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History & Operations of Wars of Pakistan Air Force

During the Afghan War in which nine fighter squadrons of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) took part actively, the PAF logged 10939 sorties entailing 13275:40 hours.

A total of 2476 enemy air violations were recorded involving 7589 enemy aircrafts.

During these violations, and as a result of the bombing that were carried out, 418 civilians lost their lives while 877 received injuries.

Eight enemy aircrafts were shot down by six different pilots, all belonging to F-16 squadrons.
Shooting Down a Ferret

On 30th March, 1987, Wing Commander Abdul Razzaq shot down an AN-26 believed to be an ECM aircraft. He along with his wingman Sqn Ldr Sikander Hayat fired AIM-9L sidewinders on target and both missile hit their target. Both pilots were belonged to No. 9 Sqn of Pakistan Air Force. Wing Commander Abdur Razzaq was later martyred in a aircrash in 2003.
His jet was the 10ᵗʰ and last to be downed in air-to-air combat during the hostilities.


The PAF lost 14 more fixed-wing aircraft in enemy ack-ack fire and action on ground. the IAF would lose 57; 18 in air-to-air combat, 2 on ground and 37 to Pakistani ground fire.
On 4th August, 1988, Sqn Ldr Athar Bokhari Shot down an Su-25 fighter aircraft assigned to Soviet Union.
This was the first soviet fighter jet being downed by Pakistan Air Force.
The pilot of downed soviet aircraft was identified as Colonel Alexander Rutskoi who later became the vice president of Russian Federation.
F-16A Photographed at Kamra Air Base. This F-16A (S.Nr. 84-717) has at least one Kill to It's Credit when on 3 November 1988 Squadron Leader Khalid Mehmood Shot Down an Afghan Air Force Sukhoi Su-22.

Pre-1965 war shot of a 4-ship that includes a B-57, RT-33, and two F-86Fs.

The two PAF pilots who were taken prisoner in the West, on their return in 1972.


in the aisle seat is Sqn Ldr Amjad Hussain SJ, downed in a Starfighter over Amritsar by ack-ack fire. in the window seat is Flt Lt Wajid Ali Khan, downed in a F-6 over Head Marala by ack-ack fire.

On 30th March, 1987, Wing Commander Abdul Razzaq shot down an AN-26 believed to be an ECM aircraft. He along with his wingman Sqn Ldr Sikander Hayat fired AIM-9L sidewinders on target and both missile hit their target. Both pilots were belonged to No. 9 Sqn of Pakistan Air Force. Wing Commander Abdur Razzaq was later martyred in a aircrash in 2003.

Badar Shoots Down an Su-22​

On 16th April, 1987, Sqn Ldr Badr Ul Islam shot down an Russian Su-22 near Thal desert. Sqn Ldr Badr Ul Islam claimed two kills but after examining all the evidence the PAF awarded him one kill. Sqn Ldr Badr Ul Islam belonged to No. 14 Sqn of Pakistan Air Force. Same Sqn served in East Pakistan during Indo-Pak wars of 1965 and 1971.

Shooting Down the First Soviet Aircraft​

On 4th August, 1988, Sqn Ldr Athar Bokhari Shot down an Su-25 fighter aircraft assigned to Soviet Union. This was the first soviet fighter jet being downed by Pakistan Air Force. The pilot of downed soviet aircraft was identified as Colonel Alexander Rutskoi who later became the vice president of Russian Federation.

Shooting Down Two MiG-23 Aircraft​

On 12th September, 1988, Flt Lt Khalid Mahmood shot down 2 MiG-23s, South of Chitral.

Hat Trick for Sqn Ldr Khalid Mahmood​

On 3rd November, 1988, Sqn Ldr Khalid Mahmood shot down a Su-22, West of Thal. This time, his fired two AIM-9L missiles towards intruding afghan aircraft.

