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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base


There are no correct rules of islam persay----they are the general rules that we have lived by for centuries----justice and peace for the weak and the poor-----the mullahs don't form the rules----now some rules may have been enhanced. The rules are simple---they need to set a precedent----they need to set a standard of justice---they need to have severe punishments for serious crimes---the punishments need to be examplary---regardless of who they are----general punishments are the same for regardless of what sects and religion you are----the state doesnot discriminate in handing out capitol punishment on the basis of religion----now property disputes maybe be settled on the religious basis.

In setting up a system that is in disarray---you have to start against the major crimes first----which are robbery at gun point---murder---terrorist threats and attacks---in a state of emergency----any statements given out to spread discontent against the state or malice against the govt---acting aganist the interests of the state's welfare etc are pretty much coming in that category. Bribery---using bad material shoddy workmanship all come under the category of damaging the state and stae image---. Gang rapes--molestations--child molestations and trafficking---drugs are in the same category.

These general rules you have mentioned are not associated to Islam only, these are general rules of humanity preached by every religion, then why do you want to implement them in the name of Islam?? Why do you want a Caliph to enforce them when just a strict administrator would do? Bringing the name of Islam into this will only give the Mullah another opportunity to use his tainted vision and limited knowledge to de track any efforts to deal with criminals as you mentioned above.

I totally agree with what muse has said and it reiterates my point, to be good Muslims we need to be Muslims first and to be Muslims we need to be humans first. These so called "Good Muslims" killing thousands of innocents cannot even be termed as humans, the bad Muslims who believe in peace are at least human.

A current "Nizam-e-Khilafat" under the current Mullah will only mean implementation of punishments like "Beheading of people not carrying beards and not wearing shalwar above their ankles" and "Sangsar" of "Women not wearing a burkha". This is not Islam only.
even i went to karachi by cycle yesterday ,leave the terrorist:rofl:

I'm curious, did you bring your own "Cycle" or did you borrow a "Cycle" from one of your friends? In any case, hope the Karachiites treated your "Cycle" well..... ;)
With my little bit of experience with the armed forces, living in the vicinity of the PAF base, and some inside info. I can with confidence tell you that there were more than 6 terrs. The amount of firing was extremely severe in the initial stages -- the number of fire positions firing at the SSG uints were more than ten!!! It is highly improbable that there were escapees as the blocking force consisted of SSG's interlaced with regular Army Units just before dawn.

As per my knowledge and also reported in some sections of the press, atleast some persons have been taken into custody from the base on Monday and were flown to an undisclosed location. I am guessing here that there is window of opportuntiy of not more than six to eight days for the interrogation team before the Terr. Launchers realize that some of their cahoots have been taken into custody and a rapid dispersal from back up safe houses come into play. If all goes well we will start seeing arrests (I would presume some of them would be from Navy and Airforce lower ranks) in commnig days.

As far as Fatman17's assesment on loss of detection capability for sea intrusion by terr. into India -- that, I am afraid, in the near future, is the biggest headache for both the countries. India should be as concerned as we are with what is happening here.
Food for thought for all conspiRapists here: WHy is American Media so silent?

Perhaps this will wet your appetite:

“Containing Pakistan is not feasible and attempting to do so isn`t desirable. Pakistan simply has too many asymmetric retaliatory options,” said Dr Christian C. Fair, a faculty member at the Georgetown University.
Mr. Xeric you mentioned very clearly some of bad people in our society who being civillian are offering namaz-e-janaza and other things to creat sympathy with so called Jihadis and Shaheeds. How about those who are serving in Military Institutions and still have strong potential towards them..??? army being an institution is our Pride Honor and when somebody hit out pride and honor we have the right to say (whether u like it or not) So question is not that how many enemies we are fighting with.. WE ARE ONLY FIGHTING WITH ONE ENEMY (OURSELVES) Hm mein jo shidat pasand mojood hain unka ilaj kaisay karna hai whether civilians or military personnel...
SSG Naval Commando was arrested in januray 2011 he was from the Mehsood Family...during investigation he told authorities about the plan of PNS Mehran Attack... Kia keya Gaya.. ab tak..? Nothing...
So we must leave criticizing others, As we are no more superiors we have been challanged in the same way as other civilian institutions had....
With my little bit of experience with the armed forces, living in the vicinity of the PAF base, and some inside info. I can with confidence tell you that there were more than 6 terrs. The amount of firing was extremely severe in the initial stages -- the number of fire positions firing at the SSG uints were more than ten!!! It is highly improbable that there were escapees as the blocking force consisted of SSG's interlaced with regular Army Units just before dawn.

