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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Be alarmed, because IF there is an Indian hand in these attacks, this will mean that there are India sympathisers/supporters inside Pakistan Navy..

Not necessarily that it is a job of many inside supporters but if there is a traitor then he can be sold to anyone and would really not bother about who is paying whom.

Also it can be intelligence sharing by a more advanced organization which guides and trains the recruits from TTP in a mutually beneficial operation targeted against Pakistan.

Still, i strongly feel that TTP is the next Blackwater of the modern world.
A mercenary organization for hire!

We can speculate all we like but it does not rule out any party in this particular episode...
However it also does not change the fact that Pakistan needs to act against all the groups in league with Terrorists via a more refined and uniform approach.
Not necessarily that it is a job of many inside supporters but if there is a traitor then he can be sold to anyone and would really not bother about who is paying whom.

Also it can be intelligence sharing by a more advanced organization which guides and trains the recruits from TTP in a mutually beneficial operation targeted against Pakistan.

Still, i strongly feel that TTP is the next Blackwater of the modern world.
A mercenary organization for hire!

We can speculate all we like but it does not rule out any party in this particular episode...
However it also does not change the fact that Pakistan needs to act against all the groups in league with Terrorists via a more refined and uniform approach.

I agree that all "possibilities" should be considered while investigating the matter. Ane one of those possibilities is that TTP is a home grown organisation of pakistan and it IS capable of conducting such brazen attacks on their own. Dont strike out that possibility. It might be just one of many possibilities, but its probability of being true is quite high.
Generally why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists in this case 6 terrorists fought with 200 commandos for 16 hours

out of that 10 commandos and 4 terroists are dead in Mumbai it took 60 hours to kill 10 terrorists with the loss of 2 commandos

are the terrorists outsmarting the SSG and NSG . Any experts here can answer why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists
How did six Taliban hold off 100 security forces for 16 hours?

KARACHI: A Pakistani Navy commando was the first to detect Taliban militants attacking a naval aviation base in the city of Karachi on Sunday night. He was dead within seconds.

The small group of militants, as few as six, who attacked the PNS Mehran naval aviation base in Karachi gave its defenders no time.

“You cannot imagine how quick they were,” said a Pakistani security official who asked not to be named. “When they entered, one of the Navy commandos saw them and tried to react.”

He never got the chance.

“It was a single shot in the darkness which took his arm off,” the official said. “You can imagine how good they were.”

The commando died on the spot.

It was about 10.30pm (1730 GMT) when he died, and the violence didn’t end until 16 hours later on Monday afternoon.

The al Qaeda-inspired militants bent on avenging Osama bin Laden’s death at the hands of US special forces on May 2 killed 10 Pakistani troops and wounded 20.

It took about 100 commandos, rangers and marines to kill four militants and recapture the base, further humiliating the military. Two militants are believed to have escaped.

In just three weeks, the military has been accused of incompetence in failing to stop the US raid that killed bin Laden and complicity in hiding him.
The attack calls into question the military’s ability to secure the country’s borders and nuclear weapons.

Many questions

How did the militants get into one the country’s most heavily guarded bases and hold off commandos and soldiers for so long?

Some security officials said it must have been an inside job because of the obstacles to entering. The attackers probably travelled along a dirt lane running beside cinder block shacks at the rear of the base.

In order to get in, they had to cross a long, thick sewage path, elude guards in towers, set up a ladder, scale a 12-foot wall, and cut through barbed wire.

The security official said the assailants were dressed in black with night-vision goggles and armed with Russian hand grenades, rocket launchers, assault rifles and suicide vests.

They fired rocket-propelled grenades at aircraft and fuel tanks, sending huge flames into the sky.

Within a short time, a rapid reaction force from the base tried to engage the raiders, but they retreated to a main building at the sprawling base where they would hole up for the rest of the siege.

Who were these militants?

The security official said the militants looked foreign, with fair complexions, perhaps Chechens or Uzbeks. Foreign militants tied to al Qaeda’s international network are known to train in Pakistan’s unruly tribal areas along the Afghan border. Many of them are allied with the Pakistani Taliban.

Protecting their assets

By 2.30am on Monday, the initial fighting had ebbed. As jet fuel burnt around them, both militants and the military were looking for a plan. Commanders didn’t want to launch a full-scale assault because they feared further damaging aircraft and infrastructure. Fires had already claimed hangars and damaged other aircraft.

“If we had tried to kill them quickly they might have blown themselves up near our assets and caused more damage. We did finally manage to push them away from our assets,” said an intelligence official.

The militants’ plan was kill, and be killed.

Pakistan officials say the main operation to retake the base was over by 9.30am, followed by a search and clear operation lasting until the afternoon. There was scattered gunfire and occasional explosions throughout the day.

“Clearly there was a (security) breach,” said another security official. “In my personal view there had to be some help from the inside – to brief the militants about the area, and location.”

“Our forces should have done better. But at the end of the day, if there are suicide bombers who have already decided to die, I don’t think you can stop them,” said Shabbir Hussain, a car dealer who lives behind the base.

