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Western anti Russian propaganda Backfired? 3 times more people watched Sochi than Canadas Olympics


Switzerland is the reason we all third world countries have problems----. The swiss live their good lives on BLOOD MONEY---the that has been sucked out by the dictators of third world countries and deposited in their banks.

The bankers of the world are also the biggest criminals of the world as well.

I am not saying that Switzerland is perfect and they should not be allowing 3rd world leaders to deposit stolen money in their banks, but they do not seek to interfere in other countries affairs.

Anyway, even if the third world leaders did not steal a single penny, the countries would not be much better as the amount of money stolen would not even come to 10% of government budgets. It is corruption and incompetence, when combined with Western interference to varying degrees, that is the reason for the state of third world countries.
The west is the primary reason the world is so unstable. Until the big western countries (US, UK, France, Germany) economically collapse, the world will remain in chaos.
The west is the primary reason the world is so unstable. Until the big western countries (US, UK, France, Germany) economically collapse, the world will remain in chaos.

The world was never stable and the west is the only island of stability humanity ever had.
The world was never stable and the west is the only island of stability humanity ever had.


The world was never stable but despotic western regimes made things a 1000 times worse.

Western world has exterminated over 1 billion humans since the 16th century.

The west is the primary reason for the death and destruction of the human race.

The world was never stable but despotic western regimes made things a 1000 times worse.

Western world has exterminated over 1 billion humans since the 16th century.

The west is the primary reason for the death and destruction of the human race.

There are too many humans anyways. And i feel no despotism in the EU. I have freedom, wealth, high living standards,,social security.
I wish I could find one link for those who have missed the big show - one of the grandest in recent years
It has dwarfed the London Olympics to second class

The London Olympics was a complete joke. It was dull and boring with pop culture BS.
I heared the russian openeing was a complete failure. Just 4 rings lighting and all that.

Anyways, the games should have not given to russia. Now all complain how bad evrything is managed in russia, but that was clear from the beginning.
I think if anything, the Western propaganda offensive probably helped the ratings. People were thinking, "Oh no, gays are being executed in the streets, these will be the worst olympics ever!" And when they tune in, they find an impressive performance that put London 2012 to shame.
London was a joke. Vancouver was boring. I currently reside in Canada and i could not bare more than 10 mins of it.

I heared the russian openeing was a complete failure. Just 4 rings lighting and all that.

Anyways, the games should have not given to russia. Now all complain how bad evrything is managed in russia, but that was clear from the beginning.

Sochi was definitely the best Winter olympics opening ceremony.

London should never have gotten the olympics, it's a horrible city full of racist British bigots. The London infrastructure is terrible.

London was a joke. Vancouver was boring. I currently reside in Canada and i could not bare more than 10 mins of it.

Britain should be banned from hosting another Olympics. They disgraced the Olympics with that horrible opening ceremony they put on. Britain should never have gotten the hosting rights due to the illegal invasion of Iraq and the gross human rights violations of Iraqi and Afghan people by worthless British soldiers.
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The funny thing is how different our cultures see the olympics. The olympic games are considered worthless garbage in germany and a waste of money. Munich and Garmisch planned to host the winter olympics. People voted against it, calling it a waste of money, corrupted mega event. Its most likely that germany will never participate in hosting any olympic games again, simply because our population shows zero acceptance for this bullshit.

Its great that our athletes are winning so often and that germany in No.1 in the all time medal ranking. People here love the competition, but hosting this nonsense ourself? no thanks.
The mind boggles at some of the things being said on this thread...
A few of the chinese members seem to be very bitter about something.
I seriously doubt any you guys saying London is racist have actually been there, its one of the most multicultural cities in the world. To meet one racist is rare but then to generalise an entire city of 8 million people.

You all criticise the west and seem to imply that china and russia are the last bastions of human rights.
It's a little sad if I'm honest, lose the chips on your shoulders.
The mind boggles at some of the things being said on this thread...
A few of the chinese members seem to be very bitter about something.
I seriously doubt any you guys saying London is racist have actually been there, its one of the most multicultural cities in the world. To meet one racist is rare but then to generalise an entire city of 8 million people.

You all criticise the west and seem to imply that china and russia are the last bastions of human rights.
It's a little sad if I'm honest, lose the chips on your shoulders.

I would not feel safe walking the streets of Moscow at any time of the day.

Russians are very violent, racist people.
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