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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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Dear All, I have observed that we as a nation are either talks about events like such or personalities from both side of this war, but we are not trying to understand the challenges of this war (please allow me to blunt this war itself is not a challenge)

As a nation I am unable to find the combine effort at Intellectual and religious and social levels as well.
All we do is military operations or traditional war be its USA/NATO or Pakistan it is not the solution, a simple logic traditional warfare tactics could not be the answer of a guerilla warfare tactics it is a proven history.

Interesting post

please elaborate, maybe create a new thread on that if the subject matter of your argument is general and beyond this Kamra incident.
lets not forgetyour own governmet claims some of the most influential leaders of ttp are from LET/JUD and HuM

and Sipah Sahabah, Laskher Jhagvi, Lal masjid Ghazi force and so forth. they all cooperate with each other where it suits them but they still continue to have their individual identities. its like the PKK fighting the Turks, Iran, Syria and the Kurds in iraq.. all are Kurds but Americans choose to be friends or foe depending on their policy with the target country.

dont be alarmed at the mention of India as a benefactor and possible suspect. thats a standard line of any investigation to find the motive and potential benefit and look around the suspects. in all such high profile attacks it might be found out in the end that such targeting of Indian specific attacks was all coincidental and for India it was just a happy outcome.

the terrorists are mostly escaping or killing themselves before capture so there is not much to move on and even if we do, I doubt their handers will make their nationality and identity known to these highly trained pawns.
if the naxalites somehow manage to attack an Indian Naval facility or something of purely strategic importance then rest assured all Indian channels and think tanks will point the fingers at ISI... its a logical reaction
and Sipah Sahabah, Laskher Jhagvi, Lal masjid Ghazi force and so forth. they all cooperate with each otehr where it suits them but they still continue to have their individual identities. its like the PKK fighting the Turks, Iran, Syria and the Kurds in iraq.. all are Kurds but Americans choose to be friends or foe depending on their policy with the target country.

dont be alarmed at the mention of India as a benefactor and possible suspect. thats a standard line of any investigation to find the motive and potential benefit and look around the suspects. in all such high profile attacks it might be found out in the end that such targeting of Indian specific attacks was all coincidental and for India it was just a happy outcome.

the terrorists are mostly escaping or killing themselves before capture so there is not much to move on and even if we do, I doubt their handers will make their nationality and identity known to these highly trained pawns.
if the naxalites somehow manage to attack an Indian Naval facility or something of purely strategic importance then rest assured all Indian channels and think tanks will point the fingers at ISI... its a logical reaction

Absolutely true
National Pride was lost in 71- or we keep on loosing the remianing- in raymond- osama- GHQ- mehran- minhas-
Maybe our national pride is so much fragile that some 10 talibunies in a failed attempt attacking a base dents it-
i didnt see that in 9/11- 7/11- 26/11- infact those made them stronger- united-
in our case Pride is directly propotional to talibunies attacking our military bases-
Wait.... lemme read this once again......

Am I correct in assuming: You're stating that, every other Taliban attack on our national assets, "SOMEHOW", gives a boost to our CUMULATIVE national pride?

I'm sure, I maybe misreading your post, if not, and your's is an attitude shared by public at large, then get ready for a ginormous injection of pride, coming your way. Maybe that may do the trick, and burst the bubble?
Wait.... lemme read this once again......

Am I correct in assuming: You're stating that, every other Taliban attack on our national assets, "SOMEHOW", gives a boost to our CUMULATIVE national pride?

I'm sure, I maybe misreading your post, if not, and your's is an attitude shared by public at large, then get ready for a ginormous injection of pride, coming your way. Maybe that may do the trick, and burst the bubble?

National pride is a personal thing..
Some will remain perpetually ashamed of being Pakistani...or ex-Pakistani..

Others will feel proud of their country Pakistan and support their nation in times of need instead of mud slinging...
National pride is a personal thing..
Some will remain perpetually ashamed of being Pakistani...or ex-Pakistani..

Others will feel proud of their country Pakistan and support their nation in times of need instead of mud slinging...

And yet again, assumptions, presumptions and whole lotta more. I am a proud Pakistani, always was, always will be. I was privelaged before, I'm privileged now. For myself, nothing has changed. Don't be so quick to jump the gun, and by the way you are not the moral compass of this beautiful nation.
Wait.... lemme read this once again......

Am I correct in assuming: You're stating that, every other Taliban attack on our national assets, "SOMEHOW", gives a boost to our CUMULATIVE national pride?

