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Australia refuses to back int’l probe against SL

Who are you to seek who my solidarity lies with?? This is about doctoring thread titles which you were bitching about.. I dont personally condone such behavior but if its good for the goose its good for the gander.. So suggest its better for the likes of you to STFU

And who are you to come accusing Indians of hypocrisy? You're one yourself, as pointed out previously. Why are you whining when your act is called out?And why are you quoting me here? I called the mods and they'll take care as they see fit.
Government turns blind eye to Tamil genocide | smh.com.au

The Australian government has adopted the fiction that the minority Tamils were the aggressors in the civil war, that the majority Sinhalese won the war, peace has been restored and the surly defeated Tamils must now accept the status quo and get on with life, accepting their position as a minority within mainstream Sinhala society.
Of cause not just Tamils but all Sri Lankans must accept the status quo and go on with life, Not under subjugation but as equal citizens of the country and this coming from a non Sinhalese

What a load of hog wash.. This stupid superiority complex of high caste Eelamists is the very reason they got them selves in to this hole in the first place.. Sinhalese people constitute for 75% of the population and their culture is the core for Sri Lankan identity along with the myriad of other ethnic groups.. I know it must be difficult for some Madrasi's and Terrorists to accept.. Tough luck

It's like Muslims and Christians in India taking up separatism simply because thy cant accept being a minority in a overwhelming Hindu majority country and that Indian identity is basically shaped by Hinduism

Note Mods: Manlion has yet again posted a opinion piece rather than a actual genuine article from a reputable source
A doctored title.

" Best Country in the world"!!

he is manlion, not a lankan
The Australian Senate has passed a motion calling the Australian Government to back an independent war crimes investigation on Sri Lanka in the United Nations Human Rights Council to be held in Geneva. The motion has been backed by Australian Green Party.

Following is the full text of the motion.

Motion: Independent war crimes investigation in Sri Lanka Australian Green Party –

Moved by: Senators Lee Rhiannon, Claire Moore and Ursula Stephens PASSED

Move that the Senate - -

1. Notes Australia’s cosponsorship of the 2012 United Nations General Assembly Human Rights Council resolution calling on the Sri Lankan Government to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of Sri Lanka and to take credible and independent actions to ensure justice, equity, accountability and reconciliation for all Sri Lankans;

2. Notes Australia’s cosponsorship of the 2013 United Nations General Assembly Human Rights Council resolution expressing concern at continuing reports of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka, and reiterating the call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to implement the Commission’s recommendations and to fulfil its commitment to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law;

3. Notes continuing reports of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka, and international concerns about insufficient progress by the Government of Sri Lanka in addressing justice, reconciliation and accountability; and

4. Notes the forthcoming update to the Human Rights Council 24th session on the progress of the 2012 and 2013 resolutions.

5.Calls on the Australian Government to:

a. maintain Australia’s strong record of support for human rights at the 24th session of the Human Rights Council, including in relation to Sri Lanka; and

b. support the United States in its call for the “international community to establish an independent international accountability mechanism to evaluate reports of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other human rights violations committed by both sides during and after the war in Sri Lanka”;

c. cosponsor the United States resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council in March 2014 regarding Sri Lanka’s progress on accountability and human rights;

d. urge the Government of Sri Lanka to allow unimpeded access for media, international aid agencies, and human rights groups into all regions of the country, as well as to detention sites that may hold political and war prisoners;

e. urge the Government of Sri Lanka to end its media restrictions, including the obstacles to the flow of information in the North and East, and bring to justice those responsible for attacks on journalists and newspaper offices.:
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