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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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What do you expect and What PAF higher up expect their man should say on TV is two different

'There man' He is retired!! And has been very critical of PAF in many interviews - go watch.
Rumour has it that a JF-17 has been damaged too.

there are too many rumors flying around..mainly coming from civilians working in Kamra and the colonies around the airbase...
Everybody claiming that they heard this from some insider :lol:
Yup, that was wrong.

Chalo bhai, aap ki marzi. I am not out to prove anything. Just wanting you people to understand that do not regard this operation as a total success, and in a false sense of pride that nothing happened.

I am going to stay low now. Allah Hafiz.

Can you really tell us what has been damaged yet???

Man It would be great if we had 7 Saab-2000 AEW&Cs along with 5 more for training and transport purposes(1 would be enough for training). Then go for 5-7 ZDK-03, they should have given them to 7 different air bases.
Well there is no doubt that some country don't want these awacs to be in Pakistan's hand. Allah knows better what's going on behind the scenes.
I totally agree with your view. Another thing I just found about our Media who never have spoken against India / US openly. I don't know why but everyone know ground facts.
What do you expect and What PAF higher up expect their man should say on TV is two different

'There man' He is retired!! And has been very critical of PAF in many interviews - go watch.
i really admire guts of these mujahidins ... attacking a big military base ... stationing hundred or may be thousands of well trained and very well armed security forces ... i wonder how they knew where they could have gotten locations of SAAB2000 ... google earth :)... ???

Terrorists are not supposed to be admired...
there are too many rumors flying around..mainly coming from civilians working in Kamra and the colonies around the airbase...
Everybody claiming that they heard this from some insider :lol:
Nope I dont know any airforce officials only Army one's......... and they are also out of the loop like us. Would you believe that not even 10 & 11 corps officials could confirm anything.
I think in 1-2 days, ppl will start claiming tht half of the aircrafts and PAF assets in the base have been damaged in this attack...

I have been following this thread and some ppl, especially nuclearpak is desperate to prove maximum damage has been done to PAF, in this attack.. Dont know, what is their motive..One advice to nuclearpak...everyone now knows your version, and nobody is buying it, so it would be better if you just stay quiet, instead of trying to panick everyone, by pressing ur version harder.. U can believe half of assets damaged,all u want, but plzz spare us all. I wouldnt have said all this, but from the last 2 days, nuclearpak's version has been debunked by many members here already, but u are still adminant...so just keep it to yourself.....
I think it was pretty stupid on part of the Minhas Base Commander to come out with his sub-ordinates with guns blazing in this incident. Can you imagine the international and national impact and reaction had things would have gone wrong and TTP would have claimed to not only destroyed the Erieye but also shot & killed the Minhas Base Commander in its action? I do not subscribe to the Base Commanders action and do not think it was bravery rather sheer stupidity!! Besides, if the Base Commander himself has to come out with guns blazing, that is NOT preparedness but is sheer lack of it!

It was the month of Ramazan that saved a lot of people and the assets at Minhas. Unfortunately the TTP thugs did not do their homework properly and forgot that most of the people are awake for longer hours for the purpose of sehri.

Injured or not, bravery or stupidity whatever the reason, the Base Commander along with his cohorts should be COURT MARTIALED under the military law for negligence and destruction of Government property!

First off, Monday quarterbacking is the worst thing anyone can do. You weren't in the situation so you can't tell the security personnel involved what the should have or shouldn't have done.

I don't why such a bright and intelligent person like Mr. Mastan Khan agreed with you and thought your post was good, I think it's the worst ever analysis of the situation and combat norm ever.

A leader leading his troops into battlefield himself and putting himself in front is the most courageous and battleworthy thing ever. A normal soldier becomes superhuman all of a sudden knowing his commander is right there with him, fighting and facing the barrage of bullets and bombs with his soldiers.

And so what if the commander dies in the battle, no way can the enemy use his death in combat to their propaganda. On the contrary actually, his death will be glorified among his troops, their bravery and courage becomes ten fold knowing their commander died fighting with his troops. And it's proudest moment for any nation knowing their armed forces commanders are as brave and courageous as normal foot soldiers.

I never got the chance this entire episode of the event but salute to sepoy Asif shaheed and the base commander for their valiant bravery. I hope Shaheed Asif is considered for the highest Military medal.
This is an act of war and Pakistan should giver hard answer to anyone involved in this attack . This is now matter of national security and sovereignty.
Too many rumors flying around and PDF is being used to spread the rumors.
I think in 1-2 days, ppl will start claiming tht half of the aircrafts and PAF assets in the base have been damaged in this attack...

I have been following this thread and some ppl, especially nuclearpak is desperate to prove maximum damage has been done to PAF, in this attack.. Dont know, what is their motive..One advice to nuclearpak...everyone now knows your version, and nobody is buying it, so it would be better if you just stay quiet, instead of trying to panick everyone, by pressing ur version harder.. U can believe half of assets damaged,all u want, but plzz spare us all. I wouldnt have said all this, but from the last 2 days, nuclearpak's version has been debunked by many members here already, but u are still adminant...so just keep it to yourself.....

Lets not discourage people in taking part in this open discussion and sort of information/Misinformation/Rumor pool.

4 months ago my friends living near Kamra base observed heightened security and all were saying something is about to happen and it did happen....
So rumor is not always wrong...but how precise Rumor is? Months ago many people were even saying that they thing there will be a Missile strike on Kamra Base,and Missiles will come flying from India and destroy the base..But nothing like that happened...

This time there are rumors about SAAB....but i doubt their accuracy but cannot reject them completely..
Something might have happened to "One of the aircraft"...but we don't know which aircraft it was? If it was SAAB at all or some other? what was the nature and extent of damage?
Soon after the terrorist attack the effected area of the airbase was cordoned off and specialist teams are there investigating the incident,and its highly improbable that any tom dick and harry can have a glimpse of SAAB and any other damaged aircraft,and the team involved in investigation cant be so unprofessional that they release info to masses...

For those reasons i say that treat rumors as rumors not as news.


Mobile phones found with dead terrorists....

Interesting that the video says that the ACM thanked the efforts of security forces in timely and effective response which destroyed the evil designs of the enemy (rough translation) -- would he be saying this if 2 SAABS were destroyed?? Or are we to believe he and defence minister are lying as part of a big cover up???
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As for now, it is being reported in that one SAAB ERIEYE had got some damaged to its nose part, NOT THE ERIEYE RADAR but perhaps the aircraft Radar Radome, it will be repaired!


if anyone have different information, please share and correct me!
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