The civilian government has called a defence committee meeting for Wednesday, two days after the assault, showing a surprising lack of urgency. The military has remained silent. But Pakistanis are more anxious than ever.

How did six Taliban hold off 100 security forces for 16 hours? – The Express Tribune
Generally why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists in this case 6 terrorists fought with 200 commandos for 16 hours

out of that 10 commandos and 4 terroists are dead in Mumbai it took 60 hours to kill 10 terrorists with the loss of 2 commandos

are the terrorists outsmarting the SSG and NSG . Any experts here can answer why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists

Can't compare apples and oranges.
are the terrorists outsmarting the SSG and NSG . Any experts here can answer why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists

The terrorists have been trained by Pakistani commando's and other experts from nations like US, China etc. Our SSG developed a very specific and ardent routine for certain militants in the 80's who were capable of attacking deep within Soviet territory.

October 1984: CIA Director Secretly Visits Afghan Training Camps; Urges Spread of Violence into Soviet Union

CIA Director William Casey makes a secret visit to Pakistan to plan a strategy to defeat Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Casey is flown to secret training camps near the Afghan border where he watches trainees fire weapons and make bombs. According to the Washington Post: “During the visit, Casey startled his Pakistani hosts by proposing that they take the Afghan war into enemy territory—into the Soviet Union itself. Casey wanted to ship subversive propaganda through Afghanistan to the Soviet Union’s predominantly Muslim southern republics.” The Pakistanis agree to the plan and soon the CIA begins sending subversive literature and thousands of Korans to Soviet republics such as Uzbekistan. Mohammad Yousaf, a Pakistani general who attends the meeting, will later say that Casey said, “We can do a lot of damage to the Soviet Union.” [WASHINGTON POST, 7/19/1992] This will eventually evolve into CIA and ISI sponsored Afghan attacks inside the Soviet Union (see 1984-March 1985 and 1985-1987).
On Pakistani news channel debates people are saying there were 4 terrorists out which 2 escaped and 2 were killed.

They reported close to twenty initially, they all came in 5 black cars.

Later they changed the story to just 6 terrorists which is very odd.

I would not go with the official version.

Why would 6 people use five cars, did the terrorists not attack various locations.

There is something very deep and sinister that is being hidden from the public.

The worst thing could be that those men are our very own soldiers who attacked our strategic assets.
People are also forgetting that they had about 17 foreigners hostage, so the commandos needed to tackle the situation with the utmost care.
They reported close to twenty initially, they all came in 5 black cars.

Later they changed the story to just 6 terrorists which is very odd.

I would not go with the official version.

Why would 6 people use five cars, did the terrorists not attack various locations.

There is something very deep and sinister that is being hidden from the public.

The worst thing could be that those men are our very own soldiers who attacked our strategic assets.

Well, I agree that in such matters no govt. tell the 100% truth to the public. The point is, though, that there are people smart enough and professional enough in this world be them in the US govt. or in other international organisations who would eventually decipher what actually happened and how it happened. That's when pressure on Pakistan will rise to its supreme.
What is preventing the government from Disclosing their identity or may be releasing some photographs.
Contradictions emerge in accounts of naval base raid

KARACHI: A police account released Tuesday on the brazen, 18-hour Taliban assault on a Pakistani naval base says there were twice as many attackers as the number claimed by the government and navy, adding to the questions surrounding the deadly incident.

The attack Sunday in Karachi humiliated Pakistan’s powerful military establishment and raised concerns about extremist infiltration of security services as well as the safety of the country’s nuclear warheads. The Pakistani Taliban said they staged the raid to avenge the May 2 killing of Osama bin Laden.

The militants destroyed two US-supplied surveillance aircraft and killed 10 people on the base.

On Monday, after commandos had retaken control of Naval Station Mehran, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said up to six assailants were involved, four of whom were killed and two of whom apparently fled. Although they had earlier estimated the number of militants at between 10 and 15, naval officials also revised their estimate to six attackers.

But police said Tuesday in the “first information report” that between 10 to 12 attackers were involved. Local police chief Shahrukh Khan said the report was written after consultation with a navy officer. Such a report is a formal part of opening an investigation into the attack.

A navy spokesman said he was looking into the discrepancy.

Many analysts were surprised that just six attackers could occupy part of the base for such a long time against a force of hundreds of commandos and navy marines. Pakistan security agencies are known to sometimes not give full accounts of terrorism incidents, and often hold suspects for months without informing the public.

The fact that the attackers managed to infiltrate so deep into the high-security base led to speculation they may have had inside information or assistance.

People are also forgetting that they had about 17 foreigners hostage, so the commandos needed to tackle the situation with the utmost care.

The Chinese and American engineers were able to get out of harms way and they were evacuated early on in the mission by the army.

It was more to do with making sure that other assets are not damaged by the terrorists.
They reported close to twenty initially, they all came in 5 black cars.

Later they changed the story to just 6 terrorists which is very odd.

I would not go with the official version.

Why would 6 people use five cars, did the terrorists not attack various locations.

There is something very deep and sinister that is being hidden from the public.

The worst thing could be that those men are our very own soldiers who attacked our strategic assets.

I fear the bolded part may be true.

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