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Australia Bars Huawei From Broadband Project

In retaliation China should bar all raw material and other natural resources from Australia and China should impose an embargo on all Australian raw material. This would lead to the collapse of the Australian economy which has witnessed an unprecedented growth thanks to China. China should urge Australia to send all their natural resources to the indebted US war criminals who in fact could never replace China and rescue the Australian economy. This is how Australia thanks China for having prowered its economic growth.
Australia has competitive advantage in many natural resources so doing things the way you describe are not realistic. A better strategy is first through negotiation and if ineffective, to gradually redistribute trade patterns to favor other more reliable trading partners. This is what has happened in relation to Japan and is the reason why trade with Japan, which was once China's biggest partner, has dwindled dramatically in relation to other countries. This strategy has had the desired effect of favoring China's friends and those neutral vs aiding forces hostile to China's rise who seem to become more hostile the more successful China becomes.
Huawei owns the world of telecom. They wiped Motorolla, Nokia-Siemens-Networks, Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent from almost all of Asia, Africa and parts of Europe and America. Even at the Qualcomm Labs. USA they've a fully-capapble 4G network installed by Huawei for testing purposes which is yet to be made public. I don't get it why would Austalia bar it who allowed it in first place where almost all of their Mobile Network are based on Huawei's Systems.

No one changing their old network with Huawei but companies are interested in Huawei because of cost ... other wise their is nothing so special in Huawei ...... Hardware of Alcatel is know one of best in world but costly
In retaliation China should bar all raw material and other natural resources from Australia and China should impose an embargo on all Australian raw material. This would lead to the collapse of the Australian economy

Yes, great idea! Make the Chinese economy collapse because Australia decided to bar a company on national security grounds! :rofl: It's China that relies on our resources to maintain it's economy and we rely on them to buy our resources. It's a double edge sword, if China stops buying, China goes down and so does Australia.

Do people like you actually think before they post?

I don't know why people form China are taking it so personally. It's just 1 individual company that happens to be Chinese. Everyone is pretending that they were bared as some sort of hostile message towards China. There are thousands of other Chinese companies doing business in Australia right now.

On the same day this company was bared, China and Australia announced a 30 billion dollar currency swap. The fact is that the Chinese government doesn't a give a sh!t about Huawei or the fact that they were banned from a tender process.
No one changing their old network with Huawei but companies are interested in Huawei because of cost ... other wise their is nothing so special in Huawei ...... Hardware of Alcatel is know one of best in world but costly

Huawei is the most innovative telecom equipment maker in the world after ZTE, beating Ericson, Nokia, Alcatel, Lucent, Siemens, etc.

Huawei is pioneering the true 4G technology beyond LTE with speed 30 gbps (20 times faster than current latest LTE)

Huawei Claims 30Gbps Wireless 'Beyond LTE' - Slashdot
Huawei is the most innovative telecom equipment maker in the world after ZTE, beating Ericson, Nokia, Alcatel, Lucent, Siemens, etc.

Huawei is pioneering the true 4G technology beyond LTE with speed 30 gbps (20 times faster than current latest LTE)

Huawei Claims 30Gbps Wireless 'Beyond LTE' - Slashdot

and this..many x faster than the former world recod holder developed at deutsche telekom lab

Telco Giants Boast Optical Breakthroughs

Huawei, meanwhile, has thrown its hat into the 400Gbit/s ring with the announcement of a 400Gbit/s system prototype that boasts up to 20 Tbit/s of capacity over a single fiber and a transmission distance of up to 1,000 km without regeneration. Light Reading will be reporting more about this development from the OFC/NFOEC show floor. *ttp://www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=218460

ZTE beat deutsche telekom too, but slower than huawei

ZTE blasts past the speed barrier with field test of 1.7Tbps data transmission
By Joseph Volpe posted Mar 16th 2012 2:15AM
That bank-breaking 150/35Mbps FiOS connection you're so proud to call your own? Yeah, it looks like dial-up next to the searing terabit speeds recently achieved by ZTE's optical network. The Chinese telco, mostly known stateside for its mobile handsets, has successfully completed an experiment designed to highlight the possibility of migrating "from a 100G transmission system to a 200G system." In layman's terms, that's a data punch of 200Gbps-plus sent over eight channels, which in this case, totals about 1.7Tbps. Impressed? You should be, but don't cast your home connection the side-eye just yet. Like Deutsche Telekom's comparatively lesser feat, you'll likely amass a few wrinkles and lbs before this tech becomes consumer-ready. Check out the official PR after the break. *ttp://www.engadget.com/2012/03/16/zte-achieves-1-7tbps-data-transmission/
errcson is developing AESA for AWACs & fighters for the military. huawei has very large pool of talent RF engineers & scientists. wondering if huawei is doing the same, developing next generation radar tech for the PLA?
errcson is developing AESA for AWACs & fighters for the military. huawei has very large pool of talent RF engineers & scientists. wondering if huawei is doing the same, developing next generation radar tech for the PLA?

Huawei should not do that. it should distant itself from PLA, but it can do the same for civil aviation companies like COMAC. Let the PLA develops their own new generation radars.
you should also congratulating those aussis killing indian students in racisit manner,
clowns are always clowns, they treat like a dirt and you still kiss their @rse

what aussies who killed indian guys??? it was proven it was fellow INDIANS who killed the other INDIANS, there has NOT Been one case of australians killing a indian guy in racist manner
what aussies who killed indian guys??? it was proven it was fellow INDIANS who killed the other INDIANS, there has NOT Been one case of australians killing a indian guy in racist manner

all the homicide cases were indians against indians in Oz?
good job,we cannot rule out that china will install backdoors in there equipnment to stole info from Australian servers,whole chinese defence industry thrives on stealing info and than make illegal copies of it.

Now you believe in kill switches!!
what aussies who killed indian guys??? it was proven it was fellow INDIANS who killed the other INDIANS, there has NOT Been one case of australians killing a indian guy in racist manner
have a close read
Attacks on Indian Students in Australia Raise Cries of Racism - TIME
Australia says some attacks on Indian students race-based
Australia: Indian university students protest racist attacks

so funny, those indian clowns congratulation australia just becuase they blok one chinese company's deal, and the reality is australians treating indians like some low-class things
No one changing their old network with Huawei but companies are interested in Huawei because of cost ... other wise their is nothing so special in Huawei ...... Hardware of Alcatel is know one of best in world but costly

I am wondering when shining India can have some position in this competitive industry
all the homicide cases were indians against indians in Oz?

there was a few in the last few years... and it was blamed by the indians on racist aussies.. but later it was shown that it was in fact INDIANS who killed them

one guy got set on fire, and he told police it was a racist attack by australians, but he later admitted that was a lie and it was proven his friend.. also a indian set him on fire.... a spate of bashing that occured were also conducted by fellow indians... sometimes other races..... some australians have bashed indians, but you cant possibly say all of them was racially motivated.... a lot of indians and other races come australia and act like they are better then everyone else, especially women, they act like pigs and treat women **** if they dont screw them etc... we dont like that here, so u could say most bashings in that cases perputrated by australians is not racist at all... if a fellow australian did the same thing... they would get in a fight and bashed aswell.

u hear india media reporting racist bashings etc.. but u never heard them report that the details they previously whinged about was in fact wrong.. they rather let people believe it was racist attack by australians, rather then make another news reel stating the ACTUAL TRUTH

australia is very open legally, a lot of infomation is out there for all to find, through court statements etc. i wonder how many of these alledged racist killings by australians u can find... or even bashings lol
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