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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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And who shall we target?

To me, this looks like some colonel or captain who sympathized with the Taliban, gave them inside plans to attack this facility.

Same thing happened in PNS Mehran Base

Yup, not out of the realm of possibility.

Reports coming of heavy loss of life on armed forces trying to protect defence assets. Hope it's not true.
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People, please... We hardly have any confirmed information apart from the fact that the airbase has been attacked.....

All these channels just shouting the slightest bit of information they can get their hands on from anywhere... We CANNOT blame anything as of now... save it for later. If you know that men with guns are going to barge in... they still will have guns when they do... do not call it an intelligence failure or something...yet.
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Its time to go Medieval on the TTP.

We need a Pakistani Hitler or Stalin to fight this war.

Its time to take off the white gloves.:butcher:

Really ? :blink: I would say someone like salahudin al ayubi, a man by his words, brutal but fair. Enough is enough now!
It is being reported that there are 9 terrorists inside the complex and they have been surrounded by the Army commandos
No Aircraft Harmed

ATTOCK: Militants attacked Kamra Airbase in Attock in the wee hours of Thursday, Geo News reported.

According to sources, the militants stormed the base from Pind Salman Makhan.

It was an organized attack and the firing from both sides is continuing. Army has been called in to control the situation. The militants also hurled hand grenades, the sources added.

Pak Army 111-brigade squad has arrived at the base to take part in the operation.

The attack is similar to that of Karachi Naval Base, PNS Mehran which took place on May 22, 2011. The militants had killed several Naval personnel besides destroying two P-3C Orion aircraft.

Kamra is an airbase where assembling of JF-17 is carried out. Normally, more than 30 aircraft remain parked at the base at a time.

The sources further said the militants failed to reach the aircraft due to prompt action of the security forces.
Did you forget the name of our country and its system , this time mate ?

I thought after so many terrorist attacks in highly sensitive areas such as GHQ, HIT, PNS Mehran, Lahore Police Academy, that Pakistan would have learned its lesson by now.

I mean what will it take? Taliban storming Islamabad and taking over Presdient's House and holding him hostage and broadcasting on National TV?
American AWACS was the target of terrorists...... Media is reporting
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