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Attacked Pakistani prisoner is brain dead, say Indian doctors

After going through the whole thread have you guys realized one important factor we are missing, its the role of our sold media aka GEO TV.

I was shocked to see the news coverage about poor sanaullah on GEO, when it was about sarabjeet they were giving him front coverage and every bulletin was started with his update while our own countryman is getting coverage right at the bottom of the bulletin and this would also die down to a one liner. Gen. Musharraf what have you done with the country in the name of vibrant media you have created a monster name GEO, who is gradually poisning our youth. what a shame.
Cowards, corrupt, and incompetent Indian state to be honest.

Indian state media & govt still need time to mature. No wonder world laughs at Indians when they call themselves superpower.
Expecting something and justifying something are two entirely different things. But I don't expect you to understand that, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this.

When you say it was a reaction or it was Pakistan who started it. It is a justification for us.
There was a news which says " Agencies are trying to speed up the process of visa to his family members so that they can see him before he breaths his last breath"..... Which sounded clearly he is not going to come back from his hospital bed alive......Very Sad incident......Poor guy lived in jail for such a long time and couldn't go back home...
@Icewolf @nair and others.....

guys what do you all think??? how long this murder inside our prisons will continue??
healthy nations always discuss issues to find a way out--
I suggest that instead of bashing each other,we must find a way out for our army men or suspected agents....we need to find a way out to free them from our prisons which are worse than labyrinth...as there "minotaurs" in it..
I recommend that we should exchange our prisoners...and we should focus in securing their future or at least their family...
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enough is enough now..stop bashing each other.....:angry:
if u all are finally in peaceful state of mind then please contribute here to give helpful suggestions....this chapper chapper will never stop that who is responsible and who is not:hitwall:

This inst really that simple when both sides are infiltrating their spies through the border and lets face the fact it is not so difficult to siphon spies into each other territories.

but we should try at least...what do u suggest??
@Icewolf @nair and others.....

guys what do you all think??? how long this murder inside our prisons will continue??
healthy nations always discuss issues to find a way out--
I suggest that instead of bashing each other,we must find a way out for our army men or suspected agents....we need to find a way out to free them from our prisons which are worse than labyrinth...as there "minotaurs" in it..
I recommend that we should exchange our prisoners...and we should focus in securing their future or at least their family...

This issue is very complex.....There are four type of convicts in both jails...... 1) Convicted for terror related, 2) Convicted for spying 3) Straying to other territory unknowingly which includes the fishermen 4) POW

Though both countries might find it difficult to deal with the first 2 categories...... The third one can be released immediately as they have not done any crime but got into wrong place on a wrong time..... Their exchange may not be resisted by any agencies.... as there is nothing to loose..

With respect to the first two categories......I think those prisoners who completed their terms has to be send back to their respective countries........

POW is another issue where the clarity is a bit less.... as there is no clear info and both countries doubt each other on this.... POW should be released immediately..........
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Instead classifying in multiple classes I would only classify in two 1) Confirmed Spies (Guilty) 2) Needs Confirmation (Guilty till proven Innocent)

Hence, you see that makes both of them ineligible to be released or given back to their own country.

While the rest of the prisoners we see two countries often release are just proven innocent.

Just check the number of fishermen each county holding.... That will give you an idea
Instead classifying in multiple classes I would only classify in two 1) Confirmed Spies (Guilty) 2) Needs Confirmation (Guilty till proven Innocent)

Hence, you see that makes both of them ineligible to be released or given back to their own country.

While the rest of the prisoners we see two countries often release are just proven innocent.

this is your ninth post and it is seriously worthy of discussing...excellent...we can at least workout on unconfirmed criminals...what do u suggest?

Just check the number of fishermen each county holding.... That will give you an idea

i agree...excellent post...so our priority of workout should be like this:
---require strong talks on fishermen for release(both country)
---need to provide proper advocates for unconvinced citizens who are not proved as guilty?
this is your ninth post and it is seriously worthy of discussing...excellent...we can at least workout on unconfirmed criminals...what do u suggest?

i agree...excellent post...so our priority of workout should be like this:
---require strong talks on fishermen for release(both country)
---need to provide proper advocates for unconvinced citizens who are not proved as guilty?

The day when each nations start trusting each other..... every thing will fall in line.... as long as we look each other with suspicion this will continue..... The route cause for all this is....... "TRUST DEFICIT"
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