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Australia demands better treatment at CWG closing ceremony

Aussi are parochial racists ,no doubt about it.

Worst of all is Aussie media reporting about CWG which is horrendous .

I have been following Aussie media, even when their athletes are mostly in praise about in conditions at the games , Aussie media is looking for loopholes with microscopes.

Now for the hitting part, we aren't Aussie ,we are Indians and top of that host at the CWG games .Let the Aussie media ***** and in their heart they know games are successful and India is rising.

Australian media has reported on the bad aspects of the games, of course they would, just like every other countries media. But it isn't all bad as you falsely claim.
Well of course, there are problems, no one's denying that. But why is that out of 71 countries that are participating only one of them is complaining again and again.

If this is not whining then what is it ?

Ummmm what? Heaps of other countries are complaining about things to do with the CWG. You think that just because the news hasn't been posted on here, that it doesn't exist?

100 athletes from Britain, ireland and scotland fell ill a couple of days ago, and it was all of the news and they complained.

Other countries also complained about the village and the facilities. It's not just Australia as you may all think. Google it and you will see
CWG Village just not good enough: Team Scotland
London: Team Scotland boss Jon Doig has criticised the Delhi Commonwealth Games organisers, saying the athletes have been let down by them as the Village is not upto the mark and there are things yet to be fixed.

About 80 members of the Scottish team and 50 of the Wales contingent have moved into the Village even as organisers sprint against time to finish up the cleaning up of the residential complex.

Doig said although things are changing but it was still "just not good enough for people who have had seven years to prepare".

"We have been working really hard on our accommodation and the big challenge is to ensure that the rest of the accommodation is the same level for the other 71 Commonwealth Games associations.

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"We just happened to arrive early, identify the problems and started working very hard to try to address them.

"Now we've got people in it's really starting to test the system and there are a few things that need to be fixed on an ongoing basis," Chef de mission of the Scotland Team, Doig was quoted as saying by the 'BBC'.

Doig said since his colleagues arrived here in the middle of September, "quite a lot of change" happened but it is still not good enough.

"We've had a number of our colleagues move in over the last couple of days and have found that their apartments are a long way from being ready for our athletes.

"A lot of them have arrived in Delhi and have had to be held in hotels until they can be brought up to standard.

"It's just not good enough for people who have had seven years to prepare for the Games," he said.

Members of Scotland team who arrived in Delhi include archery, lawn bowls, shooting, tennis and weightlifting teams, even as tennis star Elena Baltacha decided to pull out citing health hazards yesterday.

Their rugby players, boxers and wrestlers are due to head out on Tuesday.

Many Commonwealth countries criticised the preparations of the Games, which have been plagued by construction delays, corruption charges, a shooting incident, a foot over-bridge collapse and a dengue outbreak.

These nations have also criticised the Village, terming it as "****** and unlivable", which prompted a massive cleaning drive at the residential complex by the organisers.

Delhi Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit yesterday said that it would not be finished by Wednesday.

Read more at: CWG Village just not good enough: Team Scotland

I suppose scotland are just whiners and complainers and need to be slapped too?

oh wait, i thought it was only the aussies complaining? :rofl:

The attitudes of some of you are just outrageous and stupid
Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010: Swimmers fall ill amid poor water quality | Bettor.com

English swimmers fall ill

New Delhi – Swimmers at Delhi Commonwealth Games have been reported to fall ill amid the poor quality water at the swimming pools. According to the reports, a considerable number of swimmers from Australia, England and from other countries had been suffering from stomach ailments, swelling eyes and skin diseases as the water quality maintained at the pools was rather poor and contaminated. Up till now, 10 English, while 12 Australian swimmers have been figured out with the stated ailments and this had negatively affected their ability to perform in the event.

The interesting thing about the incident was that the administration as well as the organizing committee at Delhi Commonwealth Games, following its much practiced tradition, had again completely denied the matter as they both claimed that they did not have such complaint from the swimming teams. While commenting upon the reports of the ailments of the swimmers, the president of the CWG, Mike Fennel said that they had already conducted the tests regarding whether the water was contaminated or un-pure, however the experts had ensured its quality and there was nothing to worry about that.

