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have a close read
Attacks on Indian Students in Australia Raise Cries of Racism - TIME
Australia says some attacks on Indian students race-based
Australia: Indian university students protest racist attacks

so funny, those indian clowns congratulation australia just becuase they blok one chinese company's deal, and the reality is australians treating indians like some low-class things

this is what is stated
Students claimed the attacks were racially motivated, but police and government authorities maintained they were mainly opportunistic

people get mugged everyday.. people get bashed everyday, it does not matter what race you are lol

ohh but then again with ur stupid line of thinking.. if anything happens to anyone who is not australian.... must be racist huh?? lol

Unni says framing the attacks in a purely racial context masks the fact that, on the whole, Indian students have found Australia a safe country to study and work in.

you people must be completed stupid.

and you chinese are more racist then anyone
there was a few in the last few years... and it was blamed by the indians on racist aussies.. but later it was shown that it was in fact INDIANS who killed them

one guy got set on fire, and he told police it was a racist attack by australians, but he later admitted that was a lie and it was proven his friend.. also a indian set him on fire.... a spate of bashing that occured were also conducted by fellow indians... sometimes other races..... some australians have bashed indians, but you cant possibly say all of them was racially motivated.... a lot of indians and other races come australia and act like they are better then everyone else, especially women, they act like pigs and treat women **** if they dont screw them etc... we dont like that here, so u could say most bashings in that cases perputrated by australians is not racist at all... if a fellow australian did the same thing... they would get in a fight and bashed aswell.

u hear india media reporting racist bashings etc.. but u never heard them report that the details they previously whinged about was in fact wrong.. they rather let people believe it was racist attack by australians, rather then make another news reel stating the ACTUAL TRUTH

australia is very open legally, a lot of infomation is out there for all to find, through court statements etc. i wonder how many of these alledged racist killings by australians u can find... or even bashings lol

You should see how u aussies behave in UK and you say Indians behave like pigs?

Thats pretty rich from land of convicts
You should see how u aussies behave in UK and you say Indians behave like pigs?

Thats pretty rich from land of convicts

actually majority of population.. even during settlement were NOT convicts.. maybe you should brush up on your history.

yes i say indians behave like pigs, and that happens all over the world, not just in one country.. and in the UK australians and regarded more highly then indians, because we DONT treat women like crap... we dont hang out outside of nightclubs waiting for drunk females to walk passed and try talk them into going home with them lol... most australians are not dirty sleazy people who ask for fuk all the time and when rejected hurl a load of abuse at the women who rejected them.... australians do hard work, where as from what i have found personally after working with many indians ( those of whome 98% of them were NOT allowed to work as many hours as they did due to the visa they had, they were on what THEY CALLED SCHISAS. where they do a course, but are never serious about it, and work 60 hours plus a week and NEVER like to do ANY hard work at all, hence why most get jobs at fuel stations or drive taxis etc. and when their course finnishes they try to get another course, some even do HAIRDRESSING courses lol but have no intent of working in that field, they do this just to stay in australia and rip off our system and very few obey their visa regulations).

Wrong. China has been the victim of severe racism. On the contrary, China is one of the world's most tolerant, diverse and liberal societies.

really? is that why the general concensus is, if you are not HAN chinese, your an animal??
actually majority of population.. even during settlement were NOT convicts.. maybe you should brush up on your history.

yes i say indians behave like pigs, and that happens all over the world, not just in one country.. and in the UK australians and regarded more highly then indians, because we DONT treat women like crap... we dont hang out outside of nightclubs waiting for drunk females to walk passed and try talk them into going home with them lol... most australians are not dirty sleazy people who ask for fuk all the time and when rejected hurl a load of abuse at the women who rejected them.... australians do hard work, where as from what i have found personally after working with many indians ( those of whome 98% of them were NOT allowed to work as many hours as they did due to the visa they had, they were on what THEY CALLED SCHISAS. where they do a course, but are never serious about it, and work 60 hours plus a week and NEVER like to do ANY hard work at all, hence why most get jobs at fuel stations or drive taxis etc. and when their course finnishes they try to get another course, some even do HAIRDRESSING courses lol but have no intent of working in that field, they do this just to stay in australia and rip off our system and very few obey their visa regulations).

really? is that why the general concensus is, if you are not HAN chinese, your an animal??

No pal in UK your seen a bagpacking joke who act like drunks you think you do better than Indians in UK? go see the uk census first.
actually majority of population.. even during settlement were NOT convicts.. maybe you should brush up on your history.

yes i say indians behave like pigs, and that happens all over the world, not just in one country.. and in the UK australians and regarded more highly then indians, because we DONT treat women like crap... we dont hang out outside of nightclubs waiting for drunk females to walk passed and try talk them into going home with them lol... most australians are not dirty sleazy people who ask for fuk all the time and when rejected hurl a load of abuse at the women who rejected them.... australians do hard work, where as from what i have found personally after working with many indians ( those of whome 98% of them were NOT allowed to work as many hours as they did due to the visa they had, they were on what THEY CALLED SCHISAS. where they do a course, but are never serious about it, and work 60 hours plus a week and NEVER like to do ANY hard work at all, hence why most get jobs at fuel stations or drive taxis etc. and when their course finnishes they try to get another course, some even do HAIRDRESSING courses lol but have no intent of working in that field, they do this just to stay in australia and rip off our system and very few obey their visa regulations).

really? is that why the general concensus is, if you are not HAN chinese, your an animal??

Those are the remnants of feudal society. There's alot of them. Sorry, let me quantify: Among those born after 1990, China is the most tolerant, diverse and liberal societies on earth.
O is nothing but a land of convcits they were shipped out of UK for doing acts of rape and murder and when they landed in Oz they did even more killing thats why in history it is called the white mans burden.
No pal in UK your seen a backpacking joke who act like drunks you think you do better than Indians? go see the uk census first

where is the concensus??? lol

we know we do better then indians lol.. and majority of countries around the world agree with what i said

O is nothing but a land of convcits they were shipped out of UK for being doing acts of rape and murder and when they laned in Oz they did even more killing thats why in history it is called the 'white mans Burden'

actually a lot of them were sent to australia for merely stealing a loaf of bread.. do some research.
Australian branded as a drunk by Waitrose

Aussies have no class here in Uk they are seen as drunken yobs

where is the concensus??? lol

we know we do better then indians lol.. and majority of countries around the world agree with what i said

actually a lot of them were sent to australia for merely stealing a loaf of bread.. do some research.

It's called the UK census fool go look and see the stats who make more money and is more educated we are not bums like you.

BBC News - Australian drunk survives attempt to ride crocodile

Like I said no class only a aussie would do such a stupid thing.
the attacks on indians in australia were done by indian themselves and lebanese thugs.
Wrong. China has been the victim of severe racism. On the contrary, China is one of the world's most tolerant, diverse and liberal societies.


This is the most funniest things i have seen! Yes, a communist country is very tolerant and "liberal" LOL.

O is nothing but a land of convcits they were shipped out of UK for doing acts of rape and murder and when they landed in Oz they did even more killing thats why in history it is called the white mans burden.

Before speaking about something, please know what you are talking about.

1.The prisoners transported to Australia in the 1800's were sent here for mostly political crimes and petty theft. Not rape and murder.

2. Descendents of prisoners only make up about 20% of the Australia population

3. When prisoners came to Australia, they were locked up in prisons.

Please learn about something before you open your mouth.

This discussion has just turned into a racist insulting thread.

It's always the same people who ruin these discussions with their silly attempts at insulting other people. Give it a rest.
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