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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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Do you know what the internal market is? You must be Vinod or related to him, go look up what the internal market is.

You do that dude.. Its easy to hide your ignorance behind belligerency but it looks childish at best and idiotic at worst..

The internal market is already being serviced. If one trade avenue is closed China will need an incremental demand from an alternate export or domestic market and not the existing demand.
Oh stop being in denial. Colonel Purohit of the Indian Army has been found guilty of blowing up bits of India and saying it was Pakistan or Muslims.

You'll respond that he's just one case, but he's not. There's a Hindutva network of the false flagging little fiends being uncovered.
1) Rahul Gandhi even admits Saffron Terror is the biggest threat facing India.
2) India has a history of falsifying DNA evidence.

The government in Indian-controlled Kashmir has acknowledged that DNA samples taken from five men blamed for the masscre of 35 Sikhs two years ago were tampered with. Those responsible for collecting and sending the samples had something to hide
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Kashmir massacre samples 'faked'

India is just the general lying scoundrel in Asia. It's like Nixon said, they're the most aggresive, lying (slippery) people there.

Must I quote Brother Huang Tsang's impression of Indians which are exactly like those of Nixon's also?

So if India is the general lying scoundrel then in the words of the leaders of the same nations, Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism, global migraine, a cheat who pads up its WOT bills and a liar who plays both sides against each other in WOT.

See how easy it is to generalize a country based on sound bytes.. I know this will get me banned, but then so be it.
dude dude dude , your bias is so apparent now .

I mentioned Hindus because you said it was mainly buddhists who spread indian culture which is not true.

That is why i asked you to read about hindu history of South East Asia but seeing your bias i think that is a futile excercise.

I go by empirical evidence, not unverifiable claims of dubious authenticity. Most of Asia follows variations of Buddhism, not Hinduism.

Nothing about secularism here .lol

About bravado and chest thumping ?

you really think we need to prove ourselves in front of people 90000 of who we made surrender on their own territory .

The only people you see chest thumping are Pakistanis about taking Kashmir from india but have not succeeded yet no matter how much they have tried . War , terrorism everything in 63 years .We don't need to prove ourselves to such a country .

Those reactions came out of anger after 26/11 and yes it was only your nukes that saved you nothing else.

Bottomline is after 26/11 the only country that lost face was Pakistan as usual .You can play with words to save whatever little of that 'ghairat' is left now but it won't change facts .

I see we are now running off into 1971, Kashmir and what else?

India was praised for showing restraint and Pakistan... the least said the better.

Consolation prize after the futile chest thumping fizzled out.

The truth is developoreo that you started in this thread trying to prove that Indians were trolling even though they were raising legitimate questions regarding this statement by China interms of the reality that we live in

Nonsense. I showed a sampling of posts just from the first few pages where Indians were making troll posts.
The post is still there if you look back.

.Then when you were proven wrong you started talking about your pride in 26/11 and how India could not do anything about it ( In your opinion ofcourse) ,

The comment about 26/11 was to put in context why Indians always jump with joy every time there is American military action within Pakistan. As we see in this thread and elsewhere. It is to explain the motivation for Indian trolling.

then when challenged there you started talking about buddhism , then hinduism

That was in response to Vinod's reference to one of my posts. Again, feel free to scan back to see where he, not I, brought up the subject.

and now after proven wrong here as well you started attacking Indian (as well as mine) secular nature as well.

You were caught with your Freudian slip. It's funny more than anything else.
So if India is the general lying scoundrel then in the words of the leaders of the same nations, Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism, global migraine, a cheat who pads up its WOT bills and a liar who plays both sides against each other in WOT.

See how easy it is to generalize a country based on sound bytes.. I know this will get me banned, but then so be it.

Don't be silly. No world leader or anyone of significance has said that.
I'm just using historical evidence as a guide to show the consistent characteristics that have always recurred with India or Bharat.
Rest assured that I now have a deep sense of how the Indians like to play games, and I have some new ideas on the way of Indian , I think this is a good harvest. you know what I mean, so like to play games, do not Any real meaning, do you think what are the number of Chinese members or members of Pakistan who agree with your game? do not get too addicted to the game, bit overestimating his role. gamit is smart, although some extreme, but I can feel he can have a Serious discussion, not as some Indians.

As you wish.

I still look forward to some good discussions with Chinese members, It always helps to understand the others who think differently from you.

It also helps to come with an open mind.
Not without external help so it can hardly count.

India is generally impotent, even the Indians know it.

It does not matter what you count and what you dont. Pakistan was just too lucky to have India with MMS. If it were any other leader, we would have had a war. I am not saying anything about the result but take it from me, Pakistan would pay.

---------- Post added at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------

Don't be silly. No world leader or anyone of significance has said that.

Did you forget David Cameroon ?
Not without external help so it can hardly count.

India is generally impotent, even the Indians know it.

No Country has managed to Scale up the war out of its boundaries without external Assistance... Its a Part of Strategic Hierarchy according to which a war is planned and Executed, A Country dosent become Impotent if a Daring Military Operation is Conducted by using a Hostile Countries Asset...
Oh stop being in denial. Colonel Purohit of the Indian Army has been found guilty of blowing up bits of India and saying it was Pakistan or Muslims.