I'm sure, I maybe misreading your post, if not, and your's is an attitude shared by public at large, then get ready for a ginormous injection of pride, coming your way. Maybe that may do the trick, and burst the bubble?

all i am saying is such incidents specialy when we are in a state of war- doesnt effect national pride- its part of the parcel you carry- atleast not for me it doesnt- infact how our special forces thwarted them from their intended goal is what boosts mine- considering what happened last time in mehran-

National Pride- to each his own- take it or leave it- :pakistan:-
And yet again, assumptions, presumptions and whole lotta more. I am a proud Pakistani, always was, always will be. I was privelaged before, I'm privileged now. For myself, nothing has changed. Don't be so quick to jump the gun, and by the way you are not the moral compass of this beautiful nation.

what i am is not related to this thread..
moral compass or magnetic compass...matters not.
Interesting post

please elaborate, maybe create a new thread on that if the subject matter of your argument is general and beyond this Kamra incident.

Dear Irfan Baloch, a nice suggestion from your side but let me remind you these are the quit sensitive disputed/debatable and huge topics, all three of them and will need a lot of active participation to cover all topics and sub topics and I be a sort of inactive member of this forum think I could not justify with thread, but would appreciate if some senior or active member do the same.

As far as elaboration of my post is concern, I would dived this topic in three separate topics

1- Religious level: Extremism, Sectarianism, Sectarian Violence, Theocracy with in all sects, violation of laws for and by mullahs in the name of religion, positive and negative role of religious schools.

2- Social and intellectual level: Political violence and extremism, violation of law for and by the political leaders, absence of true intellectual thinking/research, be its right wing or left wing, paid NGOs and their agendas, Corruption, low literacy rate and Injustice as a whole in society.

3- Military Level: If an army have to fight with in its own country with its own people it is the indication of political and social failure of that country. In Pakistan perspective a war in tribal area is not the only war our arm forces are engage with, they are deployed in Baluchistan in the form of FC, Rangers in Sindh particularly in Karachi, NLA and FC in Northern Areas and now Rangers at some areas of Punjab (to stop the stealing of water from canals what a shame).

A simply question at which part of Pakistan our arm forces are not engage, after that we want them to outperform terrorist of different motives. TTP or Al-Qaida are not the only headache they have to face. They are facing challenges which are potentially beyond their capacity (due to its nature) it is the time when they need a leader a master strategist to come to their rescue.

I don’t know where I read something like a war is too sensitive to be left for Geranial only, and unfortunately our forces are not engage only in “ONE WAR”

To conclude I would say one line NOW AS A NATION WE ARE MISSING DIRECTION OF FUTURE so either we need a leader/ master strategist or we the civilians have to perform our part better than ever.
thnx xeric .....
true hero...
Asif Ramzan we all salute you and your bravery :pakistan:
you made us proud
Dear All, I have observed that we as a nation are either talks about events like such or personalities from both side of this war, but we are not trying to understand the challenges of this war (please allow me to blunt this war itself is not a challenge)

As a nation I am unable to find the combine effort at Intellectual and religious and social levels as well.
All we do is military operations or traditional war be its USA/NATO or Pakistan it is not the solution, a simple logic traditional warfare tactics could not be the answer of a guerilla warfare tactics it is a proven history.

Because People of Pakistan think that this ****** created by ARMY (Pakistan 60 years of ***** policy who made by Establishment and thats what everyone knw very wel)

So why the people of Pakistan feel the heat of reaction ??? The childrens of Pakistan Army/Airforce/naval study in Top Universities/Colleges/Schools and getting top Medical services as compare to the civilian whom even don't know how 1965/1971/Afghan War/1999/ and top failure history from 2001 - 2012 happened and you are telling the people of Pakistan "OOO SADAY NAAL MIL KAR JANG LAROO"

FOR WHAT ??????????

Guess what from last few days which kind of preception about PAkistan Military in Islamabad/Rawalpindi Schools/Colleges/Uni/Markets/Bazars// which kind of discussion is going on??

yaar leave it simplly PAKISTAN PEOPLE ARE NOT INTERESTED TO SUPPORT PAKISTAN ARMY who even don't know WHAT IS NEXT who even completely failed to defend herself whom Security openly challenged by TERRORIST from Afghanistan.

People of Pakistan want the ANSWERS of MANY MANY Question why the hell that BEGERAT GENERAL Musharaf and CO***party JOIN US ... PAKISTAN ke AWAM sa pooch kar join kya tha ?????


"You Don't Have Answer"
I'm wondering why does the suicide waists failed this time? all of them I believe! Were they defective?

What could be, possible source of explosives?

IMO,, the attack was lousy? what could be reason for that?
I'm wondering why does the suicide waists failed this time? all of them I believe! Were they defective?

What could be, possible source of explosives?

IMO,, the attack was lousy? what could be reason for that?

or they were killed too soon for them to detonate their vests....
or they were killed too soon for them to detonate their vests....

Well not soon enough, perpetrators had enough time to explode their waists!
What were they waiting for? Why the never used this option, this time around? was it a co-incidence that all waists were defective? or they were deliberately sent in with defective waists?
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