The president for CWG further said that he was concerned with the health and fitness of the players. “If the reports about illness of the swimmers aimed low quality water are true, we would immediately try to address the problem” Mr. Fennel ensured the media correspondents.

While the organizing committee and Delhi administration is completely denying the existence of any quality issues with water in the pools. The athletes are not only constantly falling ill, some of them like Robert Hurly from Australia, who happened to be the strongest contender for the gold medal, had to leave for the home towns right in the mid of the event, as he did not seem likely to recover from his ailments.

That recent incident had added insult to the injury for the organizing committee who had already been under much criticism owing to the similar allegations at other fronts regarding mismanagement. For swimmers, despite of the assurance from the concerned authorities, the situation was getting worse and worse as according to the latest reports; two thirds of the swimmers from the team of England had been suffering from stomach viruses.

The incident succeed on attracting the attention of the organizers only when the English swimmer Francesca Halsall had to be rescued from the pool as owing to the ailment, she could not keep her balance before diving into the pool. The world media, aimed this situation, had once again got a point to express its concerns over the merit of the gold medal winners in the absence of the athletes with high profiles. Who had either withdrawn their names owing to the security conditions in the country or because of the sheer mismanagement and health issues which persisted during the event.

The rising health issues have not only hindered some of the renowned players from taking part into the 19th commonwealth games, they have also affected the performance of the athletes who, somehow, had managed to ensure their participation into them. For instance, Gemma Spofforth who happened to be the world champion in 100m backstroke last year could only manage to bag silver as she too had fallen ill prior to the final. Rbecca Adlington, who happened to be the Olympic champion for two consecutive times, after being hit by the bug, couldn’t maintain with her performance.

Among all the athletes hit by the stomach bugs, Francesca Halsall was perhaps the one who suffered the most. While aiming to secure her gold, the girl fainted as the officials literally had to hold her up till the team doctor Ian Gordon could rushed to treat her.

Visibly shaking, out of breath, pale and holding her tears back the poor girl told the media personnel that she had developed tummy issues last night and they persisted on through the day as well. While concluding her remarks, she said that she was not feeling well and was much worried about the matter as in her team, according to her; everybody was going down with that.

I agree with most of your sentiments, but fyi - this pool water thing has been proved wrong. They fell ill due to other reasons. I'm a bit busy, you can look it up on this same forum.

That apart, I don't like the way some people paint Aussies as racist. We ought to be more careful with throwing around the R word. The word is losing its effect. Its ok to criticize Australian media, question their articles and analysis, but calling a whole country a 'racist country' is something we should stop.
Ummmm what? Heaps of other countries are complaining about things to do with the CWG. You think that just because the news hasn't been posted on here, that it doesn't exist?

100 athletes from Britain, ireland and scotland fell ill a couple of days ago, and it was all of the news and they complained.

Other countries also complained about the village and the facilities. It's not just Australia as you may all think. Google it and you will see

Do you find any difference between complaining and whining?

You are clubbing "Australian whining" with "Irish complaining".

Well no one's said there are no problems, but you need to understand that we are trying our best. We were running so late with our preparations (thanks to Kalmadi and company), but we still managed to put up a good opening ceremony and the games are also proceeding without any major hiccups.

Whatever happened where the Aussies were made to wait for sometime was unfortunate was not done purposely. And during the closing ceremony, there will be less number of athletes as compared to the opening ceremony and chances of such things happening are minimal.
I agree with most of your sentiments, but fyi - this pool water thing has been proved wrong. They fell ill due to other reasons. I'm a bit busy, you can look it up on this same forum.

That apart, I don't like the way some people paint Aussies as racist. We ought to be more careful with throwing around the R word. The word is losing its effect. Its ok to criticize Australian media, question their articles and analysis, but calling a whole country a 'racist country' is something we should stop.

Finally, someone using logic when they speak lol. :cheers:
Aussies are big time Crying racists. What if they had to wait one hour??

