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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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Exactly !!
One can easily cook up a conspiracy theory that this was done to build opinion on NW operation.
But of course, blaming a "foreign hand" seems to be the in thing here.
All your conjectures hold true for an assumption of this being a false flag operation by ISI to justify its impending NW operation to the local population..

Just like you are painting a scenario of a foreign ( with an added focus on India) hand using these conjectures, I can paint a false flag operation scenario with the same ones.. The IL 76 was not destroyed because they were told to not destroy any major equipment since this engagement was supposed to be just a smoke screen to fool the local population and ISI did not want any major loss to the PAF.

See, how easy it is to stitch together a bunch of conjectures and come up with a fairy tale of your choice ;)

One fairytale conspiracy theory could be: Lets plan an operation where we don't lose much, and we either get a justification to do an operation in NW or blame India and throw back some of the pressure they are building on Mumbai attacks.

Of course the theory is stupid, but so are most conspiracy theories like 9/11 and 26/11 are inside jobs. etc

The first rule of investigation: who is the beneficiary of such kind of loss. :)
Duh! When they say it was night, it means the sun was not out yet.

And when the sun is not out yet, it is dark.

And when it is dark, it is night.

Since it was night, the area around Kamra was pitch dark.

I hope I have not confused you.
Thomas alva edison invented bulb that runs on electricity. I hope theres bulb and electricity around kamra. you dint tell mevthat you've been to kamra!!!
Let's just pray all our enemies are dumbasses like the terrorists. JF-17s can be replaced easily as they are homegrown, IL-78 are our prized possessions.

From where the engine will come from???

All your conjectures hold true for an assumption of this being a false flag operation by ISI to justify its impending NW operation to the local population..

Just like you are painting a scenario of a foreign ( with an added focus on India) hand using these conjectures, I can paint a false flag operation scenario with the same ones.. The IL 76 was not destroyed because they were told to not destroy any major equipment since this engagement was supposed to be just a smoke screen to fool the local population and ISI did not want any major loss to the PAF.

See, how easy it is to stitch together a bunch of conjectures and come up with a fairy tale of your choice ;)

Its a possibility for sure.
Thomas alva edison invented bulb that runs on electricity. I hope theres bulb and electricity around kamra. you dint tell mevthat you've been to kamra!!!

I strongly advice Pak army chief, to follow your sincerer guidance and do not buy night vision for its soldiers. :guns:

BTW... do you know terrorists entered from a village! lamps are only at walls and posts.
night vision is not really hightech products. easy to get. maybe they bought from ebay.
in china if you order one in online shop ( most are made in usa, russia, belarus, china). you can get it in one or two days.
average price is cheaper than an new Ipad.

but who taught taliban to buy on ebay :smokin: but as the member said if talibans have got so mush sophisticated in training and all that then they should be already using that in afghan war dont they
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3317671 said:
but who taught taliban to buy on ebay :smokin:

Forget ebay, who taught those cavemen to use a computer??? :undecided:
Thomas alva edison invented bulb that runs on electricity. I hope theres bulb and electricity around kamra. you dint tell mevthat you've been to kamra!!!

Before everything someone discovered common sense too. Around the perimeter walls around a certain installation, how is it going to be at 2 am? All floodlights?
This is too much of a generalization. We don't celebrate such kind of attacks or resulting damage (big or small). Being a neighbouring country yes we will be worried.

A generalization based on the experience i have so far gained in my 3-4 years of interaction with Indians on the cyber space. Indian members have indirectly shown their pleasure on this very forum and on Indian forums you will see dedicated threads celebrating martyrdom of Pak soldiers, be it Salala incident, US/NATO attacks, recent glacier incident etc etc etc.

No need to worry about us, kindly worry about yourself, we can take care of ourselves on our own.
After reading the discussion and about recent attacks, I have few questions :-

1) It is holy month of Ramadan, Even if Pushtoons attacked (as claimed by many) why they will do it now? They are also Muslims and will try to do these operations after Eid.

2) Why this attack happened just after 1-2 days when US minister said that Pakistan's nuclear asset might go in hand of terrorist? Bang! 2 days after there was an attack and place has been rumored as near to N assets.

3) Why terrorists are targeting Pak defense forces. Earlier it was Navy and now Army. Is this grudge for something?

I think you guys know where I am trying to reach.
But don't u agree its a very big attack and embarrassment??

Does this types of attacks Happens in any other part of the world that too regularly??

Anyways, my point was that we are not that obsessed.

Mehran base was embarrassment and not this one. I hope you do understand how a situation becomes embarrassment.

During counter insurgency wars, such incidents happen a lot. Didn't you loose 2 PMs due to counter insurgency related issues. Loosing PMs is a big embarrassment or such attacks ?? I think i don't have to explain further.

Do read about the Tet Offensive, the biggest of the incident of such kind in COIN warfare. Such attacks happen around the world during insurgency be it attacks by FARC in Columbia, LTTE in Sri anka, Vietcongs, Taliban in Afghanistan or Pakistan, IRA in Ireland/ Britain etc etc etc.
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