As per my knowledge and also reported in some sections of the press, atleast some persons have been taken into custody from the base on Monday and were flown to an undisclosed location. I am guessing here that there is window of opportuntiy of not more than six to eight days for the interrogation team before the Terr. Launchers realize that some of their cahoots have been taken into custody and a rapid dispersal from back up safe houses come into play. If all goes well we will start seeing arrests (I would presume some of them would be from Navy and Airforce lower ranks) in commnig days.

As far as Fatman17's assesment on loss of detection capability for sea intrusion by terr. into India -- that, I am afraid, in the near future, is the biggest headache for both the countries. India should be as concerned as we are with what is happening here.

Sir don't count on arrests because if you can have access to the information that some terrorists were arrested then the moles who are already within would definitely know and would be long gone. Another possibility is that the terrorists might not even know the identity of the moles because their job was only to provide detailed information about the security setup of the base, i don't think anyone from the inside would have helped them physically during the attack. Unless the captured are actually from the services they will be useless in identifying the moles, but if they are, we will never hear the real story.
With my little bit of experience with the armed forces, living in the vicinity of the PAF base, and some inside info. I can with confidence tell you that there were more than 6 terrs. The amount of firing was extremely severe in the initial stages -- the number of fire positions firing at the SSG uints were more than ten!!! It is highly improbable that there were escapees as the blocking force consisted of SSG's interlaced with regular Army Units just before dawn.

As per my knowledge and also reported in some sections of the press, atleast some persons have been taken into custody from the base on Monday and were flown to an undisclosed location. I am guessing here that there is window of opportuntiy of not more than six to eight days for the interrogation team before the Terr. Launchers realize that some of their cahoots have been taken into custody and a rapid dispersal from back up safe houses come into play. If all goes well we will start seeing arrests (I would presume some of them would be from Navy and Airforce lower ranks) in commnig days.

As far as Fatman17's assesment on loss of detection capability for sea intrusion by terr. into India -- that, I am afraid, in the near future, is the biggest headache for both the countries. India should be as concerned as we are with what is happening here.

fully agreed!
Arrested helper of militants had warned of PNS Mehran attack

Umar Cheema
Thursday, May 26, 2011

ISLAMABAD: A navy commando of Hakimulah Mehsud’s tribe posted at the PNS Mehran, who was arrested in January this year for his links with the Taliban and al-Qaeda affiliates, had then disclosed about the impending attack on the naval base.

He had also warned that oil depots and power grid stations were also on the hit list of the militants. An official privy to the details said the marine commando who was picked up following his involvement in suspicious activities, had informed about the plan of attack on PNS Mehran. He also predicted attacks on other naval installations.

No serious measures were taken to avert attack on this naval base. Pakistan Navy’s Directorate of Public Relations offered no comment when contacted for its version.According to the official source, the arrested individual belongs to South Waziristan agency and is of Mehsud tribe, which has produced Taliban leaders like Baitullah Mehsud, Qari Hussain, and Hakimullah Mehsud who have rocked Pakistan through bombing and attacks on strategically important posts.

Incidentally, the PNS Mehran attack has also been claimed by TTP to avenge the killing of Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda founder.

Besides attack on the PNS Mehran, credible intelligence was also available on the impending attack on GHQ six months before it was carried out but the army sat over the info.

The negligence on part of the intelligence community and security czars has encouraged the militants who have named the intelligence agencies as “sheep”. Other personnel of the armed services are dubbed as ‘goats’ by the militants, according to the communication record obtained through a USB flash drive and deciphered by the experts. The flash drive was recovered from the driver of an explosive-laden truck intercepted in Dera Ghazi Khan in April 2009, exactly six months before the GHQ attack.

The flash drive carried instructions for TTP affiliates in Punjab and elsewhere. While it advised the militants in Southern Punjab to go into hiding amid reports of possible crackdown, the flash drive also contained a blue print of attack on GHQ. It used the coded language of ‘sheep’ and ‘goats’. Upon deciphering these code words, it was found out that intelligence sleuths were dubbed as sheep and the armed forces personnel as goats.

Arrested helper of militants had warned of PNS Mehran attack
A navy commando of Hakimulah Mehsud’s tribe posted at the PNS Mehran, who was arrested in January this year for his links with the Taliban and al-Qaeda affiliates, had then disclosed about the impending attack on the naval base.

Oh boy.... they have recruits from mehsud's tribe and was arrested... dear o dear....
Russian-made walkie-talkies found near PNS Mehran runway

KARACHI: Investigative authorities have found a walkie-talkie set from the eastern side of the runway at PNS Mehran air base. The set was allegedly used by the terrorists during the attack that took place at the PNS Mehran earlier this week, DawnNews reported on Thursday.

According to sources, during a recent search of the bushes surrounding the eastern end of the runway, the walkie-talkie set – which is of a Russian make – was found near the location from where the terrorists had entered the base. The walkie-talkie has been sent to the laboratories for forensic evidence.