What would happen if Aussies army is sent to Afghanistan or Iraq or pakistan?? When bombs are being fired at right, left and center. Whome will they complain to? :D
Aussies are big time Crying racists. What if they had to wait one hour??

What would happen if Aussies army is sent to Afghanistan or Iraq or pakistan?? When bombs are being fired at right, left and center. Whome will they complain to? :D

Troll bait, obvious troll bait :taz:

All this aside, a related point about media coverage:

Meanwhile, Korea's new F1 track is incomplete with less than two weeks to go.


Not trying to compare with them, just pointing out that they haven't faced the frankly vicious media witch-hunt that Delhi has had to endure.

It's pretty obvious the media hasn't been even handed in the CWGs case :cry:
We should deny them any excesses that we will not be when the situation reverses.. can you imagine in your wildest dreams Indians being given the same waiting treatment in Aussie AND being allowed the leeway to raise a hue and cry over it? Just as the Aussies have?

If anything they have been showering love on Indians by routinely stabbing them!

I rest my case.

Indian athletes did not receive the same treatment, Australian athletes are now receiving now in 2006 did they? No, they didn't and if they did, they would have had every right to complain, and no aussie would be saying "omg whiners and complainers" like all of you are doing.

At the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth games, were Indian athletes kept in a cramped tunnel for 1 hour at 45 degree temperatures with no ventilation and with athletes passing out around them from the heat? No.

Were Indian athletes put in villages that were dirty and unlivable?? No.

Were 100's of Indian athletes along with 100's of other countries athletes getting sick and needing to be hospitalized? No.

All athletes were treat perfectly at the Melbourne 2006 commonwealth games without any problems or miss-treatments and no athletes health were put at risk. All the athletes (not only australian athletes) are asking is that the Indian commonwealth games organizers treat the athletes properly and don't put their health at risk.

It's a fair thing to ask.
If there is genuine security concern and out of that the aussie team is asked to be assembled at one place for "some" time, until its their turn to parade, then that does not amount to mistreatment.

Its usual whining attitude of aussies.

What did they want anyways?? A chess board, a DVD player, a Play station and a helicopter to pass their 30-40 mins before their turn comes?? Even if we did that, they would have still complained.

Its absurd and ridiculous!!
If there is genuine security concern and out of that the aussie team is asked to be assembled at one place for "some" time, until its their turn to parade, then that does not amount to mistreatment.

The issue wasn't the athletes were made to wait. How many times do you need to be told what the issue was? Are you purposely not reading the posts or are you just an Idiot?

Either read what the issue was or don't comment on it.
Guys, stop cornering and bullying the Aussies all over the internet on the racism thing. We all know how the media is, we have seen it in the CWG here. At least after this, you should be prepared to bet that the whole racism issue was at least 70% hype!

Shouting about 'racist Aussies' in every other post is very unfair to them. I have relatives staying in Australia, and they face absolutely no problem. Yes, there certainly are some racists in Australia, but then which country doesn't have them? The number of racists in Australia is no greater than in other comparable countries, on a percentage basis.

One more noteworthy fact is that many (in fact a huge percentage) of those "race attacks" were carried out by fresh immigrants into Australia, mainly by Lebanese.
Guys, stop cornering and bullying the Aussies all over the internet on the racism thing. We all know how the media is, we have seen it in the CWG here. At least after this, you should be prepared to bet that the whole racism issue was at least 70% hype!

Shouting about 'racist Aussies' in every other post is very unfair to them. I have relatives staying in Australia, and they face absolutely no problem. Yes, there certainly are some racists in Australia, but then which country doesn't have them? The number of racists in Australia is no greater than in other comparable countries, on a percentage basis.

One more noteworthy fact is that many (in fact a huge percentage) of those "race attacks" were carried out by fresh immigrants into Australia, mainly by Lebanese.

lol.. you really are a 'corporate slave', aren't ya? (jokin).. though i agree with most of your point of view, it's only understandable the frustration some indian's showing here!

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