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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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Hehe, it will get real soon enough!
No "real" damage?

What price the reputation of the Amred Forces?
What damage are you talking about?The TTP was only able to trigger a fire-fight and nothing more.THEY NEVER ENTERED THE BASE.Such an attack could have happened anywhere else in the world.But here,our news media has the habit of making up stuff and/or manipulating facts.People in the Western hemisphere now actually believe that the airbase has been destroyed by the Taliban along with all the aircraft!If it had happened in the US or maybe even India,the media would have brought up actual facts and not tried to sensationalize the story.
A question to people who spent their life in village and familiar with life in village. Can a group of people with load of weapon can pass through un noticed in the middle of night ?

Do you think someone inside the village provide them secured passage ?
A question to people who spent their life in village and familiar with life in village. Can a group of people with load of weapon can pass through un noticed in the middle of night ?

Had it been my village, and in front of my family house there, probably yes. My house is on the outer periphery of the whole cluster of houses. In between the narrow streets, tough to say.

But there are huge fields in that area, how tough is it to go un-noticed in a field?
TTP is just sending their B grade, poorly trained jehadists to attack Pakistani millitary assests for reharsing for finals.
TTP is just sending their B grade, poorly trained jehadists to attack Pakistani millitary assests for reharsing for finals.
....stop trolling ....next time send Indian A1 TTP brigade .
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Kum... knows much about TTP and their standards :))

You been TTP instructor ?
May be not.
But how Pak forces have tackel these terrorists this time, was really good.

Last time they have completely destroyed the plane.
& Batteled for long.

But this time things were pretty much diffrent.

So may be commanders of TTP are just playing & Kidding wid their old friends by sending their B grade jehadists.
Are you positive that the reason behind 117 shot down was what's given above?


Here is a link----- Air Defense: How to Take Down an F-117

A question to people who spent their life in village and familiar with life in village. Can a group of people with load of weapon can pass through un noticed in the middle of night ?

Do you think someone inside the village provide them secured passage ?


No they can't----there are always dogs around---.

Remember the good old days of Muslim Caliphs as portrayed in history----the vilage would have been executed or at least the headman hung and properties conifscated---.

Just give the pakistanis a taste of the CALIPH medicine for starters.

No "real" damage?

What price the reputation of the Armed Forces?


To understand that---you need to have a conscience.
^^The caliph would hv not waited for the kharjis to settle in the first place-
The caliph 101 would be the devastation annhilation of the area kharjis come from-
which in this case is waziristan-
No "real" damage?

What price the reputation of the Armed Forces?

You have to keep in mind that we are well past that stage where "reputation" of the Armed Forces is at stake. This issue of reputation would only come to the mind of someone who does not understand where things stand today, which is that we are engaged in a fairly long running insurgency and there are bound to be hits and attacks against our military infrastructure. Since the armed forces are only working under the framework of reacting (as in standing guard against attacks, rather than pre-empting the attacks which requires clearance and approval at the national level allowing the the Army to go after and disrupt them in not only FATA but wherever else they may be), its illogical to talk about the reputation of the armed forces being tarnished by terrorist attacks. If anything, the armed forces are taking hits and bearing the brunt and helping avoid these attacks against the civilians. Our public needs to also understand this. By taking on the militants, the military is drawing away the attacks from civilian population centers (as in bazaars of Lahore etc.)

The suggestions for better perimeter security and protection of assets are tactical measures. What is really needed is the proactive policy to take on these elements on their own turf by disrupting not only their militant infrastructure, but also sucking out support at the ideological level. This is the need of the hour.
A question to people who spent their life in village and familiar with life in village. Can a group of people with load of weapon can pass through un noticed in the middle of night ?

Do you think someone inside the village provide them secured passage ?

Very much possible on the part about a group of men (I am sure they moved in twos and threes and very quietly). The load of weapons is essentially personal. One SMG, magazine and grenades, one or two with RPGs and rounds. Its not like they were carrying a truck load of ammunition for an entire company. Like any SF team, they carried enough to load at an individual level. I am sure they moved very quietly and probably did not have any helpers in the local village (who would want to stir trouble right next to houses of their own kith and kin?).

This thread is the most serious discussion of any kind that can happen on a discussion forum---. Here was the oppurtunity for everyone to come forward---specially those entitlements---.

I don't see any leading and thought provoking and critical discussions from any entitled personal except for some 'SOB STORIES'--- you people know what my recommendations are---.

This attack must be an eye opener for the defence forces---next one would be on a bigger scale. The millitary and the intelligence gathering services need to begin to start the hunt as never before.

^^The caliph would hv not waited for the kharjis to settle in the first place-
The caliph 101 would be the devastation annhilation of the area kharjis come from-
which in this case is waziristan-


Thank you very much indeed---that is always been the center point of all my discussions over the years---strike hard---strike deep---take out the source head at the earliest possible and its co sponsors---. Time is of essence in acting against any insurgency and terrorist group.
This attack must be an eye opener for the defence forces---next one would be on a bigger scale. The millitary and the intelligence gathering services need to begin to start the hunt as never before.

The thing is, that PA is in a reactive role, and we react to an attack, and don't go around at it proactively.

There are multiple reasons for that, resources, change in plan, etc etc. The principle of defend as far forward as possible and feasible is not being applied here to it's most. To a certain extent though, yes it is.

For these attacks, you have to take it out from the root, but as the root is in Afghanistan, you can't. Next best thing is to cut the trunk from within Pakistan, but the sort of system that goes on here, it is not possible either. e.g, a black Honda gets stolen, intel reports that a black Honda is stolen, yada yada yada. But what then? Absolutely nothing. The plate gets changed, and they proceed. Better yet, you go to outskirts of Toba tek singh, Gujranwala, and alot of other places, the car gets dismantled within 4 hours (personal experience), and the parts get sold individually, and you have finance. Had there been a proper database system, the car wouldn't have gotten away 40 km.

Next thing is that plain old 'nakas' with a half asleep policeman, and 5 others having gup shup is not going to do the job. At best, the terrorists will start attacking the naka, and with it, the other cars in near proximity.

So, that is 2 options that cannot be performed effectively, whats the third option? Wait and let them come at you, and that is exactly what is happening. Albeit, not very successfully.

It's the whole system, police, intel, military, database, everything. The police needs to get the main main role, it's the job of the police to intercept those people in the streets. Then it is the responsibility of the military to repel them and not let them get into the base.
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