PAF’s Individual Performance During Afghan War:​

During Afghan War, No 9 Sqn shot down 3 enemy aircrafts while No. 14 Sqn shot down 5 enemy aircrafts including 2 MiG-23, 2 Su-22 and one Su-25.

During Afghan War, No. 15 and No 26 Sqn flew 2521 & 2479 sorties respectively.
1965 War...


On 3 September, 1965 two F104s, flown by Flt Lt Hakimullah and Flg Off Abbas Mirza, were scrambled from Sargodha to intercept four Indian Gnats. During the ensuing combat, one Gnat, which had strayed away from its main formation, being unable to combat the F-104s, surrendered and force-landed at an abandoned airfield at Pasrur near Sialkot. Flt Lt Hakimullah circled overhead until the capture of the aircraft and the pilot was assured by Pakistani troops. The pilot of the captured Gnat was Sqn Ldr Brij Pal Singh, who later rose to be an Air Marshal in the IAF. This aircraft was then ferried from Pasroor to Sargodha by Flt Lt Saad Hatmi.


5th December marks the martyrdom anniversary of three brave sons of soil, Squadron Leader Ishfaq Qureshi (SJ), Flight Lieutenant Zulfiqar Ahmad (SJ) and Flight Lieutenant Javed Iqbal (TJ)


They laid their lives in selfless service of the motherland during 1971 Indo-Pak war. On 5 Dec 1971 Squadron Leader Ishfaq Qureshi and Flight Lieutenant Zulfiqar Ahmad embraced Shahadat during an extremely dangerous bombing mission against heavily defended Jamnagar Air Base India.

Flight Lieutenant Javed Iqbal embraced Shahadat in a daring bombing mission against Amritsar airfield. Squadron Leader Ishfaq being a PIA pilot after retirement from PAF, Flight Lieutenant Zulfiqar, the youngest officer in the bomber wing and Flight Lieutenant Javed Iqbal, the youngest pilot in his squadron volunteered to take part in the bomber operations of PAF.

In recognition to the courage, enthusiasm and dedication of these exemplary airmen, the government of Pakistan awarded them with gallantry awards.
On 24 April 1965, Indian Air Force MD-450 Ouragan IC-698 was forced to land at Badin Air Field by Pakistani Sabres when it crossed the Intl border.


The pilot Flt Lt Rana Lal Chand was returned to India and the aircraft was displayed in AHQ Peshawar.
Today marks the martyrdom Anniversary of a brave son of the soil, Flight Lieutenant Fazal Elahi Shaheed. Flight Lieutenant Fazal Elahi was commissioned in PAF on 10 Jan 1964.

He was a young and enthusiastic officer with a great acumen for flying.

Being an F-86 pilot, he flew several close air support missions against Indian forces during 1971 war. On 8 Dec he went for a risky close air support mission over Chamb-Jaurian sector.

After a successful bombing run over Indian armoured vehicles, he was diving for a second run when his aircraft got hit by anti-aircraft artillery fire. FL Fazal Elahi embraced Shahadat and was awarded Sitara-i-Jurat in recognition of his exemplary service and selfless sacrifice.

Dec 08, 1971, Bahawalnagar Sector (West Pakistan)

Cpl Tech Ghazanfar along with Cpl Tech Asghar were on duty at an observation post when they shot down an Indian Mystere Jet using their G-3 Rifles. A feat never heard of before.

They actually proved "Its the man behind the gun"

Science Block of the PAF Academy RISALPUR in 1956-57.


Left most is S/L M. N. Qazi, the Head Of Aero-Sciences, the Prime Minister Mr. Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi, W/C Asghar Hussain. Flt. Lt. M. A. Sheikh is demonstrating some Science Experiment, W/C Salahuddin Jr. & Air Cdre M. A. Rehman in the right corner is Gen. M. Ayub Khan, C.in.C Army & Defence Minister of those days.
Courtesy : Air Commodore Sultan Muhammad
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