You'll respond that he's just one case, but he's not. There's a Hindutva network of the false flagging little fiends being uncovered.
1) Rahul Gandhi even admits Saffron Terror is the biggest threat facing India.
2) India has a history of falsifying DNA evidence.

The government in Indian-controlled Kashmir has acknowledged that DNA samples taken from five men blamed for the masscre of 35 Sikhs two years ago were tampered with. Those responsible for collecting and sending the samples had something to hide
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Kashmir massacre samples 'faked'

India is just the general lying scoundrel in Asia. It's like Nixon said, they're the most aggresive, lying (slippery) people there.

Must I quote Brother Huang Tsang's impression of Indians which are exactly like those of Nixon's also?

Or should I quote former US secretary Albright where she called Pakistan an "International Migraine."?
Talking of Col. Purohit, right now he is in a place where he rightfully belongs, ie PRISON. Not roaming freely on the streets like your Hafiz Sayeed.
It has been proven time and again Pakistani soil has been refuge for radicals who have been exporting terror to other countries. OBL, Shehzad, Hafiz Sayeed, Dawood, David Headley all seem to have a Pakistani connection.
Do you know what the internal market is? You must be Vinod or related to him, go look up what the internal market is.

I am sorry, I expect better from a Think Tank designated poster...

Sire, If everything was so easily absorbable by Internal Market (or home economy), then China wouldn't have needed to bring in such a massive simulation program of their own... Don't you think so? All that extra cap-ex was to absorb some of the existing capacities and some utilized to release funds to generate more capacity by way of low cost lending, to ensure that the economic cycle keeps working.... And that eventually led a fears of a china based real estate bubble, for which the government had to again raise the interest rates to tighten the liquidity... It is one of china's biggest problem... Funding growth in times of recession, without inflaming inflationary pressures... And if your theory is to be true, then their internal market will consumer all their produce in case of a reduction in demand, which did not happen in 2008/9 and they would not have needed their own simulation program... The fact is that China is one of the most closely coupled market with US & developed world economies... Had, what you say been the case, China would not have artificially peg it's currency levels a fixed levels against USD... It needs American demand to progress

Any Surplus economy, examples being Japan, China or Germany needs a robust global demand to prosper as this demand helps them bring in more cash (investments) and that demands also helps create scale, which then helps the exporter to drive costs even lower due to benefits of scale... You turned the economics upside down and you say, internal demand will suffice... Did you even study how Germany suddenly grew so strong the moment Euro depreciated against USD.. and even then it was not able to match it's 2006-2007 growth levels because the external demand was not there and that effected the earning capability and thus spending capability of their own population, which produced a lot of stuff (read vehicles etc) for US and other developed markets...

Second, it is not only the internal demand... China's main leverage weapon is it's 1trillion dollar war chest of american bonds... That it can threaten American with by way of threating to call its loan... It can not do that because, the moment china does that, $ will dive like crazy and suddenly their investments or war chest will have no meaning... Think of the mayhem that such an action will cause to the world... All of us will be rolled back to Stone Age...

China does not have as strong a local market as its Export market, because China is fundamentally a kick-a$$ manufacturing hub and it can not consume all of it and exports majority of it's produce. Compare that to India, where reliance on export is around 30% of our produce and we consume the remainder of our manufacturing, agriculture and services locally.. an exact opposite of China, however, we seriously lack the speed, efficiency and scale of Chinese market... and that is why China's internal market CAN NOT take care of its exports quota...

I give you one more example of China's need of the west... World's total steel production is around 1400million tonnes... china only controls 35-40% of this supply and after olympics, needs only 50% of this 40% (i.e. 20% of world steel demand)...If the exports drop to zilch... The remaining 280million tonnes can not be exported and can not be consumed... You can not build inventories with that kind of a capacity... So what are the options? Reduce capacity, operate at 10% capacity, cut manpower, cut prices & thus profitability... You see the vicious cycle coming back?

I'll be happy to answer any questions on my rant! Have a good evening!
I go by empirical evidence, not unverifiable claims of dubious authenticity. Most of Asia follows variations of Buddhism, not Hinduism.

I see we are now running off into 1971, Kashmir and what else?

Consolation prize after the futile chest thumping fizzled out.

Nonsense. I showed a sampling of posts just from the first few pages where Indians were making troll posts.
The post is still there if you look back.

The comment about 26/11 was to put in context why Indians always jump with joy every time there is American military action within Pakistan. As we see in this thread and elsewhere. It is to explain the motivation for Indian trolling.

That was in response to Vinod's reference to one of my posts. Again, feel free to scan back to see where he, not I, brought up the subject.

You were caught with your Freudian slip. It's funny more than anything else.

empirical evidence ?lol

Just accept it that your bias never let you read about hindu history of south east asia . you have just proved it.

About 1971 and kashmir , are you the only one who is allowed to deviate from the topic on this forum ? and when returned in kind why do you then whine ?

About the freudian slip part , I am still trying to find out what slip you are talking about but before that try looking downwards you have been caught with your pants down trolling on this thread and continuing and then having the audacity to whine when someone returns it to you .don't start what you are incapable to continue .
Stupid Rant from china which is indirectly supporting terror sancturies in pakistan. I strongly feel US is planning another rais on pak. So Get ready for a war with US china. As far as india is concerned India knows lot of other covert ways to deal with terror in pak.
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