pinching you more.

However what goes around comes around , no one stays at top forever , Today we need you tomorrow you will need us & then we will say , Thank you but NO.

Very true. Unfortunately your short-sighted generals failed to see this and hence because of their silly whims, so many innocent common Pakistanis suffer.
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