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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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to one of our neighbour, take this as a warning dont try your luck ,think of the consequency.[/QUOTE]

I think you are talking about your neighbour 'america' (since america has already made pakistan as its second home) about 'warning', barking dogs do not bite::P, about 'consequency', learn english from a english medium school and not from PLA sponsored school.:hitwall:
Sorry, I just find it distasteful to see how much "glee" a lot of Indians have, regarding the situation in Pakistan at the moment.

Their leaders might have been the ones making the choices, but the suffering has been borne by the innocent civilians.

And let's not forget that every civilian blown apart by a terrorist, leads to more terrorism.

As for the charge of hypocrisy, you're forgetting that I am looking at these events, though a Chinese perspective. I never claimed to be objective regarding issues between China-India-Pakistan, and if anyone is confused about that, then it should be clear now.

Frankly speaking, I consider most Pakistani members on this forum as innocent civilians of Pakistan. Now if you go thru some of the posts, and that too by people like Abu and some other Military professionals and even Think Tanks, you will find constant references to 10 AK 47 wielding boys massacring 140 Indian civilians and holding the whole city to ransom that carry a pronounced sense of glee and pride. Now if these are the representative innocent civilians of Pakistan and they feel this way about terror killings in India, then may be they really deserve what they are getting. Doesnt give me any pleasure to see Pakistani civilians getting killed in bomb blasts or drone attacks, but I guess you gotta sleep in the bed you make. And the leaders are being selected by these innocent civilians only. So you pay for your choices...Sad but true
It's not just Pakistan that India has issues with.

India has issues with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China, basically every country surrounding it. If the Himalayas were political, India would have politicial issues with it also.

Yeah, and Pakistan has issues with USA, UK, Afghanistan, India, Iran, NATO etc etc.. So just playing the game of one upmanship, you not only have issues with your neighbors, but also with countries thousands of miles away who claim that most terrorist plots targeting their countries are traced back to Pakistan :azn:
Frankly speaking, I consider most Pakistani members on this forum as innocent civilians of Pakistan. Now if you go thru some of the posts, and that too by people like Abu and some other Military professionals and even Think Tanks, you will find constant references to 10 AK 47 wielding boys massacring 140 Indian civilians and holding the whole city to ransom that carry a pronounced sense of glee and pride. Now if these are the representative innocent civilians of Pakistan and they feel this way about terror killings in India, then may be they really deserve what they are getting.

And this is what I hear from Indians:

is it TRUE JAPANESE and MONGOLAIAN used to come rape Chinese woman and leave ! damn what a shame????

Please china couldn't save her women from a small island called JAPAN... CHina has yet to prove to beat japan let alone the US

Note the civilian death toll in the Mumbai attacks was 164.

The civilian death toll in China, as a result of the Imperial Japanese Army's atrocities (which many Indians seem to find hilarious) was 20 million.

And no, I never think that innocent civilians "deserve it".
And thats a Think Tanks speaking ;).. I have seen Indian members getting infractions for much lesser troll attempts :)

That's entirely unfair - since when has the Indian armed forces behavior in captive Kashmir become beyond criticism? Since when has anything become beyond criticism? Friends will recall that the word "terrorism" originally referred to the action of the state, not those who opposed state policies.
First, other countries will also dump the USD.

Second, we can confiscate all US assets in China and arrest all americans living in China. All foreign citizens in China register with the police within 24 hours of arrival and can be tracked at all times so finding them is no problem. The assets will be permanently gone. The american prisoners will be freed upon repayment of the debts.

Oh! So you will hold civilians for Ransom?? Nice.. Do you know the ratio of Chinese citizens in USA vs USA citizens in China?? Same with assets..
So this means drone strikes and border incursions will be stopped.U.S cannot risk a war with china.
Japan has misfortunes of only its own doing. Had it not been stockpiling weapons grade plutonium at Fukushima it would not have suffered a nuclear disaster.

Ok, so by your logic, what would you say about Pakistan, which has been stockpiling terrorists indoctrinated in radical Islam, who cause harm to Pakistanis, Indians (in India), and others? What would you say about the misfortunes of common Pakistanis?
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