Meanwhile, fresh samples of the attackers’ fingerprints have been dispatched to NADRA a second time for identification. The investigation officer has said that the NADRA database contains about 70 to 80 million fingerprint records, while the report might take up to three to four days.

Russian-made walkie-talkies found near PNS Mehran runway | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
(First result showed no record in the NADRA database)
Navy officers suspect inside job in PNS Mehran – The Express Tribune

KARACHI: Officials from Pakistan Navy suspect the May 22 naval airbase attack would not have been possible without inside help.

They, however, deny that the change in command at the PNS Mehran has anything to do with the attack and termed the transfer orders a ‘routine’ matter.

Inside job

When the attackers cut the barbed wire on the perimeter wall at the end of the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) Faisal base which is adjacent to the PNS Mehran, they had two options.

Instead of the naval base, they could have gone after the assets and personnel of the air force, but they chose not to, even though there were at least four American-made C-130 cargo planes on the PAF side.

“The attackers knew that the navy’s prized assets such as the Orion aircraft and the Chinese and American personnel were present on our base and they came specifically after them,” a senior navy officer said, admitting that no one on the outside could have known about it.

He said the attackers knew the base “inside out” and were well aware of the points where they would have “an advantage over the security forces” who would engage them.

He pointed out that three of the Special Service Group commandos, who were sent in to subdue the attackers, saying this was “no easy feat”.

The navy officials suspects the reconnaissance prior to the attack was carried out not only by someone taking visual footage of the base from the nearby Karsaz bridge, but also by someone from inside the sprawling base where, more than 500 personnel are deployed at any given time.

However, they denied that the attackers were provided weapons by some insider and insisted that the terrorists were equipped with their own Russian-made machine guns, grenades and rocket launchers.

“They are definitely some people suspected of involvement from within, but we’re still investigating exactly who was behind it,” he said.

“From a janitor to an officer at the base, everyone is a suspect at this point,” he said.

He said that previously there have been cases when clerics of local mosques at naval premises were found to be involved in ‘anti-state’ activities.

While the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan have claimed responsibility for the attack, navy officials say that they are not ruling out the possibility of a “foreign country’s intelligence agency’s involvement in the incident”.

Rear-Admiral Tehseenullah Khan, who was the former director-general of the Maritime Security Agency, has been appointed as the head of the team probing the case.

Uzbek attackers?

Navy officials insist the attackers were “not Pakistanis, but foreigners”.

“When I saw the body, I immediately knew that the young man was (an) Uzbek,” a navy official said. He provided no forensic evidence to support his assertion.

However, doctors who conducted the autopsy on the bodies of the four terrorists contradicted the navy’s asertion and said they looked like “any other young Pakistani men” from northern areas.

Interestingly, the autopsy report says the terrorists were “Muslim males between the ages of 22 and 26”. When asked how they determined the religious leanings of the terrorists, the doctor said the autopsy revealed they were circumcised.

Meanwhile, security agencies on Wednesday took a new set of samples for DNA testing from the bodies of the four terrorists being kept at an Edhi morgue.

Change of command

Base commander Raja Tahir has been replaced by Commodore Khalid Pervez. Although the announcement of the change in command of the PNS Mehran has been made only two days after the attack, Pakistan Navy officials insist it is nothing out of the ordinary.

“There’s no truth that Tahir is being replaced as punishment since his replacement orders had been issued four months age and Commodore Pervez has been on the base for more than a week,” a navy official said.

A navy official says that even though they were being blamed for a massive security lapse, the fact is that the breach occurred on the side of the wall that comes under the air force’s jurisdiction.

“They have their own cameras and watchtowers there and failed to spot the attackers. So why blame us,” the official said. He added that there was no question about heads being rolled for the incident.

Rehman Malik

Navy officials are extremely upset with Rehman Malik’s statement that some attackers might have escaped the base and say their chief, Admiral Noman Bashir, had no alternative but to agree with the federal minister’s statement.

They also say it was peculiar that Malik came on air at 10:43pm on Sunday, claiming that around 10 to 15 attackers had not only infiltrated the PNS Mehran base, but also taken control.

“The attack began at 10:37pm. How could he claim to know all that when even we at the control room did not know the exact position,” they added. A navy officer admitted it was a mistake on their part for lodging an FIR which said there were more than 10 attackers.
He said that previously there have been cases when clerics of local mosques at naval premises were found to be involved in ‘anti-state’ activities.

One of the biggest problems faced by this nation, these bloody Mullah bastards.

They were against the idea of Pakistan then, they are against it now.
Well T-fazzy, not the Navy as a whole could be involved, but few Naval personnel just like pre 71'.
According to some Defence Analysts, the same thing has started to go once again. Search for the thread '1971 War - The Untold Story - EXPOSING Propanganda and the telling the truth' on the forum. It might make things clear why is it happening and the timings.

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