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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Exactly -- we the ordinary people will never get the truth -- BTW, look at the Statement of Hillary Clinton and the US offer to "help" Pakistan - read "help" Pakistan "secure" strategic assets -- This idiot army has failed on a scale the people of Pakistan are yet to realize
The appearance of the militants seems to suggest they could be central Asian. They had Russian made night visions goggles so they might be Chechens and this attack could be linked to the killing of the Chechen family a few days back. Just a guess based on the appearance of the militants and the Russian made nvg.
I simply can not understand the logic of people who agree that 2 terrorist ran away.
I personaly think 3-4 died and all others were captured and were taken away for interogation.
we didnt hear any thing from navy chief regarding terrorist escaping.
for the sake of argument if our forces were incompetent they could have said anything like all died and wouldnt have shown the pics of those dead.
I dont know why ARM said 2 escaped, one reason could be they didnt want to go through the proper channel like take them to court and bla bla we know how efficent our courts are.
other reason could be someone (TTP or any one else who did it) might take hostages like they did before ( FC Personal ) and ask for an exchange.

I dont know if someone here has seen people shootnig pigs and wolfs in sugarcane fields.
People are also forgetting that they had about 17 foreigners hostage, so the commandos needed to tackle the situation with the utmost care.

None of the foreigners were held hostage. They were evacuated soon after action started.
We need to fight this war, with not just physical force, economics and education will have to play a part, and with young men like Lt Syed Yasir Abbas and others willing to fight and die for this great country, I have no doubts in my mind that we will ultimately prevail.

May the Almighty Bless the Martyrs. :pakistan:
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Gentlemen its a party for PPP...They get to sell the remaining men to xyz nation for a good sum just as RD case was closed. Assume what you people want reports are haunting these men are not eastern in the reports later which has been changed and declared these are from known group such a lie.
I simply can not understand the logic of people who agree that 2 terrorist ran away.
I personaly think 3-4 died and all others were captured and were taken away for interogation.

Taken away for interrogation to a undisclosed Location, which wll never be disclosed.

Chapter closed, let us wait for another attack.
The appearance of the militants seems to suggest they could be central Asian. They had Russian made night visions goggles so they might be Chechens and this attack could be linked to the killing of the Chechen family a few days back. Just a guess based on the appearance of the militants and the Russian made nvg.

Again this assault required months of planning, it is not as if they just woke up one day and chose their target randomly. It took months of planning to execute this assault. So far Navys response only added more to confusion about the attack and attacker's. We simply can not regard this as a revenge attack. The ulterior motives of the enemy were quite evident, render Pakistan Navy both blind and deaf. The target were Orion's, and now the incompetent cheif of Navy is only making things worse. In his latest incident of shooting his mouth he declared its not the failure on navy's part rather that of PAF, since the terrorists entered through PAF section of the base. I wonder if the admiral himself understands the implications of his statement.
Taken away for interrogation to a undisclosed Location, which wll never be disclosed.

Chapter closed, let us wait for another attack.

yeah taken away for good. why on earth someone want to know about the place where they are taken.

attacks might be a joke for you but people die.

and in next attack me or you can also be victims. one should think waht he is wishing for.
I simply can not understand the logic of people who agree that 2 terrorist ran away.
I personaly think 3-4 died and all others were captured and were taken away for interogation.
we didnt hear any thing from navy chief regarding terrorist escaping.
for the sake of argument if our forces were incompetent they could have said anything like all died and wouldnt have shown the pics of those dead.
I dont know why ARM said 2 escaped, one reason could be they didnt want to go through the proper channel like take them to court and bla bla we know how efficent our courts are.
other reason could be someone (TTP or any one else who did it) might take hostages like they did before ( FC Personal ) and ask for an exchange.

I dont know if someone here has seen people shootnig pigs and wolfs in sugarcane fields.

If that is the case then some one should go and inform those geniuses that your actions are not helping the situation. Your only further demoralizing the forces and people of Pakistan. Rather then come out straight, accept your short falls and learn from mistakes.
I am not ready to believe that this was work of single six men team, there has to be at least two other teams which is evident as forces for engaged at several points points across the base simultaneously. And may be those killed were actually providing cover for their escaping comrades.
yeah taken away for good. why on earth someone want to know about the place where they are taken.

attacks might be a joke for you but people die.

and in next attack me or you can also be victims. one should think waht he is wishing for.

There is a difference between wishing for something and warning for something.
I simply can not understand the logic of people who agree that 2 terrorist ran away.

Please elaborate -- and consider, if their entry was undetected, should we not be open to the suggestion that their exit was similarly meticulously planned and may have allowed for multiple options ?

Please also keep your attention to the kinds of "stories" which you may be reading in the papers and also the TV -- from the admittedly few stories I have read, I think we are being fed "facts" which will help establish enough ambiguity to allow for "officially released" conspiracy stories, which will help obscure the truth to such a degree, that like much else in Pakistan, will come to be seen as more of a cartoon or caricature.

I would also like to bring to your attention, another related aspect - namely, the political battle between the civilian government and the armed forces - notice that the armed forces have not called for any kind of review, in fact it's incredible that they have done or said nothing that might suggest that a review of policies and procedures is in effect --- notice that the Civilian government has been made to take up the slack and has to call a meeting to review the security situation --- It seems Kiyani has decided to play the "spoiled child" and has decided to leave Pakistani people to fend for themselves unless, the army it's get way in it's continuing war against the legitimate government of Pakistan ---- Think that's sobering? Just look at what's going on with this army -- even with this mess, no claim of responsibility for the failure to prevent the breach, no offer of resignations by any of the security bosses
with guy as intelligent as you,, i hope zardari makes you his personal advisor, or i must say obama makes you his personal advisor, so that you can shower your divine wisdom, any crime scene will no need any investigators, detectives and the medical team responsible to post mortem the bodies, the defence analysts as within 2 seconds you can tell who is responsible and what should be done

Honourable Sir,

I would rather remain stupid than join the ranks those who have a soft spot for killers of innocent Pakistanis and destroyers of Pakistani State's assets. Those who can’t stomach criticism of these terrorists and reply with sarcasm are even worse.

Your opinion is nevertheless highly valued and I would keep it in mind when I meet Obama next.
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